1111 NEWS. ~' ** ~'l" e e * $ * *e * * * S~ bt. 27.-After eleven sit ft(I rg, .4r, Edyard.,C. Chap. -(attuday night at 1:30 ~ck' 9 J alysis. He was stricken it 0 t 14, and dur tie ' tlsu rer lay appar Iiionselouso state without wor'd or taking nourish t. he seemed rational. 8 igns of wanting to talk to those- lit hiin but could not. All tht n cal skill, tralnqd nursing, a devoted.. soi, and the te'iMer care of many friends could il'qgaviiled noth ng in Arrest ing th'oiffe-destroylng malady. .The funeral Atid buril't rites were hold at I Ibefty SprIngs Presby terian Churbc, of whicteli deceased had long been a imeimbeii ' Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. ). ;llathford. r,,hapman was vr 63 years of age and is siuriVive if,. one son, 11r. Douglas Chapman of . hIs place, his wife having preceded himt to the grave several years ago.- He also leaves one brotier. Mr. Guss Chapman of 1'old Point. h'liouth .oinwhat qliet and reserved the decatl S 2d was a uisefti ul CIIristian citiztn. always interested in the social and r:i;,iouls afairs of his communily and( devoting Il. atieltioni and limeanls to th. wklfare of hisi connti'y. ills love and FatherViy devotion l his only child was heuiful indeed, lIbt he gladly yi(Ied him for his coutrlty's se'vice in Franc; durline, the late war. A inelt.s(sare ('lm, .fIoim Coronaea suni:iy minoicing the death of .lrs. Amelia Anorilon at ier home in that town satuiday even inig. irs. Andeir sonl was& the w.ife of .\It. .Joe .\nder.,onl and a i of Messrs. W. C. Hasor of this plac., ail S. .1. Itasor of IMount - villA The funeral Ierviles will be held i..; I.\londay) fitrnoon at C(oro naet. VAi.. Ai aOn w111s1 ovt sOven tl. y'al - :'..e alldu a (I'1:dhr t the uat1 i. . iI. I.. ( . I .; of) thii coun:.. . Ta o ahl r o f tvhis wclu in I Iii1 : I~ lIx il l :hi V 14)'!a 1 1. t'ta I oi l his., ('I rt! o: mt 1,,: t o \. Itt I: ()It II " lM e h 11( a l La;: I ll t, w onm wJ ie lath. aCt ak deli t o tial tile id il e o il 1 ) idnn1 re hzi -llcv'A ittipact aI'l foi. sverlal yvan'i pI-eiClI it was ctiod fey a ( nlo)'o it'silt fa.i.It will bf repilaedt hy a newV. four r- iom fril tA ofii lutn. .lA r a. . 1, Th I as he a o i f .. re ns, a' ihi lat a nday el in ( 'lne.s Wfi with th ei sonNin . Atheliu itowa andnd here iadl selt calls on oiter f Viclds. nIisspes Lon :n d Iast S 0nda weoe in W('ro among tho .e w\,]ho attended the Green Wood fair last w(eek. Stat1e 'onstale ( S. W. I .owe, wh ih here Iast week, was nol asleep oni hi.~ job), but1 1:',pt a keent e'ye opten fo! hooz.e. Oneli dlay while4 saunHfi'trin2 lthrough! lhe ol livery sta bles,. a por. lion of -::iih is n4w tusedt :a a. un~der. take''s btd. bis acute olfactoryv or1 gans ca,::.t a sniff of a hidden ti net . E 9 ow'in)-, t his scet~ in thle di lheV na.- h-d to thme h.are andl riebi undert' th teat . snutdgy b4!(dded fron vie'w, be, foundI a half gallon frotit ja: abou: h: : full ofI lignor. Ftalling 1< lind an) <,',ier lie (conSignedI the tiuhii to) it' legal place In the street Whethera- the stuff was dead1( and read: for bur::.ial, or' whether the hiearise simi ply 011 o tle a safe 'ecp from!f d(le C I ion is not known as no one darei test its life gIving prolperties. Cavtt. .1. .1. McSwain, or Greenvillt Wmt. A*. 'rSwain, of Columbhia, Ad mira 1'.1\le-GoIwan, of Washin~gtonl, an ('apt. M\c( owan Itolimes. of Charlestor were all in ('ross 11111 lastt week v'islt ing relIatIvYe: and lookinug after b usl ness alfairs. We wer)e glad to see in Crioss -il Satur tde y Miss aneyiiC (Gomgans of Ashie ylile. She was down to1 see her' auni3 MIrs; !Iney Denny113, ~ih ban been quit sIck for some time. 'MIss (logg'Ant I (clightedI with 'ber teach ingwo the Asheville IchIools andl th le cl* educten!onal facilitIes, employltug *hundrel'(d teachers' andi the use0 of sei en largeC bltlQlIngs. - ba'lly Thought. ThI wi.orbd knotws' ntothiff of its trent~.:- men.-Xir Ilenryv Taylole. -SEAttD T9NS ONLY AT YOUR~ GROCERS COFFE * 801II0L NEWS. * I The regular meeting of the Mc Gowan !Literary Society Will be held on FridaY, October 31st. The follow ing program1 will be carried out: De bate--Resolved, That the State Should Lend Money to Students in State Col leges Instead.of Giving Beholarships. Afirmative, Beatrice Babb and Wyatt Waldrop; negative, Harry Woodside and Filoride UMoore. 'Music, Enimle Lou Washington. Jokes, Roy Chil dress, eclanation, Ray Gaston. School 'News, A. 13. tMadden. Song by. the sogIety. The local high school. teanm and the' Clinton high school teatif will meet Friday afternoon of this week in a game of football on the new athletic. Hoeld. This will doubtless be the most knterest Ing game to be played here, al. the teams are evenly matched aid., a good deal of rivalry is being sljoWn. Clinton's team is light but fast. 'They made a splendid showing against the Pihlberton teani in Clinton last Friday and exhibited marvelous skill in the uIse of tie forward pass and the open st-yle of play. Tihe local team is sore OVer Its defeat by Thorn*ell Orphan age last Friday and are determined lo Win. Iard practice will lbe ldl(I ev rvy dflay this week 1(1 the weak spots lid . 'The game will be called at 4 I'. .31. .\Ahnission will he Va and 27, vents. Admiria l Suel Ale(ow.an. dm1 ring ii rec ent vi i to relatives her- Lave olice that he Woi(l again ofter a mIedal for lhe be. t essay to be writtei on some sub)ect to be selected later. The. stb.4ct will be announced with ini ha ne*t few days. 'The class of 1920 have piurchased claps rings vith the inscript ion: "Lau reus 1-11 School", and the figures 19O. - Ttore aro fourrteen members In e c 1, 1twelve girls and two PIapter Casts. -V- Veun IM1ster casts become soiled,. d1 -thent Into (old liquid starch. IV I thtare y(I, brushl the starch nlid tlb drt will come off with it, I ing the cast leaII 14. white like 7Rheumatismn a conipletely washil out of rty *ysitep 1) Ihe ecleIrfed Shiva'r AlineralW-or. / Pos tively guaranteed by' noney ack offer 'Tastces fisic; costs a trifle. D'hi n where by our Laurens Agents .-, C. She4 & Co. I'hone tIe n . - e 74I * tc Gi DON'T SPOIL A (001) MEAL WH'HI A BAD STOMACH If a physician, a specialist in stoin ach (Iseases, came to you and said: "I will fix up that iniserable, worn out stomach for you or money back. "I will make It as good as new so you will not suffer from any distress and can eat what ybu want without fear or uufffering, or money back, would you turn down his offer? 8 And when you are offered MI-o-na stomach tablets, made from a prescrip tion better han many of the stomach speclallsts know how to write, are you golig to be narrow minded and con tite to suffer from indigestion, or are yo'1. going to be fair to yourself'and. try MI-o-na on the money back agree ment. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are qffered to yoit on this basis, that if they (10 not put our stomach intp such good shape that there is no dizziness, sour, som ach, biliousness, sick headache, and stomitch distress, your money will be returned. For sale by Laurens Drug Co. ald all leading dr.uggistl. W E N BROS. MARBLE & GRANITE CO. DESIGNERS MANUFACTURERS ERECTORS Dealers it everything for the come my. The large3t and best equipped mcon nemital mills in the Carolinas. REENWOOD, - S. C. Tne significance of our victory will be retained ancl, will grow through gifts niade-now irgits celebration. Jewelry is the only real commemorative'gift It's significance, properly engraved on tle article itself, can never be lost, but is retainee from generation to generation. We have an array of such gift for your inspectiop here that will meet any requiremeets you may have. We will engrave them as you suggest. 'Twill pay you to see, them not% I REGISTERED 00 TR.IDT WHEN YOU IHINK OF JEWELRY.- THINk OF WILLIAM SOLON WT C T E .LA BLU %JE REN.S.C. WT SIDE COURT SQkUARE LAU RE N S. S.C hilli rf T landsoe &Set of Cooking Given to you on this occasion only, at our store--a -beautiful set of substantial, useful and extra good quality Cooking Ware--with your " 1 purchase o any style or size - 1 Great Majestic Range! GREAT Majestic Range Bargain ee October 27th to November 1st, 1919 During this Bargain Week--One Week Only ;). l"a(1 Willr 4'lr"t lolllv and v'441V('livilt WitI We nmake thliS xrodnr pea valuev otfer. to you. 141y Bar ai ,l'I 6. N pigsm oo;i ss.p)~t( %il l(! yom- i\aje.itie Range NOW ! The pri(e is tlie a11 m (e r'eguua' Great lajestic prie. No exta elharge whaitevelr for (i1l1-116h. ' takv. afi holdI ally weigh Plaed 0 o 1. 7. ' *;2:;. eotil d ii,11a i d.ll pl 1 )11w rv -i11 ofl your. coilplete set of fin) e 4cooking Wu4'11. Yet you ouild ntsa es t'l el w i id e xpilsv. blu v this set of cooking wire Iolli allywhere, any tilm, for % Wl P( *tJoilit ofpi I mihi we-Is pp oi'l o - es ta $10.00. And yol la1 nnot bluy at aly priv c i a ranoge St relgti: . troitt or till at l and .111(1 0 , ovel ' e PC I Ihat is the eqtial (it' tho (Grent AN1.jestie. Its fil'st Cost is r)aU - wit l lestip114' I naIleala e ifroll--ti-mrest oth Iically its olly 'ost. Long rat1nge lite, ecPonmy )f I('le. dilla- (1S 1 %V0w1kest bility, and satisfactory ser-vice---mlake the Alaijestiv 11he nmlst 1vl "(h s pa ; k Hoe] vioe eleS niya d eomlo4)111 o' of rantges. elelly. Ash vII clit 1his ashes I hut )1henvi.m. !'all oll Cote thoui'Majestic Range Demonstration - l'e. resentative of th mf. will be here at oor t o h' dt h1 r u .nI store to'help It.- show anld exph inl to youl the nunily .\la1jestilee rl"li~-;olot ssa r4 1, Ietill -S of su1periority. '. to \ N A Ee of the.Reas','V' -the Majestic is the Ra r ou 1. All-eopper hot watel are."r , palitented shiftin) 'C levpri' con11trols; %ater temlpe'ratulre.k .,.oh rrn p le o SV )v li oV il 10 2. tipdy Of Cha l jol Iron;I Iets r110 and lasts 3 timc1 longer 1than Ste'. D it I'l 1101 The MON, Nh1 k(la t '?pee i t it t l d with Ashestoi.a.rd 1-4 inh thiek; preven1tst loI(1 Of hieIt and saves Wue. dr S DepartmbLe.n toreit - Ware ShoalsaS. C . 9 elel s ai iesoerm vsahsesl n