GREENWOOD MEN WANT JUDOESHIP Featherstone, Baker and Me(hee Call. ed Upon Department of Justice. Washington, June 23.-Mr. C. C. Featherstone, of Greenwood, one of the best known lawyers in upper South Carolina, was here today and with Kenneth L. Baker, and S. 11. Mc Ghee, also of Greenwood, called at the Department of .Justice to lay claims to the judgeship of the Western District before Attorney G neyal Pal mer. While Mr. Palmer made no state mtent as to what would be (lone in this matter and received the South Carolinians with courtesy, it is under stood that the recommendation which he will make may not be fur ther delayed after the two South Caro lina senators have told him who th y vlh named for this place. The P'rc*dent will be returning to the United States at a very early date and it woubIt not be surprising were the nominatin announced very soon after his arrival here. It is probable that had the old c emnt, to which Senator Tilliman was a party, but to which Senator Dial w'ou1ld not sulIs cribe. placing the apopointment of judgf s in the hands of the senators not been albrogated. '1e mattor would have been fu rther advanced han it now is. With the ol(l a'reen. n t oken, house nli( in hers of the o . Ih ('arolina dI: egation vo! into the islht and have *akon a undrt in the' matter. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. STOMACH Mr. Marion Holcomb, of a long while I suffered wi have pains and a heavy f, disagreeable taste in my r butter, oil or grease, I woul regular sick headache. I I after a course of these, I % seemed to tear my stomac no good at all for my troub THE BLA CKN recommended very highly, me. I keep it in the housi liver medicine made. I d stomach trouble any mol the jaded liver and helps throwing out waste materik tem. This medicine shou use in-time of need. Get sluggish, take a dose ton; morrow. Price "5c a pac ,( NEXT TIME TIRES that ar< are sold right. Price of FABRIC RED Non-Skid Non..f Casing Casil $19.15 $25. Prices reduced propo I.. If. Fi III i A: ('0.. 4 -. IT. SItIf0ON FiSK& WHO OWNS THESE I GOVERNMENE ASKS Six Smith & Wesson Revolvers Ship. lied to South Carolina In November, 1917. The United States Government Is In terested in learning the present own ership of the following revolvers: Smith & Wesson, 32 calibre, nickel ed, 3 1-4 inch barrel, No. 23S005. Smith & Wesson, 32 calibre, nickel ed, 3 1-4 inch barrell, No. 235473. Smith & Wesson, 32 calibre, nickel ed, 3 1-4 inch barrell, No. 234778. Smith & Wesson, 32 calibre, blue steel, 4 1-4 inch barrell, No. 264183. Smith & Wesson, 32 calibre, blue steel, 4 1-4 inch barrell, No. 264677. Smith & Wesson, 32 calibre, blue steel, 4 1-4 inch barrell, No. 264232. -Appreciating the valuable aid which can be rendered by the newspapers in obtaining this information, the governnent appeals to the residents of this section, through this publica tion. for assistance in this matter. These revolvers were shipped from Philadelphia, Pa., to South Carolina in November, 1917, since which tine some,. or all, of same have probably chanued hands. All own ers of revolvers are asked to examine same carefully and if the own. or- have knowledge of the ownrrship of any of these weapons to report by telegraph. Government rate rolleet, to Major Norman MacLeod, 11f North Droad Street, Philadel phia, P1,a. No 'I'JsPicinn enan possibly attach to the prescnt owner of any on( of thOse revolvers, but it is through the trac int of these firearms that the Govern tmnt hop's to obtain information in a matter of the gravest importance. TROUBLE Nancy, Ky., says: "For quite th stomach troub!c. I would eling after my meals, a most ouLIth. If I ate anything with d spit it up. I beran to have lad used piils and tablets, but vould be constipated. It just 1l all up. I found they were le. I heard FORD'S R 46ULHT so began to use it. It cured all the time. It is the best o not have sick leadacie or 'e." Black-Drau ght acts on it to do its important work of LIs and poisons from the sys Id be in every household for a package today. If you feel ght. You will feel fresh to koge. All druggists. - 4 -Buy FISK built right and FOP TUBE skid Fits all makes gof casings 75 $3.65 . rtionately on all sizes. ras r, S. . 5, Mi'iuntaille, S. ('. 'iliti- & 11ii 1SOPN, i-:niore', S. I. 'TIRES TARIFF REVISION HEARING IS HELD Dangers to American Dye Industry Product Stressed by Dr. Herty. Southerners Protest Duty on Potash. Washington, June 2.--General hear ings looking toward a general revision of the tariff will be started by the house ways and means committee soon after July 4. Chairman Fordney, of tho committee, announced today at the close of hearings on the request of the potash and dye industries for protection. Statistios and -lata, Mr. Fordney said, now are being assembled and the committee proposes to go extensive ly into the whole subject with a view to drafting a bill revising the tariff in accordance with the campaign prom ises of the republican majority in con gress. A ways and means sub-committee, of which Representative Green, Re publican, Iowa, is chairman, will be gin hearings 'Monday on the pearl but ton industry. In urging protection for the dye in dustry today, Dr. Charles 11. Herty, forner president of the American chemical society, said German dyes, disguised as Swiss products -were seeking entrance to thI cosntry. "I am satisfied," saH Dr. HIerty, "that. I can prove that .ioo,40( of the 1,631,364 licenses issued for imi Ports from Switzerland in April re presents dye,, coming from Germany and by proviig them of enemy origin I can block thei from coming into Alhis counItry unr less they alrady have been brought in." Soliathein Iriek- rowcrs and frti lizer manufacturersr appearod i - Position to the proposed (uty on pot ash and their ilea was su pported by ltepres.ntat ive Iltchinson, iepitbli can. New Jer-se'y and i!yrnes, lhJno erat. South Carolina. J. W. Gr eaty, a tiruck l.1anrter of South Carolina. declared that if the propmoed dut1Y were e-ffective the cost of polash on!d be rolih itive to fariteis. tie rlt .rttlmlit tev that t iuck farn't'e rs of the sot1th were able to prodw': nrl normnal crops the ti.t r y 1a Iiara sup ply was cut off becatise of the aectin Ilated am'iIt in the rlnil 1' saiul that to th1- sc ani year the yielIds fell off thirty lr'lcent and that this ye'ar''s CrOP 01n 1a,11, for wxhich ilotash was ICe(''ssary would Ie only ' to ::0 per ('n1t (if norinal. The Ainerivan pr iuet, lie said. is infe nrior to forcign potash. Ile said similar conditions txIstetd in the Iotato grow\*in' districts of Maine, New, .Iersey and New York, and added Ihat Georgia peaces and L ouisiana 1-1 rawbierries furnished nort hern markets this year were I low normal inl quality he(alise of the lack or inferiority of potash, LABOR IS PLEDGED FOR 44-HOUR WEEK 'iedleraltiont's limnd Hlrae on De'ter umin at ion to l'r'eaent I'niempjloymnent. Atlan ntic City3, .11une1 2:h-l'The Amrn(ai can Federation of Labor at the clos, ing se'ssioni htere todlay of its annual ((oniventbin, ih-dgied isalf to obitain a genalaI -li--hour we'k for' worik ers in all ('ratfts thr'otughout thie Init('d States andt fot' emtlioy(es ini the gover'innmnt 5.erv~i(ce. Th'ei di 'an ad was ba sd (tn a dlistriial trurst. 'Thei (tth(ri cautse is thie decrea(';si'ldi purchating power''a of thIe dldlar'. .\autfan'trrs antd impiloyer's ''eie urtgedi to "brid:kie the( tgap" and S-tii a i l ( 'mperi a, presidlt of im federa'tttitn was rtia(di witht a toar' of ('heers~ latei in th dt'(ay whitn hi' an nouitnI fromi thei ;latformtt that threie hoods thte Enoginters. 'indutctor's anid htonid, the* ir, men1(1 was meeu tig itt I enort, hte said. to consider a simtilair aplition (i. If tihe Ittin ni foillow tihe tanks of thin fideatn Intl be~ in'li inicr ea se wages '"wit hiout an itv(ontroac Iti addiit ion to taiking act Ion oin thei shii orttrt'work: day'the'ai tonvlt into th pal aJdgO ed it suportt toci tho s'trik-a i lonn'iritt ml rilgrapt'heratorsC gra ithers t ii saitni (nerti'onsut wich hav' benitt'' Trtnted to i'len'tr a antd ti'iiphnoit niiorks. A\ riuttion was I igtet the altleged( suppreitssioin (of fr'ei sit It and 't(utaote Am'eian, ii ttions ltoiaig di s('harigid soldIi ers in unati - fortiin ton perfoarm (ivill riolice (lity in ta straiki'. Whenn the (itiestion of thec ii hiotia week'I (namie t'p It was 'appiarent all deli 'ntes ( to thle coniiven tion, as wiellI astheii( (ffiice(rs of theic fidera ~tin were''( ini(l inted to the iew, that thte s-horter' work di v wut one of the most vitally Important subjects approved by the reconstruction convention. The convention finished its busi ness today by rushing through about dealt with juridictional disputes and dealt with juridistional disputes and minor boycott matters. The exhcu tive council has been authorized to select the next convention city. MRS. MASSEY BETTER, Condition of Rock HUI Woman, Serf ously Hurt, Shows Improvement. Rock Hill, June 21.-Mrs. B. H. Massey, who was severely injured re cently at Catawba Junction when a freight train crashed into the automo bile in which she and other members of her family were riding and fatally injured her husband, Burton Massey, and her youngest child, is said to be gradually Improving. Mrs. 'Massey's condition is still critical, however. At tending )hysicians at first thought it would be necessary to remove one of 'Mrs. Massey's limbs, which was bad ly mangled in the wreck, but it is now believed the limb can be saved. 'Mrs. .Massey is not yet able to sit up, but her nurse states that the Intense pain which she suffered for many days fol lowing the accident is now much less severe. MICKIE SAYS (.'OKC ) Il-itS Vs MRA. %Lb.NW.Vk I ANE NE W.4S %TEM FOP. 'T-E pAhPEg. "MA. \NHOO7.iS, WI-tO IVI\JES TEN MILES FQnM WERE AND VANS AXLWNS 1tWADED IN ANoITAEQ-VO\N, \WA.S IN OUR CIVN TODPAN AND PURSCASED A S%00 %%\L OF GOODS A-T 5LANI's G-TOPE., AND N A SO WELL PLEASED 1r"A "E ANNOUNCED "IS IN'TEN I\ON OF TRADIMG %V TH\S CiN sEREAFTER SO HAFE CA.N AVNI vItMsEFt OF -TH. IG4 GR ADE GOODS AND FIHE VJALUES A.T BLANK'.'" NO C'AR.CrE I\ SUPPo6, FOr NEWS IlEt\S PR ETiN 'ASN i NO-O, JESI WMkIi ItL GUz)ESSNoi iME 8OSS SEES INXA- "NEWS" AUT Our new opposite ( open and 3 FREE A: While filling tires inflated wit] It's all in the sern glad to do it. We Handl< Quality Auto I Convenient Water Connection RUBBER HOSE for ALL PURPOSES. We have Garden Hose. Water Hose, Radiator Hose and Steam Hose. Our garden hose at 25c per foot is by far the cheapest his you c~.mrbuy, for it will last from six to eight sea sos, hiIneans an average of about 3o to 4e per foot a eason.,-h le you can got a hose for 0nc you know as a lAe tl ""10c hose will last you about one sea son. With n o er for 50 feet or more of garden hose we give lawn r ler. Radiato se In 1 inch, 11-4 inch, 11-2 inch, 1 3-4 Inch, 2 inch, 2 1- inch, in 3 and 4 foot lengths. COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY 823 WEST GERVAIS STREET, COLUMBIA,S. C. 45-tt Augusta Brick & Rock Crushing Co4 Phone 1580 412 Watkins St AUGUSTA, GA. Crushed brick and rock for concrete work of all kinds. WRITE FOR PRICES. Erskine College Located in a Well-known Town in South Carolina Offers to the Young People of Laurens County a thorough Literary and Cultural Course embracing, among other branches of study, English, French, German, Latin, Mathematics, History, Bible, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Political Economy, Astronomy, Psychology. Good Literary Society, Athiletics, and Y. M. C. A. opportunities. Twenty free tuition scholarships for young ladies. If you are interested in selecting a suitable school for literary training, send for a catalogue of Er skine College. J. S. MOFFATT, President Due West, S. C. '0 OWNERS Gasoline Station, kated ~hildress Stables, is now our patronage is solicited. IR--FREE WATER your tank with gasoline have your Ii air and your radiator with water. rice we give. No charge, and we are ~ h Best Gas, the Highest ( Oils, and Automobile Accessories. 3il & Gas Co. Free Air for Everyone