'See 'Gets-It' Peel Off This Corn." 4 es ''he T ts lltooIth as the 1 iml of Youru Illand. The 'corn nerW rw that "Gets-It" will not get. It n(ervr Irritates the leali, never ud!(s your t oe sore. .1tust two drops of "Gets-Il" and plresto! the corn-ttin vanishes. Shortly you can peel the (porn right off with your finger and there you ale-- tain-fFree and happy, with the toe as sniooth and corn-tree as you m11ln. "tiet5-It" is the only rate Way ill the world to treat a corn 41r catlls t he sur u:11,1 the \wayi that necv "t fail:. II i., Iijhol anel true tiI io very .I al. It al w:t otrl:. "4 ' s.Il" niialrst cuttilL I :1t Ii og at a corl aid fuisieng with n:itla, .,. Iet-:; or a y l h iig ise til jittI Iy inneesa. " ets=-It" is sol(d Iby all Iruggists (you nreed pay no inere than i - cet O, or it wvil' : -.i h entdircvt by E0. 14aw rencer &V Co.. Chicago, IIl. Sol in I iurl ells a1n1 reit'titiitneded as I the wort's bst ( reiledy by L~a trens: Drueg ( .. l'owe IDrtg Co.. Ilr.. 7 . I. 'o:-ey, l'ulnamt I i i g ('(.. Iit r(liat DI1' Co. Inlligestion. Take a few doses of ('hamherlain's ''ablets as (Ilre(te(d for iligestlon. atI you will soon foErgil about, your stomach t roulles. Try it. IIRED, NERVOUS BOUS[Wift TOOK VINOL Now She is Strong and Well Berkeley, Cal.-"I was nervous, irritable, no appetite, could not sleep, and was always tired, so my house work was a great effort. After many other medicines had failed Vinot built me up and made me strong. I have a good appetite and sleep well. Every nervous, weak, ailing woman should try it."-Mrs. N. Edmunds, .2107 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal. We ask every nervous, weak, run 4pwn, ailing woman in this town to this cod liver and iron tonic on our guarantee to return their money if it fails to help them. Laurens Drug Co., Laurens, S. C. IIreadful (ougli ('itured. A severe cold is often followedl by a rouigh cough for wich (Chamberla In's Cough Ititey haus prtoven especIally valuable.- Mr~s. F W. Olsen. .\arya yle. Alo.. writes: "About two years ago Aly little boy .lean eauight. a se ve*re cold all cI(oulghed d readfu'lly3 for days, I tried a numbelhr or cou1gh medct SInes but1 noting did( h1111 any good ~ptil I gatve him Chambl erlain's Cough Remedoy. It. reliheveud Is eough light away anid before he0 hadl~ finished tak lng one btottle 11e was (ured. 1 thin1k It is ju~st fiue for children." W A NTED ---JUNK Old Iron, 100 lbs. 40c Old Sacks, each . 10c Copper, Brass, Rub-. ber and all kinds of junk handled. Best Prices Offered. Hyman Lurey Laurens, S. C. CLYDE T. FR ANKS Agent For ASHEPOO FERTILIZMER ..AN D.... NO SUPE'RIORS FARMERS NATIONALBRANK 'L'IIE STATE APPROPRIATION. 'I l'uds for Levy of Nine and One-lialf mills. Persistent Fight Against Law( Enforcement. Exemption on Bag gage Searel Sought. Coluiibia, Feb. 1:3.--'I'h' free con I'e(rence report. oil the app1rop riat ion bill was ad0optled without dissent yes torday noon. 'The hill carries a1 total amount. of $3.371.625.9, to be raised by a levy of niney and lone-half mills. The higgest light in Ile free Con Terenice committee roomns was that oe h a tlociet111d h over thle law' elitforcenint fulld. Thle house .(ftosed to puil anything in the hill for Ihis piir-pose. The s:enate ill sr d l('an illte of $50,s .'i The house ini ally iided toi the senate in iwo viding $25.011111 i lus the unuise: d por tion of his;t yea I's app) pcriatiin for Ihis lttril tose autontnn in: to appioxi int:Hy S 1 7.00. Thio e condti' onl on which ti lhg1 .:' yii Iell a i that ,1:1. contbl est desial r'(11n sae l-h a il' halg011 unhl lvthe sviiar hasv~i (' i p l;,rv 11 .:y:t1 ) $i is l oil, :1 11i1?; W hh-key. r unless 10i d With a1 war.. Catoi for th r n or the ha a te, r 11nu1( the c 'I o ilbe is c 1r'stiati of Thile 'i nini il of ul I iefhni ll mow s (an in-'r dlietu .bin . porii n (of the 1)11litre. hii e oi I:e ipr .opriated 4:0.1. This was increased y1 th lpiio'r hos... to $ ....... The compr(1 lai" te 'id was timt ' ,0 0 he a - I ropi riat'hl and the govnor ..11mtw 1ed i horrow $1..00 mo.l', :shotild that amoundit hs necessary. .\nnother bit; change made in the' a pIropri ion hill by the seni'e wl. to iterilose the .inli 4)i1ttn for n.ee.dy schools fromt $:,1,0110 to $I11100, Th'is was ieci ejtmed by the fret' conference colelitlee from the house. 1t 0 11:( $:;:,000 appropriated by the senate for vocational training was de'feated. lit lation of thi e hill ollows: (lovernor's o i e .. .. ....$ 1,0.00 Secretary of State's n. lie. 7.50.100 'iim st....nra'sotlice ,... 9,00.00 In ltralince on. office .. . . 10,71.00 Mtate Treasurer's 011100 . 9,7:,0.011 Stale Superintendent of Eld u ca t ion .. .. .. .. .. .1 17,651.11 A ju int a I e al's oli t . 1.99.:,0 AI t iley (ienelt''t'.. )!!ee . 1.1:15.4"01 l. . Com m ission o .lice .. 15,!1:0.00 cl ol schools . . . . . . . . 5(1 79,;4.9 :State Libraria's ollie .. :3,139.00 P'uhlic buildings .. .. .. 5,70.01) State IElect ricfian and In iane.r ..................26,85;4.1 ateawha Indians .. .. .. 7,500.00 D~epartment of Agriculture comte rce and industries -1,200.00 .Judicial O~epartmelnt .. .. 12"1,836.36 Hiealth D)epartment .. . . 102,2"11.83 State hoard medical exam iners .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,10 0.00 Tax )e..atment .. .. .. 16.71:,0 l'niversity .. .. .. .. .. 1 36,200.00 Weinthrop Normal and in dustrial College .. .. .. 198,0:1.8; The Citadel, the military college of S. (. . 75,860.00 School for D)eaf and illind 79,(000.001 State Colored Normal, In dust rial \l'echanlial and 'Stat CllOpita or thejil In a .. .. .........$.'.. 616,4i9.; ..11. industrial SchoolI .. 925 Oi!tiher ihaitablel andi penasIlly Chif (sae \\'arde's f I Ixpnse como' i ot ll us. .. .. . . . . , 70 0 Th e a e .. . .. .. 1,90 0 ilus ,o Ie rsnaie 7512 I~ngosing 1epatme t .. 6,47.2 StateIload of harii anj MrrcIon .. .. 1000. NXIOUS TO GRIP GEIRMAN THRIOATS 1ficers Find Trouble to Iestrain Amerlean Soldiers. On Important Front. Grand Ileadquarters of the Frencl imy Feb. 16. (13y the Associated 'ress.) --American and French Itroops or several (ays back have been hold ng in tinison Ilh- front line r'ieclhes m one of the ntosct fatous battlellehlstl: if Ilte wcar, the namiie oIf Which is nown th routghot, Ilhe world. 'The iml nediat' implression ga;:inled inl conver mailon writh both F"rench and Amecri :atns facing ile enemy sie by side i: hati the union is niot only of !i ehting 'ore b ut of firm purp ose to winl vie ory by intiit al aid. "Iher Is only onei rlititi:m it tbe lad' in connection vith the .\wlri an.";aid at dislin-utishcil F"rench of whole diy itamon: tit' .m ria hIhin Ile l1tne "'Tll: r lstoo a x ins to :i at i wvii11.it,t lie n 'it) An -rtie - Im 4e4!N14 i:ii o ui ld itnhit d"" Iilatim: th' at iti il -liel rolii u.a :t r' a'ii otn their t1 t0n'. It s imul isath tit d of im ittie 1(14 1it s c itonfro1 ttnting the Giie-lr m i . but ;Ill il.' tn ar l hendi"t 'o the meir ta : mi tshey ari k aI iosi tohv tel- topth' 0' lolit' uno' w t a i st i l Iy art' well sa i - tied andol d'fot' min d to .r)oritl to tt ii ittin 15st th duties ho. the e ans. "ieIi he hl omett folks that e Ia e hapy to te in I' ti- ightilng; 11 h worl is hard an ti i gid 1 h Ilat is wh we a Sre here. &ohing cold induc n T leave it untii the job is tisetnd an the nertrans are' liaten." - such, Inl substance'(, aore the 4'x pre'ssionls of dozens of A\merivat Iroots now carrying on In athe aftuya fighting line. .As to the health of the uen, i oday' record showed that there Were mil. three sick atnol the itiii force omilprisitdg several tihosands, ant hes ar ca osesf minor imeportane Every are is taken to provide aimpi rations, hot when possihio, 'f'ts, how ever. is not always possible, owing t4 tho 'xtposed position. T'he men ar fully content with this and crtainl: lpp nar tit and well. They hae lakel to trench and dugott life as if hori to it. tiear' and round eIotler 'oulds. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co. There is nmore Catarrh in this section 01 the country than all other diseases put together, ad unatil ith last few years was supposed to be incurab~le. For great many years doctors pronounced it t local disease andl presertheel local reme. diti, and by constantly :tlong to curt with locnl treatmnent, pronouncedl it incur, able. Science his proven Catarrh to h a constitutional disease, and therefore re quires constuonal tretment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, mtanufattured by F. J' Cheney &e o., Toledo, Ohio, Is the onui Constitutional eur ont the market. It t taken internally. It aicts directly on th< blood and mucous surfaces of the system They offer one hundired dollars for an, ease It fals to cure. Send for circulari and testimoonlals. Address: F. J. CH MiNOY & CO.. Toledo, C Sid by Druggists. 7 ie. Take Ilalras Family P'ills for constipatiorn Ilig line of high grade Trtnkis a popular prices. Onei' wga ande w en aKilled anO nother ion'm~ta I 'Wnjnre whed by mobuitleii Datshe.s edonght ntotlasti (it' u'instineit.at Frihpat lye andi thwoh mon wser kie andu aoihe toma wa'tssii atriouslyl njred ofr ithi tomob'ileiii to thc the loy oer r't-ii datshed .t hedong' lito as esatiboun frliaht engtine a t t th Attlan tttit 'Iat al i dI t,'tt\ tlti t wh r h riroad it e harnwIelti to Allndle Te eaia .\i ited, i re Lee'. , w ie n n .gro nae . Ihso. iNTe &nue Ci INCOME TAX RETURNS. Tax Payer Should Consult Officers as to Income. Every Indlvidual Should Account for Inconme If It Exceeded One Thousandl In 1917. Colti hia, 'Feb. 12. - 1i'eparations for a statewide- eanipailst for the col lection of federal income' tax are he in- nade by 1)( C. Ileyward. collector of itearnal i'V('nue. as 1 reiitt of th(, extensiont of ilne front .\arc I to A' pril 1 for ilinii Ihe'se rtetirni s aat nonneedcl recently. Th( fact Ilti l more ii Ine would bit( iin corpl orati ms anTl cittiividlI iil to fi these rietirns was i, n i'n ral i TereIl in tils ltate, if (1ein realizd that coniplicai cl fortus woucild necess;arily recinire sonch' timne ftor stud'y t' ' Tie. Troe i Trly il' 1 out. n u ntnut i n c tei o of:i:t litn sl'ides' Ordlil.:iry c ndll i:l siny. e n ! 1'-' - :!uted' t :I'' c llt or on e u I 't :. ll 'il ' T I4.'i;e f il 111 e)' l l : :. lli e i 'il ;i I. "'-lin t, . h heiot e I lennili In 1 betc el in shline - ne atain-te is fa.thrrobi r ar I ll' It(I is ' affecd To m t ust oroe Niane sun. Because it is lighter Ill requires less to support it. Certain-ted is economical. I expensive to lay, and it costs pr Guaranteed 5, 10 or 15 years, There are many roll roofngs, teed. Remember the name b. quality and Guaranteed satisf, They bestt for sactor ees, eereh Certain-teed ahrProod rearig.Iti Mntafct Certain-teed ooiag. qualic and Guarnteed. sati CER TAIf LAUR JONES-TL Increase' SVide food, not1 only; fr Tioui d- (red(fold I:tt tr. lI 'n;ers : -~ ~1 f XbNp1B M Mr. l-eyward outlined his plan for'a drive in South Carolina during the next 30 (lays in which he will en deavor to bring before every citizen in this sate, who niay be liable for the incoite, the necessity for niak ing a retun . 'ersonal attention will ibe given this work b1y Coll(ector Hey.. Ward, andi fieldi <1epuhties w1ill continue' to Visit every county in the State ait aspist tax layers in plrellaring tlirit "Th1 1)int I wi1h l>*ress," sIaid. .\r. ievward, "is !hat < 14rVr tax pay er ' 1 ( 111 II I 4l)t 4) Iof - i' I dein h1 ie ir O in of I h tie in 14h h II - ry tO I .Iati a ("i .' 11. ;111n ; i huliv 4iual 1111'. no11 ;Il 1;11 1,-11 I ins h14' l1:! 11y he1 ;ibl 1 \.4' l1 I it' Gil !1..1 11 1.i' )1 .1. i1+. !4~t '. I ' 1 1 1 .1 .., 1 11 . "" ;t :11 I'" '1. ) 1 . S1M. & I. I. \\'jI I:l: & ('0. ficient roof uses, office buildings, barns, out-buildings,I >rm for residences. , clean, sanitary and fire y fumes or gases, and does does it melt under the hot an other types of roofs, it ts first cost is low. It is in actically nothing to maintain. according to thickness. but there is o ne Cirtain ,its mceaning-Certainty of ,where, ucts Corporation auers of -Paints-- Varnishes 'rincipas Citi in Ameri.o i-TEED PRODUCTS FO ENS HARD WA KYLOR HARD1 LAURENS, S. C WWWWWWWWW the Yield of I yl%, wheatd , IIats I he-ei, ,a dal t I en ingv ni th - - d c NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Owing to the high cost of living and har ber supplies the follow - ing prices will take ef feet; in the barber shops of this city, March 1st. 1918: Shaves . . 5c Adults hair cut 25c Children's hair y DI) ('_\IPEIULL. W\. H . WVI l lTN ER: ed - . --f n/ :.:n:: .. . tm R SALE BY RE CO. ~VARE CO. 'am Crops W aflT1 TO-S t\ \ I!\ - l Tilin;1 j eu \\L u r .u hun1 Th u niu w, a '~c a Ian n aj iie ren m