S - S- Leal and Personal Mention. 8 N 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Miss Alleene Franks spent the week end in Greenville as the guest of Miss Jennie Boyd. Mr. A. J. Traynham, of the \Varo Shoals vicinity, was a visitor in the city Monday. Mrs. F. C. Noffz and Mrs. J. I. Wells, of Cross 11111, were shopping in tho city Wednesday. Miss. Eloise Anderson, of Augusta, is visiting Mrs. Foster Simpson on West Mlain street. Mr. It. 1. Otts, of Allendale, spent the week-end in the city as the gue.t of Ar, it. A. Cooper William P. Shealy has accepted a Position with Minter Company and has entered upon his duties. hliss Lizzie nichey is visiting rela tives in Ilolley 1111 and other places In the lower part of the state. Mr. W. A. Putnam, of Greenville, spent Monday night at the home of Mlr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Hopkins. Mr. \V. W. Ilendrix, a prosperous young farmer of Cross I-1111, was a bus iness visitor in town yesterday. AMrs. John Wells Todd, Jr. left last week for Liberty 1111 to visit her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Richards. Mr. G. C. Young, Mr. Guy L. Cope land and Air. II. 1). Stewart of Clinton. were business visitors in the city yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moorhead, of Goldville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Moorhead's parents Mr. and AMrs. Geo. C. Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. McDonald, of Co lumbia, are expected in the city today to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Lit tle and family. Mr. W. A. Gyles, of Graniteville, spent the week-end in the city as the guest of R1ev. and Mrs. Graves L. Knight on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Rice R. Nickels, after a honeymoon spent in the middle west ern states, have returned to the city and are now at home on Irby Avenue. Messrs Nat Kennedy, Robert Roper, Laurens Barksdale, and B. W. Lock ner were in Greenwood Monday nigh' attending the meeting of Knight Ten plars. Dr. J. M. Bearden was called to Athens, Ga., last week on account of the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. .Gibson White. At the last reports she was still critically ill. Mr. Randolph Little, who has been with the Traynhain Guards - on the Mexican border, arrived in the city yesterday and is spending several days here with his mother on Laurel street. Mr. C. B. Taylor, of Warrior Creek, was in the city Saturday. Mr. Taylor states that the heavy frost killed all of his lowland grain, as well as his win ter vegetables. Ills clover, however, stood the cold very well. li:as .Jessie Thompson of Spartan-. lburg has been visiting .il's. R. E. iughes for several days. AMiss Thom p son t aughit inuisic here formeily and it is alwvays a great hpleasure to her friends to have her' ret urn. Mr's. TI. I,. .\onrioe, who has beeni very sh'k ror' several weeks, wvas car' riled to ('olumbinia for t realinen t Friday. S'hie has imtpiroved considerably since beinig t here andl thle indica tions ar:e now that she is ouit of danger'. A liint to Our ('ustomer's, If you 0only knew, as we know, wve woulntd not haive to tell you-we are on the inside-its our' business to know, and we kniow~ wheireof we speak--you buy now all goodis you need -for six meonthis. Yot wvill save money. J1. C. Jtuirns & C'o. Bny (Areenmwoodl Landu. A r'eal estate deal of considerable proportions was consummated several (lays ago, when Fleming Brothers, of this city, purchased twvo tracts of land in Greenwvood county neai' Ware Shoals. The larger tract, consisting of 575 acres, was bought from Messirs T1. R., Blackwell, of Due WVest, and Ii. S. lackwell, of this pity. The other tract, consisting of 85 acres, was bought. from Mr. J. RI. Winn, of Abbe ville. The two. tracts adjoin each ot11' er and ar'e located at Black's station on the P. & N. railroad, it is under stood that the land was bought for' Investment and will be rented out, * McDA) NJEL MILL NEWS, * McDaniel Mill, Nov. 27.-Several young people from this community at tended the oyster supper at Mt. Pleas ant Friday night. Misses Jennie Fowvler and Lizzie Walker fi'om Mt. Pleasant, spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Miss Ethel McI~niel. Miss Lucilo Traynham of Friend ship is ,visiting her' brother, Mr'. Coke Traynham, Miss Ethel McDaniel 'has pur'chased a now model Ford touring ear, Mr. R. R, McDaniel has gone to Due West to spend Thanksatving with bOmeifolks, NEXT LYCEUM ATTRACTION. To be (iven at the Opera liouse Thursday December 7th. "Ye Olde New England Choir" is the name of the next lyceum attraction which will be given at the Opera House Thursday evening, )December 7th. Manager Switzer states that he Is especially pleased at being able to secure this attraction, as it was rot originally on the program and is a higher priced number than lie origin ally contracted for. The songs of four centuries, the "Puritan Period," tlie "Colonial Period," the "Abolitionist Period" and the ".\lodern Period" is expectedt to be a most pleasing part of the program. Rev. Thos. -. J. Wright, pastor of the Broad Street Niethodist church, of Burlington, N. .J., who had tihis attrac lion on his lyceuin programin Octo her, wrote the following letter in coin imendation of it: Broad Street Methodist Episcopal Church, v. Thonas .J. .1. Wright, Pastor. Oct. 18, 1916. Ye Olde New England 'Choir appear ed upon the platform of the Broad Street Methodist Episcopal Church last night in a programme that was highly instructive, and intensely interesting as well as extremely entertaining. The costumes, solos, duets and the quartet work was of the best. We could not allow them to depart without person ally thanking them. The reader, Miss Ruble, was one of the best that we have ever had, and ranks among the best in her line. Her dialect readings were perfect, and her entire list of readings were of the best. Best of all they were not a rehash of the -old and worn-out recitations. The entertainment of last night has left a good taste for what is to follow in the course. Sincerely yours, (Signed) Thos. J. J. Wright. Mi. Switzer states that he still has season tickets for sale and would be glad to dispose of them to 'those who desire to see the entire program. Austin-Crouch. The following wedding announce ment has been received here and will be read with interest in this county, the bride being a native of Cross Hill and having many relatives in that sec tion. The young couple are engaged in missionary work in Egypt. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Austin announce the marriage of their daughter Katy to Mr. Sydney James LIeonhardt Crouch on Monday, November the thirteenth Nineteen hundred and sixteen Alexandria, Egypt. At Iloie Y. M. 'C. A. Alexandria, Egypt. MAMMA! DON'T YOU SEE YOUR CI-IL D IS .SICK, CONSTIPATED 1.411k ni toniguie! M fore poisoins fromi liver andi~ howels at on1ce. M otherci! Y'oulr child Isn't naturally ci'oss and peevish. See if toiiguie is ('onted; tils is a surie sign its little stomlachl, liver andl~ bowels ned( a c'leanlsinlg at on1ce. When listlec's, Pale, feverlishl, full of cold, breath I -id, thi'oat sore, dloesni't eat, sleep 01r et niaturially, has stom achi-nehe, dlai ioea, remeimbeir, (p-g'en tie iiver' and owe! cleansing's-hould always he the iii'st tireatn 't given. Nothling equ is "'Califf In Syrup of Figs" foi' clhi iron's s; give a tea siloontul, anld in a w houi's all the foull w~aste .it' le and fermenting food wvhich a ogged in the bowels passes5 out o e system, and you have a well and p yful child agalin. All clii dr'en love tIs hai'mless, deiciouis "fruit laxative" and It nlever fails to effect a good "inside" cleansing. D~i'ections foir babies, cildren of all ages and gr'ownl-ups ai'e plainly on the bottle. Keep it handy in your' hlome. A little givenl today saves a sick Chlildl tomoir row, but get the genuine. Ask youlr driuggist for a 50-cent bottle of "Call fornia Piyrup of Pigs" thlen look and see that it is nmade by thle "California Fig Syrup Co." Shriner Special to Greenville. Account tile ann~ual Pilgrimage A. A. 0. N. M. S. Omari Temple, at Green ville, g. C., on Thanksgiving Day, thle C. & W. C. Rly. wviii olerale splecal Pullman service from Augusta to Greenville leaving Augusta at 3:00 A. M., Thanksgiving mlori'niig, arriiving at Gi'eenville 8:15 A. M. Returnl trIp) will he 'arranged to leave GreenvIlle 11:00 P. M Thanksgiving nighlt arriving Au.. gu ':00 A. M. Friday mor'ninlg, D~ee, tat. Reduliced fares are authlorized froml all important stations, andl any one de siing to use Special froml Auguista should make early request foi' Pullmnan ieservation, thr~oughi local agent or diiect to E. WILLI4AMS, (leneral Passenger Agent. W. M. NASH, SURVEYOR, Terra~cing, Leveling, Drainage. Notary Public. GRAYkCOURT : : : S. C. AN ATTENTIVE HEAR. INO ON BOLL WEEVIL (Continued from Page One.) of the dairy cow In fighting the boll weevil. Mr. McLain said that the dairy cow would Prove the salvation of the small farmer, because through her the farmer is able to market in cream and butter the hay and other small pro ducts which he grows on the farm and Is not able to sell profitably in small lots. lie urged the co-operation of the farniers with the farm demonstrator in organizing cream routes and in breed ing high gade cattle. Dr. W. W. Long spoke principally aloag the lines of marketing of farm prodiucts, r'ging the organ izat ion Of cream routes and the building of creameries where the sentiment seemnei to favor It. It takes not less than -10) cows to support. a cream ier'y, lie said. lie let it be known that if Laurens would guarantee that Ruany cows tributary to a creamerv he would come here and help )rganize one and market the product through the Clel son college. Mr. Long also issued a warning as to the devastatiig effects of the boll weevil and urged a diversi fed farming as the remedy to the situ ation. Mr, -Long was the last speaker on the program and after the close of the meeting, a large number of people went ip to speak to the visiting gentle IenR and to express their apprecia tion of the speeches. COLD POINT NEWS. " * * * "* * * * * * " " " " " " 0 Cold Point, Nov. 27.-The weather is cool now and Christmas is on the wing. The farmers have about finish ed gathering their cotton. The oyster supper at Mt. Pleasant school house Friday night was well at tended and quite a success. Rev. Martin filled his appointment Sunday at Mt. Pleasant, preaching a splendid sermon to an attentive audi ence. Mrs. Emma Leako is sick at this writing. Her many friends hope she will soon be up again. Mrs. J. F. -Nelson had as her visitor, her aunt from Louisianna who is now in the county visiting relatives. Miss Nina Duncan, after an extend ed visit to relatives in Laurens, re turned home last week. Mt. Pleasant school is progressing nicely with Miss Ethel McDaniel as principal and Miss Vashti Nelson as assistant. * * ** .*. .. ..** e, * EKtOM NEWS. * Ekom, Nov. 27.-Again a sad gloom has been cast over our community when tihe news reached its of the death of \is. Elizabeth (odfrey, better known as "Aunt Lizzie". She was on a few weeks' visit tc her son, .1. W. God frey, near Fountain inun and had been sickR only a'few days. licr death- was very unexiicte'd, even! by h' i mm1)1Red iate f:im1i1ly. Aunt I zzie on :i 2 years: of age ando .mao 1liv'I Rin this comui tyR' oii of heR' life. She had beeRn a mnembeir or I' nion int~Rist Rhurch siinen girUboo~l andl~ hadl live a i ~ .c i'R C, (-n('rv ed I C hr('i istianR our) (hrch~i. W\e sha'.I aiii miss15 her *sweet 1)ace andii bright snric, lbut whyi3 should~i wie .0on i liing withb gr'ief. Wh'len tile .\nster' say3s "Look up"? W\e ender'ly sym11pa thize withI e:i(-h one of the hereiavedl family. May all of our lives be suichi that sometime111, some1 wheir(e, we shall meet heir again. Rev. Graves TL. Knight of Laur'ens. fliedJ the pllpilt at Union Sunday andl preachled an instructive sermon to an attentive auience. We will hlave Thanksgivinlg sei'vices at l'nion church Thursday. Exerceis es will be by tile children of the Sun beam Society and school. Miss Homaseile Blackman spent Sunday with Miss Myr'tie Cuiiber'tson. Mrs. Joh~n Fowler or tile Mt. Pleas anit section spent the week-enid withl Mrs. Y. J. Culbertson. Miss Irene Cooper and brothler spent 8'aturday night with Miss Lonie Cooper andl brothers. .\essrs Carl Cuibertson and~ Edgar' llur'ts visied relatives heRe Bunday. Mr's,.Janle Williams recently cele bratedi hei' 7-ih birthday. She was givenl a nice dinnuer by hei' dauighter inl-law, Mr's. Mai'ian Wililams. Misses Dun 1woody and Spier's wei'e Sunday gu~est.s ot MR. and Mi's. C. C. Cal dwoll. *0*000*00e....... e e e *FOWLER NEWSI * Fowler, Nov. 27.--The oystei' supper givenl unldei' tho ausices of tile War r'lor Creek schoc1, was a success, so cially and financially. Miss Grace Poole, the teachier, nmade herself a very gr'acious hostess by her affahble mlan noers andl tried tihe crowd for all tile money in it. A large congregation hlearri gladly their former pastor, R1ev. Mr. Driock, WE ARE OFFERING UNUSUALLY...... Low Prices on Stoves We were lucky enough to buy these stoves before the advance in price and offer them to our trade at the old prices, and this means a good saving to those who come to us for their Stoves. 7 Stove $7.75 All other sizes in stock and priced just as low. Come and see the entire line---We have just the size you need at a price that wilt save you money. S.M.& E.H.Wilkes &Co.I 'Y.holesorrre -- - - -- -- - A BREAKFAST FOOD MADE FROM SWEET POTATOES YAM NUTS are the essence of all the nu triment and deliciousness of selected sweet potatoes. YAM NUTS h e a flavor that is abso lutely "differe ,"entirely "fascinating". YAM NUTS ark t -highest notch in the prepara on o' ourishing foods. Let the "kiddie ve all the YAM NUTS they want, which Is a lot. It's ti greatest builder of sturdy bodies and rosy cheeks. The box shown is "individ ual" size,-you can get one eight times as large at your grocer's foi only TEN ('ENTS THE WILLIAMS COMPANY Sole .Wanufacturers (IREENYILLE, S. ('. Comning Soon-Y.01 FLAKES, a (laden Flake of Pure De llelousness. preach at Warrior Creek Sabbath. shipped at Warrior Creek i'dbbath. The school hee is succeeding beyond much to the delight of her many ourmdst sanguine expectation, with a friends. large enrollment and coopleratiVe pa- Mrs. Brewington, our neighbor, sold trans, twenty-five dollars' worth of turkeys Misses orace I)eSluields, Loulse last week, Wolffe, Messrs Chas. Waldrop and Clovie Thomas of Lanford, spent the To Cure a Cold in One Day week-end with Miss Carrie Fowler. u h an LanT ROMO d a Quinine. t stops the Miss Anna Rhodes of Laurens, wor-Ugi tas IdS isnaeiref oteail to cur. Notice of Stockholders' Mfeeting. State of South Carolina. County of Laurens. Pursuant to resolution of the Board_ of Directors of Waterloo Cash Com.. pany, a corporation created and exist ing un(er the laws of the State of South Carolina, with its principal place of business at Waterloo, S. C., a meeting of the Stockholders of said corporalion is hereby called to be held at the otlice of the corporation at Wa terloo. S. C. ol the 2?ndl day of De centher, 191, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the pur pose of considering a resolution that such corporation shall go into liquida tion and vind up its affairs and dis solve. Date-l the 21t day of November, A. I). 19 tv;. lmEN IA.\N1ORD, Is-it President. Notice of l.ost Stock. To all wl'ot it may concerIn: This is to certify that I have and own two shares of stock in The Lau r1nts 'T'rust (Coumpany of btaurens, same being original certilicate No. .1-16 and that sahi ccrtificate has been lost or destroyed and I desire a new certificato of stock to be issued to Ie in) place of th original. 'ou are further notified that I shall make application to the said Lau rens Trust Company at its ofilce for Issu ance of such certifiate on the 28th (lay of December, 1916. JOHN WIDLLS TOD, JR. Dated this 22nd day of November, 1916. FINAL SEITTLE3ENT. Take notice that on the 9th day of December, 19116, I will render a final account of my acts and doings as Ad ninistrator of the estate of P. R. Moore. deceased, in the office of the JIutdge of Probate of Laurens County, at 11 o'clock a. i., and on the same (lay wIll apply for a final discharge from my trusts as Adminis trator. Any person indebted to said estate are notified id required to make pay ment on that date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them on or before said date, duly proven or be forever barred. EtIe Ow ings, Administrator. Nov. 8, 1916.--1 mo. UNDERTAKING KENNEDY BROS., Undertakers and Embalmers Calisanswered any hours, 4 yo > . Lax-Fos, A Mild, Effactive Laxative & Liver Toni Does Not Gripe nor Disturb the Stomach. In addition to other properties, Lax-Fos contains Cascara in aoceptable form, a stimulating Laxative and Tonic, Lax-Fos acts effectively and does .not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestion, aronses the liver and secretions and restores the healthy functions. 50c.