T. It. N LS N ('11 EIN : v. I Former lain ns ('iizen w ho %as ie eenty T. Iransferred to 1 .onIin IlleI anti In at recen"tt ~ r tint( 1, al p~a er CALLED HE E Six Years .ego, Thinking Shi; Mi She is a Well, Strong Wc Her Rt oy~ Cly, T, x.--Mrs. Mary Kil man, of ;ia} a ; "After the birth 1; :"I .. .my side coin. mCec "1 : .. . I dLhad to go bae. to :t._.V to r. 1t tr . l. . t r ... All Kinds of Se Such as those tha for corn, oats, bran chicken feed, etc. sacks if they are w cndition. Laurens Gi II L adies' Si Another duplicate4 by express. These the most'attractive market for the mnoi Price Colors: White, Fles] A suitable article As only a limited < had, if interested w< act promptly, bef broken. W. G. Wil of Etowah, Tenn., there aIpeared an article Iii lhly conlipinmentary to M1r. T. I. Nelson. a former resident of this city and county", who had beenl living inl l':i4wah for 4ev ral years and who was Ihen Jist lea vin that place for 01.1 4( ou I se - I cai . i . 1r :ond Hand Bags t have been used cotton seed meal, Will buy fertilizer ashed and in good 1Fue~lo Ir'd "6.\N ~ l' ' l~ i~ I ;-:l:: thelatad bee3*n us.emd n ialhe n in gootard. W.E l, R-S- -M-RN.LC &GAIkTWa(sts >rder just received Vr unqustioabl and stylsh on4th 1k MazeasBack Forder holida recied runqut onldyb an sugstliha ouh ireatze ande Back. son & Co~ vil! ', where he had been sent by his eiploye rs to a norle responsible posi tion. The article, whieb. will be oW niuc h inte'res.t to his friends here, was written by a friend of .\r. Nelsotts and was in part as follows: \ir1. T. II. Nelson who has bee'n ant :aalao (it Ithe i. & N. at i":to.rah a:: . C. 1.. Bill cl 11k Hirte (i:-( SiN :1 tn ltansferred t, Loulis *k ii thIi \l. . Ii. ttle at n a N \: 11 . 1 \ 1 : ;1 ( - , . . 1 ! 1Ii . I . , 1 ' : \ t ;! '11 1!' :1 1 . 1 .. : 1 ti l .~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1:1Iit I' t11l lj It \ 1!; ] I. '. .; 111 . n b ii. . . i ._t . .. .\it.1 11 I -it \ YOU CAN'S FIND ANY DANDRUFF, AND hAIR STOPS COMINi OU t 11," r .. :ir 'i l . ud i auiiIto it.i Itt i -i 1. \isibe t''' -lirca ll ltritot. nT i: i:,,ecalyIu ofnchMirsnow a w:t ... 'do:rl.vhere heppnnsf Nikla hIp 41 i andhleo n 'l'rok re bend .\lo. saaint t he flolsheviki' 1opponirncts an ordere ovterninetewa impssi favor .s nat tr of chal, andn ofle Ni o tey lie grtinll dear ting for farm s andos viomags and itwihe rsim gosst'ile veto. enihm "Thes .is egroalny ruea.scowr whre ste oppofet af NCikolai (eine o antd.e i agi Trtzkyou Anti betginnigto ip lckly u tuage.1 inothier maseori [lignI aia ins(t te cu, Pobabe seta maointy o reft tiher eductitIed bussthe ae.tatelrentgovernment il der which the people have suffered much humiliation and -hardships, is made up principally of .lews. A promt inent .1 said to me last week: 'When II' reactim coies they will Iake it 0111 on u . 'I'h' .\hl4'rican said that the1' piiinipal r 'ati'natioln VitIi regard to food Sill re'pec(t to br'ead. Whic(l c'on ':'i aul is :limosI :I11 tablle b Il t \:. 1arM i tha ::1t th' )(ae he 1 l''1id(!41 un oti -111* 1 1' ( 1 h1 ''1 . 1 I I ' 1'' . 1, 1 11 '1 11 '. 1 ''' ' 1"'1 \\ 1 1 \\ 1It a I l i 1 ! t 'f I m -m1. Ii , ii . :: 1'1 ,' t\\ :11:1: 1 111 II :, 41 1 }1 ' slii 4\ ti h ( 11111) 11 1 -;td - uh1,, ,11n l a t- I r 1.(11he h he nsur nce mn yi d. it is \ , . i I . 1 ' ' 1- a1 1 .1 .'. . 1 . :'I \.. tI~ 444 1 .ti4 l ," 4' iii' 'i . I - n o . ?i ll 4 . 1 1 in4.. Il - 1: . : 141 't a.$4 a I'.4 1 ianH ,1 ;. i b. .. sh i i . : 1it'. (mliin 44 im :a1441 timei a~ y, 44 hereaf 7. Les tak ouit';if ire- intii*-e. 410- e ;i urse tinie heve utge rrmer I hat all'ta to r n n utin tod lote. l. lo tahe alyhorit1urse atite oretr.ad nlli;: oe lhingt arid eilaerisin cohet~on do. es et 8. 141.s haove e hnigh raputsth lerth of h wob.coatsll noder and lOacho chlefgring for noeand ethbra dfette fafhly-ans(atigrey meastuesf rua iloctorlt bis due14 cto negec.a 1. let's stat at~ tan neirount-he-~ d hise foi't ien sag~dfe-, jhroif, and t 7.o Lue' toakee fu oel ii r rinsur ice -prcaise wteaerages tare at Leot abeatrbuill avl buvred waom loayto. t 8. (et a povie ueogh rinots, tvershdoesovetat, eloaks and~m born on the farm henceforth sha' c have a pire-,bred sire-h-eau1se this In1cas's )ride and profits. 11 . id1(1 al, good i pl1)1clent o shed 1111(1 provide sanitary and con - venielt pirii es -because absence of v th se adverti('S tihe fartu-owner as ' FOU] Methods That Ave BesL" for Cleani Carpets, rugs,, portiere~s, blinds, blankets, comfo dre" .p~eries, etc. NOW IS TI tO cook OVOI'er ' you p Zprin appQ 1e :l 'and senJ t he'1 to freshened for XU'r ded J f1 furnished upt) W. H. CLIN DEAL 11(: 40 Laurens, Luzi SConn A POT of steaming, Luzianne Coffee set gentleman and a judge of f A finer hot beverage than) Luzianne never existed. Luzianne tastes all the and you say "Set 'cm up al Buy a can~ of Luzianne you can't honestly say~ th. best cup of coffee that ev S your lips, tell your grocer satisfied and he'll give you Pleas~e try Luzianne, it, you 'will. In cau,air..ti steh al-treatd by wig i iintb tion wvhih has~ builta lion Ford'( car's. Trhe Is a suire money-maker Run~fabout $3-15, Sedan I CToupelet $505--all f. o. 1 and ror sale by WALDROP' :reless of cash, halth'and civilization. 12. IAA's make friends with any eighIlbors with whoni we have been at tits--submitiiig to arbitration rather in a lawsuit anly matters about 'i1h0 We' ct iI. agree.--I rogressive irI11Pl'. ND! Always Safest and ng and Dyeing lace c urta ins, linen ets:, fu rni ture cover"!, -E TIME ':tild () (ICme W(Igfl,' IO 1)tbe clean-rsed anid work and pirice will be -. ' 'I '9ft KSCALES ER . C. Phone 216 1" timul:tin~g C ,. : before "a noC coffee." good, old vay down \L ain." ' 7 ' ' CofTe0. If' it it's the '~~ er pased t. you're not back your tou'll like hi. tins* "Wh'Ien ft COFIE R AI J. A.. LS . A R f' tt r ,: ' lot r <-arL IL I''.Iri ias. They engt of va~i um~iii ord methodsI. ti cess~% >r iI s we*ight thaon amny iiar is the organlizat nd( sold over two mil1 'ord LI'i car save time . Tour'ing Car' $360O, 6-i13, Town Car' $593, .De trolt. On dispilay SGARAGE s.1c.