The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 13, 1918, Image 1

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VOLUME3 XXXIII,. LAURI;NS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, FE4B. 13, 1918. NMER3 RUSSIA DECLARE5 NOW 01] Desists From Signinq a Formal Treaty. DEMOBLIZATION HAS BEEN ORDERED uitnat ipi of -ninhauians Irecones a CrIlleal One with Allies oin Both Sides llaving Mlnde Peace wit I the t ('entral Powers. Iatter to (let 31 nth D~esired1 Foodstuffs. A\lme: I "intultancotally withi sthe a.ininloue , lit by the ltolsihevilki gov rnmetnt that litissia Is out of the war and that a general denobiliza tion along the cnt ire RIussian front is to he cnrired out, thus pertuitting the Teutonic Allies to withdraw all their 1 forces for use on other hattle fronIs, r Presidelt \Wilsoni has restated to a joint session of congr ess the fact that I the tUnited States is in the wear to stay I utili those principles whclh the peo- I 11e regard as fundamental to a per- V mtanent peace are obtained. Although no formal treaty has yet heen signed between the Russians and I t-he Central Powers the H3olshevilk v government has orderd a essation of t hostilities by the llussians against h Germany, Austria-liungary, Turkey v and Bulgaria and the withdrawal of t1 Its troops from the trenches and II fortified position from the Balic sea I to the Rhunnnian frontier. It long n has been forseen that, such an out- a come eventually would follow upon I the revolutionary movement in Rus-" p sia, where for nearly a year civil I< strife and w'ar weariness generally s Provedl most potent factors In weaken- y ing the battle front. Long ago the i1 eveny forces began with withdrawal g of .roops from this front and virtual- . ly only a handful of them have been 1i faced by Riussians there. S P Peace' hniting been effected both by the Russians and Ukrainians with the Teutonic Allies the situation of Ru.. mania becomes a most critical one.10n- v Itiely cut off now from her allies the d Rumanians apparently are faced with a the absolute necessity of effecting a c separate peace or being overrun by superilor enemy armies. Nothing has as yet come through to show whether another IRumanian cabinet to take the - place of the one which resigned last s week has been formed or whether any reply has beln made to the ulti-. mnatum of tile Central Powers that a Peaeo negotiations should immediately be sltar'ted. On the various battle fronts ex cept northern Italy, operations by small patrols and artillery duels are in progress. On the Italian front enemy forces have heavily bombard el Italian positions and (delivered at lacks with infantry in the Frenzela valley region ind on the new Italian positions on Monte Val Bella. Co del c Rosso and iasasso Rosso. In all of the attacks thle enemy was r'ep~ulsed by thle Italian batteries. Amsterdam, Feb. 11.--Russia hats de elared the state of war to be at an end and has ordered the dlemiobllization of s lhisinn~J forces Oin all fronts, according to a dispaltchi received here todaty from Tlrest-L~itovsk dated Sunday. Thue dispatch follows: "The lpresidlent of tihe Russian dole gatlon at today'r ('Sunday's) sitting stated that while Russia was dlesist. lag from signing a formal peace trei: t-y it declared the state of war to h)a enided with Germany, Austria-Hun gary, Turkey and Biulgaria, simul-I toneously gfving .orders for comnplete demobilization of Russian forces on all fronts." Corporal J. Allen tBarksdale, Camp Jackson, has been promoted from cor Doral to, aergeant. His nmany friends I here will be inter'ested' in this an-c nounemnent. * ****-****r -'**** ** * PA RN1ERS POSSESSING ?EA L * ( * MAY BUY PLOUR,,. * The national food! administa. * *~4 Ion, acoording to reports from Co. * luInbIa, have made a rnung by * * whieh farmers who hare had corn * * gnud into meal at- a mill may * ~ * buy hour whitout buying other * * sumbstltiates. Certifieaten from the * * mI!ea' must accompany order for * I *~* * . . - HERSELF T -OF THE WAR MHt't MA1 A11IAGE A SU('ESS. ,art.( Crowd atield Soeiil E vent at the lraded School. On last Friday evening i)1 the school lditoeilun the most astounding social flair of the season took place, whIen Ir. Teddy Tood le .Jones alias Fleming on0s Was handeuffed to Miss Anas hesia Wonild-be-\\'eid, alias )r. Walk 1'. until divorce, scanidal or the soda iise its of the 1Mblshinu land robust ride effect eithIetr a total or partial e rase from the nickel plated ring o enderly placed on the hands of the ontiracting pharties by the ltev. l)r. lN. I iughes. 'le tie-ip was mia'de all te' more esplendanlt by the ' elegant and luxu ious decoration s which served as a (lek grottnd to this ;o serious and actheing scene. The procession was ed by .\lr. .li1 Dunklin and Miss rank Caine, the latter dressed in bite sat In cacght up on the sleeves rith pearls. She wore a cluster of iamonds horrowed from a leading awnshop, and a handsome 1igersol 'ist watch. .,'ext came -Miss E. W. opelaand, accompanied ibut .unaided y .r. Geo. Dlalle. She was attired In hlite taffeta with a train of the same aterial which served to sweep the nor for the incoming party. Mr. Ford 'ranks, Esq., recenly of English mlnors and polo courses, heionocled nd dressed in the extreme fashion or hoi English court, escorted Miss Dlur. ess to the scene of hostilities. Fol 'wing them c(aie Mir. Nat Rlichard oil and 'Miss Oswald Anderson who gas dazzingly attired In pink char leise. She carried 'a houiuet of reen and odoriferous onion tops. Miss [eCuen was then led to the slaughter y Mr. 13. 1. Volff and Miss Lamar mith was escorted by Mr. Jas. Ilarney. I.4YIlilly sirliing up the aisle win eeni Mrs. Albert. Todd, the dame of onor, who was dressed in cream satin Itli a tiara of pearls. A picture of iginity she was as she walked to the itar. After the aforementioned dame ame .lMiss Albright, a school friend of he bride, who tripped gayly to the ine of "Ilail, Ilail, the (ang's all lore". She was dressed in while rcpt-de-chine and tennis :thoes. Then s the audience became hushed and till there emerged John lenry, the mall and charming little son of Mir. nd Mrs. J. H. Powe, bearing the ring, plain pair of handeuffs guaranteed o hold tight, upon a horse blanket. and n his path flowers 'of brightest iue nd sweetest perfune, Were strewn y little Allie Lee and .laics Sulli an, the bedinple i little flower girls. 'o1lowin g them came the bridal party, lie groom in full dress and the bride ai cream taffeta. She carried a show i of carrot tops and her veil was aught with a bunch of lillies of the alley. Nilmerouis friends of the con ractinug par'ties were present andl the ffair w'as an anurate miror of the uodes of the season. he affali' was Iiresidled over ably by Knowemi All Vight . wh'lo intirod uiedn all irelat ives ndi fiends. The aged and infIrm parents of tho iie and gu'oom were pr'esent and lent hiei' heartfelt gratItude to tihe passiing eene. Dri. Hughes tIed the knot andl~ he party left on the C., N. & L. short Cog for ClInton and points south, bear ng with them the lplauidits and bless njgs of the multItude. PrecedIng the mock marrIage a de. Ighitful program of music was ren er'ed by Mr. John Hicks and Mr. Win. I. ar'nwell, accom.'anied by Mrs. Cor'a ~. Lucas, while M4rs. J. L. M. Irbl, wife f Capt. Irby, U. S. A., gave a spl1endid eading. PI'he pierformnane, for perofrmnance was, netted a neat sum to the local hapter of the Red Cross, for whose onefit it was given. The gross re elpts were in the neIghborhood of 140.00 and the expenses hardly ex eeded $10.00. Not Contrary to GOvspel, INew York, Feb. 10.-To tak4 up arms u the service of humanity as Amern a has done ,is ont contrarys to the pIrit of -the gospel~as taught by Jesus, mat it Is in reality carr'yIng out the receipts of that gospel, in the opin on of both -Luther El. Wilson,' of the fethodist 19piscopal Church, recently eturned from the battle fronts of "nce and Italyq Il'1IIA.fDSON AND) IIErilElT IN CI.A Slr Former ('hief (nie WaIrden i and M[ai nion's Attorney Hepady for Fight 0nt side. Spectators Intervene. Conii nhia. Feb. 9.-A iersonal (en counter hel ween A. A. Richardson, former (hief gaie warnde, and i. I everly 1'rI berit, of Colulmbia, atto' n1cy for m\v. .\anning, was narrowly averted (In- -a'c the course of the Sn ate comm1!luee's Investigation into the(. charig u; ntal iniid il the govelrnorl's veto mlens-a:;e against the admlinistra t ion of .\r. 1 i('hardson. The inc'ele happened dutring: the p robe' into th~e alleged compliromlise' made by 3M. it. liittehinson. the ('o lfmhia repiresentative of the ('lye Steamship ('omp~anly: T. T. Tlyde, .ir".. of (harle:f.en, am .\lr. Taylor , of ('ohnlinha, frmeIr presidentl of the \udubon Soei t}', with \lt. I'ichard :;(n after. Ilse party imad 1p n a r.. raigned by (hi ae Waiden Sloan. of C:harlerton ('ounty,. for huntin111 outs of reaso. \i". lic'hardson had pro diecd a series of doeutnentt an11d lIt ters re;itive to the case when .\Mr. lier hert, who said that it Is often the case with an atlorney that he has to do sometihing in the course of his duties which is di.tasteful to hit, pointed out to the commioittee, that one of lie loenments appeared to have fresher stencil marks on it than the others and wanted to know if its appearance sug gested( that it had been filed. "I make no reflection; I make no charges: I make no insinuations," declared the attorney; "[ merely call attention to the record there." \Mr. iehardson got to his feet, say ing that there are times when a man must handle his own affairs regardless of attorneys representing him. Iie asserted that the records were made and tilled out by hint during the cou rse of the l tch insoii case and that they had not been tampered with since. "The man that snys or insinuates that I claig'e( that record lies," s al the f ipe,). l guil W.yarden. 'What. I want to k'now Is if you call inc a liar?" asked 3Ir. Iteiierhrt, apliproach ing .Mr. II bha rdson. who wa:: standing in the aisle of the Senate celatmbhei', w here Ithe in vest iga lion was being hel. Senator Wil I Ili s, clhairlan1 of the conmilttee. and the Senate sergeant-at-arvms Ai'. Schumipert, got between Ile two men1. M.\r. R iichardson then reiterated his previons statement. "I id I insinuate that you changed the record?" asked .\i. Ierheit. "That is for you to say," replied Mr. lticlIir:son, who repea ted his statement that "the man that says. or insinuatus Ihat I changleid that record lies," outside the Senate (ha111 her where lie and .\Mr. iilerert coui!d settle the mnatter without being in terfered with by the er'c'geanit-at-arms of the Senate. "I alm perfectly willing to o oil' with yon, i.reoin(d \ilr. ierbert, who started toward the door. 1Fricnds in terposed and ieace reigned again. dressed Both Il~ouses of theu Getneral Rear Adirial Samuel 31'(owanl, w,,hoso name is becoming to he a hiousefhold wordl all over the Unitedi States, arivedi in the city Suinday 01n one of his per'iodliena visits to his o1ld homne to visit the 'Iturens Cemetery, wher'e lis p~arents are burled, anid to see his old friendg here. On account of press of official business in Wash ington, his stay has been a short one. Monday morning he went drOwn to Co lumbia, where he made addreses be fore both houses of the General As sembly in which he told of the wonder fuil work whIch the government Is do ing in raising and equipping the army and navy. Admiral Mck*owan look occasion to laud especially the work of the war departmient, saying that it "needs no defense. Take no stock in the abuse of the army." In the course of hIs address before the senate Admiral Mc~owan renewed his 'pledge of allegiance to Laurens, when he said he was coming back to South Carolina after the war and en ter politics, "I am going to come back home and run fol- mayor of Lau renls", ho J" 'moted as saying. Admiral Mc~owan's friends are al ways gl1ad to see him at home and are glad to see him looking so well after ~his arduqus duties in the navy depart ment. 31ETIiZ TilEJ OlblJE(T IE OF A.EliEtlICAN ARMY 'IT~e Settlibur of th1e Ge(rmann 1Indnsirial Strilk( h Forcible 3Noans hats Added to the DIiscontent of the People. New York, Pei). 9.--The local ion of the Amtlican sector of iirst line tire ilhes aloing the l'reclh front has 11(ee ."ealed this week by the Ger 1u11n war ()lic as at Nivrey, \hich \:oul be a cent ral posit Ion for an of fen;iv' a inst the (I'nnftii sai lient at 4St. . \ iit -hi.., b; I1:: v i l! the (; a tulr(. () letz a; if i:- 'lti I lje'livc. The .int rian trainii ; cri ) Is 1 i.. y t.> he cu't I I I' f1 osi Stin. I ,,. n t- I bh t.' n h c <nir nhmenja. '1 ' e'.it .. (;t tlic 'a!j ' .h n i:- a l Im l ttefk. Anv t ltelirt ii I -'fI t : 111 ' . i Idl .: l 1t z f0 1'1 fI lIlit' ( V t \1 ' f%4ifiii f' 1 IIt t '.' f I I . i ll I t.'f - i Ih Ij i :, fil(.. ter' I l ) n wleafi mTtl w\ith r' ;114.l ..' Ii') 915? 1)) il . el ~ ; I: i :'!'T i ltS fT1 ti 'e ilt' the : 1 a _ r1, 11 1 4f will tl'!. ' '1' t rou!.: anl an:r ! i ing is ii-othable. aliilir wroeesll b r liliy' to cIaons tot) m!1.l'h1 <lie ico ifo lt):t t hole. ;or the l;:-rnI TT 1 -0 0 rea)1(' i~ lizr thie nation enn no longlt!r. 5ul)1ei hlrg' 1T:' itIri:es on tiestio nb te avantwas.: - The istrikeS within (;ermany 01~i quiated down darian the past week ea--i of thireats byv the governett to teal with the strik ers by process of bar tial law. Ths eaons foe arrogant pir it of iilitari-t: which m autse1d the shrikes In the flrst Instance was in voked to - still more intolerable de ree for lte purpose of overawing protesting; workmen. The discontent iamong the German people, therefore. has not been exter minated because the masses have been forced to rent'n to work. Tdstead of this, a new reason for anger at. the government's imperialism has been given to the people. ndter these oan ditions, dlisturbances may break out acew at any time. If the German dele _ales return from Irest-Litovsk con fessTins~ they have failed to make peace i ou Russia because of the kaiser's imperialistic terIm, 'ne and more t - rious strikes i the central iempit are probable. 1erlin's announlcemdent that a sepa rate peace has been signed by the centr l powblers with the now Ukraine republic cannot he inceapted at its face value. Th)eo 7 Uraine repubili Scnt two sts of peace negtiato r to lrest- ilovsk. ond representing the llourgeois parliament and the other reprt'esenting the t'kraine lllsheviki. It Is with the lour.,ioii r'l preso nta lives h(lit the peace agre1m1ent has bern signed. I tidorsemtent apparently has been withhel by the okraine tolsheviki, who are acting in conce1rt. with Leon T'dfromsky and iah AolshesitI govern me1nt at Petrograd. If opposition of the Tolsheiki bneomes active. in l raine, It will be impossible for t he (central poivers to obtain any honeft from the peace treaty. In this case the lare U trai o st u tpply of food stuffs which the Teutons are so eager tor ntl.g wllcont inu 'xe s- be with. thedm fror Germanync and xcia-lun pary. eunsfo ach1t p Thie Trlhi arles nlow toheporty opaymeteo alliha thanseO riing wiheno yeaus to betraengyenlte acnmic usnesietenpofe aentra coer incomeslbnthIacoe and bxeow $3,000 andecorpoatoninom Wloahintn, Fepra-tniolnko thavte nor yetlien Income for excess profits returns fro thrch a toeAil d1warls anud od atner-ine ra tevn.emse ineproiefr. n~ week. Aulin othpliers avo bee diors Thn eaymensio of tme toa $80pdrIng the years to ren byd byr emptoso ing business onterrisear adcos. ncmesrs both. Weeks and belowk $3,000 ard cofporatins weroesitr Ih ily nteprprainyfbln NUMBER OF TUSC STILL RE {'11.111131;E1{i(11 ('( 1 11 -:1;1(('l- 1? E E'I'% Nomtinathw:~ ('ommittee Elected to Suh.l nit Nnaimes io r ) itieers. The r .1144ia loa'in ly mei ngiii of th e ('hanlwlr ('omm 're. w\as 1n-ld .\lon4 day ni1in. . Rice Nie'la ! pre.'d1!ig i th l n .'ru \. I,. (; ay, uhf wa a i a o( nt of .i 44 ' 1 i 1 t ' :t ! 1:t , a 44' no 1 n i4 : , , ' )1 io 4' w ... i e le i :I : :- . 1 ( , ' c41 ' i ." lo it., ( <tits.' 4 '11i 1414' .\1 . \;.,. t> 0 th111 1, 11. .I. ian l. \\~. l .\b ng, r. A .. \1(a (m4 1 . I . W ills'. T1I44 :' wi i) I144' to the 4 re id nt w\i i a 1 4nOV4l . i31 (1' t-o 11 bI e of < !nenw:-t11 fof - for !e l d!a}'- i or Ito ilh ' meetI'iti in 1.:r1 h u u n the lc i nn w4il 4(lbe lit b1. '(>'kin4' 1I t1w111 4" (af la 11 1o aro11us e I11! !):t0;)le I (hit tiutileil' to iht. se'lul - nes:" of 11 w0ar and 1the nee('d of gin 1n111 foo4:l.1i ItT s 1111ring1 1 ihe year. .\lCn lans 1 1r1e11 1 su1 g' d, bu1 t j;'(I1i 1 tI was d1'. 1e 4 11id t 11 ha ts: 11e 'in4 siiould be calle at an111 early dafte wheln 01 food raising campeIaign woul be started). The 111gen4cy 1o a wide(sp I'eadi 1moxe lent to in' reaise the protd lon of food n this se~ct)in was Voiced by lRev. S. '1. T \Cel .a a1111 others. '''hll ()!easu re of 11t h m1( '11 ber at the, installation of the white lights aru(nd '.:I out4 1110: 1 4 e ws11 expIr1essed in1 al 4r14 I Ilu1tin of thank s to the city c111n cil introdul 1d2 by Dir. Dial and unani : :n';Il supp)1ortedl. TIhe committee on (,i\ i' impl rovement, to which credit wias acklnowrledged for instituting; the m4v441n4 14t to have these li ghts in stalled, will proceed now toward further Wln for beatll il'ation of th(' suinare' andi may he exp)ected to exert. trong efforts in that direction. Th4' ."'ritary. W. II. lg4Ies en, was lls414tucted to w rite to the oficials of 'he C. & W. C. railroad to see if re )air:: cold not he made at the cross in near 4'e a1111ssenger station so that re(ief couldt be had from the mul5d and wa1t1 in rainy weather. It was point ('(: o(lt thIt (41'ntil-v all ;)assengr(s01' fromt the trains have to,go thr ou1 1gh this mud in tea( hing 1 the city and that children rol th- east aide of town "oina to :Itho~ol ha';i. to do the Same I tig. {'. & 1. ('. S('HlEDU'LES ('IA N(W'. Train to Waterlot) in A ftero~non {ies it 'aii or. Train from .Aum4 -u 1to in the il e 1 "nIi'. Schedules- wh'1ichI went into effect ihe No I i l ' i)tanhu Arg-Au istat line of the Charis1F"ton & \\'estern Catrolina railroad 1 Willday g.ives to Isttr1ens a mto'n(l a:1 eveling. train from A\fu a'Plsa I1 a morning ald a4'ernoon rain from Spartanurg besides toher inidental ildvantages. The change in hedule :as n'de, so it is reported, to ,fore. a sain. i n ab an xe onw :Meornt of xiere to ber TheraiNr. elewhion has thertloc thedeuciat clubwoo theendl arrivwd hollin ac:2 one m., ile soart rouAe guand arrevother Wad 838. he1u reAtcttoin temrinill.mino The eamechtie om btef, tha cls, angwill rrivte offie of 'i: . m.ab, pint of t:he clu m.,ay aferoon afro'clock t rnatilc ui Augssai the etio eqres. wlps haee as 3:48grsta of tile aeli-n Na epeayo and Mrtlof Wlerme Wa be The, prcott Telecton for th. eranks andling paese lwin. Tie 1ourt housl opat 8 a.m'dcloraseat 4uch bui 'NJ A VICTIMS MAINS IN DOUBT Four Soth C iroliuians A board Savcd. ti N L1' N_6- ) (' ' t(. (00 i- 111 : biptsvi)eg (;! 4.1 f':(" 1.' .- C. ri'440,-l, If'i44 ('(1 . Ii. n, I-!.'. 11 I lily. 1(11 1'.. 4 ((1 '.111 4. . '. . . 1: II 'I 4i~i'- 111 i !)\ 111:~ 1 t l :1" 111 . ' and :11111,1 .4) 11. 41- (44 l 1 1 I ( -t Th., \\S .4 .4 ({l' iV"lI l h I 444' ill. 101': ,t \V.:st l:(- 4 l"C1" ! ' l) .- li ii h ' ( 1 '' lIst. 1 ]is; III .\ni4 i 1' 't slay4 1' -i t'' 111 1 i t'ti $ 44 '1'\.4'o 1-40114 4144 11 4 :1110l44 4I Stil ' 1 4 J4:lr('t Fo(r,. th .o iatc 1 .11'(1'Iso 04lders1 cialie rot 1 4' I0 14l')' 141 1 '!I'(4 ,tli tin4) (; fh a t' ('-~ .\t-04-iI 1)4: 'd~ stolay is cenll ed to1' to 1.1:,1;;(' till, ('51i a u i that onily 1 :; .nti:'44 'oltdii'4's were,'4 lost an1 ofli-" 44.4414es to ('(1144[' inI slowly, co04u( give 111 455U4141404' a, t(o \' 140t1lth list N'11114'(1 1)1' ('4)'' 1 4 44et .. 'The 41'44. aitiet:lilt ieee ivel by tile :,al 4t01:4:I 1.144 (hl(4~l'(l :og;iinst tlio -: ln4 li44 1st 444 t('o')ps x111l); :;, :i15 menl 414 nacco 441 '1 o.14', bu~t4'l-ti1-e 111144(s ')1 i 44114W4V4)4 v. 4'l4.4 444:.40( p44f14!'. 1l4t nigh wh4 lirls dlo not. apea 1 on(0 t'Olhe saliling; list. It is als:4m145 that s0nic '1'41$('41411 at th44 last momen4('1t w~ithou1t. 14'i11.4 1ri'4)'4f'l on44 4l II"sailing list and1( als.o that 111e41414'.- 04 1144 ('rem' may 1411 ' W4on1 411404g till 4liitl4'y siii'vi 4ol's. t4i 1l'tss 1l-'4h-4-' 4441; all44 i 1'cg'Ogale of 112 I44444:s W.41li. 'fill,4' \'ar cl-pail 41.' lit I:I is''-11.'.1 444 olli l 441411' of4 :110 41n 4441 11 ii ill for4 ))) II4441 has (hall(1' no( tr mp, aboar 44s 1101 ..I Sit4 "1 . 14 11 ('1)1))1)1111('e 4st:(' ('4)11, IP(11. !4. -.4 4 144:411 114 W1' :'-I' 1 1441411 ~, 41.( ' 'll.' 445y('i1O--" )It4:44-'I t-lhr'4 1h1 44, 140 the l( 11 :\ 1)('1'1, I) 144 4 4444 I4444C ''ll' K~d4l~l h4 \'olks /it 4444) 5'IV$ 111' ('1'1( 411 4 441 4444 440 14;I' 4l:4t41)'I (' 1' (:(i1 .111('' 110S:n