The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 04, 1921, Image 5

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Eeeal and Rrso'ul Keaoal, Samuel McGowan4 s., ceame 'down from Washington last .weak and .4 spending some tkme 4h -the, city. Mr, C. C. iWharton, of . Oenwood, was a bbsiness .visitor .in the 'ety..yes terday. Mrs.' G. H. Paulsen is spendIqg this week with friends in Spartan urg In attendance upon thetannual.Music Fea ttival. Mrs. Jolhn' Watts and .Miss Mary Royall, f Moi ganton, .C have been 'isiting at .the home of Juidge R. C. 'Watts for several days. V Miss Mary ..ergon came over:from ,Greenwood tWie :thf .the 'ePk to atr tend the meetirg''of' 4e Laurens come tory directors. Mrs. 13.' W. OWen, of bunbarton, arrived in the city yesterday for a visit to her -parents, Mr. 3abd .Mrs. John F. Bit. Mr. John Gray, of Woodruff, returned to his home Monday after spending several- dafd'in 'the cit'aa guest at the honr b Mr. &rd Mrs. W. .'Gray. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Gray and children .and Mrs. .Mack Mahon, of Williamstoi, ,and Mrs. W.-P. Harris, of-OWings, were ,guests 6f Mr. and Mrs. -W. Uh. Gray Sunday.i Mr. and .Mrs. 'B. X Fuller an .ifaAnily and Mr.' and Mrs.- J. .8. Woildrinner and family, of Mountvile,' were here Mast night -to see "labbhes of Action" t The Princess. Mrs. -Chiles Calhoun, and' Miss .Augusta (Williaams have returned to their homes in Greenwood after visit Ing Dr. and 'Mrs. W. H1. -Dial for sev? -eral days. 'BeVerly Montgomery and 'Horace Bomar, Jr., two healthy youngsteis of Spartanburg, spent .the week-end in the city with Marshall Smith on East Main street. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Watts -and Messrs. G. Hugh 'and Troy Watts, of Mount ville, came up to the city last night 'to see "Flashes of Action," the official -government .picture of scenes in the World 'War, shown at The Princess 'Theatre last night. Mr. J. S. Machen, who is now living In Greenville, was a visitor in the city Mfonday. Mr. Alachen said that the condition of his neice, Mrs. J. -H. Machen, ;who has been quite sick for several weeks, is very much improved. 0OULT ADJOUIRNED SATURDAY k,*Vominick Loses Suit Againmt Geo. H. Bolts Small Verdict Against tli Couity. The Cotirt of Common Pleas ad journed Saturday at noon after having dioposed of a large number of cases (onkhe calendar. 'With the completion of the case of (Dendy vs. Laurens ounty Friday night. the court rounde(l but the session wit' the conalderation of equity cases. % 4The Dominick case, referred to in the last issue of this -paper, in which Mrs.:H. L. Dominick of Newberry coun ty, suedl Geo. 'H. Bolt, of this county, for $75,000 on account of the death of her husband When Mr. Bolt's automo 'bile struck him wvhile Mr. Bolt was on his way to Columbia in thq fall of '1919, resulted in a verdict for the de fendant. The jury only took about 15 minutes to exonerate Mr. 'Bolt of blame in the affair. Most of the (lay Friday das taken Up) with the 'case of Mrs. M. H. Dendy vs. Laurens County, this case being the result of a disagreement over a settlement for damaige to the land and crops of Mrs. Dendy wvhen the new top soil road was built out of Laurens to dr G ray Court. Tlhe suit was for 50, this 'being the amount which Mrs. Dendy estimated the county had dlam aged her land and crops, the road hav dng been built 'while the crops were growing. The jury awardled a verdic~t to the plaintiff in the amount of $125. This case ewas an appeal from the board of county comnlissionet-s, which had entered condeennation proceedinga against the pro~perty- after Mrs. Dendy had secured an injiction against the county to preVent the taking of top soil from her -premises to place on parts of the highway not running through her land. Sovereign Camp, 'Woodmen of the World, scored a second victory during 'the term 'Thursday when it was grant.. ed a verdict by' the jury in the case where it was being aued by Mrs. Othel 10 Boyd on Kccount of a policy of $2, OQ alleged to have been held boer husband, liev. W. H. Boyd at the time of his death and which the camp re fused to pay. The (defense of the com pany was that premiums had been al ~dto lapse. The inlaintiff contendl ~that the premiums had been ready for payment but had ben held to muake certain of the amount due. In the cape of N. D..GOarrett against 'D. D. Armstrong. iw'hich was tried Wednesday, a verdict was rendered for the plaintiff to the dmount of $i'67,50, the sum sued for being $189.99. The ,stit arose over a saw mill bill, the do fondant claiming that his lumber was noit sawed according to standlard. Following this case, Columbus chley-Gray WedGng -Of.muohiiinterest to a ide ckvdeof dields and relatives in /this jicInity Was the maOr'riage in' iihevino last Thursday 'fterndon 'of Miss .artha Annealqy Gray, de'ig'lifer of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gray, formerly. of .Wbod ruff,., to Mr. Riigold Scott ,Schley. Among.the guests at thi wedding were M'iss Hattie Gray, of this clty, Und Mrs. .Charles H. Rounds, of Clinton, .both being cousins of the bride. An account of the wedding as it appeared y the Asheville Times is as follows: Of a wide circle of friends in Asheville and throughout South Carolina was the marriage yes terda of Mise 'Martba Annesley Gray to Mr. ingold Scott Schley of Pasa dena,' Cal., which took place at 3:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's par ents, Mre.and Mrs;"W. H. GraY, 2 HFow.. laud xoad. Tjie ceremony was per formed by (toy. E. K. MdLarty of the Central -Methodist church, in the pres ence of a large gathering of relatives an4 friende. 4.anopy of ferns, lillies of the val .ley. and nasses of nwite roses, was ar ranged in the center of 'the <main draw ing room, nd made a novel and beau tiful background for the bridal party. The whole of the lower floor was dec .orated with pink and white roses and :ghted with soft pink candles. Miss Hattie Gray, of Laurens, .S. C., sang "Becausp-I Love You, Dear," and "Her Rose," previous to the ceremony, ac companied -by Miss Elizabeth Cowan at the .piano who also 'played the wed riing march. The groomsman, Dr. Ellis Gray, of Greensborob came first, entpring from the right, then from the left came the two bridesmaids, Miss Emma Gray, younger sister of the bride, and Miss Emily Porter of Converse college. They wore fluffy white organdy frocks with pink sashes and large pink pic ture hats and their bouquets were of pink roses. iPrecedin'g the bride was the'matron of honor, another sister, Mrs. George Wyman, who wore a white embroidered net frock with a white picture hat and carried an arm ful of pink roses. The 'groom and his -best man, Mr. Oscar Williams, entered from the right and iwere met 'by the bride who ch tered from the. left, on the arm of her father who gave her in marriage. She was gowned in a handsome white chif fon satin 'wedding. drces . with rose point lace and from her shoulders fell a long court train. 11er tulle veil was aikanged from a wreath of orange blossoms which had been worn by both her mother and grandmother and add ed to those were some fresh ones from, Mr. Schley's groves in California. She carried a 'gorgeous bouquet of brides roses and iles of the valley. .Her only ornament was a beautiful Chideae jade brooch surrounded by diamonds, a gift of the groom, Immediately following the ceremony, there was an elaborate wedding re cciption.. In the sun parlor was Mrs. John .Sherwood U'pchurch and Miss Anna Riankin who presided at the punch abowl. Mr. and Mrs. Gray were assisted in receiving .by Mliss Martha Chambers, Mliss Mary 'Kate Black, Mrs. -W. 1E. Glenn, Mrs. J. Ml. 'Parker and Mrs. Joo Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. S~chley left last even ing for an extended wedding trip) in California and British Columbia, after twhich .they will make their home at Spartanburg, where Mr. Schley will be associated in business with Mr. Gray. A Iflrthday Party On the afternoon of April 28, Mrs. W. L. Reid entertained her Sunday School class pnd several of her friends at her home at Narnie in celebration of her birthday.'- Thte rooms were decorated with cut flowers, the coloi- scheme be ing carried ont in red and white. 'Af ter several games of rook, and re hearsing pieces for Mother's Day, the guests'- were invited into the dininig room where atrawberries and cake were served. The guests were Misses Eva, Ruth and IEthel Belt, Clara and Janie Caldwell, .Nell, Sarah and Mar garet Cheek, Louise and Virginia Todd, and Mildred burton; Messrs. !Leslie and Johnie Sanders, Carlton Cheek, Charlie Knight, Ira Bolt and Mr.. and Mrs. Atmer Burton. Notice to Pensioners 'Pensioners who have failed to re-1 ceive their checefs will please write me at once, giving offie, 'with number of street or route. 0. C. Thompson. Hughes secured a verdict against H1, L. Bllakely for $291.20. The testimony showed that the plaintiff, Iunghes, worked a farm for the defendant Blakely during the year 1919. That in August of that year 'the plaintiff moved away following a disagreiement with the landlord. The suit wvas for a divinion o nthe crop. ~th Wh3 The average wor much time and effort would not be so dept unnecessary-for any lessen her kitchen-la step-shying Hoosier. As a natter of fa signed by the women been striving to bettex their work. Two m have, by their selectic it the one greatest They have assisted Hoosier by making been responsible foi present highly perfect S. M. AAt.Hickory Tavern Alaf"A Poor Married Man;" wllll be given in the auditorium of Hickory lavern school .by The high school pu p)i1s Friday night, May 6th,.beginning it 8:30 o'clock. The list of characters is as follows: Professor John B. Wise, age 27, a poor married man-Kenneth Sumerel. D)r. Matthew Graham, age 54, a country ,Iphysician-GusI Abercrombie. Blilly Blake, age 20, a popular college !boy-J. C. Leaigue. Jiu-iter Jackson, aged 23, a black Afra. lona 'Ford, aged 48. some mother in law--Margie Weathers. Koie, aged 20, her charming daughter -eunice Weathers. June Graham, aged 18, a little fresh man--Thelma Owens. Rosalind Wilson, aged 19, a college re porter-Cora Blolt. An admission fee of 15 and 25 cents vill be charged. The doors- will be ilosed promptly at 8:30 o'elock. Card of Thanks S.' .W. Lowe and .fanyily wisht. t~o. hank tihe people -of Cross 11111 for Cindnes and sympathy shown .them n their recent Jhereavement. jItation for Letters of Administration itate of South Carglina, County of Laurens. ly 0. 0. Thomipson, Probate Judge: Whereas J. R. Murff made suit to 'me o grant him Letters of Administration if the 1I0state and effects of J. P. Saxon These arc therefore, to cite and ad nonish all and singular the Kihdred end Creditors of the asid J. P. Saxon, leceased that they :be and appear be ore me in the Court of Probate, to :be ield at burens Court House, Iaurens, I. C., on the 16th day of May, 1021 next, fter publication hereof, at i'l o'clock n the forenoon, to show cause, if any hey have, why the said Administration hould not be granted. (Given under my hand this 29th day f April Anne Domini 1921. 0. G. TIfOMPSON, 2-2t-A J. P. L. C. You Nee nen spends entirely too in her kitchen. This arable if it were not so woman can positively bor by meins of the ct, the Hoosier was de of America who have their lot by organizing illion of these women n or the Hoosier, voted household labor-saver. us in improving the suggestions. that have the evolution of the ed Hoosier -Beauty. &E. H. Grocery Pay Cash and We are r givimg Look at T Sugar, per lb.- --- 25 ibs, Sugar... ~100 lbs. Sugar. 8 lbs. White House Coft 1lb. White House Coffe 1 lb. Arbuckle Coffee..... Lipton's Tea, 1 -lb. pack; Lipton's Tea, 1-2 lb. pac] Lipton's Tea, 1-4 lb. paell Fresh' Vegetables GET OUI A. L ofsteps ,d the Hoosier Every suggestion that was ever made for the improvement of a kitchen cabinet has been actually tried by us. The best have been accepted, the rest rejected. Today, the Hoosier assigns to every kitchen and every needed ingredient its logi. cal place-"easy to -get at without stooping, reachmng, standing or walking about. Care fully designed attachrnents, such as the pa tented, fluffing, flour sifter, not only enable you to do quicker work, but better work, as well. Consequently, every day you do without the Hoosier you not only take miles of need less steps, but put an undue tax on your ability as a housewife and hostess. WILAKES & n Prices Slashe Get You Groceie Cheape 8.0 Knga'sRelabe Hms lb $ .33 .* ....3cs HnyCaFlu,4lb. $ .. v 4 the H oo fRsiegForprb. Eeysgeon ..t....t. w- ever made..$80 forae improvemen ofs. Chichen cabinet. -.a2.7 ageen accepted, tbs. rhest reed.....- 14 Alwace--e ay tot atc witotstoPies. recigtadn P CE BE or walin BUt.Cr full DEiERtahetsuha h a tetd flufigFlorsFEnooY eal Ho NE doqikr22k4utbtewra