E) ElZbbertiger Subseripton Pries is $1.00 Per Year Payable In Advance. Published by ADVERTISEB PRINTING COMPANY Laurens. 9. C. 1dvertising Rates on Application. PMtuarles and Card of Thanks: One cent a word. untored at the postotfnce at Laurens, I. C., as second class mail matter. LMI'HENS, S. V., MARCH 29, 1916, Will the "B etter Laurens Club" an iiounce a "Spring Cleaning -ay" soon? " r s Are you coming to the County School Fair April 1-ith? Everybody else is. "Aspiring is very scarce" says a re pIort in the Greenville News, speaking of the effect of the war on drugs. "As piring" is very plentiful around here, judging by the number of candidates out for solicitor, sheriff and coroner. In fact "aspiring" doesn't Seem to be a drug on the market here in any sense of the word. FAR.\l PRIODUCEI. We understand that. several men in Gray Court have found the business of buying chickens, eggs and other pro duce for shipment to other points fair ly profitable. If such a business is proflitable in Gray ('ottr it ought to be profitable here and nlot prove any in jury to the business of the Gray ('curt men. One great irawback to the rais ing of varied p roducts on farms in this vicinity is the lack of mlarketing fa C ilities. 'the manl wh o n derlakes to tprovi(de these facilities here will nrot only. he benifitlig him;self' but the entire neigllborhood. (O-Ol'EiCt\I'ON. 'That "loultaill itl 1!('o-Oi-ti e .lerst, "liull .\!soct)( i on" )1 told) of In Iihe la~t issue o:' thle l"' unt:tinl Inn TubIlune is suilh an l i.izlliat i1 that every coutl nlit; i tihi.; sectlio4n would do w ll c Or an'.'. i - jltn a pe Itars to blr id ra(' ,al u n and c"n-:!ht to 111r0 li in n to 11! soul br eing in thi'. 1 a nity. inW'(e oa:t: the 'organ iza; c::1 i: ec:t!l; oljd l !r ly o ' m hen wh artie intert 111t 111 liock taing rather thtan citi?.ens o:in y h l"1ilun1 itself a t f ti i.; a '.; it oust to I e. While ih:. . - ., ;-: bti y llat ve 14 orod grolunds(I for e' (:lijving that tihe husi ness luen of the town shotild take an activ e part in these organizations by investgt their c):i9tl , yet there are iny farr' 1 ablle to supporve t all or ganizations and b. reason of their active interest are moreiely to make thend n omanent0y benefeial. DIG':r.\Y'Il) .11STIICE. Wheile long delayed puonishlent to to sin thule de atpisc taon on tho 1)rt off 11lte pulie /ilh 11 frmina asruelur takn iessens lthlf ietiat of conlmeet t~ he1ends o.n . the s forb a lhossu e:'a.hmiratio asicl to saity, bcorns and ciue toibe unosolnlable delay to he t'alel Atl)Oment o asehs, botie was, liilan cInmil outhe queretiotpnn of fnetled deiwould 's aer fatin der t rie sate ad troer solutiial ronshcae. fo Itase in qoit piblehatht. VaughnI feninge ofa hnousbelf rin whieubt ig.s Geoevly muvera ywarse ags. tWhee dfnote dane for thelea stae taken torptof i utnish Comentlothus fareth lasep take In in hCis bIte.alf, that o commitedtnghim' to tohe aylkfo al ltilsthoouhn exainti ts to tile snity, seems bl 1(1 to have a i'h e m eethuan crime (Ifas, hli~s Itexeci(on 11 wit he Muestion ofhu snityi r unsted, would -dhae legtastass uo the fate tand the tflenenles responsible for it. ITilit were to belet n donbt. te eg lators depen'4 and they ought to be able to sustai their position in an open meeting of business men. If they have nothing definite to promise in the way of relief, it will then be about time for them to give up the effort as a bad job and to turn the whole matter over to a committee of business men and the governor. DR. REED SMITH MADE ADDtESS. 'Tralked Before Better Laurens Club NFriday Night at the School Audi. torium, Prof. Reed Smith, of the University of South Carolina, made au address before the Better Laurens Club in the school auditorium Friday evening. Prof. Smith's address was devoted largely to an exposition of woman's sphere In the work of bringing about better living conditions and developing higher ideals in the thoughts of the time. He cited instances to show how the influence of wioman is becoming felt more and more in thosb things which affect the material and moral life of the nation. hlis address was given the closest attention and at its conclusion many present went forward to express their thanks to him for his presence and his message. Pro'. Smith's lecture was one of a number being de livered by professors of the University under an Extension campaign. Before the lecture, Supt. Parkinson outlined the plans and motives of the Better Laurens Club and about twenty pupils of the school gave a little play in which the dangers of uncleanliness and carelessness were pointed out and how these dlangers could be removed. Special stress was laid on the danger of allowing trash to accumulate and lies to breed, by which disease was permitted to spread from house to house and from person to person. m'aitli ('onVieys ideas by Every Move. P'rhapis you are an admirer of lien ry Ii. Walthal. If you are a motion I;icture patron at all, YOU certainly miist like this greatest of all players. .\re you one Who has believed that the se ret of his acting lay in his acial expression? If so, watch ',The Stiance ('a:e of .\lary 'te" more clos:ely. Frei Fuently \\'allhall muu(t have his hack to ins spectators, but with thse tuoveme~nt (of his; hund:; or hli: .sioulders he can conve j'y a the ex pressionl thait is oil his tace. an41 the Sln he us:t indiente. That hie dos not dep2end upon facial expres 'ion alone is tinal proof of his art. j0 iiithu ' le Niebkhirs. Workman of Newherry ar rived in the city last week to make I.aurens his home, lie has accepted the agency for the Studebaker cars for this territory, wtih includes all of Laiens county. Nir. Workman is ac comnpanied by .\rvs. Workman and they are staying for the present at the Gil kI :;cion louse. lt'nler the new Studebaker plan a nuimbe' of hours of free repair work gee wilh) each car and Mi. Workmai has :elected the Teagite Garage to do this wor k. 'The Eidebhakerl shiow roomS will also1 bte loca .tedt at this gar - age. PUT llEALT:- I:N FIRST PLACE Present Generation of Youth in Many Ways an Improvement Over Those of the Past. Our young people in their habits andl tastes cherIsh andl crave. anid ad mire health with a dlevotioni unpalr allehed since the days of the Greeks, writes Francis Greenwvood Peabody in the Atlantic lontdhly. The call of the fields anid of tihe wild, the inoculationi of carly childhood with the fever of athletes, and the enormous distinc tioni obtained lby strength, agility and pluck-even the unprecedented can dor of literature anid coniversation concerning sex, parenthood, eugoenics and foeminism-all these signs of the time, though they may involve now risks, unquestionably free young peo. pie in large degree from the intro spection, sentimentalism, morbid con scientiousness, prudishness and pruri once, which have afflicted earlier geri erations. Fearless, selfaconfldence, even audacity, issue from this health mness. Nothing is too personal to be mentioned; nothing too startlIng to be welcomed; nothing too sacred to be criticized. The most repelling of traits is sicklinmess, either of body or of mind. Strong doctrine, naked truth. undisguised convictions, are marka of the cult of healthiness, and the re sultant type of youth is one which can not be observed without admiration, as one watches an athlete stripped for his game and rejoicing in his strength. The Head of the Firm. As he appears to The Ofmce Boy-A large fat being whose grumble is worse than Jove's thunder and whosie commlendatory nod is worth almost any amount of per sonal inconvenience. Head Dookkeeper-A good man, with no head for figures, who has ar rivedl at Ils present exalted position by a combination of luck and pul11. The Stenlographer-A pleasanit, old party with sinagular weaknesses and a strang9e capacity-rarely exercised, however--to make one'ecry. TIl Wife--A bany-.f Solutipn of Tai Problem, . In the event that, the State of South Carolina is forced to go into the fire insurance business to protect the property of the taxpayers there will be not the slightest danger of over insurance if no policy is written in ex cess of the valuation at which the property insured is returned for tax ation. The adoption of a provision of this sort would either greatly in crease the amount on the property on the tax books or materially reduce the amount of fire insurance written in South Carolina.-Vatchnan and Southron. * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LANFORD NEWS. * * * - ' * * " " . * * * * r * . . . Ianford, March 27.-The contests Friday night and Saturday were large ly attended, Mr. Lenie Lanford hav ing won the medal. Master Victor Fleming and Babb will represent the primary gi:ades at Laurens and Miss .Janie Qox and John Melmotht Fleming will represent the intermediate grades. A picnic dinner was served which was bountiful. Miss Margaret Wolff visited at Mr. T. I. Wolff's Friday night, returning to Laurens Sunday morning. Little Miss Josie Williams celebrat ed her ninth birthday Sunday, March 26th by having a number of her little friends to dine with her. Those pres ent were as follows: Misses Lucile Moore, Estelle Nelson, Mildred Lan ford, Ollie May Taylor, Lillie and Car rie Wolff, Cleinis and Alvis Williams, Kate and Ruth Abererombie, Pauline and Margaret Waldrep, Lenora and An nie May Patterson, Margaret Mary and Eleanor Drummond, Lonamell and Leahnead Williams. All report a nice time and returned home at. 4:30 tired out. -Josie was well pleased with her nice little presents and wishes the 20thi of March would come often. $ PEIl('lAl, NOTICES. $ * * For Sole---A few buhels of 'amifor nia n('aile :red. $1..,0 per peck. Will 11n u' .I:'r [allons per' acie on hot 3om 1:-i. .1. I. r,111 ro,:l: 11111, S. C. v.r iiwi bu-,y ;or ensh old rags, clothes, rublher t ires, also Co;ner, h:rss zinc, 1ewta, . etc. One to t wo cents per pou ad for rags. Z. l.33urey, lItdk Ow ings old stan31d, N. Ia1rper St. lbost --large red setter dog, hoh tail, ntamle " "'rank". finder notify .1. L.. Cooper, Laurens, S. C.. lit. 2. : t-1t-pd ('llel.ens Wanted -Will pay 10 cents a pound for hens. ..1. C. Shell & .''o. L.o1--11ween postotlice antI En terprise Bank a key ring with th"aee keys, one postoillee key for box '57. Finder please leave at posto (' or I'.nIerprise Hank. :6-I t 'T'omato and Pepper Plants For Sale --Fine extra early tomato plants an( pimento salad pepper plants. M1rs. .1. S. Sullivan, South harper street, L:u renls, S. C. :36- 1..pd l'or Sil i--'cw, fresh in milk Also Calf. IPriie $3.3 for bothI. WV. 1. lI rami Wan lte(d- A hlousekeepere for 1m1 mother(1, 03ne to take ('011mpee chiarge of the house and kitchen: light house Ikeling. good( salary. A*ppaly to 1lev. (' . Wa tson1. Slimpsonville, 8. (C., 01' ('. A., Watson, Enoree, S. ('., 11. 1F. I). 2. :36-It For Saile-For a lbargalin in a good mnule1 a pply to IDialIs Cash G rocery Stoie, lsaurens3i, S. C. 35-3t ('otton Need-- have a few hushels pur le Tloole', Sllmpkins ProlIlle andi Vanidiver's Iliervy Frulter cotton seed fot' sale. $1.00 pci' bushel. Sc me. R. V. irby, Laurtenis, S. C. 35-2t For Sale-35 tolls best cotton seed meal, $35.00 per ton, cash oi' good laper'. N. B. Dial. 35-2t Typewriters-I am nowv agent in Laurens for' the celebrated Underwood typlewriter' and wvouldl be glad to prove its mier'its to anyone interested. B. W. Loicknler, at Fleinlg Bros. Jewelry Store. 34-5t Eggs-From my prize-winning White and Brown Leghorns, and "Rhode Is land Reds that are red". "My hens are bred to lay." $1.00 for fifteen. T. Houston Babb, Gray Court, R1. F. D. 31-5t-pd For Sale--Eight gins with presses compillete, except engine. Sell all or half outfit, In use sever'al years, but In good or'der'. Must be sold at once. Bargain. Ware Shoals Manufacturing Company, WVaro Shoals, S. C. 32-5t For Sale-A few settings of eggs from my pen of S. 'C. Rhode Island Reds, b~red frein birds bought from Lester Thompkins of Concord, Mass. Price $1.25 per retting of 15. J, MeD. Moore, 579 E. Main St., ILurens, S. C. Phone 165. 31-if For Sade-Land, pigs, shoats for sale. Only practical subsoller' on thle mar ket, twvo-mules, one hand (hoes the wot'k of four mules and two hands. it works behInd 'any plowv, fastens to beam of front lowv, subseils futrrow, then leaves all your clay under' top soil where it belongs. Your land won't get hard, get better stands of cotton. etc. Will demoenstrate with plleasure, i selling ferillizc'rfot' thle Ander son Phosphate and Oil Co. See me be fore you buy, I can sell you as cheap as anybody. Tonm M. Shiaw. 30.10t Frost Proof Cabbage Plants-Early Jersey Wakefild, Charleston Wake foeld, All Head, Succession and Flat Dutch, 90 cents per 1,000. 15 cents per hundied postpaid. W. Y. McNeilI, Wa terloo, S. C. 25-12t-pd Dr. Derrioux to Preach., Dr. W. T. Derrieux, secretary of. the State Mission Board of the Baptist church will preach in the First Bap tist church next Sunday, at both morn ning and evening services. At 'lrimity-iidge. The play "East Lynn" will be given at Trinity Ridge school by local tal ent on Friday night,' April 7th, begin ning at 8:30 o'clock. The public is cordiilly invited to attend. Admission 10 and 25 cents. Cream and cake will be served by the Rural Improvement association. )r. Cmapman in the County. Dr. J. W. Chapman, of Greenville, visited several churches in the coun ty Sunday in the interest of the Jud son Memorial fund, winding up his trip Sunday evening at the 2nd Baptist church, in this city, where he made an eloquent appeal to the congregation of that church. The preliminary contest for Dials township will be held at Gray Court Owings school Friday night, March 3'st. The contest is to select winners for the county fair. Card of Thanks. I wish to express my thanks to the voters who supported me in the elec tion for mayor and, further, to prom iso that I will fulilli the duties of the otllce to the best of my ability, showing favoritism to none. .1. C. Owings. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ANNOUNCEMENT. * * I hereby announce myself a candi date for Solicitor of the 'Eighth Cir cuit and promise to abide by the rules of the Democratic primary. 1-. S. 3bLA'CKWELL. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the otlice of Solicitor of the Eight h .1udieial Circuit. subject to the rules of the )etmoeratic primary. GEO. T. MAGl1h. 1 hereby announce mysel f a canudi date fer iI 1 otllce of sol letor of the .1hh Difstrict1 and promis:e to abide, by the results of the ifu'eocratIc pri ''. I4. McCOtI). Counity Ainnouecmncments. I h C i'offetr ityself as a caindiidate for the otlice of Sheriff of Laurens county. and pledge imyself to abide by the results of the -DiemocratIc pri m'ary. It. A. WitAltTON. I hereby announce myself a ehndi date for the olice of Sheriff of Lau rens County subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. A. R. SUILLIVAN. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the oflice of Coroner of Lau rens County and promise to abide by the results of the Democratic primary. J. P'OR'DlDR E .LLEDIGE . I hereby announce myself a candi date for the oflice of Sheriff of Lau rets county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. W. S. BAGWELL. I l'ereby announce myself a candi late for Ilte olice o f fheit of .Lau rc us (Coiuty and( prom iso to ablide by the resulits of the IDemocratlc pimiiary. D). W. .\. M1ASON. I hereby announ11ce miyse'lf a candi date for Shieriff (of I,aurens County, s1 uject to Ithe rimlIes of thie D emiocra0tic pimar10ty. S. C. REI I. I hereby announce myself a cani date for tile ol1lee of Shmeriff oif the County of Laurenis and1( prlomiso to aid~e by the results of thle D~emocrat IC prmimiary. I hereby anniOnnlec myself a candli date for the oilcee of Sheriff of Lau rens county subject'to the rules of the Decmocratic primlary'. WV. H1. DARIKSDALE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for tile office of Sheriff of Lau rens coulnty and promise to abide by thle results of the Democratic primary. JOHN D. WV. WATTS. I hlereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Laurens County sublject to the rules of the Democratic primary. GEO. C. HOPKINS. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Coroner .of 14u rens county subjectto the rules of thle Democratic primary. W. H. WHiITI.)CK. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Coronor and promise to abide by the results of the Democratic pri mary. Z. R. TRAYNHAM. I hereby announce, myself a candi date for the omele of Treasurer of Lau r'ens county and Promise to abide by the results of the Democratic primary. R. JIUD. LANGSTON. I resp~ectfully announce myself a candlidate for tile oflice of Treasurer of Laurens County and pledge myself to abido by time result of the Democratic I hereb~y annolunce myself a candi (1a1. for re-election to tile oflce of Treasurer of Laurens County and promlise to abide by the results of the Deomocratic primarl. RIOSS D. YOUNG. I hereby announce myself a canldi date for re-election to the ofllce of Aumditor of Laurenls county subject to the rules of the D)emocratlc primary. J. WADDY THOMPSON. I hereby announce myself a candi date for. re-election to the office of Clerk of Court for tmurens county, subject to tile rules of the Democratic party. C. A. POWER, All Fascinated by It's Well worth. h dial ad he J.u rens Drug Co., 'who disposes of a groat Woman's Hair quantity of it will tell you so, and will refund your money if it Isn't all you Nearly every woman 'who has an expect. ordinary head of hair can by giving it Singing at B tt. Just ,a little attention have luxuriant There will be a special song service hair, soft, fluffy and radiantly beau tiful. i April, services to commence at 10 It's a good thing to know this be-sec cguse hair preparations that put life and lustre into dull looking hair are scarce, but it is a fact known to near- cordially invited to come and bring ly every druggist in America that Pa- dinner. risian Sage. a delightfully clean and refreshing tonic not only will make see our conplete ine of "Quick your hair look 100 'per cent better but Meal" Oil Stoves. They give you more will quickly stop it from falling, rid heat, and use less oil. it of dandruff and scalp itch. of it w H ilkos & Co. OPPEORTUNITY KNtOCKS ONTHEDOOROI(OFAUiCA flA6a. HE 15 IUfTEP TO THlE 'OSITION OF 5OCIAL LI ON$ &I"WA5 FORM1ERLY A COAL HlEAVER~. H15 IN7TIN'.T AIRETHO5EOFTtE CAVE MlAN. . ROBERT EDESOK AtKE CAVE M1N" / WRITTEN BY? %ELETT DURCE751 Will be .shown at the Idle Hour Monday, April 3rd. "The Cave Man"' Is a story of the evolution of a man, inspirecd In one of Its leaders 1)' the folly and superficiality of society andi details graphically, how a man, picked ha phazard from th submerged tenth is made to grow anid expand into it valuable muember' of wvorth while society' h ytme care fulI nursing of a spark Im pianted in time brain of a coal heaver. The spark flares p andi envelopes It iswhmole bting and he likes the subsatioc for a while, hut, when becoming tired, lie lights against its gowimgn brillanicy and retun s to his 01(d haunts and associates to find he is no longer one of them. Now, fate takes at hand and the brain that. hlas been taught to tihing, guides the hand of its owner in the fashioning of m device that ofeaps a harvest of golden (do11ars veritably forcing 1Im back to that planie of human endeandor and orth that stchs the aan of value s society. Pure, Wholesome V Water, and how i to get it!'''' ... IN I-lave a well made with a Keystone Steam Driller W. C. WATTS Mountviole, S. C. W oeCaeMa"fsasordf h Gevlto Clamnusbrdioeo whleb T his beoin thir heinht agan sgwngurllac an rtunstourol au and h isc ess heis ogroeo thm.Nosaetaksoahn nteban ta-has been ntoomiing havet fWle dowant vryfo r taeaaeging ti akt htpaeo ua ndea ofnd ou hat sta ptecial rfealue of5y.e uent WonesoupnBokfrtheah durige ithemnho!pi.Dntfi tov a cwlme wto sea so hn 8,we eg etabrle rom Foia eey dy . C. TSHL &Co