Subscription Price $2.00 Per Year Payable in Advance Published by ADVElRTISING( PRIlNTING COM1PANY Laurens. 8. C. Advertising Rat&.: o Appleaton. Obituaries and ('nrds of Thailks: One Cent a Wori. 1Ctred at the rostollice at Lau1rens, R. C., as -econd class mail matter. L Al'lI-:NS, 11. ('.. .\U'Gl'ST 3. 1921 By reason of (:I( reducti of tlhe Uniit S1l ,tates I mt1y friom 1'75,000 to 150,000 men, CaLy Iackson at Cotum bla is to te abandolned for military ItU'l 4s. Sienator Dial and possibly othe, lii ma :. cI th1e South Carolina delegItion:.. in conrt a fought fr 1and Votvtd for It "-iuall army". It is to be regretted thInt Coltu hia is to lo e this aa comlic al aN.: t, but if it were adri.(able to re;:-t' the army, aml a ma~lj.'rity o; i4 as-:ei seemedV~ to think so, it wol d ha Ve hn-i -gross dlloyal ty to U11 th couintry and a violation of their oath : Son, )ial and II- ass:oci:'.t 11:hm1 re! mained hanlds of' for 11 rak; of t I . e a pecuiary gain of their colstitlen1'lts. It is to be ho ihtl t':, wi \ !lI sooll pass w'hn'll a rep'e'-rnt ives ability 'will be ju adged by his capacity to get somle thin.g onut of the public treasury for his seCtion 01' state. It is true that tie "pork barrel" ide'a still stays 'with US rather ]t)lonly, but the rapidly ill cleasing taxes may yet force us to more meritorious plans. * * * a E.d!'G\I-:S TI'lANKS. That il li's no 1om- iea le in cI2i.:0 ill 1. I'r k nown to laymlien1 in 1:1 "Irb 0n' ,:t there is;. no ae t al hn a:- *f food !s I.-ite i Itu , but tile UIto d State lu blic lenalth ser Vice uannol 1, 1 w i eng as to its oh servat ions "a' i' rc ;e in. at; to a pella:: a ; ,-ase. \h L ellagra Was 1101 prIxa 'e':lt ill for11r1' years ourl emlinent 11!1iinsa d(e1 sa Per. ,)h r l4t ouly jiro01:.!in-g' a:.a a. i a .ee:m d I II') I Month by its it(: : no more fir -st hald, kno' .2 < mlition ht' th an hlas not h ;: d a :: : ,f . : a fawinle in ih. !, has - ii Ithi south hela If ::"-a ItrIeCyV anld that there is a g 'ra "e :;k " of an tiph cll a:1 i au l u1: ;; 1: 'ii n ane l'(j sSOU jIt Cenl : %v. I t Im vo ol esom' ness of f h for d t. v t,: nd how ]oi:..g I I ht1 grv t l i-- : 1.:16r~u l h s u :w i . r this Ieasol it OCCurI% to Iath.!, rp iena ie tho k 10(. Ia e atteapt tho::'.r i t cl a:a(a uiI2:1 .to 'iiL y d la .'; n r *:n !: '. ;2 i'ri ha c. Iu; te th a'e . .: : i . a a : 'I o [''l t Ts ai. oW Schoo PaC1t 01as a'ii - 'aIOllse of laililt'n t (i Sea 0: The i om il1o. .tte ndonIee(I (X('i;I 111 : extn :adiy the (lnralo.\them ayt. the S e I Car(211ol'na11t'aina2(4 larfost I ioeoIt mon::t fiie the a'el 'chi tr S'(4: a li ben n' eol for b.l on- loig o d y et ;.m .ed iS 1 the '!:ti .to o d ofT s respm (le r''I failure11 toll reite or0 incorr e a.: - e r i,'wh0 Ilidh wihin ltie ag 00 lim!i -e ihed exIcpt. 1th fos eA.m. ti In P. thM.mso hent Thlyen ea ned tv el forIbem at tnan forv four toneutive moth ad the ot toriod ofl atndanieifor Thpy rod thiel fist tour c~'onsecutive theythn, bMinns i MlnayCxn Sp eler 5th. ner tt. -fe'ad\is lc il 'a ply re'.isen trst ertie pupilsa' *i~ chal be a the b-au ft Inaiih eleo buieldi onTlay, And ontsts gthvfro SAtl H tilbl iI 'P. T31. or a'i.e ~p~la i)(.1tQf fII.'n W. G~AQ'I, S4'inedet ow's tail In place for which she re :elve(l a handsome prize. At 5 o'clock he party left for Enorce Island where they enjoyed a most delicious lunch. Again gamies were eoplayed until the "'luests returned -to Uine. home of Mrs. !'urlett and from there Uo their hones. Th1ose( present were 1ftle Mlinses Ethel and IWnby :lel le I1nford, M.ary k":canor an~d G--nce Drumn'11ond, N0110000 -rOWV, Dori' 'aylOr, WHiRlhelmiina Cog - , [llie .\ay Cox, Ire'Cne Colton, I'l le Ilailan mnAl Messrs. Frank, Henry :nd W. .ii : !:nr ge:3. C rin'i, y. lrank :int o Fler;ing Osenav Llfo d, am !arilan and iP:'ry Dr.u1inend. .l rs. Iurn t! wa assisted in enter taining I her son, Clarence. rnd .\i is.,.-es ',.Io.',arevt Drumond110 -. RU1th Coopler. .\lattiv M\oore, Awlle Patterston, nd \r.Ai.c Mlills. ') * * * * '. * * * * * * * * ** * e e::r 'e n e e vi o .'.it. 01: . A:ll . v - R :' 1 . o n ih' Is t I t v''('! ; " 4 thI w h c v* :' 1 6 1'. . d 'r vr. w Ci C. I aicl :Ib n. ad htlvied xe r g neeo~ . ' t -: joyable, w o reI i-agn at 1cn' r;.d tod oursIve:' tenit 'ivhat Iori)5 grwing tho write \d .u:0 o i tew cto iul. Tse:catiop h: oe us to the nonclom thatdthendsop 1airly pcodj but ' \V~ wr4 1 0or :,.ar latfe. Thalt t".e. boll weevil i.,; ::t loved herv and thre getting in Pome destructive .work but will not datinge this Crop to a1 vecry l eextnt. That there is more corn and oner fed crops, growing than usual and muh of thle Corn Is good. The clearing up of this year's financial gloom depends up ->:1 !11 it :--. t.r f ll n i\ b !!ow arr n t very :or0inl. Wfile rmany c.: kia ;oleo arv will indulg:: :n luxuiy d gir a rtime( and oe ~ st - ~ n1 b no t PC(I wcroI II o ' P o )la2' \ .-*!I J:,. v'ir i n '' . 1u wer GhensedbyThe dei e -ol \:ovC!! :, O)of Gilt-eyv :;C im, r 4h d the ' ,r n'on 0:1r .1 1 hr \'.e'hI W:. .m ;' pvri '!at .f te d liewva.ion ;. T'. 11'. :1. ph' 'o hu S rn:; we r w :.:y o tll - i t>s thie b;:c- itII.1) IIr of t hi ; . -a to !' vad II l I tel i eatos. f Thle fI. 'h' ir r feog u; h.i hiot yci', ared ia r1h 19 I t1' aa22y:~ of.Ths ine ritte'a W-itS a'n n ael incy e -a n :.'t li - tieneon re ofh'''~ legivel a w 's a h - anihan dt1. A se'ir0of er::.l Teig funrl c i' - tc'iwer ;'fis Iui. 11 uda iht a .\lf. Gladyr Aug.1.-Thebd of r ins was buied wteek-end utho. .\hr. a~ene Mr. W. I. as,:ot andk Ir.and Mrs NC . ptrli iie p* * * '* * * * * '* * * CROSS HILL NEWS * * * * * .* * * * * * * * * * C ross I I I11, A ug,. l.-.llsses Josie ind lallic Nance, two charinhig oun:. ladies of luic Wkst, are visit nig .\n,". Dr. .\liler. Ails,, Floride Uludd Was called honmc atit Week 'n1 ac countt of. the illness )r her fa-t-her, .lr. J. H-. Rudd. Alis. J. 'B. Jones lins returned to ittcr, after npending a while with ler 11n011he., Mlrs. . . Wade. ~\lisn, l'hel Wade accomani:eund he'r for a visit to Sumter. Atrs. I ce Huanter, of Clinton, and .i dis laidle I i yp. of Columbia, speit the 1week-eld vh ir. S. ). Austin. Wa . \. IOneyand datighiter, A!!~i.; lci. ant son, Jaivnes, -pent lat ;~\c:.j-a -; with .% rr. T1. I. C'rews. r. II. 0. S1caI: and famaily arev w la whie in .lontreat. I'rotr: ted sevices; beginl at I hIe icles will he coiducted by .!r. (re:!, pastor of tho First ireb:;yteriin-,u C1urich of Iock Hll. Tie Q1:iIine That Itovs Not Ai tille 11iid fl4ca:iIe of its toae al nd laxaive e. feet. LANATl\' -IiMO.\!O Ql'IN1YN.: Tabibzle) caln he taken by :nyonc without 1 causing ne rvoltsniess or' r,1in-1 ing in the he ald. P". \\. (flW\'I..'s nature on 4Ja.x. :0c. F'or Sav-lea to(-k of groceria-. ,ic-h . sh5o,1 % cIses, !afe to ipt : oi.r p lIc:e:* and valitable papu e:-p i ,ar:. reii - crator lo keeCp 4.vry inn re !. sell all in a 111111 or wIll rcl! 02 'pa' ly. Also v..ill ristI' youl Ohe tore. huihl! ing. See I. !'. Y:.r i v, i sOtne Bnn u. rns will tyn. ;h-l For It l-it I cia. foyIn'iis1la or I furn'llishedl. Apply .v "/. t.l;-; Folrj Vvlf I Two omlit.i ;f th' (ua I aiitcni T iist . a ; Vor. Slle_-.xtra fancy IlodeIland lied (ockerels, ::. ald $.i k i: 'TIlese are .\larch and April hake b .i*rds cad w n fr:o:n .4 to I kachl, and will cost yoti lolliv thiw '1 'al n Cl)in e \. \ . \\-. \\-ihche, . -\&-i: l(IV d l l'. ~ ata. ;-It-p liotutedy l2u i .;.lt. bu(I-- riday* nji ht ietwt en Cryi lakl and o r is 1.IiIl g t ng t h: - aining sit, i a ther. article:.. Finder please return to .. A. A:-.1:. strong al1i 1 Iceive rewardI. - Fao r For 1' 1: acre , 7-1 o. lling, .12ood '1:a rn anld tennitt ho .:: : 6 nilles of < it\, near 'hu rch . h! School andl hi'rhywmy. C:ash Or Onl easy41 paylnents. IX ,th .r \\';.;on, It \\il . 111(.rn i re : . ;. foe YIoois For R4,1 . --Three M,'. store roomsl nov -eady for ren. rens Trust Co. ;: Pl10 i c. . I d l'r t ILuo an .1 ';I; n( for a111 m:.k .t.ts. City uht: Station. X(Ov e- 'Ihave ben ovno hnl . Ale.' O t< n - . i t t n, 11 0 1. Noll-- I have arranged to be in r wo ::-oh onth. . :D!:m. o T: R; vE C. E1-. :1. \\'inedy & Co.n ndlertaok icn iers t y Myln Embadmrs imdr Moto.xf.uren Equphm:.exami !rAs ~UREr.:.. imony \e Ify i fy n w-h To Stop a Coug.h Quick. take HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and Irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-rRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup Is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of Ilaycs' 11caing 'Honey In. side the throat cornbined with the heling efect o Grove's O-Pon-Trato Salvo through the porcs of the siin soon stops a cough. coth remedies are poed In one carton and the cost of tho combincd treatmnt Is 35e. Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. MAN' BEST A.GE A man is as old as hi Prt!,ws ; he can be a- vigorous and hathy t 70 as at 35 if hie idi hi . t'n, 0 performing their faccm- Kan::J your vital orgais ihealth;y .'ith GOLD MEALs The world's standard remie!y f. * liver, blidder and uriz neid twtoubl uinco 1696; corrects disorder; ,timulate vital orram.-. All drug.ists, t'arN L;-.e3. 1-001h (or th."%;I, Gol i e I ae: or C. C. Feattherstone V. B. Kiighi FEATHEIRSTON1 A KNIGHT Attorneys at Law Laurens, S. C. All Business Ittrusted to -Our Car4 Will lHave Prompt and Careful Aitei. tion. Ofilce over Palmetto Batik Mr. Featherstono will spend Wedneir day of each week in Lauren;. Dr. T. L. Timimerman: DENTIST Laurens, South CarojilnA Offlee in Peoples Bank idin; HANDSOMEIfL PHANOS at Pi.E-WA lltPRiO:S Write us C(inton S. '. (1. Langdon1 Lollg ATTO r'NEY AT LAW All lalNBuine:-s Cleen ProI-0t.I Attention S imp.on, Cooper & Pabb WiI: Practce itn all State Couris Prompt Attention Olven All l, VW7by tb so suece is built. Eai Cannot COn, %9/ CflCe, ( the Ior obtained bs everywhcek - as dr f kel OUR S PC DRL DR. H. OPTC Announces the remov mns Building to Roc National Bank. Buildi F re Inspection of IA co d A Big T m, Special Attenti J nD Nf T'I e,.'/ On** ssup o ntNwPrfcinOi1fu veo e t ucest t e. th apwt hc t 3 Je Prfectionr:ei V w ~ittpped. S t T its d~ t ble chmneythrehieh Thet >rc th itplendidresult- er Necw Prfectign ursers lUccp suus the hottrn ig of ver NewC rosenetc use d. The is nfe rd form ofe sootIond uthe ottmrST New P ERFcIjnusz~ OR Cook Sh IIPTIONS PECIALTY A)VE rc to. W. LEWI3 IMETRIST al of his office from the Sim m No. 12 in the Enterprise Eycs for Next Ten Days corEiryod ADDI 1* s for Everybody on o Family Parties IR 50Pc hasa treepont ockngde ceta thedor lo~e tihty ndrv et cap ad ast o Ya.Y ou anyoo t at al ti e tru , h lr1 or ien-s al et erfectioTn oo, tres ~ soldlayot aseare, jutlite a epatmmsre. DARoIoMpNYNgoEWJER OP.Y i~ o c~CTIN -s .phr OVrahiteiy heNv'TSrcto