* FlhIENDSIlIP NEWS. * A 0 * * * * * * * * * i F Frilds.111), Oct. 14:.--Well .ackI Frost came Iast 111ght and took its onl a Sttrprise, before We Were expecting him. Mirs. Thad Crawford au r.Cecil Maldde(n from Ioline Pathi Were gtests of Mirs. W. A. r1'aynham 1ilst Sanrtd~ay nightt 1nl Sitinday. .111'. vld Air :. .lh Vangluin11 and '\r. and Mts. Grown ntrff froint BIrwertoion coinmunlity and .11r. and .\rs. .111m1 Pitts all were las11It uiday gn sof Mr. and Mrs. WI. Pillts. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Coats and dal tt ht ter. li; lIern ie. vccoipanaied by .Mrs.f Lonl Coat. were In iLatrens sl 11in. Thul11rsda y. Mr. and .\r( . .ilm Pit Is and s, '1- n ry wvre Shoppin ll ltarens F. -M r. anMArs. .John Aladden I: i Id l by 1Mr. : 1 rs1 . .1m aven port . m r t Ii.0 t I Gre nwo I I w q ift a rday. -1 M9 . Jh \b ''.1 frtni N 1 n1 : It lI f ~ I I i STOMACH ACT5 FINE NO 'IN)IGEuTU'iON. GA HEARN 1CiT ' N, 6CDT t h I 9'9't9I I9 It .- I I o. h dosn'tagreve with hemll -if wha,1 they ('at lay., like vlad. .; nl: m il . :-,114 lorm n h d :'. !: .: vind w 0 - -n- o h :t1. 1 n I conta lI wi11h I I I : - t 1ntalz the I ex P CN ( \ret t f ( f' 9l9 9n v I h. 11 1 1 vt war ta hA human99 1*(~~'9~ity i9: dations of.I'" c'i~ 1190 No 'hitltvct quickerjI,' 19 mit.9Liber through99. 9~ (9 this991'79. time an I':: . ttt il \91I 99 9'tttIEZ'I1( \ N. Be DIAL9 RItESTS V. P. BEADl) ON SERIIOS' ClAWE edent11 Dleputy 'I'akes Iuto ('tistodyI .\ibevIlle Editor Accused of Vioflat ir I)raft. Acl. Abbeville, Oct. I1 .-W. 1>. Beard, edi >t of The Selinitar, a weekly news aper whic h was; denlletd the itse! of tie tails some weevks ago by the postollice partmentvi11, was arest el Iere tolay y .1. ('. 11,-14e. dleijitfy Vlite d States Imarshal, 4 harged witi violation of hc net or con::ress of .\lay IS, 1917. )1 Octoher 2'. a~ te hill was relttited y the federll grand jiry Sitting in :r'cnvill ca1r inl.tg that 11"ard "did ulawfiuly, wI itlilly and feloniously 11ak(e auild convey fa Ise reports and al e slatemn' ts whe IIv Ith I tiled 'it: im t ar with the imp r-iall w %Inan go 'verm *nt With 1e inie t tI o ; r"e.*v with 11te opieration.s and sne -- I( aih ed inl 'h1e. indi limen )"1 I t i-1 The imi d- ' N 14, .1 d - i i n Q - 1 !. ;'11 f it) The Quitn? oTat Does It e t, 2: the Iu'ad . \1. & \ I 4.!'i- C4O. li si prellidi wz (lit. T r 4 : ' n I !:ox \\'trlk i s 1 -N lt'id n 1 . :' b li i ' - a 4:l 1 di 44n .41 4 n S rd-e 4 : in4'b- 1r1" . : ( ' till' ldi4 1 a nd 4:ih - bl." r rapily~ coimina. inl i favor of an early a cost millions of lia th its drea~ ful toll o viization./ ISo, Pr Ii SECOP surer, more effectiv< By overwhelming t er eqjuipped fighti arriers. Liberty Bo :ady outlined by th~ p---yo~u SHOULD h ty Bonds are sold bank on a small pa ser cent. interest. Write Us N EP President W(JRO0 RUNS AMUCK; a TWO 1)EAI), SIX 11TIUT o 11lack Stand., Off 3110 of Ill4 o isitu s 11 fir lIolrlS Affter ShoOtinMr WiP. C ;' inville, \a., Oct. 12. - 'olicenita W. If. .leGray, and \\'alter CIah. a lepro, are r i ..".: .I -l in r o T lit- 11)., CiUENWOOD, - - S. C. - - N. C. p 4 see-e es aa nte n enwee-ss..we ..a .. .= w- ~ n me~mase t s~ou-e- e. ss es e -s .m...w ve~o-~ees s s e e -... --. .- .. - ... - ... . .. e . ... . -- .. . .. . . e a . a w er ma .. e. ww . e ,.. .. S .1 I(A >le uraies That has staggcee 0r* cr d rcc.red t he very f on ng. to the sikin a quck d i Pow at -....bymatcingter armiec with E-r io r air c raf n d . vaS t flo t Illa o f e the Gove-rnt th carry -ut the sur an aof the wa. rty Loan -as youmanis willt to $100,009. You may buy them y the rest for you for a reasonable Subscriptiorn. arC. H. ROPER, Cashier