8 8888888888888888888 .8 x Local and Personal Mention. 8 8 - 8 t 8,8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1)r. T. L. Thnmerman spent Sunday in Greenwood with relatives. Mr. Jack Davis, of Clinton, was a visitor in tho city 'Monday. Miiss Anna iPrentiss spent the week end with her grandmother, Mrs. \V. I. Garrett. NiMr. John J. Workman, of Camden, visited his sister, Miss Annie Work man, Sunday. Mrs. Joe 11. Phinney spent several days last, week with friends in Green ville. Mirs. Jounson and Miss Othello .Johnso', of Lan ford'Station, were vis itois in the city londay. Master Gordc, I Godfrey, of Green ville, Is visiting his uncle and aunt, .lr. and Mrs. D. B. Godfrey Messrs C. C. Cox and son, 1. M. Cox, of Ianford, were visitors in the city .\londay. Air. and .\rs. Jlohn Woodside, of Greenville, visited their eousin, .!Mrs. C. M. 'Clarke, on last Sunday. .\irs. It. E. I iughes spent 'T'lurisday in Fountain inn as the guest of Mrs. i-olieit Davis. \ir. Thos I. Swygert, who is now located in (olinmbia, spent the week.. end In the city. Mliss Annie Mae Bryant, of Green ille, has been the guest of irs. 1Ern est Machen and other friends for sev eral days. M iss Dorothy iludgens arrived in tihe c4t' Tuesday from Coker College, where she graduated last Tuesday in the Domestie Science department. Mrs. Presnall, of Morganton, N. C., mother of Mrs. .1. 'Aldi) Moore, is spending some time with Mr. and .Mrs. .\oore on l0ast Main Street. Mirs. lien Miontgomery, of Spartan b1rg, returned home Siaturday after visiting ir,. and Mrs. .T. Mel). Moore for several days. Misses Lucy anud Lola McPhail and lartha Owings, who are attending An derson college, spent the week-end in the city with their parents. '.tr. and Mrs. Win. D. Clark of Co lumbia, S. C., are visiting their daugli ter, Mrs. 1Edward A. Watkins on North Ha1rper Street. Miss Cora Medlock, of the Fairview conmiinity, is visiting Mir. and Mrs. .1. Arth: Taylor and other relatives in the city. Mr. W. G. Wilson left. last Wednes day for the northern markets to buy spring goods for his store. lie will be gone for several days yet. Miss Louise iUlaekburn, of Coltim bia, visited her sister, Miss Chaunecy Block hr u, teacher in the graded schools, Sunday. Mr s.J. C. Godsey, after spending some time with her parents, Mir. and irs. W. 'I'. (rews, returned to her boic in Charileston Friday. \ti s Ilelen Dodson, daughter of 1)r. W. W. Dodson of Greenville, has been visiting friends in the city for a few days. Mrs. .lohn Y. Gmrlington expects to leave tomorrow for Kansas City to .i Mir. ;airliigton, who is located thieire now. Mr . and Niris. Dridley Young and lit - ilte daugiiter, Giace, arme expiectedi in the' city this week to v'isit M\irs. S. i). YIoumng. Miiss .\lary3 I'eterson has . ireturn med homie afteir a visit of a few dlays to lier brotheri ini Grieeir. She was accoiii paied home by hier iniieee, little Mliss lihelyi Peteirson. Mir. andi~ Mrts. W. ii. (iikeirson, itr., returniedi to the (city Satuirday aiuer' spendinug thieiir honeymoon in Augoust a, Savannah andl J1acksonv ill e. F'oir lie Present they arie making t heiir home at t he Gilkersotn House. M.ir. aiid .\ urs. Ler'oy D~avidson aiid two childreii and \iis' Marity Wilkes a i''r xpiectedl to mAtor thiroughi thle -' Coutnlry firoim Camden Su nday to v'isit Mr . andM'.l . S. M. WVilkes. Mishs Mairy Wilkes ia now actinug as stenogiapher' in Mr i. D~avidson's oilcee at Camden. Mrs. Jtohmn MniahIl, of Grieenwoodl, Is spending some tiime ini the city wvithi heri parenit s, Drm. a nd Mirs. W. II. Dial, while Dri. Marshall is in New Yoirk takinug a special course at one of the leading hiosp9tals. C~'(apt. John C. Davis, of Clinton, has bhee'n spending several days ini thle city w ith his soil, Mis. James D~avis. Though smiewhiat advanced inl years Ca pt. Dav'is t ill r'etaiins much of his youthful vigor amnd intellect. Ills tnany friendts were glad to see him in town, Miss IHarriet t Gr'ay, thle little dangh ter' of Mir. and Mris. Douglas Griay, en tertainbd a few of her young friends at a birthday pairty yesteirday after' noon, this being lher fiith birthday. Dur'ing the afternoon the young pieo pie enjoyed r'efreshmecntsu, having a milghty fine time of it, Dr. R,. E, Iughes left yesmterday for C2harlheston to attend the anuail meet n1g of lie Ti-State Medical Associa tion. Dr' Hughes is secretary of 6hue association and lia -been for so many years that his re-election each year is taken as ,( soil of r'outino matter, Thue association will be0 in) session today andl tomorrow. Although thle doctors are amltIoating a pleasant meeting, the nraseram tise ar wna made very much shorter on account of the ab sence of so 1'hny, members in the army. illss Virgiia Agnew, principal of the- Watts 'lills school, was called to her home at i)ue West Thursday to be at the bedside of her father who was critically ill. She left on the morning train, but was unable to reach home before the end came. Alr.. W. If. Whiitley, formerly Hllss Josie Sullivan, a.rrived in the city last week to ttend thle matnrrage or her aister, Miss Helen Sullivan, to iLieut . L. S. lolt Sata a1 (laty evening. * * * * * * * * " * * * .. " . * i1:1 ( 1il08)8 NOT'S. By (., L. louk, (Chalrmana of Publicity.) e* Although sveningly dormant for the time iing lIed Cross work in the county is increasing and more and more interics;t i:; being taken in this work daily. On la.st ainday after noon an auxiliary to the local chapter )w)as organized at Owings with a total of 61 members enrolled. \l r. and Mirs. 1I. b. ParkIinson members of the execu tiVe committee of the local chapter were present and aided in the organ ization. As member;; of the lRed Cross we are glad to weleomle these people into the organization and to lend them the aid and assistance due them as a sister branch of this, so great a cause. On next Sunday morning A. C. Todd, chairman of the Iaurens chapter is to address the people of (gray Court on Rled Cross work with the view to or ganizing an auxiliary there. At the same time Some other member of the local chapter will address the people at Warrior Creek church. These meetings and addresses are merely the work of the Committee on E~xten. lion, S. i1. Tmiiempleman. chairman, wheih plans to organize auxiliaries in every community of the county. Al ready can we see the fruits of their labor. Auxiliaries are already organ ized and at work at Ora, Prospect and Owings and we feel sure that, on one week from this (late at least three more will be added to the rapidly krowing fold, as meetings are also to he held at Narnie and Barksdale next Sunday afternoon if the roads and weather permit. Two attempts have been made at both these places but in each ease the roads have been so had as to prevent travel. As a result of the campaign whilch is now on in the sehools to organize .111n1or 1ed Cross auxiliarIes the iPleming school has this week perfect ed their organization with) 100 percent membership. A total of 27 children have enrolled themselves in this ehap Ior which is in the charge of Misses Burns and Power, who are teachers in this school. Mason-Willlnts Stock 00. The Mason-Williams Stock Company is O(veilying the hoards it the opera house all this week, the first perfor iance having been given .\ionday night to a packed house. The comt lanly gate a plecasinhg show to the crowdl last niightI. Several memb1 ers of thte companyll3 have 1h0n inl IdLurens bef'otp and( were readil y reoogniz.ed by thle showv lpatron11s. Why Ho Quit. A nlew contfectliery store opened its doors In the north par't oif the city recently, states the Indiattpolls News. The proprIetor hiiredl a skilled caindy mtakcer. Ills troulies started etarly. Tile caindy matker went. on a bIg spree, and in a few (lays the steck in the store ran low. The propriletor went out Oni at hunlt for the candy tmatker and1( tltnally found lim and straIghtened hIm up so lie could work aigain. Bitt when lie was read~y for work tihe Rugar fatmine wtas on withtl all of its terrors, and 110 sugar was obttanabthle. This condlitionl continuled for several (lays, and( when lie finally got a sugar supply the candy maker was absent again. Th'ie proprIetor cl0os(d the dhoors, sold tle remainIng stock and store tlxtulres at autiton and~ retIred from the Candy business. Popularity for the Sunflower. The sunflower is p~rob~ably dlestined to ptlay and imnportant part in the econonmic aff'alrs of the UnIted States as a substiute for linseed1, states the ChrIstian Seience Monitor. A member of the National Paint, Oil and Varnish association recently. retad a report which declared that the ctltivation of thie sunflower for this purpose can be made(1 to yild a gross retutrn to the farmer of from $80 to $80 enh acre. Everything In these days seems to be working out to the profit of Kansas. Cannet something be done with the jimuson weed, so as to please Missouri? PAJLME T'I4 TOODOE, No. 19, A. F. M. A regitlar communtnlentlon f Palmetto Lodge, No. 19, S.F. Mi., wIll be held( Fri . ay night, Feb. 22nd, 19i8, at 7:30 o'clock. There wvill he wvork In the F. C. dlegree. Members arc urgedl to attend and visiting brethren welcome. fly order of E. 0. Anderson, R. R1. Nickels, Secretary. W. M. LAUR(ENS COUNTY MAN .KILLED IN COLUMBIA f. 1I. Roland, Son of the Late Ludle Bloland, hilled by Kirk Letraid Sunday. .1. 1. Roland, native of this county, son of the late !lldic .Roland,, of the Ifolly Grove section, between here and Tlinton, was killed by Kirk LeUirand, in employee of the '. N. & l. shops at oluinbin Sunday. The (leceased was it one time chief-of-police at Clinton ind later worked for the C. N. & L. railroad. lie had a reputation of be ng a law-abiding cit ien. and a manl who attended to his own affairs. The Ibody was brought up from Columbia \londay aftecrnooin and taken off at P'arks station, interment later taking place at Rocky Springs church. An Account of the tragedy, appealini In, li State .lon day, is as follows: 'lacGrand tired not e>;s than i-n -hots; and ;"N butllela; lodged ini Ube landl's body. 'Thie shooting' commntced"N tt the shop oliee ofl the *ionlhhm. ewba'rry and I-aiuents ltailroael and he last slhn was tired on I;ervais >treet abonut 111) teat away wvhen 1.a and fell dead:t. P'o;;nd pleadedi for linl lie and the r01 .v was lead blle:. - veiral w itiesses testillel that i,( lrand shot lhroiilh the door and window of the shop flie' iyl lolaiil amie out' with his hamiiul extended leading for his If'e. The wu;nided na n sta-ge red toward Gerva is Street. ltd entered the street Ilagman's shan y. Le(irand followed reloading his revolver. lie walked up to the shlan. and tired four shots at the mat Iiing hi im I'ito the open, anotho'r shot vas tired as the man started off and he bullet took effect in the back. Ro and fell face forward, and the slayer 'ainaway In a northerly direction. The police were notilied and madle S