The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, April 11, 1917, Image 2

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"Come on Over, See * My Corn Fall Off!" "11I Put '2 Drops of ' Gets-It* (In Last Nituht - Now Watch -" "See -all you have to do is to ist, you r two iters and li-t th ik cori I-ight oil. That' I ile war IY i -t I. \ay wZ rk\ . Y oll j lit put oIII .It'oll '' tilop Then 1 t c cornilnot ontimy h r o. tc t1sll (01 1 111 1o. \\it t l le. til t hl ;I , 'lu d lng li nt the' ast. \\lhy. it's al nlsta r t oo' i av coris l "Th intt %6-.- :s ol Ptnerni 'That %_.'o'n !::(I % 111 h M ets-It'." :e th e tit' sit h ems- of inll hua' a:d wIt:;( th las. tA pain. 'i orn wciar tiiht .hes, dance and walk as '; tho Zg I never ha It 111 orn I." es "ois.'ty'' inaes'I tonuegoht.w ta e :-a t s and oter thig. not oly .ooli -o. but (nneca gSry. I'se this, wonide:.'Il d iscovety. "GetIs - I lor anly soft or- hard. cot-1 n l 01 alluls.I It is the new si mple, ea. . quie k w.ay. and itl liever faIls. Youll ltieverl have to cut a corn agai rn mit kives or Feissot. and rlin Chances of blood poison. Try "G(ets-It" tonlight. "Giets--It" is sold everywhere. :2.-e at bottle, or Sent onl receipt of price by 1F. Lawrence & C'o., C*hicago, Ill. Sold inl I.41aurens anld recommulended as the world's best corn remnedy by E~ureka Drug Co., Plowe Druig Co., Laul r-ens Drug ('o.. Putniam D~rug Store. WHAT IS LAX-FOS LAX-FOS IS AN IMPROVED CASCARA A DIGESTIVE LAXATIVE CATHARTIC A1D LIVER TONIC LAX- Fos is not a Secret or Patent Medi Cin bilt is ceillposI of the following old-fashioned roots and herbs: CASCARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT RH .II~fFlG ROOT BLACK -OT MAY .FFLE ROCT L. ND . hN the :.l lit>: of.. lsdg'.stive iigredli' ents makI . : than ordinary'- C.; C' tlnAand "hIu; te conihtition acts not only ai a 'lat !:ative ail cathar tic but als) as a digstive and liver lottie. Syrup hlatives are weak, but JAx-Fos combines 'ztrcnigth witl palatable, aro matie t:tste and (loes not gripe or disturb the stotnach. " One bottle will prove LAX-FOS is invaluable for Constipation, Indigestion or Torpid Liver. 1rice 50c. THIS STOPS HAIR FROM FALLING OUT !'ve ot )to he dead hitrs in your C'ombt anid i'titsh? IlThey' at'' ntutre's warntinua of fturei hoahtness andl loof that thte dlangerouis dandruf germn is butsy otn yourtt scali. D r. Satngerbunid. ithe famtouts Partis drutff anti fallintg hair ate caused bty a iirobie. 'iThen caime tiht isc'overyv of' the v'alue of the teal Parisian Sage oil gernh and ,irompiitly pr'evenitin.'- the furi thet loss of hair. 'The effect of only three days' use of Parisian Sage is juimly tmarv'telotis, anld the American leid!e Imta nowi ~ a wa lwned' toiI ine fati that they (enn hie qickly rid of dani drtuff andt satve their htaitr by using Pa rIsian Sage. Parisian Sage is sold by Laurens lDrugi Co. and good drutggists every' whiere. It's Inax innsive. odailtily pier fittmed, free frtom st ick{ iness, and1( wIll su rely cattse htair to grow soft, hits trouis and~ really seem twice as abund..til ant, OWR DI)'I'Y IS PL AIN. Says Marjor Richtarts ini Regard to Ge.rmian-A.. merleani Sit tait ht . r'oado (conuniission. .y out111 thte follow Ing statemtenit tttniahlt ini regiard to thte crisis niowl. ('nfrn itintg the Aitnerican ation. "'Ottr State and1( Nat ion arte face to face with the greatest (lrisIs iti 0our hlistorty. No ma tter whIat dIifferences of oldinion we may htave onter'tanined'! German nationi and evetry mann worthy of thle natme shouldt lie willing, if nec essa ry, to batre his breast andit shed( his blood fior his ('outry's ('aus'. 1I is the sacred(( dtty (if (very ('it iznt of Itie United S'tatet' idou all iln hi. po:i( relgn. it uihldi it'r pr'esitl h n i and .advanttce tihe cause of ouri governmient. 0ouls In the past, 'outh Carolinians hlave ip'~rovn thetmselv el e'qual to ('v ery3 emnot ency'. anld in t i ai i tt' frile and readly to se rve an k I: an Baei!tiCe I at 'a I i 4.e * * * * * 0 * * * * 31T1. BE-'THL~ NI.S * * * * 0 0 0 * *0w * * , \:. 1i'the. April t.--.\isses Fran ei Sni Ti rs-Iv luh's spent last : irdaty n\hihl Mr. A\. K. Hlughes. :Gr .1:vahi SUneandnunlywere he in in Geenvlleast week. .\lis; Sad', Sibert anid .\is- (orrinr Sei' e t we~ ilu .tuest s of* .\M ...'\ '.i-i l 8undlay. 16 . n~ A Z . F. ! .. ltramleINtt spent ,,- I d,)y with .IMr. j. .\. \\ood .i:. N. 1. \\Wood ' is a buiness vs tor !In Llurens Mlonday. Jo..obn, S~vlith thet now pastor, _ : 1I:a le ('lit il, spent Sunday a h hi4.)t41l' of .\1. \\. .\l. i'rior. .\Mr. and .\l s. 1. -:. Stewart visited rIto j\vis at lionva Path1 'riday .\1r. Iloulston \\ood spent tile week 1:nd witii .\I. .\. \. Sharp. 1ornl to .\1r. and .\1vs. \\. .\. \Vood. a son. \n i\(, hut. i last -riday by :h4 l !!. o:' theo School lIn4provuieInt 'e -itn ath source ot4 nuit'ch ni i e t.0 illr chibdien. -. 'P. alil \%'iTi' l0itt-liaw't Vw re4 Iih : t4 s of .\Mr. I". Z. Iavenport :--ulL!y. .'di~s 1-'anne \!orow :p;I Thurz 1iai 1 niht wit .\lr. ;n1d 1 .rs. W. L. Stone. A CHILD'S TONGUE SHOWS IT LIVER OR BOWELS ARE ACTIVE If cross, fe-verish, slek, biols, give fruit laixtitlie it ice. Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syriu oi r igs" that this is their ideal laxative, because tihe\ love its pleasant taste and it thoroighly cleanses tihe tender little stoimach, liver and howls with 0ut grilling. \\'hen cross. irritabe. feverish or h:'eati is bad. stomach sour. look at the itogue. .\other! If coated. give a teasipoolntu Il of this hltiiless "friit laxative." and inl a few hours all the foul, conist ipatIed watsour. bile and ndigested i0 passes out of (le how el. and youl have %v a will, pIlayfil child a '_.ain. \\hen its little system i.s, :111l of .oild. throat sore, has stoameih ;whe. diar-rhoo:.. indi.-estionl. colic re 1 \ 4'l . \!iilione. e l lh "ntCr k e alifornia up iii 11:1 4 : they kIo(wt a fooled. Get the 5(enuine. ))- l' b " 'alifo 4I4a -i. Syl-1111 'o4ini . " IMPROVED ROAD ADDS VALUE Good Highways Are Wise Investment, As They Bring Farmer Into Closer Touch With World. The deatetof .1gricu11lure bs au1 'horit'y for th s4tat 4irilt tit. road im pr1ovemnent Iin Dallas 4enunty. Alinam. has ittldetd 85 :444 nietr tii the vilti of huaids within half11 a inilet of thet im1 proved road. Good retals are .1wi inlvestinentl. T'lhI-- iring the il rier Into clostelr toulch with the wori, lincasng Is nIces-s toll marlets u1141 hIs lpoprt unihty for joly ofI livitng, ats well as5 aintg va tlue to is- li farm. RURAL ROADS AND BRIDGES Increase in Annual Expenditures of More Than 250 Per Cent In Past Twelve Years. Dhuring the4 past 12 ytear1s tihe aninl e'xIIemllture 11- nt thel ruiral roads1 14144 bridlges In thle UniiIt'ed Stiltes have in ereased('l fl-Iom1 ablout $Stt0.0.t0 to about11 $2S2.00( 0,00)0, oIr 111n increase54 ofI mlore t hani 250) per centi. Durling this from stite fmils for road44 and blridge otrction and 411 444li inateance haiive In (-reasedl f romi $2,550,000 to $53,492,000, or almost 2,000 per cent. Increase Farm Land Values. An increaise in farm hand vatlues valrying from 25 to 191 per cent hans been'l produeds by imiprovemtnent of miain market roadls, aiccordinig to statIstics tolli'cted by3 tile federal (of iee of puhblic roads .:441 ruraI en, gineering. Seamless Milk Pails. Milk palls and cans should be smoo1(thl, wvith tall cracks andli seams flushed withi solder. Seamrless pails and cans have been pliaed on the market. r SHOE1 as...e e... ... .... * * DR. 111'11i PINSON. * S (n of .Ifr. and .1Mrs. l'ikl 'lisi:. * * * A* * * * * * S # * S * S We :V hili there within tie Co11 slee; ing. 'll.h1ir line young,,, on So younn in inanhoul's years: No lip-;s 'otti slwalh thw 1111in 0 ih r hearts we:e kein v .s *-1 cye wewt their unaviling Iva ur. The tother saw her -(n and hattled bravelv To bejar the anguishi of a Ilother'.s gritef: The tather stood by troubledI aid prayed gravely. With tear-stained cheek'... for strength and for relief. Mriends .azed in silence tin array of i!owvers. fra:rant tribute to) tIheir dear. deal boy: \ heavy loss is th irs, a heavy griK is ours. F : hi: <b )a:t ilre lrouighit us loss of l11igh was so younhg. and friends, with Ihought and word, Iad long enshrined his image in their heart; God called-and then the young phy Ficlan heard And withou t fear made ready to de part. With love oft to his ilother's voice he hearkened Ani without miuitrurii vorked his fI ther's will TilI. fr.-i away fromt home, the DeOath blrcalth darkened 0m'r ltoes and stilled his leart withi "l'eace. he still!" ieILh ieeded not a voice or word (1 wai ning; For hw. ilhrough Christ, was good iztuglh to go l'ttitt liartl's lark night to Love's bigh miorning %nd watmIherc. inl "'rave and beaul tw.. ne t(;ml., '11 'll eel uis all 54~~~ Iit . om itV le L wtni..d i r oI Is safely t im in the ski's 4 let im sweetly p aslep in snow while ca ,ket. And whenl at1 last his journeliy we have f. e te' . a..4 Christ shall Ohn iti nintakdi it. . h'r atjf j 11 Il. ( We \hile 4IIIfil ofis d. "RI. C. L,." ('ard of Thanks. Wt take t his tlihod! or thanking 1 t:any ki14l friends for their ex our dear ston and! .brthiei. Dr. hlugh e try to iexpress our d eep appr~tecia Itilt o thi sy to at hy and! aid. We aiteine.h ttnthed bty fthi fellow atl Fam It ily. I 1h teei~il Net. I ost on. Apr'il G.8 hippt~ing lintere,; enotified today thatt sltel nets Wt Iinug Itlactd at the elitrnce to lit etonl ha rbor. The QuInIne That Does Not Affect The Head itecausec of its tonic antd laxative effect. t.AXA. Tivb Bt~JROMO QU1NlN1E is better than ordinary Otainine andt doesi not cause ntervousness nor rintgtng in lie d. Remaenuber the full uamec and lotok 'or the siLnature of IE. W. GROVE. 25c. ii litath ('hautaua tiPtiilrogramm ue Is 'Notabi hle. IC4eed .t1l'dler to Shimr.. ('ren tor's ibind, Ilbrht. Operai ('omny~~ aii i Oiratorhlio Shutuers are to App~lear. WA Iam i . 8Wirighit , first adce ( main tiC the Redpath Chautatuqua, ar rvdin Lauretns last hPrblay and mt with t he local comiiiltteo at the elham KEEP YOUR~ SHOES NEAT IN OLu ber of commeicrce, dcllvcrcd the tickets, discussed the )rogralllle and started tle advertising Camaign for t Ie ig chaultaulula which openls InI 12aurenols, \iay t(h. M1r. \Vright said Ihat tiis sea.:on' prograinle containls imn not~l!hie tentures', briistling w!th compijelling in terest from first (0 ) si, which will (reaite Ilvch interet1 ini Luren 211ch. oil.-nainlig foealti . ,a' l the g) c t. Createre and his h'land: Gllbert and Sullian' lHght opera (mipaniy, lire 2etliig t' The .\likado', --an all star eas.t of :10 e)(ople with I''Edward .\i drews, wihov 1 has pa Ilyed the role of lo-Ko over 1,200 times, Arthur Al . ridge who sings the role of \Vauki Pooh. leading il , e \olf I hop per 's reent revival of this opera. .iss i lutheleson of the lloston Opera omipIny and .\liss St. Clair of the Abori Opera company with .l-i' A May' valentine, director of Ihe orche III: the oratorio artlists, with Roed .liller, .\meria's wvlI known 1' :1101 Antonio Salk. Spaniiisai 'eellIst from the roya! couirl of Spaim. and asi-sting artis"ts: "lharles E0. Gahg e, bass.o cn1tan.lite of New York City ;I: inidiani P i*nes \Vatahwalso, a coming nrand o'..cra Star: lbI-ulah I1hick ladios' *lr ttte, on1e of Aneri(a's bes;t kniown organ izationis, giving their farewell tour and the l.uanian orchestra of six talented musicians. Aiong the speakers will appear iarry L. Foglenan of New York city, an authority and specialist on sales ianship and efficiency; Fraulein .\Iarie Mayer, the Mary .lagJalene of "The Passion Play"; )r. George 1,. .lcNutt of New York city, widely known as I lith dinner pail nan; Miss .1eanette Hankin, of Motnana, Ameri ca's first congresswoian, or some one of national reputation to take Miss Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old 3tandard general strengIening tonic. GROVI'S TASTEI.EsS chill TON IC, driven out Malariaeuriches the Ilood,nud builds up the sys. tem. A true tonic. For adults and childr en. 50c. Redpath (*1S *1 ~ The Gr 30 People-Mikado Ti ndi $i Marie Mayer, th4 Movi Sea nTic A - For the El Chautauqu IO: BL Rankin'fI place. el)esiiondoey [Dre t. (. : 'it[ni. This is a partial list of the big pro- 1 grai ine. 11r. WNright Says the talent I Women oftnIl I!- (,: and this sCasoln Is costing $300 iore per Idespolident. \"bv n th . :. t. conl town 1n111 last year's. Thie extra Cost stipatic i It ih e . ' * by tak Iers it an additional expend(1itiire, niot anl advale inl salary. In spite Of1 ng a oend:il < C'.:amber til.-; the seasoln ticket will reimtain tlie Jain's Table r. h - C say 5ame1 inl priCe as last seaisoln. Ito t:ake anid ilan t i - t ANNOUNCEMENT We Wish to Announce that We Now Have With Us DR. W. H. HOUGH Formerly of Greensboro, Alabama, Who Will Have Charge of Out Repair anddptie9f1-1)epartments We Are N' w Prepared to Do Your Work In First Class Style FLEMING BROTHERS tic. Ghdutduqud _ee oren Day Feti-Wal 3ig Attractiona eat .Creatore and His Band light Oera Company (All Star Cast)-30 People te, Bohemian Orchestra Efficiency Day rhe Oratorio Artists an Pricess Watahwaso Mary Magdalene of the Passion Play Great Lectures [other Goose Festival. Community Singing Playground Workers ng Pictures Every Night .etr .Note on Sale at $2.SO0~ tire 7 7)ayj if lBought Before the Opening/ 7ay a Week Here May 9th to 16th .ACK WHITE TAN IO: A "2 in 1 Shoe Polish" is rnade for every use. For Black Shoes, "2 in 1 Black" (paste) and "2 in 1 Black Combination" (paste and liquid); for White Shoes, "2 in 1 White Cake" (cake) and "2 in 1 White Liquid" (liquid); for Tan Shoes, "2 in 1 Tran" (paste) and "2 in 1 Tan Combination" (paste and liquid). F. F. DALLEY CO. of New York, Inc. BUFFALO, N. Y.