The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 20, 1918, Image 9

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FERTILIZERS International Agricultural Corporation PLENTY OF POTASH GOODS Favorite Brands Crackerjack 9-2-3 0 & H CottonrGrower International Compound In fact, fertilizer to be had this year. C. W. McCRAVi, AGENT Laurens - - - S. C. 27-34 '.HEVILLE-UIEEN WOOl) MUTUA11 INSUUlANGE ASSOC1'I'ION. Organized 1b'. PRO'EtY'V INSURliED $2,500,000. WRITE Ol CALL on the under tigned for any information you may .tuaire about our plan of insurance. We insure your property against d Struction by Fire, Windstorm or Lightning. And do so cheaper than any insurance .omnany in existesce. Remember we are prepared to provu to you that ours is the ' safest and cbeapest ilan of insurance known. Our associatin . now licensed to write insurance in the counties of Ab oville, Greenwood, McCormick, Lau rens and Edgefleld. The officers are: GEN. J. FRiAaEt LYON, President, Columbia, S. C. A. E. BLAKE, Gen. Agt., Secy. & Treas. Greenwood, S. C. DIRECTORS: A. 0. Grast . . .. ....Mt. Carmel, S. C. J. M. Gambrell, .. .. ..Abbeville, S. C. Jno. H. Childs, .. ....Bradley, S. C. A. W. Youngblood .. .. Hodges, S. C. 13. P. Morrah, .. .. ..Willington, S. C. L. N. Chamberlain ..McCormick, S. C. . H. Nicholson .. .. Edgefield. S. C. t. L. Timmerman, Pleasant Lane, S. C. J. C. Martin .. .. .. ..Princeton, S. C. W. H. Wharton, .. ...Waterloo, S. C. .1. I. BL AKE, Gen. Agt. Qreenwood, S. C. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE DROMO Quinine. It stops the cough end Hleadache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. WY GROVE'S signature on each box. 3)c. HUGH B. CUNNINGHAM UIVIL EN(GINEERI (M, A. S. C. E'S.) SUyIIEYS--D1ESIGNS AND CON S'i'RUCTION In St(el, Concrete, Wood. ' A''ERLOO, - S. C. Care Palmetto Bank, Laurens, S. C. W. M. NASH SURVEYOR 4 Terracing Leveling Drainage NOTARY PUBLIC Gray Court, S. C. UNDERTAKING KENNEDY BROS., Undertakers and Embalmer ('ails answered ainy hou~lr day or nIght. SimpsonCooper & Babb Attorneys at Law. W kU Practlee in all State Courts e'vompt A itentloon Wren All Business 4. B. DIAL A. C. TODD) DIAL & TODD Attorneys. at Law Enterprise Bank Bu~ldings, L~aurens, S. C. PRACTICE iN ALL COUTT bong T1imel Loans Negotiated. Ab1stracts Prepared. Blackwell & Sullivan ATTORNEYS AT LAW erompt attentIon gIven to all business Money to Joan oD Meal Estate meze Phone I Residee Phone 31 Oifi .mons Building . 4.. Featherstone Wv. B. Knight FEATH'IEiISTO-NE & kNiOHT' Attorneys at Law Laurens. 8. C. idi Busin as intruisted to Our Care "'i Hlaie l'rompjt and Careful Atten thon. Office over Paimetto Bank dr. FeatherstoneO will spendl WedneOs liv of each week in Taurens. J. ROY CRAWFORD SURVEYOR Plats, TracIngs, Blue Prints, Etc. alephono 2604 Clinton, 8. C. Dr. T. L. Timmerman DENTIST Laurens, South Carolina nato in Pennlea Bank Building. * IO31E DIEMONSTIRATION * * DEPARTI'MENT. * * (Ily Miss Daisy Harris.) * * S *S * ** e** * S S ...... The Food Administration tells u. that in no other way (',ni we so rapidly increase our meat 11pply as by raising porltry. We can easily produce enough poultry to supply ontr selves with meat and eggs, and let the beef and pork go to feed olt' soldiers and allies. It is our patir.tie duty to do tills. Now is the best lime to begin hatching our chickens. Early hatched chicken; are stronger, thrive better and have longer growing season. I lot weather retards tle growlth of chicks, which with the presence of lice calls. es iiillions of late hatched chicks to die each year. i'ttllets hatched early ' 'roduce eggs in the fall "hen hens ,!re moultin, and will brtood early next spring. If you have not a I ready yottr stock o oult ry on hanl, tih simplest way to l''nin POult ry ke'ing i to buy sever':il setting: of I 'e-bred ^g:, and brood hens. YoI caltn buy day-old cliiel and raise in a brooder or give to a sitting lien at night. .Iaisi here I want to insist that all pou1 try keep ers begin to raise the pure-bred poul try. Pu re-bred poultry Is more pro (Itable for supplying eggs and chick ens than the mongrels. The pure-bred chickens of the general purpose type will, dliring the growing period. make a more rapid and economical gail in weight than mongrels. At no age are mongrel chickens so salable as pure.. breds, and, for satisfying the demands of the critical egg and poultry markets that require a iiniform production of high duality chickens, mongrel poul try Is not satisfactory. Of the general utility breed the llarred Plymouth Ilocks, the Rhode Island Reds and the WyanIottes are recommended. Eggs Intended for matching should be kept in a basket in a cool room, and do not disti rb or turn thetm. It Is nit (ivisable to use e morne than twa woks old for hatot whi btr ie ;t results the eggs sh t mlit no' l.e more than five days old. lnl'. la"re eggs withi good shape and smooth shell should be set. Heject extra long. sharp-pointed or rough shelled eggs and all dotble-yolk eggs. All eggs that are set should he examined twice dir ing the hatching period, first test be ing made at end of 1ist week nad see ond test at end of second week. If several hens are sitting at same time, and eggs tested, teh infertile eggs can be r'etoveel and fertile eggs placed to gether, thereby releasing one lien. at egg tester may be made from a mail ing tule. At end of first week the fer tile eggs will have a dark spot in up per part of egg, with numerous Veins radiating from it. The infertile will appear clear, while eggs with ring of lood, eggs with dark spot. but no veins, and clouded eggs are to be de stroyed. The clear infertile eggs should be boiled hard for chick food. Al end of s.. vond wteek a large embryo dark ens all thle egg e xeplt thle ait'r cell In the lairge end. Afltr mtakingr elean, eotifnrtable tiest. for lien, retmove lier to' lthis n' -1 at night. ami let .t't onl hitia ogg for otie day. TIo keelp downvt live' du.:l n Ith Ihcn shoubt1 h allowedt oit complIledl to leave lit' lits: toCt' a day It eln, drink ando duts hetrself'. I-'crd whlie 'orni to sittitig lien. Alisitin :1; anid tin 'ighiteenthI dlay of iticuhiation Inmmter:se t'ggs fprt -two tmiintes In warmo wate'r. I10i degrees I-. Never' allow the motht'r hten to ratige wvith the young' chi iks untt il t hey arc at Ileast Iwo weeks old. L arno tnumbiers ate lost eachl yeart by allow a ig themn to run iti the wet grass durti ing thirt eatrly lift'. No focod of any kinid shiotlh it' giv enti tor at least thirty-six htouts aft'r htatchtini' off. TIh~e food for It' first three dlays enni consist of a iIx tutre of equmal parts of htard-htoiletd eggs, rolled oats andit dry brecait ceruminbs. Feedl five ihne s daily3. Give soiut mIlk or' buittermtillk to tdriink, and pilet'iy of ft'esh water'. l'erhtaps the shtnpiltst lanlt is: to buy the comert' elal chick mnixttutrt tti l ehicks are sevet'al weeks old, or make a miixturte of cracked c'orti, r'icc, pins, il Ilet setd and t'olled oats. 'lTo make the elick etis scr'at('h feed thIis In otie Inch tf short straw. IHave c'car'se sand wvhere ehlckcs enn gel It, antd ltnder' grass. bits oIf letturee or' othlet' green s tuff w~ill be eaten with r'elish. Iatrenis Dressmiaker ftoinig lHer lit. "Sitnce I was a chtild, I have stiffer ed withi stomlachi trottbIe anad gastrtic attacks. D~octor's coutld only gIve tie temp~or'ary i'elilef. A ladly I sewed tot' told tme of havinig bieen eurel'd of sitm ilart Irouble by takIng Miayt's Wondcer fI'I It emedy. PTe fIrt' d(ose prove'~d to me thaet IIt woutld enure me andI iI has. I am gladl to recotimtend iI to other's; ituffee's."' It ja a simp lle, Itarm'tless p'eipartat Ion t hat. r'emove's Ithe ('atari rhta 'nuetuts tront: thle intest Ina1 trtact and ahtays Ithe intIammatin whl:ih aesi55Itd' praty a!l stomach'!, ll'.er anid itestinal pllimcnts, inncluing up-I Pt'n.ll('lt is. One dese w'ill convint:' oe nmnolic i'rutrt c. * *SS9 e. * * * e * *9See * * j II(i )jt Y T1'AVI;litN NEI11S. * * * " * * * * " "* . * A " II iskor.~ 't 'tvern, F'eb. I S.--Cotton Iicking has been the order of the day these w 'Vai'mt (lays. .\il-. Ilerbert A\i,'rcromle has putr chased a fine y oung mule. .Alr. W. 11. 'T'urner and son, with l'. Ashmore, camne Very near' having a serious altto wreck a few days ago, when I he car that, tIt')' were riding in slid off :nto a gull)y. Several of our good and wile-awake farmluers di agged roads several times -I ' i cent raiiln, but they are ncedinrg some of the same kind of work a:aIin. Some of otr wide-awake farmers will he ready to dio this again, when the roads get dry enrough. \ii., l:ulah Pits, after a long stay at bhone, has returnled to her'I School work in ('h:trlolle, N. .\lis;s FSdwcin \\'ellis., of Charlotte, N. (., is visitin; relativ in ontl com1. mn0811 , i at present. Tii anyi i n df liI of t illr sergieaini .loft. T. .\be re ombhic welcotn' htims n otir mI 1ild m into <mr hone :. Mir. ,\M'er~Onlrin t ton:;: to ['nrejo an 's navy and is s1tioned near \\'a.-hingt lon. 1). C. Mi. is Irroud of hiis work. Mr. .1. .\I. S tnler l Is sick with grip and cold at t his \Iritin", bit 1 hopes to be out soon. \ir. .Jim Terry and wife, of Fork Shoals. spent Sunday wilh Mr. II. O. Abercrombie and family. On aceount of tie <Iarantine in Greenville, Miss Genic lll \'adkins is .clpendiig a few days witi 'Miss ler tie Abercrombie). Miss Wadkins has been going to I)r'ughon's business ('ol lege. * * *. * * * * *** * 5Se4 a " ltabunl, Feb. 1S.-Our community was again visited early Saturday mornilg by a regular electrical storm. Ilail fell very fast for a fews minutes, buit suldenly changed to rain and was gone. . Irs. 1,izzie ('heek, a womllani of St' years and one that was loved and re Spcted by all who knew her, was laid to rest in the Itab un ('reek ('e01e ery on last Salulrd at 12 noon. ller death is our loss 1)111 1leaven's :ain. \Is . ('hoek dried at tihe holme of her dl.ltahter. .\rs. Anna West, of l'olpar Springs enouii dIy. 'he was t akcn sIulddcnly ill and died in about two hours,. Tlesidle.; me' brolther, .\Ir. D)unk Nesbi. of P'ic'dnont. ;he leavese 111. f'ollowing childrenl: .\I-. 11. 11. .\ahon, Yo * You wi most in greatly * best se F fertilizii SWIF There is a IWIF RTILIZEI I a~eMm Gi.ig * (h eck and a number of grandchild rnc to mnourt for her. The ' "(ern'1ia1 1nia8les" are taking the day in this colnmuttity. Airs. lbc )Ptca O\v ens V ished 'Irs(. -John IlIllam((s, of Shiloh 8eIlion. laal week. W are tao $o welome .\ir. lonston Babb) atnd family into ont entumllunity this week. \(r. and irs. l1elton Owens, og tera. Collrt. visited \ir. A nd lIr. andonston ilahb one ady last week. Air:c. Stewart \iahon and ehilId ren I1'ni SPeeral dlay" with _1irs. Dora I ';a bh. of Erden sect ion. Aiiss Idress \'illis. of Charlot toe. N. IS. Vi it ilg her P :)ru'ndnioth('e \lr. :. \T' \i'i na .\ bere rol)1ije. Al lsss Cora LeIague,' llazeli lio-tt and0 Edna Owens. and essrs. ,10n iiha .\bherti Un hie andI ,t' lade .\hr (romb~inue Sinejt Saturday nilht at the h urt" W' \!'. Wa t 1 1'a iwi. \1!. SobtI;1!\anon 17 1-,any of I.;& n'I ! rc. tion. !Ipcnt Sinday with Mr. W !! SPECIAL Ladies' Shirt Waists, $1. Ladies' Wash Skirts, goc worth $2.00 A nice assortment of (piec broider, special We also have a nice a and 59c each. Good num us a trial. HAYES 5 u Are a Farr 11 make every .food crops, C needed by ou rve your comn rag each acre i PQRED STI I BRANI " IT PAYS.TC national car and laboi ORD S SWIFT & IS ATLANTA, .Factories: Atlanta . WILMUN CHE -R.C. GI We tIke this 1anet hod 0l (ha iii: i n oulr neighilior,: uni , ri s fio(r2 I ro I 2(2 kini 1111 and ntiinI g 1si5 st 2ance Ahow1 its 1urin2 : 1h e irkness anlid <b(,.h 111 o r l bn ,y. ( , r l usII on. .\lr. aind .\Irs. (. . l2rownh-1s. I Ugh! Calomel Sick Please Try D 3 am sincere! My medi ailnd bowels so you Calomel l(oses You a (1: - You kiow what enlo111e1 i-. I1t' Imux (1ury,; qulickcsilver. Ca;lomel-i-ia gelolus. It (rn:she . into sour Ibd liket dyn arn1Iite,) e"ramplin) m' :1 h-l1 (IM1(; \ou2. ('alom12 2 I :1( } s tihn 101(s 1111 22l n r he p t ina ((ur2 'le5l ill . I :Intl : bei e ve \', all ,2:('t ;I (I, I2 (!,II: :, (alolmel jusL Iena212(h. tllat dour S FOR TH O value 98c Crochet Col sizes, s: d value, Laces and E 98c ?s to em- Boys' Pants 10c a pair. ssortment of Spring Flowers f )ers. We specialize in ladies & 10 CEN Patrio ner! acre produce otton and tobs r country. Y itry and your berally with IERFETL ) USE"<THEM" shortage. Delay is de ER' TOD Manufactured by CO. FERTILIZER GA. CHARLOT'l Albany, LaGrange, Moultrie, GTON and GREENSBORO, STER and COLUMBIA, S. C REPRESENTED BY lAV. [Laurei Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take (Grove's. The Old Staundard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable a:; a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of OQ I NINE and IO()N. It acts on the Live., Drives out A ilaria, Enricher the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cenits. ens; Salivates! dson's Liver Tone eil() does niot ulpset liver lose a lay 's wor , ton , all .olor and'fi . I 4 1' I I . 1 , IS WEEK, ;ton, all . colors and fool 5c and 10c mbroidery, per yard, - -5c and 10c (Worth More) short, worth $1.25 ----98c or Hat Trimming, 10c, 25c and children's hats. Give [S STORE toic 'its ut icco, all ou will self by ZERS ingerous. lAY WORKS 'E, N. C. Savannah, Ga. N. C., 1s. S. C.