The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 14, 1919, Image 9

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There is a Charm About the Name of Laurens That Means Much to Those Who Know the Important Part laurens County, and Laurens County Men and Women, Have Played in the Making of South Caro lina the Grand Old State That It Is-And Because of the Honorable Traditions That Laurens Has As Its leritage, As Well As the Unlimited Opportunities Of fered Manufacturers, Business Men and Farmers From Other Sections of the Country Who May Be Looking for a New and Better Place in Which to Live and Make a Living, I Take an Especial Pride in W'Vriting the Story of Laurens County's Advantages and Possibilities. By J. Archie Willis T il E are two words in our article a story that cried out to languago that never fail all America, "Young man, go to strike a responsive chord " in every man's heart. One of The south, ant particularly the than wors is"I~oto.~southeast, is a jcction of untold those words is "ome"very I have written the stories of COmmunity of Dixie is on the verge the advantages and possibilities of an unprecedented prosperity. of hndrds o sothen ciiesand Since that is true, can you wonder of hundreds of southern cities and thterycyvryow an towns, and The Sunday Atlanta everyerura communty au Journal has carried these stories which these community at of progress and development, of w ittes picmured atce opportunity for those who are est? seeking new places in which to the live and-do business, to every sec- You may visit a section of south tion of Dixie. Georgia tomorrow and know, from what you see there, that you have Today I come to write of the found the promised land. And I'll conmunity that I fondly lay claim tell you before you go that you to as being home-my home, the will find it just about that way In place where I was born and reared, south Georgia. But then on the and the place above all others, next (lay go to nonlI Georgia, to that I like to go back to. I have one of the Carolinas, to Alabam no priority rights to that partic- or to Mississippi, or a.ny one of ular feeling about Laurons county, the other communities that I South Carolina, for every other might suggest to you throughout man in the world feels, or should the southeast, and everywhere you feel, the same way about the par- will be surnrisei at the progress ticular locality in which he was bornties for doing the things that men Laurens county is located in the count worth doing, you will see on northwestern part of the Palmetto every hand, state. One of the most fertile re- The south has come into its gloss of the entire Piedmont sec- own, and The Atlanta Journal's tion of the southeast, Laurens is slogan of "Knew the south and one of the state's most prosperous lot the mouth knew you," is, I very counties. , strongly believe, matbrially aiding I have several times had people those who are seeking new fields remark to me that, "Ntvery section to find the particular localities In you writo about seens to be the which they may best succeed in best in the country." And that ia the particular, undertakings to true, in large measure. It is true vhieh they have set themselves. for two reasons. F'irst, when The Atlanta Journal docides to feature T CITY OI LAUItENS a particular city, town or county, Laurens, the county seat ef it does to for the reason that that Iaurnns county, is located very particular community has, or The near the center of the county, It Journal believes it has, peculia is a city of approximately 6,000 advantages and opportunities to people, and aside from being an offer the homoseeker, and, second, excellent business place, the cen when I go to write the story of a tr of one of the richest agri section's po-ibilities I look for cultural districts In the state. It possibilitles -its good points. Is a charming place in which to There was a time when ono of live and rear a frtmify. the-co 1 n' ry's foremost editors felt This county originally formed a called 1' in to ov:elaim, "Young par of the old Ninety-six Is man, . west!" That tim has iet, but was lopnod off and or pasrel. e.- than a mouth ago ganized as a county In 1776. It one of in. country's best inown, was named in honor of that fa pulblicfatbtor. published in the sou; South Carolina patriot, Torth, carried as its first feature Henry Lsaurns. Lu.-; Governor Robert A. Coop er, Laurens County Man, Who Is South Carolina's Chief Eexecutive. A ItAIIbIU)AI) CE~NTbi Laurens is somewhat of a rail road center. Tito Charleston and Western Carolina railroad, frot Spartanbiurg to Augusta, passes through Laurens. The city is the northern terminus of the (olnm bla, Newberry and Laureni rail road, which forms an important link in the Charleston and West orn Carolina line fron. Greenville, via Laurens, to Charleston. Good roads radiate in every ii roction from the county seat, and there is not a locality in the county that canot be reached by automobile over roads that are easily traveled. The people of the county are not satistied with their roads, however, and a movement Is on foot now, and has every chance of success, to build the best roads in Latrens county that it is pos sible to build. A N IN% )t''iT41AL kNTl Laurens is an Industrial center of no mean importance. In fact, there are fiftea different Industrial plants in the city, that employ 3, 500 people, and whose coinbilled weekly pay roll amou nts to ten thousand dollars- more than a half-million dollars a year. Two and a half million dollars are in vested in the city's industrial plants. Amoig the industrlea that Lau rons naw has are cotton mills, a glass factory, box and crate works, foundry, laundty, creamery, sev eral molern ginneries. cotton oil mills, planing and lumber mills, hydro-electric plant and quite a few others of less imlortance. MOM41E INDi'STItllEs WANTED) Laurens want s more industries, wants large and small ones, and the. citizens of both the city itni surroutnding county are willing and ready to co-operate in any manner that they may be able to co-operate in the building of more and more inditstrial plants in Latirens. Laurens business men feel that they have many inducements to offer the newcomers, and listed among the city's inducements I noted are ample railroad facilities plenty of sidetrack frontage, cheap electric current, pure water, a plenitftri supply of labor, and never any strikes or other labor troubles. In addition to the ad vantages mentioned, the citizens of the city will lend every co operation they can lend to any now and legitimate enterprise of real worth to the community. I IVE BANKS IN TIHE CITV ol, IA l'CNS 'T'here are three national aund two state ban ks in the city of Laurens, the national han ks hav ing a combined capital of two hundred thousand dollars and the state banks a combined capital of a 'htundred and fifty thousand dollars. These banks have played an important ptrt it the develop mont of the city during the past ten years, aind they will, very probably, play an even more im portant ptrt in its development during the next few years. In tills connection, I want to specilly mi'etion a young ba nk er inl Lau rens, W. G. Lancaster, lnown all over Laurens county as "Hilly" Lanc astei, of the IEnter prise National banik. "Billy" La caster has been with the lnter .rIse bank for secral years, and he has not only endeared himself to the business men and farmers of the city and county, by his 1uni form courtesy, but he has won the confidence iand admiration of lit erally thousands of the couty's best mr n. tne of these days "Iilly'' :;r is goingg to have his own b:e: merely a prediction of rty owin ---and when he does, tl" other bantils ;n Laurlens are going to hav e to a:,;e off the( hu't re mlinlit v, (t i of tiIc- .c:r moth ods in ord.-r to I, ee "illty'' Lawi caster's bank, from g 'tting 111 thl bit:"in"ss nf ! ; re .. i-aturens hl:!; %vfry wi"secly ch;o son its cit ., al 4 otlicitls of L- !rans re giv;ig tIe city an tdmliinistj':ulion that is clculated to mAl:e bite comitnu nity got forw;-. C. !. I .;) is the maa;r of the city, and there doesn't seem to be very many people in Ihe busi e.s; section of the city, with the ex c(ption of the professionlal i;oli ticians, who know just e.actly how long Mr. Babb has hesn mayor "At least five terms," is the way mo.t of them express It. And ;\lr. Babb has been inayor for a good long t ime. The fact that he is, tt each succeeding elction, returned to of!ice seenl. to be s uficient evidence that a majority of the people of Lan revs appreciate his value as Latu rells' layor. Th'. city ca i l 'e -i five of the- livest. and most pro gresive young Iusiness men that Sento Na'.DaLu -r~' pr rens County Man, Who Has Succeeded the Late Senator Tilman as United States Senator frcm Souh Cara-I lina, e0l. They are .\l.-r I) .E 'l--awf, are tat 1 rl in th [ b - f( o th' 1'' t he -' r 1i .Ii"';S. L.antren s has one of ho. I), all. th; is a " .. .. t . (cW22'dc Systeml, too. Four huni two hundr 2esII2d lii ii('2w2)1is 11 0(1.; r .s12 l)c2'j 2)02 Ic) the c'hall go's servIci'. A rate of two 2 dollars111 and' 'evienty-five c12201 2 ~ WI ( llll' Iless (ll 0.-es is :Iwa V hoow\ wha' pay2)23 for t('2(ili'lc serlvice in 2ll ila or12 I ha Ilos 2201'S 122ii 2 Iio;1 11131 i: for SVI'i11 I121 112 lan1n has I''22 12121 2 :t' go edoie by 2i11,i21 W).! CuIhll'n i 11: thec /221V(112i14'2' edid bc I li. Lee't. Th'ie Adivv'1' 122" is Im!)s ci e(c 1 on 0(12ic'~cias :;1d ill-2 rate2 1i2 the cit V 1) I..n'nu 22 23'-i \1 e( c' ~ oi fo !cchool ,ym'cill, v\aa iti I "':1 i.0iacllc'is e22lc)li :1i1i1i ll . 22I12ely' H0sevel2 h2222i(ci pilci _.. T'he (223' has 12 wit cI~er\ systemi, with I'S (110 22i21> (of mains211, it hais at good s S'S'"(sr"igt system, withI file Ic iles of ma llus, and it has(1 a 2220 c -e(q iptped 1)11 i fi e* dc' ia 2 111 , lit, F ih Ii VC fiieeni o22 I lhe Jccoi) all .11, ies. 'ihe ('ily has tiirc'.' hot"Ils. '1222 thle prtineipl on is2 the ilc' lri' 211 ilo ;' 1 lid 222is Imicc~~ ' i.; .1 ni l i ly popular122 02:1' %lit it c he geiieicl I 2' 1'2g11 22 cli2'.e (Ojw': - 2lhr' 2111214 ;: ! (~1c'.2l Ii1-s, I!, ITI I e250 ! ie 2c 1111 s ('!! ;ci~c : Y at st:cy. 'I'sle ' i l-oll'2 s lid '2 ol 2 he "i..1ht wShere tho' oid lteel ic.1 1.1 ho~ctel cf lcy-i.4o~' ,w (ys stic,. I; is :12n 1he 112:2.;t 1 tiof ic pc! (comit 2223 (222 oiisc, an22d A. 11, rapidly' I2c122a 2' 12( 21o2f it, an . themi wSSlh priv'ate h:(t2 : 2 - '2o(121' lobby. 'SS i 2 .r '22 f r i:he* f par) 2 Ioi s, wr2 lilfJ fowl"(1 (2Ic. and22 Owi nttractihe t.1,100i ii' (11:8* 1:. 1i'00;1cc I (''c- 11021 ''22''liw cc 111:, t"r'. k '2221221 lit i':' Ip ( '" 1 ! : ' 11 '1 2'2' " 2