4 1B'y virtue of the execu tion to moe is t uad by C. .. \ ow. r on F.hr'iary 'tI-. 1911, in th el of .\l. S. 1:i'v & Solns against W. 1'. Iip1;1,, C. . liipp 11nd1 I~izzie .\1. ; ! --p .FEill (' . l ::t ;> b lie e i ry, ' . . 1. .-'. ' i Sal'-(rla:. in :. . .- '! , hoIa the iit; dlay of th1, r aidt .: 1h, ito ;i(w h~ii,(het biit-v r, a' 3I 3 1 .13 .-I3l'l in? anuid nar the corpora : li: !r (. t1 La u i - ) ('-r, in , I 33 n d!t" i "I. ,.- In n ib (,1! li"i I 't r t,. ' . :11 x ,,:h , -:0 . . ,. r . , ; ,, ' (h I ( 1;1; ::'( , d , (. ra ib ' 1 I(1d a: liauren ( rI lltuse. S ('.. inl r(';mI.t:' alnnual men'(t iin , thil.- t - Ith a f a .\. ii. i. il'.ll~-:l T Supervtisor, Al lest : C'hairman. .1. I). \iO('', lerk. - It NOTI'l- T l X -Its. No Tax return blanks will be mailedI or given out this year. All Tlaxp~ay ers will be requIired1 eilher to (.orn1e to the( Aurlilor's oillen strictly between the first dlay of .January - 'lh 20th i day of I''ebrutary}, I f IS. end some, one who can make! lb - ov~er r(turn-, or' make their refVtur a ta. fthe app1oint m7ents- to be fillerd throughout Ilhe County by the County Auditor or his agent ats adlvertisedl in all the C'ounty Newspapers. P'lease look Into tis at once and get busy andl be governed accordingly as it will be utterly im p)oHsible to give out b lanks this timne and keep mly work straight. lte!spectfull y, .1. W. TIIO.\ i'SON, 25-tif County Auditor. For Indigestie:n, 'Constipation or liilioutsnes:; Just try onre 50-"re::t bott!( '.f LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A I.:1uid Digestive Laxative p,!tasant to take. Made and .4 .... . .. . .. . . .. .1. . . . t ' .1 .. r . .. \ .1 : 1 reconunend dI o I he pu!:: by t'r 1 . i cin3( Co., ma f:I :r1 :- . 4. 3 !.: 1ieB-m Qinine an Grov'.i 3./013. chi'il.Toi ali Alo ' of moneys wen youe Wt~ Pt ae . help uso .anto stopy: this01l ethat youm h aveled I onhoit hand mautyysende forii3 them.t'orh o ul ad No ltix Eat4 or g3v'Ie a Madegy 1 I.w~lh WellrBy ho: Mr. William IE, Denny 11023(MIti Par Atiie,,h S(pringflei,~ H Oi, wrbI: IIfind great p Iasr f wit ing hae eel toule (ith 13'tarrih ftor. Fore lthtdcaind tomnhthpat or Biliaction.: JIhv ust t aken3:5t-cv: Ithren botle.-TO cnt evt mos;; lt antoin.g ~ il and ral rccoleedt'uic iII!4 nerouses: o tha when: { '~i yhou koweafeeo that read--u Pl)diease. helrpstsophi Good (quality white metal Spoons' at 10c (er set. S. .. & E. II. WILKES & CO. 1)1: iI.u'Hiui. SESSION O('lfWO3MEN !It ;:l in:;1''( fr orI:1 Fron t Pagt"+ pos;: yony one other, havr simlilr rr ritl'ey 'ntloried .'il is. tieni(itt that the coutr.t i' ;,rl p 'r ery bene1fic'ial to all who: :I', ke,(l( along th II antel ith, t1hat the Fetlerattpl b -f it of I. t rfol'n i tl t ,. . 1111 ' ' h I ( 1 ' - 1 a b n 1I!, t : I l SI rt l: 1 ~ . it l let ' ,. ,. 1e tittt list 11 lii. }'(n : :lun h on. .\ t llt.. tes li 11(: r th1 W\' (d:.( Iiy (l1ub11 for it hosit luit u(i 1. tt: rr -I I r le:1 t elr a . It ha ie 1 ' i | r''.-tn :it I !(* flrit i ll- l ln o fI h1liit t ntni l ii tict ( l is. I il it lit of the l hla ill s bl-fi on the(" a'f t n 111(1) tis ai i car ory sig with thitn fr' h i iation and r(oeneweds(s. t < - 1tni1 ltion l(s d gra r tines nrrtI ytlt. One ft t e 71" m s Tittlsant fea - tirtts if th -(hosion was tle ma akin oI n( .-* frieilnds anti (Ih iscov erii of "ltin7t n .inti s ait ki y an i s. Lat tnlty w ill bc ;cladl to 11.iv4 the club s n77(-'7 lw itb- aga ain. "a In I einj r. at l.I.1. lTrnl *it ha ee. .t-I .I eh e el e The71 L~ordl has seent fIl to take from our lai st oills J. I,. Tramm.el, one of (Ir btlo.Itti -'hoolmate sl e\. lie wtak ("n with a -1eer" case" of pineum11onia a1nt id lonly a few days. All that !'ar("7):-. fr'iends and physic'ians could -o for him was kindly and aliently done. butt th lit111e sufferer anietly I ssed away I riday. eb. 11th. and ts buri'd at Langston churb, Slna da'. 1- 1. . it, 1 f1i. The last words of l 1i ".it 1 y.." were: "I te . m g ig t lr . i a Skind an loing ptlaioiiitoalsha -vr knew hia 1\and blwe sal rel .\lII tota te Isbrd ghtiehad.h 'taril alitis funishtes Ianter ittle iNjjt it (:l t ittaeveen.lt, tt 'l'e t h irtlavedN fa iy . .\tttg ay God's rlese plsig etuo aho hERUN li-at vnascornahs El'r YarsEbl'li, lroi n Ela and +*** * *ee Thoe wolig objrotton .lqudes., in. caroAdar, PLruns Tls. HIS LAST DIME By JACK LAWTON. qCopyrI..sit, 1' 1h, wes't..r Nr Iwpaper Unior. Annabel stoord at the window of her corner horne, andi looked toward' the shop ::cross the way. As usual the pa -zhies wirlow1 wvas irreproach-i :(Ibly siiIilg, the ldisplay of dainut1:; statioinltry ttein{,titusly riispht1yed, awd 15 usual its youIlg pr)oprietor wa'it ll hop) ully bhlliel th! Ie glass d lrs for ;I plossile ellstelni -r4. W'ou1 his )1 ti'"o wn ver1 I,1. 1 xi;nstl'! Annabel)l's violet 4yes (inlste11 nt'l iI pity, it the w1istful1 :pi)1 -a:I of x.1.h" brown11 e~yes opp(,o site. \11'hyin the woVlid h this y ung ;11111 fi(('e with his delle1+ate war('. t, I t1o'n.'1 wh er'e1 11 only I tie ne(es-a111'y waIs saibtle. '1-;ven at C''trist:nns t~urno L;n 6".-11 i'h'" iill1 r''' butl inl .;'-rvicelablet n 'I I nly 44f I .! at.i. l. . 4/ I t 4 I u' l!: b r fa the r. " tI e villa: ers wo1 i 1 :.-4. I I Ann:'h..1'5 v., allth 1" I. i nly .'M E!ie;I te'r h1 1', w al ! ' i' i h It4'* . :h . :I.1 O w 1'1,1 1 1". 1 '1 11b, 1 .\ r . \\'h ! :- " : . 1 .. - 11114 '. II '''' :, 11 1'.1' 144 4 ' I I '141144.":l 4 11 . : 4 l \i . M I. I. 4 1 in 1 :11! tin' hIt4 ;- to . . 2w- 1 !ti 1e 1 i4 1- l Ia ' ll ..r .-' grow in:: .l" ! '4,111' .... i ' 1.iz 1 I11 . l ' 1 , t : ! " . : -' 1 ' i wl dh I Il':i .. dtat h.I - 11: , :'ai! An .is- :.' ca d - lie