a o o~ee se SEMI-PASTE PAINT isby farthe most economical and best paint you can use. Simply add one gallon of pure Linseed Oil to one ga)lon of Pee Gee Seni-Paste and you get two ga)?lots of paint that Lnst 4ongest AoS Best This cnn es you to paint all your out-bui ings at lowest cost. Pee Gee emi-Paste Rodt and Burn Pain s the bcst..potection against dest uction qud'decay. AsKvor Free Color Card. .A. Plee G ee Fin' i For FErs'X . EMpOSe Laurens Hdwe. Co. Laurens, S. C. Statemenitit of Ile ('onditin oif the LUTA,, BA\NK. L~otcd ajlt Lir('. S. ('., a the close of bu1shiess 31.il c ith h. 11. I. :Stt i IZ(': L"oans1:. al )i uuiu ...... 1 .21 .2 7 Overidraft.;... . . . . .. . '. ' .: B]onds and Stocks owned by th l lank I i .................. .i00.00 e . . . .. 1 72.1 Cu r' reI -..- ........... 1,065.00 Gold .. .. .......... .. :-.50) Silver and Othler ('0in .. 602.71 Liberty [moall Hl ds .3.. . :1126.00 T ota . . . . . . . .. ..S :12,1 18.:.7 Cajital Stock Paid In . . 5.000.00 Suiplius F ll.il . . . . . 00.00 Ilndivided Profits. !ess Cur Paid .. .. .. .. .. 7:7: 1ndividill * o it S'llbject. t o Ch eck . '.z. .. ) . , 5. 10 Savings D sit~ s 7. . . 17. Cashicr 's Cl'hks . . 1 I 1.7 20,S7 i; Total .. ..$........$ 11 State of Southii Carolina. County of 1Lai'ens, ss: Before mie 'ame Chasl. T. Simpjsol, Cashier of the above named bank, who. being duly sworn, says that the ahove and foregoting statement is a true conditionl of 'aid banlk, as shown by ithe books of said bank. I 'AS.. T1. SI.M PON. . Sworn to :)d subrihed beforev ite tis 201da of A.\ irch, . . \\. u. .\b II' IN, Nl uaryt PIlblig. orr eq \~t : bum.\ ' myth, 0.1 1 1 Ai, .\ r I-h , lr.. Di - I V IN V . \,S -T .-:i N . March, (I 1it. dae a~il rn a Peinal ae co~~~~unt fm : 'nding iias A(l miii Auro ( theI t e of.1' ph T A odd, i ft'i . ds i tn t i e )0e1 of Ith( )at ' ido ih- v. : i a l yn e s d nle day. Mts will tplilt'r a0 t.'t llrsdi whoarn fo m I t r a YI 's a\r' a t ratailr. n Anyt i elyn iea ed to (lisd testate ws harlylitgo an iroundion lac lmbsnt' 0! '(lie', aind sllweer'olly handi n 'm. n ans idn'e wills preysenot tei tOn 'r aret'idae dumletonosa:1:- h\\'horever barre A)0 11 o coled, stans by lnyu whenl han gen Lauen polreie"ho Donn's Kidney P'ilts-hav saood that t's.s. Templeton endorsedc Doan'slel mre conine 1g Fte' lony?'t C. $\r.10 Tewardo23 ~$OkS.0 Lu res says:~ * .1' k neystacte t1o wlas hadyb to ge tn n t und onCae dreoun tst e ains n4 my" back. t'My limstrr . .-n t 'Oln iandr s twere omy ha d an1tv cr' t.w : i.. t the's ine ils reoved y. (' ailmentsa~ an my' kt''ttnid tn y , heet te norma'l tI."1(lt t )01 anId Ttti'ti H'it' RICs YiA lie LATeiO, thirs. Tenrletont id he:t "Wneveri ui thavet' notice a silihtI. reur of-i kidnreygrou bbldueglP i t'e ol, il D .n' Kidne Psttill have gqoien(! tlt me iromt -r i'e ric th 0at all'- deau 'tlers.: a D'( t ti m-la~ Morsay!ett. Templeto ras t ire. pulidl frcsommened. io toste-ibunC. plasdrto .rn(' tha i':.t-re & ('t Tlest 0ne a id to aurr tn an tsu Vr.t. an thti dTsase, reatoirestt I'i. cono ti . trat-~ M1 A.11)lm - NE WS. * Madden, March 25.-Corn planting itue, but owing to the continued rains very little land has been prepared for Lhe. desired and Itoped-for record breaker corn erop. However, a few eioar days, with farmers as keen to get down to real work, wonders in the way of preparation and planting -ould be accomplished. Usual services at New Prospect Sat urday and Sunday, with a perceptible increase in the Saturday afternoon at tendance. This Saturday afternoon service is one of the customs handed Iown from the "good old days". While it is obsolete inl some sections of toe loiuty, yet it is generally observed in ount ry laptist cliurches and at Pros Peet it is evidently "renewing its youlith." Stiday mhorninig the pastor gavv Us in (SP(eIscially stirrilng and appro priate scritoln tothe subject: "Over the Top". Text: "Quit yohurselves like lueni; be strong." Prof. Iewis atil Demleons trator Moore er'te with us Saturday after nloonl and were vordially g1reeted. .\lrs. Klleti ti of Sa11psOnvi!e. is on 4 viSit to her relatives. Juidcge aid .\its. 0. (. Thoniptsott, for several days. iss O.el! .\l urray. oiltr well-liked iite lu, '. Speit oti e wek-end wih rel. i t ves t a Kitard.t Thc. ladickesf he I Cross are I l " ea. --paration Ior a Ill tt, I'll li h:\ a m. :-i :o lw ! hil at l'rosp(ect d :.- Frid y ,the ":h. \\ t hqw i i It t gtt i ( ttn Iti'dance t'or ;"e Iopm t dte wr l t th ie ('rost.t it ; IThe leoio gt t hI iy n I otei ahoiood are te lit lthaie w l ortter Welor haitt w h organ111iaion,. In kael there( aretf'". Saddr hre and "Aunt . ht exprnt d the Iti nientst of tlt: "Ieeante4 to o tverytthing ie niy pow 1.r 110" hel n't enury winl this wr at Iet COrn a e:tt , I'll kli it, I'll fix thchik.ln for ithe bo\ sipper, to lielp Ite olf Cross a i it 'resideit Wih l sn ays run11 Ihe clock ulp ont, hour that.t elok's. goin . up, lAtaso'" A id. ik:t e' litha t will win Ithis war alld We'll winl it! iPrienlds !!If[ re lative of .\r. .1nd .\!::. .1. 1. V in 1ley w; ill be gad to know Ihat both ar. getting ol nitely 'ia we ho01v Iltey will soon he inl their Jltle .\ yIle I've, 11he baby girl of .\r. .111d .\rs. .1. 1). Culhertson01, who wa.sl so s riously ill la lst w ik lisr porIted greatly inliprovedi alid we hope. the litt' oe will oo f Ie well igain. .\lrs. Cora .\addil ad .lisses Lea SOURben and Susiv l"ngston are the d llgaes 341 I'to the ('iarerly nset tings to he'ze wti the hosptabt soejey ta' oeth bra on the ifhll Sati'day .\ss . Thad(1 Ils antd \\1ater .\toore ten adaY ilc 'itn Laur1i0(1 s w-!itl stir huother, i s. Ellia L oorv. Her sonls In fhk. igt l) .\loorv of, Wadsworth, and anetu'rco .\toore of Seoier, wlrel t it hoiit. wher a it Inily ruion al hld. .\nve. Twsitecartin of i onti gs icn backil jots" ofhen and attendedt tha ktoyimt.ti isr fitetles tol bse dlad ie 'i. ite i tapoi in casoal-h lnl~ep !wrteur tso thel scunry.tn ect-tel r- t'proie;fos wnihout Ife l'(it 1'lst Otti od .jij e d 'Ila e te~ii ofp .0tnd' i tanIing and wihouledelelin ;ers yoi foo ins alianae ipssaetio pia in, thihoa juOst blyw ith ('nelb. fo'a large e e oft dio-toei ands onie1 udiay dendes thans tranigh.r \Alettsrs. ha'r'h anlid tadteins yore h'e late ' t i to t au tmobil es.vit Modur CoretsMunsingwvear Underwear d LAURENS' BEST STORE For the Whole Family Davis-Roper Company We I Invite Your Inspection We are Showing For Easter Shoppers the Most Complete Line of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists and Millinery Ever Shown in Laurens Our Prices are Rigi . The Styles are Right. Garments From th Very Best Manufacturers and Fo cnost Designers. Our Piece-Go dssDpartrnent is Overflowing With all the New Spring Materials. NEW SPRING TOGS FOR MEN AND BOYS Suits Hats, Shiirt, Ties, Hosiery, Underwear---Our Prices Are Satisfactory---The Style and Ouality all That You Could Wish For Davms-Roper Company Stetso IIhIitt LAURENS' BEST STORE Headlight Overalls FourTirnes the Sureness Four Times the Savings WITH SQUEEGEEj TREAjS The Diamond queegee Tr is an old resident of motordom. Foryears it as squeeg d the roadway to non-skid sureness. ~ t'imn ra You shoul use rDaodSqueegee TedTires on your car---f r-tw big reasons. You have four times the security in driving. You save four times as much in first cost. Get Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires---red sides and black treads---and realize the life and strength and ser vice insured by expert workmanship and pre-eminent knowledge of rubber compounding. Every Diamond Tire must deliver full value in ser vice. If ever a Diamond Tire fails, a cheerful, willing ad justment will be promptly made. Start today with one Diamond, if that is all you need, but keep on until your set is complete and you are driv ing and saving on four. DIAMOND TREADE TI RES For Automobiles, Bicycles and Motorcycles Swygert-Nickles & Co.. Laurens, S. C. * * * LANFORD NEWS. * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 0*0 * * Lanford, Mlarch 25.-Rev. Nir. Aliller preached a niost excellent sernion at the Methodist church here Sunday morning to a very appreciative audi ence on the subject of "Prayer". The tural Improvement Association met in the school auditorilu' Friday afternoon. A good many of interested members were present. We have in vited Dr. .lames S. Moifat of Due West college, to give us a lecture inl the near future, date announced later. The W\. \l. I. of the iltaptist church met Saturday afternoon with as good nitmitt her present, and all were pleased with the interest mantifested and the offering received on appmotinment. .lMr. James flyeris and fatiily of lilen dersonlville, N. C., are( v-isiting their father, M!r. if. .\f. Johnnm andi faminy and other relatives. 'T'ley iotored throltili the mountaits hy way of (Ireenville in their new car. Ar. .ohn 'ayne of Camp Sevier and sister, .lMiss An. ie Lou Payne. Wh'litmi ire, were tile guests of .lis:; Othello .ohlimgi lis week-end. .lrs. lE tiella Iomtar is visiting rel:i livE's in ISp.arlataihurg. 'AIr. .Jaimtes Fleining. a studeto of Furman L'niveisity. visitedl honefolk:s Sunday. and was looking well. Alrs. J. It. l'attersonl, who has beeln very sick. is mttulch better, her inalni frawis wil b", glad to learn. The~w faclt of;:r .llhol werre en T ndy i.t this k .\iii I \\. I :fli nford hi::: l r Inl Itotnp 'ifi (1 ai tr'ip to T1elttiss(e andII the. ale ts Imr (ltatil'. Cori, ie. i is exr l(.i g i (,.t loard. saot. l iss Alay Ia ou Hala is spelidii'! . lt.w ilen !ith lir n onli the i lisocu r t i~lig Liflit' ani EElii'l'l iott foi' .Jl t('i1ii -it a oirlat i wn. ('rp. J.h W.Canfr hgws rfeLurend homel afteriws: a trt Tnese m .liss .Lt l.anlilni ois S iLitn Lisl. lit her imre ts a ,riu eisit Sina a rftarnoont. Allhi Ar r oihne'se i ite ho Aster in Lauiren n last weuk. .\w . .1. . m igi s .\ dy at ery si horse bast week but It is much better. Aliss Carrie Lo I oiggis shool is o-ur. Taid har a veryntesuln visit lrs. Nellie n'ihil ais herll hier iaurn latryn week. es, h (0 .lity l l aile uiu Cotii ise' for lext .-chool year. She ]f thle m Iatter pend TRY "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS IF SICK OR BILIOUS T'1h;ttl i! (Ih ani you1 inmels0 and1 stop Turn teErascals5 It thOhW ace bilioutstness, indlige'sitt, thei $ ('k, sour' li' ('Im ('I'' e t m yi ' \\ome ll 'it' .itsiol ht111 l:i, or Il Ius- ;;lt Iiih In'it L i lt intt lnother ay oft Litl Iless, i LI (a11a list ienh.eyu s'iltt'oni wh; 'ieovet thei'tsor teriuentin food; gri e sthe Lfeid. rmyu lvrader rytt ot al tesliimoted Alwasoi iter andllllS iotoni t ht' e howIle li. t ofe youll .\'lld lt gri'leat. i'Ll s'lein A l asore t onlit stralighfn youh hi'uleL it oringl. The work3 hile youls iiit slace Li n: 1 a( A let. (ar hae ie , s o lti'h aidleal i. helth y l1aui ve i and iw ('as 11re t h e the~i' y li(' g 'ootor ain . ti el it t At.ltu''ne C Dav~#i. (Ifughis o lirs. P'. . b Dvitiif, iiii, a~of iaoton ce'cony aa wer forppdly nrida the home1 A Ilof the br3idt tiSndAy afsterofo, .\atnh tht at is o' ck ptifo r the ermon t'iitg Arid's fren'We the ('sofoiyIet ftrin s byAl is Geotght L ltigewaythei fart toi Lter were .lis .\laryt Taloio tighiis laceti for Lr. Caytlero yarntne.o Ware' Shtl As. Th bideslt lentd 'with wasyfo tmeit thoe alta byihe frooms and is m bis. frind, i. thawreneiC. Ta3 PlLr 3 of his ptlact.( h antifu.