V3)LUN~iIE XXXII. LAU~RE.NS, SOUTH (CAI-OIJANA, WE-DESW)AY, APRiL- 11, (917.NUV 3 Exhibits Have Already Been of Visitors is Expecte Plan111s are already abotit comileted for the annual couity svhool fair which is to be held Friday of th's week. .t1jding fiomo Ihe exlii is which have already leen laced in the court. house and from the nue mber of coitestants who have aiready eltere:' their nanics !I tle varlus0 delrt ments, thle fair Niis yearI will comei1 III to the Ilost sAlgilid expectat iols in spite of tle near approach of war. .91111. of t'ducationi .1. II. Sullivan ( and .\lrs. Friirsoni, coulity school :utpervis or, have worked uiceasingly in ar ranging the details of the exhibition and yesterday very little was left to be done before the childrei, teach era anld oillookers begin to arrive. Plans are being made to bring out a patriotic effect in the parade. The city school children have already pro vided themselves with United States flags and other s0hools will be ex pected to display the national colors where they have them. Followiig the parade, as an noiu nced in alotlier col umn of the laper, a meeting will be held eln the graded school grolulds where two addre:e5 will he mii ad e o0n paI t rigtism and irepa red 1 iss. The elders pi'r tieitlarly are urged to hear these addre'sss, as they -vill he of, Vital interest to the cou nty. The l)ol!ee dei'lrInenit is mailag preparations to take eare of I he crowds in its usual polite and effec live ilannile. t was annoluned( ys lerday that jio vehicles would be al lowed on the pulijc squarie untiln' ler the paradie,-on accouit of the vcon gestion, the dlaunger' to pedestriains and tile coifusion they 'would eiiuse tle pad.01le. i'cople wil! be expecled to park their cars and teamis elsewhere until after tle iutrade. The foliowing is the progrim and (lie list of declaimers for the day: I-laterary contest -10 o'clock at Lauriens graded school bAilding. S-Deelaimat ion con test--10 o'clock in Laurents graded school chapel ai(n Haptist S. S. room. I -i i~ caentar'y 3ect--10 o'clock, LJauMrens graded school camplius. IV-Grand I Parade- 11:30 o'clock. V---Awarding of blue ribbons-12:30 o'clock, Latirens graded school cami ms, and oath of allegiance to Unit ed States flag. VI- Dinner. VII--figh school athletic mect---2:30 o'edock, Laurens graded school campilus, VIIl-Viewing exhibits-10 a. in. to 3 P. Im., court house. IX-H igh school oratorical contest 8:30 o'clock, Laurens graded school chapel. ... High School Decilmation. 'Cliarlton H oi kusims, - Shiloh "Sergeant lrentiss' First Plea" Scott George - Trinity-Ridge "The Unknown Speaker" Ansel Godfrey - - Clinton "The Chariot 'Race" Caisle iHarley, Gray Court-Owings "Undcer the Souithiern Flag'' Chlas. illakely - - Ora "Deathi of Benedict Arntold" WVarren~ Bolt - - - 'isurens "independence of Cuba'' D~e Vanet Lecague, Iickkoi'y Travern "'Spar'ti1cu to the Giadlators'' C. C. Cox L anford "'Future t'emioraucy of Solith Cai'olina" Declama1)1tioni (ontest fori Hoys. Pi'imar'y, Grades Lauriens 'Townsip) Fiiurman Keely3, Watts Mill-"Shuelng Things", Dils Township, Chai'les Ilellams, Griay (Court-Owings-"Tihe Iloy's lRe marks to Is Stomach" Sullivan Trownsip, Tilliman tol t, Uickory Travern-"The Young Man Waited". Waterloo Towvnship, Jones Martin, F0kom-"Trhe Chick-a-dee". Seuffletown Township, Jaimes Willard, Langstin-"HI~ng a Man". Hunter Township, Mariori Hipp, Mountville-"The H~apply Little Crip Splo". Youngs Township, Ansel Williams, Youngs-"Crowning indignity". Gratimar Orades L~aurens Township, Nathan Blarksdale, Trinity-Ridge - "Nebuchednezzar' and the Mule". Dials Township, Charles Johnson, Gray Court-Owings-"Time". Waterloo Township, Tver'ett Daven port, Palmetto-"The 'Engineer's Seiffilotown Township, Carlton Snyder, ,Musgrove-"It". H#ttu Township, Balph Barrow, IIbl FAIR FRIDAY i Placed and a Large Crowd ri to be In Attendance. Clinton-"Young Ame:ica". \'ernoln Cox, Ill Ifor-d Dut nImt ion Contes. for Girls. 1rim11ary Grades Eauois Towniship, Fi'alexS Chid res L atIr els cily xchool "Aun Dabful's VisI.'. Dials Township Saim Owings, G ray ('ourtl "The Telephlot10".' Sullivan Township, Nellie \\asson, I ilekory TavernI--"\Whenti the Mln ister Conmes to Tea". Waterloo Township, Kathleen Cul bertson, 'ko-i-"Blaby's Troubles". F- u llelown Township, Fratnces Ander sol, ,Mlsgrove-"AIdven tiles in Na itnier Township, lelen Workman, Mountville--"Mlanimy's Pickaninny". Youigs Townshipi, Ida Babb, Youngs --"The nesettirik Sin". ( 1a:nmar Grades Laurcns Township, Rluth Stuart, WaIts DMain TownshiIp, Margaret liodgers, (,ray Cou rI -Owigs--"Tle .liet". Sulli1vanl Towniship, Lonla Habi1winl. II kkor-y Tavvrnl--" o)'on BI rov'i. Courtsh ilp". d \Waterloo Townslhip, Sadie lI11o, I"om "l Il llos o 1)". Sotilletown Township, Irenio Donnlon. Sandy riigas --"Stlon ClIhive". [lu1nier Townsiilp, Sjbylla Suliranol. .\lou tvl- ----dy-ar " Yn . linos TIIownsiop, Lillie Green li anly '.\SEc red.\RDEN PROD01'. a 111n11red .LurenS Wome \rre k0 to P an.5 Tomnilo liint( EIIIIh In the shorl silane of about an11 houlr Mrs..R. T. *4111nia1 and Mrs. 11. .. Parkinsen secured the name of ablol a hutndred women wlbo altree to plant at least twenity-five tomlato plants InI their garden tis year ats a part. of thle general mlobilizatlonl of forees-t'o pre. pare for the war. The intention of th?. ladIes is to enlhit every \voman in . i city in file l1ovelmelti amn( to encourage them to raise other lhingA besides. Monday afternoon at -I o'clock County Demonstr-atoi P1. W. Moore will address thein at the grad ed school building. Anflyone else de siring to add their name to the list Tay notify either of the above lades. As one of the,ladles ,ai(d yesterday: "Owing to the demand for food by the allies and owing to'tie high pric es Wf all food stuff we feel that it. Is the duty of every woman to see that the tomatoes served on her table this ummor and consumed by her family this winter should be raised in her Own garden." '4 Anyone interested In raising toma toes can have het name placed on the government list and receive much helpful' information concernfig this mitbject by spleaking to Mrs. R. T. Dun lap. . a , ,lilRORS DRUAWN. Week (of April. Tihe next ternm of Civil Court to be held( in this coun-ty will begin on the foutrth Monday in this month with .1 udge .Jamnes E. Peuorlfoy Ipresidling. Tlije following have been drawit to iferve as jurors: Laurens-John Ii. Power, W.. II. Me. P'hall, J1. RI. Murfl, (C., F. lhrooks, C. E. Kennedy Dials-T'I. I. Ilienderson, S. F. Stewv art, 13. II. Gray, W. L. Anmstrong, Ri. U'. Woods, -D. M. IIoldler. Youngs--U. K. Garrett, J. B. Clod frey, S. D) Martin, W. C. Putnman. Scuffletown--C. A. Owens. Jlacks--RI. N. Malone, Lee I. Spoon. H-unter-N. R. Young, P S. .Jeans, Cross lli1l--. J. Hitt, S. A. Leaman, Ri. Wi. Brown, J. B. Neal. Waterloo-S. M. DavIs, R. L,. Ow Ings, J. Wofford Anderson, J. C. Pin son. Tramnmell, A. 0. Copeland, F". M. TBuz hardt, P., I, Abrams, W. 0. Murff. Edwin Liucas Transferred to Oreenville Mr. Edwin W. Lucas, who has been connected with a cotton firm in s'par tanburg for some timed\has been transferred to tho Greenville offices of the saine firmi and 'will make his home there in the future, ISSUES PROCLAMATION OF WAR. President Wilson Signed the Resolution Declaring a State of War with Gerimny and issws Proclamation Calling on All Citizens to Support the Covernrnent. W hi .~1 C ii n-CI il G. I 've i' 1n t i t C iinvd the resC ioni of1 4ngress5 dlthn~inig a ste' oI wCi- hIw~een the l'ited Sitte .111d1 (rNmy. :llce pr sident e signed a proCT . nii f'omallY . 111it being-.' per-ilttold I iecsidIll w:1h ii t l ' I 1 itd' i StaItes. eu111se orI iIe'eet to depart there Iiromii : anid to establish any , v sicil reguilait ions which ar-e flod ievesm-'y inl thev p-inisos mnd I'mr lilt, public safety. "\\'hereas by st'C'tion 41,0t8, -1,069 11(n -1n.070 of the revised statu1teS. im-ther lpovision is mitode re'lative i alien eie ies' (coliviction. Now, I lit ref'oreC , I \\'oordrow \\'ilson, president 1f1 the I' lited S oltat Aeivrien, do, in-rhr proClaim. to aill whoimi it iiaiy coCierni. that a stat(,of war exists betw'en Ilite I'nited States aid the Imperial .'eriai gov;eiiient'iit ;aini 4 do speCially direit all ottifers, tivil or. mil itaory, of the Initel States thmt Itey excicise vigilance and zeal inl the dis"harge1ll of1 the dultie-S ineident1 to) such a state. of war; and f do, mlore ov(e, eal i'istly appeal to all A me rican citizens that they, inl loyal de votion t their Country, dediented from its fouidation to the principles of) 1ilibeirty and justite, uIphold the laws of, le laal, an1(d give undivided and willing sulpport to Ihose imeasiures which nlimay he adopted by the Coist itlit ionial alt hoirit ies inl proseclting Ilit war to a1 siccessil issli aind inl obtaiitig a sniTe and ,just peace; A"nd, atting oiler an11d by virtui(e of the authority vested inl me b*v tihe(i const it lit ion of thlie I'nited 'States and the said sections .of the rle vised statutes: "I do hereby fiu-ther proclim and direet that t1he Condel to b ise rvd onI he par'141t of th li'n iitedi States Iowa rds all niatives, citizens, deizenis or' suhb.jects 4)f Germiia ny , being male ofl t he age of' 14 yearis ain upwarids, who shall be within th lin ~iited States anid not actunally sectlions of. the I- revi'ed et atutes' ar termIed'i14c atlieni eneii es, shll 1 be as folI ws: "401 alin eneii s areii 4 en~yt'joinIied'to Iprieserv the ac t olt (Ci''ICwar ds thle Unit ed Stat Ies and1( to iefra in froii eriim ai(~ ga inst the14 pubi saf1n'51ety, anrd froma violt 11 iig th l awMs of' the U n ited States and4 ofi theic stalte andCii ter' ritornics thIereo(' tf, anid to i( refaini fi-omi actual hostIlit ies or' gi viing inflormna. strii't ly withI te regiuliat imis whIiich arie hierebl)y or' wihi ch maly be fr'omi time toC t imei( protl'ga td b1Iy the pre'tsidenit ; and( so long as they shall ('ond(1uirt theims'l ves ini accord(an ice withI Ia w, thley' shalt b)4 und(1isturbedl('( in thle pti eafuil puruit~1 of( t heiri lives and1( o)Ccupat)1ions and14 be accoirded Itie conisideatiIion duie to all peneu'l and1 lw-abhiding persons11, except so far as re:':;trirtiona may bie ne(c'essariy for' their own prl iotect ion and for I~he saf(ety of' the linited Slates ; and1 towards(1 suchi ailieni eenies as 'onduei(t-I thl(Ives8 ini ac'oirdanice with law, all citizens of thle Uinited Stautes are' enijcinied to preserve the peceuC aiid to fren111t them withI all suhl fr'ienidlinessq as may. be compatible with loyalty and allegiance to the United States. -. "And all alien enem'ies wvho f'ail to conducet themselves as so en joined, in add(ition to all other penalties pr'escribed by lawv, shall be liable to restr'aint, or to give secur'ity, or to remove and depart from the United States in the manner prescribed by section 4,069 and 4,070 of the r'evised statutes, and as presecibied in the regulations duly pro mulgated by the nresidnt* Likely to Follow Germany Bulgaria aund Turl misintonA.pril !). uAst;ria-ilunI vilil (erluo i, hay, r;', hl diptoliai ji :.!0:0liOns w i li-, ! ,1m too . )I(, (ipit i :, a1 (Itualion whi Ic - in i.I expLvl 'd li re i t) lead to wal. I '.-Nit l'.'rich Zw.ifliinek, lli, A.\ust rian c h :1re,; V :;hed the Eae i ia tnn to a or. pass-portsfor hn;, i ' a!T a d the Aulstrian ons la for(e in this colintry: an!d simianeously .\meori''-an .\ln ier. Slo\.all re4ported froi lIerne that Anstria had ali nionnleed the breah inl relatioll o t he Amelican caibassv in 'Vivina yester (ay. Ime1111diateIyV the Tlieasury Demrt ilueil ordered the seizure of all Alus tri"an inerclant ships in Airican har bmrs The Austrian cl'ews5 were ltaken oft and sent to iminigration stations a i d A mericaii gurds ilt oi board. Th'le ,ei1easure was explainled as pu1irely ole cf poliec cau toln. lInt it is realizel that it may he interpreted by Austria as ani act of war. in a1 similar situia lion a fteor the break with G ]rm. 110 hips were seized ;:: a state of w\ar actiual ly had len dla red. \\'hether liniga"ria amid Tur1key, are to follow .01it i 1un11,110own, 1!.I lv ('CI( i 8 -,v I't A. v:te il do .T l ill ILi:' 'Ii! ol, Au-s. Meetings to be Held All Ov All Are Reque Awakeieil to tlie importance of I Iarger si Iiply of, food during Ile Coml ilig "ilmmer111 '111(1 fall. P. W. Moore, (oun11ty farIll delimoist rator, has elist ed ithe a ssistan1e1 of a nher of prominelln illel in tle cily and all ov er tle county in ani effort to arouse tie( people to tihle importance of rais ing more food stuffs. After a con ference yesterday it was decided to arrange for a meeting In nearly every section of the collity Monday night, when the situation facing the county andI country will he discussed. A meet, i ng has already been arranged for a number of collilmuillities and schools and speacer provided for thom. At other places, local citizens may ar range ieetings and call on Mr. Moore SAVS (ItMANS ARE AT FULLT1j ST IENGTlI iltIih ('hilef of Imnperlal Sta~IY le Saerlllcees. (Glad to (Get A merlea's tonight Is awaiting with the samie tbrea thless imopatlinee as thle Ameicaln 10eop le thle dec ision of Congriess, whose proc(ieedI ings are fully reported 0( in the En rg Ili tress. ThliIs Is nbot hnense any dloublt exists herie as to what the resuilt of the vote in the Amnerican congres will be, but1 becaulse the na tmiln is aiou is to have a formal oIll elal ex 1ression of its Seni timents of sat isfact Ion ait Amierica 's ent ry into Ithe st ruggl e on the sIde of thle Al lies ac ross t he AtlIan tic fioma Pailrlimen, which will adIjournI tomnorrow foi thle F~aster recess, andt there Is ai general desIre that congress arrive at its de cIsIon In tIme to allow this to be (don1 before the Hiouse of Commlonis tises. Pending the dlecision of conigress the miInisters and reCsponisible otlleials In Londlon hesitate to make aniy pulill expression of theIr Ideas and senti mients on Almeican cooperat Ion withl the Allies. The present 11ood( of the lUitlihipublic Is plexe~lY~d. On the one hand they have daily evidence from the wvestern front of the sp)leniild success of the AllIes' contInuing ad vance; on the other hand, the war of fhee Is constantly InsIstIng upon the urgency of providIng more men for the front, and the ministers are imposIng IncreasIng food restrictIons, warnIng the coutry that 'stIll greater sacri ficnn than an yne t endnrad will ba - 'IM PANI inXW16vi AM1I -M& AMPU~IWAU.rqJj in War on United ates, (ey Remain Silet, s il .\bt'int and Swttle will as sil t . Mis ran illici s:s h& :m. S (fe condlocts for the former Aus 1ian fileicizlls n C t .. iri) h %- w i nl Iren h governmIIII'nlIs. \\ilhl t em11 1 i,;l "I nT)i the n e-viy - a I n t'ld AnI.tI::n mI haIad r who atrav-! inl N-ew, WYok on! the day Ger Wally c;nonnepa her ew it of 1-1.' .,:( . \v wheae credentilIs p1': dvun Wimo haus reise to ae (ept. In a sIalInvinen tonight reviewiing thiiate li('-otialicos Ile State Depart 'm-1nt ev'ele 1d 11hat n April 1, Iefore lri.' oh h t \Vil-on wvilt be)forc ('on res. to ask or- a dechalation of a state of wa .r with rI m1inany, Austria served notice that Such a declaratloiol wolId In an a brewk hot weeun tihe \\ashingon and4 \'inna governments. TII is 11olilleation brou gtl to an abrolplt c3d1 ihe St-ate Deparil't enllt.'s efforts to dismul the .\Austrian for 1c:n 011 from adhecrin5t, .11lul to the Ocimanii ) sulm ine policy. .\thhi 1 t4y1 ,1111 ta of the com)) nonie11 h e h n:-cd Ira not gven a di itin en the e i, Ir he :'i d C' alts to hoh-*.t .\v t 2'4(vr. ! oin 4 ' 4 ' 1 o;icy pro ia t IlalI 4 it a l o . n that 44)~~ 1d.lC~ commllitted. R FO00 D1SUJSS10N er the County Mocday Night. sted to Aticnd. for help it) any way. In whdlion to thle speaker.s whom) .\r. .o re will pro vide, the local people are-( exp(,(led to (,)etr into diiclssionl of the plans and 1m1 (asu11 res and decide fo tIhem3selves the best plans') to iputrsuev. .Most. of the meeings will bp held in the school houises while others will hie held in. popilar centers, acceorlding to the wishi es of lthe people themslves. The fol low in ' meting plaice 0nVe already been1 provided for: Laurens, Clinton, ray Cout, Cross I lill, Mounitville, WVaterloo, Princeton, Sandy Springs, lko4l, Lan1 ford, Ilick ory Tavern, Renno, Edenl, Shiloh, Greenpond, Moulnt Olive, Poplar Spring, Goldville, Ora', Tip Top, Youngs, Cooks Store. needed. There were I wo instances of this to dlay. (Gen. Robertson, chief of the im perial staff at armyl1 headqu11arters., de 0lar'ed tha11t the (Germanos are0 now str'onger'by ai m1lion men01 than at anly 1)0 timeLbfore and)4 that1 the sitruiggle ill en)tai1 heavy sacrii fiees and)4 greater' determ'in1at in. Winito Oh pen01cer ('hurch'!)ill, 1in 14 th flouse. oIf (CommoIlns, in,. the0 (ourse o'0f a discusi~on of the air1 s01rv'i3e, referre3'd to Amer43i('n's' en try in)to tihe war as "'God-gr'anfed aid to striugglinog Chr1istendom03)." and)4 de elaIa1'ed that but1 for' this a41d n10 p1u.. (loaf man ('ould( have said thatf the is 5114 (of the( warl waIs settled(. Nev03' sin)e theC vi10tory of the Marno had( he pition 11 een more lI0'( seious, addedo' Mr. ('hu rhill. a'nd evenOf with .\mslrien in the0 st ruggl e, a most op prsiv~ 1 .e situation0? 11ays be0fore thc na.. ion and1( the0 most ve'hemlent eff'orta were03' needed. Thle mo10t terrlible months of tihe warl were c'oming and~ it would darin.' and trues'10t comr 1adlship) that thet Allieos should 0030e sa1fely thr1ou~gh Faed bly the gloomyv i1redictionls theo 11011op 4l1wh a1 few weekcs ago were in (113med to) bel1Il aniy pr'act ical as sirtanice th)e United States could( r'en der'1, (een if' she came)1 into the wvar, h.)eve( now'. a ten~decyl3 to go 14o the other' extremfe and1( ho01e for everything fron, Amn(riPlrean cerat ion. While It is r'ecognlzedl that the great est aid pos sible in th~e lnmmedliate future wouldi be from tihe American navy, eand in thle real11 of finance and supplies, keen. curiiosity is displayed as to the line of coopeOration with the neW ally wilt take.