* .. . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . * WATTS MILLS NEWS. * IWatts Mills, March 8.-Another cloud of sorrow was cast over our lit tie town, caused 'by the death of Mr. Miles (H. Grubbs 'which occurred at his home here early last Friday morning after a severe attack of pneumonia which followed influenza. -Iis re mains 'were carried to 'Selma church Just above Woodruff, for interment where the funeral service was held on Saturday following, being conducted by Rev. Mr. Charlie Boyter, assisted by Mr. W. M. Anderson and also by the Masons. Mr. Grubbs was about 43 years of age. He was a well known and high ly respecteu citizen formerly of Spar tanburg county, though lie had been residing here for quite awhile. i-e was a man of noble character, possess ed a modest, iluiet disposition, and was a devoted husband. Hle will -be greatly missed by his many friends which lie had gained while in our midst here, and also by his lar-ge host of friends elsewhere. He will also be greatly missed by his host of relatives, he being a member of a family of eleven, his being the first death to take place out of the family circle since Father and Mother preceded him a few years ago. Mr. (rubbs had been employed here for awhile as a very 'popular salesinan in the Peoples (Cooperative Store, where lie will also be greatly missed. dile is survived by his widowed com panion, and by ten grown brothern and sisters, as follows: 'D. 1E0. Grubbs, of Switzer; J. E. -Grubbs, of Watts Mills; T. A. Grubbs, of Spartanburg; P. G. and C. .W. Grubbs, of Greenville; Mrs. Joe Gossett, of Watts Mills; Mrs. Joe Reeves, of Woodruff; 'Mrs. Virgil Neighbors, of Woodruff; Mrs. C. D. Bragg, of Greer; and Mrs. fW. N. God frey, of .Kilgore. Miss Tessle Gelley, the charming and attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelley, of this place, and Mr. C. C. Weathers were very hap pily united in matrimony on last Sat urday night at the residence of and by Rev. Mr. Johnson, of iolmes St., Laurens Mill. The young couple are both very popular here and have a large nuiber of friends who extend to them their heartiest congratulations in wishing them much happiness and success in their future life. .On Sunday afternoon Miss Cornelia Patton and Mr. J. G. Gilledipie took their friends by surprise by motoring RE Twenty-three times we are County some i world. It lool Our buildings Laurens, and 1 of Lauren. foi J.ec No. 1 Store . . ... t ...... ... ....... ' ,K The Love Kiss, Opera H to the 'Baptist parsonage and being united in marriage by Rev. H. Hadock. Mr. Gillesple is a well knoiw and very popular inan of this place while his bride is the attractive daughter of ir. and Mrs. Edd Patton of this place. This young couple also have a number of .friends who extend to them their hearty congratulations, in wishing them much joy -and happiness also. 'Miss Hughes who has been employed as community worker at this place, recently 'resigned, her 1Ijpsition and has returned to her home in Raleigh, N. C. There is not any serlous sickness here at present. "BLIND HUSBANDS" Photoplay to be at the Opera IHousc Friday of this Week. The bestial nature of a libertine of. fleer, formerly of the Austrian army is relentlessly exiposed in "Blind Hius. bands,' the Universai phutodrama ol the Tyrolean Alps, which comes or Friday to the Opera House. The principal role is played by Eric Stroheim, former lieutenant of th( Austrian army, an(d in "Blind 1Hus. bands" Eric Stroheim portrays the ar rogance and supreme conceit tha made the Teuton unflt for the commun ion of humans. As a lieutenant of the Austria1 army the starring villain goes to i fashionable resort in the Alps to pre; OR~ NOW'S YO1 years of successful merc lanning bigger and grea eal "Live Wire" "Barga ts "foolish" to sell goods NO SCARC are chock full from Bast >uy your goods. You a 23 years. Under-buy 'B U .210 West Laurens g t - kk ' ouse, Tuesday, March. 16 onl womankind. There hie mieets;Alar garet Arstrong, wife of the famous Dr. Armstrong, who Is a loved but bad ly neglected wvife. Dr. Armistrong makes a discovery, suspects something worse, and his soul Is seared and tortured when the Ilieu tenant lies to him. The fate of a love buzzard in the form of a man, Is the theme of the story. Stroheim w is remembered, even hated, by thousands of persons, for his por trayal of a Hun officer In the big Uni versal warapicture "The Heart of Hu thmeaity." t Stupporting him in "Blind IHus bands" as Margaret.. Armstrong, the wife, is Francelia lBillington and the following cast of popular Universal players: Sam DeGrasse, H-. Gibson Gowland, Valerie Germonprez and Jack Perrin. imitation Eastern Carpets. Carpets now sold as exact reproduc tions of rare eastern rugs are a tribuie to modern art. Some of the most not able reproductions are those of the seventeenth century coronation earpet made for the shah of Persia, the Khor assani rug and the famoms carpet man Ufactured for .he Sheik Ismail. Discovered the "Hamac." Columbus Is sitid to have first dis. coverld the hammock as well as Amer. len. In San Salvador he found tile L natives sleeping in what they called "halnes." .BURP JR CHANCE! DOl handising. The time has ter things for J. C. Burns ins." We are doing this I for less than it will cos MORE GOODS F4 SAME GOODS F ITY OF GOOD, ment to the ceilings. Co ill smile and be happy. mnd under-sell, quick sales BURNS SAYS: "R( RNS TWO BIG Street. UTINY CHAItED TO 811'S CREW 1 iliors Wleach 'Norfolk lin Irons. Ar. raigned Before Federal Coimuiisslon Norfolk, March 4.-United States ilpping board steamship Poughkeep e, with 34 members of the crew in 'ons, charged with mutiny and gunrd l by bluejackets from three destroy rs, arrived in Hampton Roads this fternoon. Department of justice gents promptly boarded the vessel nd brought the mutineers to Norfolk )night for arriagnment before the fnited States commissioner on the harge of mutiny. The alleged mutiny on the Pough eeplsie occurred while the vessel was a port at. Hamil-ton, Bermuda, under oing repairs. The men claimed that he six months for which they had igned articles had expired and de iianded their pay and release. Capt. 1. . Delaney, commander of lie steamer, refused their demands. -le evlained to the men that the loughkeepsie was delayed in reach ng an American port through provi lential causes, had been blown from le' course, damaged to such an extent hat he had been forced to seek the learest port for repairs and that it ,vas the duty of the men to stand by in until the vessel was brought to )ort. ''hey, however, refused to con tinue at their posts, although appealed to by fhe American consul at Ilamil ton. On February 10 a detachment of bluejackets from destroyers summon ed to the scene, boarded the Pough Iteepsie and placed the alleged mu tincers in irons. A temporary crew was signe( an(i the Potghkeepsie sail ed for this i)ort. United States Corn missioner Stevenson remanded ti men to jail tonight moending a hearing Citation for Letters of Adilnistratfo Whereas, Mrs. Lilly J. Posey mad suit to me to grant her Letters of Ad ministration of the Estatc and effect of 13. F. Posey, Sr. Thvhe are, thtrfore, to eite and ad monish all and singular the Kindre and Creditors of the said 13. F. 'Posey Sr., deceased, that they be and at pear before me, in the Court of Pro bate, to be held at Laurens Coul House, Laurens, S. C., on the 12th da of March, 1920 next, after publicatio hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenooi to show cause, if any they have, wh ti said Administration should not 1 granted. f'iven under my hand this 27th da of February Anno Domini 1920. 0. G. THOMPSON, 33-2t-A J. P. L. qS &C ATIO FT~ WAIT!! COlN come to make some im & Company. Before re oyou in the face of a .t us to buy them bac 3R SAME MONE 'OR LESS MONE S AT RED IF me to J. C. Burns & Co Our cash buying and ca and small profits keep )LL, LET 'EM ROLL & CI BUSY STORE No. 2 Store--Nc NEVER BF ORE In the history of the world have such aston ishing opplortunities -been presented to young inen and wo. men. Make 1920 tile foundation stone upon which to build years of future success and kresperity. Your future is In your own hands. Will you miake or it it succes sor a failure? We have started hundreds of young people on the road to success. May we render the sameo service to you? Write for particulars as to courses, rates, etc. GREENWOOD BUSINEgS COLLEGE ;Under same nanagement GREENWOOD. S. C' Asheville, N. C. Automotive Show AND Merchants' Trade Week COLUMBIA March 22nd to 27th Positively the greatest Gala Week in Columbia's history. $20,000 worth of feature attractions free to everybody, including nine big free concerts by The World Famous Arthur Pryor's Band BIG STREET PARADES DAILY A WONDERFUL FASHION SHOW AUTO EXHIBITS, TRADE EXHIBITS MAMMOTH CANVAS AUDITORIUM ASSEMBLY OF AMERICAN LEGION BIG HOME COMING WEEK Thousands Will Meet Here For particulars write Secretary Columbia Chamber of Commerce, or Secretary Colum bia Automotive Association. o.'s IE AT ONCE!!! portant changes---and in the spirit of the -organizing we are going to offer Laurens constant rise in prices in the wholesale .k. But yotr know our middle name is .y LON RACKET mpany, Two Red Iron Racket Stores in sh selling made this store the leading store the goods and dollars. [)MPANY S orth-side of the Square, Burns Block