The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 10, 1915, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Bakini Absol "Insures delicious and NO ALUM-N( 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Local and Personal Mention. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Miss Henrietta Johnson of Camden Is the guest of Mrs. IH. S. Blackwell. Mr. W. E. Pitts of Gray Court Route Four spent Tuesday in the city. Capt. T. .1. Duckett, oi' Clinton, was a visitor in the city Saturday. Mr. iubier Smith, of Owings, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. J. S. Craig, of Tylersville, was in the city yesterday. Mr. C. L. Compton, tihe able travel Ing passenger agent of the Seaboard, was a visitor Li the city Wednesduy. Mrs. .1. P. Durton is spending some tine in Newberry as the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. Z. Wilson. Mr. lugh Eichelberger of the Pres byterian College spent Sunday in the city with home'folks. Capt. F. WV. Carlisle has returned to the city after spending several weeks in Georgia and Alabama. Mr. John Y. Garlington, who is now: located at Los Angeles, Cal., is visit Ing relatives in tihe city for a few days. Mrs. J. Aug. Barksdale, who is now living in Atlanta, spent the week-end In the city with relatives. Miss Leonora Thompson, a student at the Greenville Female College, spent, the week-end here with home. folks. Miss Nell Childress and her friend, *Miss Mdlennor Wiggins, students at Lander College, spent Sunday and Monday here wtIth Mrs. S.. ). Childress. Mrs. I. ID. Boyd, of the Trinity 'Ridge section, took the train here Fri day for Landrum 'where she will visit her son. * Dr. T. C. Young, who has been mak Ing his home in Fountain Inn, is now with Powe Drug Company (luring Jie .absence of Dr. J. H. Powe. Dr. J. 11. Powe is in -1altimore where he is undergoing special treatment at a hospital there. is miany friends wvill be glad to know that the last r'e port shows hcim improving dlaily. Mr. HI. B. Roper of Honea Path wvas .among the visitors in the city last 'Thursday. Mr. Roper's many friends will be glad to learn that lhe is con templating moving back to Laurens county. Miss Flournoy 1H111 of Greenville is visiting Mrs Pierce Caine. During the Christian Endeavor Conventoon, Miss Hil11 aided the local choir in the sing ing and sang several beautIful solos. Mrs. Ella Smith, Mrs. JT N. Leak, 'Miss Thelma Phillips and Mi'. Zena ~Wilson wvere among the visitors here from Gray Court Monday. They camne down in Mr. Wilson's car'. Mrs. W. R. Rlcchey and Miss Corrie Hart, left Monday for Holly 11111 and other poInts in the lower part of the state. Mrs. Richmey will remnain butt a few (lays, but Miss Hart wIll be away forithe iargeir part of the winter. Miss Carrie K~nox of Annision, Ala., atopped over to speCnd a few dlays here as the guest of Mrs. .1. P. Simpjson and family while enroute to Newi Y.-rk city. Ship Loads Find New ( Those Fragrant, Mellow-as-ol That Make New Orleans the TH[S IS THE KIND WE Ui the Coffee that human hand; green, until it reaches the take our' word for the goodi prejudiced. Tlry a can at ou back if you are not pleased All Groce Use Only HALF as Much THE REILY New Or lPowder elyPur~~ the most healthful od IPHOSPHATE MRS. TIOS. F. JONES DEAD. Daughter of Mr. .J. N. Wright Dies Here While in Attendance upon Christian Endeavor Convention. Mrs. Belle Jones, wife of Thos. F. Jones, of Cross 11111, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. S. Iidgens, Fri (lay evening about eight o'clock as a 'estult of a stroke of paralysis suffered several hours before. Mrs. Wright had come to Laurens to attend the convention of Christian En"ideavors and more especially to assist in the must cai progran, so her death, coming as it (lid almost at the monent that the convention was called to order, was peculiarly sad. Mrs. Jones caie to be the geuist of her father. Mr. .1. N. Wriglt, ditding the convention but was visiting at the home of her sister next door'when she was stricken aind the body was never removed until it was carried to the cemetery for burial. Earler in the afternoon she had discussed the musical program at length with friends and had entered into the plans with that enthusiasm and willingness to help good causes that characterizedl her whole life. H1er relatives had been previously advised that death might overtake her in this mnanner, so neither the stroke of paralysis nor the end were entirely unexpected. The funeral services were held Sun (lay morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Iludgens, where the body lay, and Interment was immediately after wards in the Laurens cemetery, Rev. C. F. Rankin conducting the services. A large number of sorrowing friends and relatives attended the last rites and the floral tributes were numerous and beautiful, among them being a wreath sent by the convention of Christian Endeavors. The active pall bearers were: Mesys 1. 1). W. Watis, A. L. ludgens, Charles F. Brooks, George falle, Conway Dial, -A. C. Fullmer, Clyde Ray, W. R. McCuen. The honor'ar'y pall blearer's were: D)r. W. C. Irby, Dr. JT. HI. Teague, Dr. WV. D). Ferguson, Dir. H. K. Aiken, Messrs. E. HT. Wilkes, R1. Ei. Babb, WV. WV. Simpson, -D). A. -Davis, H. B. Hlumbert, C. D). Moseley, Maj. WV. A. Watts and .Judge R1. C. Watts. Besides her husbandl, the dlec'ased is sur'vived by her father andl the fol lowing brothiers and sisters: WV. S. Wright, Savannah; Jno. N. Wright, Jrm., Spartanburg; Mm's. C. M. Miller, Mrs. E. S. Hudgens, Miss Henry Wright and Miss Kate Wright, all of 'this city. Mrs. Jones-was a member of the P'Pesbytipr'ian chunc ~h, in witich she always look a great deal of interest. Heri inter'est was dlispllayed more parl ticularly in the praise services where Jier' ciear' soprlano voice always was in dean an wherel it was fr'eely given when requested. For many years she assiste'd in the choir' of the First Presbyterian church her'e and always assistedl in the choir' in the different places where she lived. in her' death the church and its various interests tlose a consecr'atedl memberi. Their Way Into )rleans d-wine Coffee Beans, the Ones Coffee Place of the World TE IN BJIDNDING LUTZI ANNE, a never' touch from the sack, coffee pot at home. Don't less of Luzianne-we jnay be r expense. Get youu iioney rs Have It. I is of Ordinary /rel Coffee TAYLOR CO. lan, Ina + SOCIETY. + Entertained (lie Social Club. Miss M'lla Roland entertained the Social Club in a most delightful man nor yesterday afternoon at her home on West Main street. The guests were arranged aroun (d seven tables and on joyed illny round111s of the popl ar game of Forty Two. Following the games, the guests w.ere seied a dell clous sweet course. 0 0 0 Cehfle r-Sanitford. 'Tle following invitations were is sued from New York City last week and received here, where the bride elect has hosts of friends: Mr. and Mrs. William Gelder remiuest the pleasure of your company at the wedding reception of their daughter Mlarjorie and Mr. Hugh Adams Sanford on Tuesday evening, from half after eight until ten o'clock Five hundred forty seven W. Main St. Laurens, South Carolina. Ceremony at eight o'clock. Miss Gelder is the sister of Mrs. E. P. Minter, of this city, and Is a very charming and accomplished young woman. Mr. Sanford is a prominent young business man of Knoxville, Tenn. As the invitations indicate, the wedding will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P1. Minter. 'I Kp I Sexton- Alexander. An occasIon of great interest and (In ite a sirprise to their numerous friends everywhere was the marriage last Saturday of Miss Willie May Sex ton and Mr. Paul Alexander, which took Iplace at the home of the bride's parents at 1:,0 o'clock. 'I'he wedding, though a very utilet affair was a beau tiful and impressive occasion. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. R. T. Major of the First Methodist Church in the presence of only the im mediate members of the family. The happy couple left at once on a short wedding trip before going to their home in 'Spartanburg. The bride is the attractive and popular daughter of Mr. J. 1). Sexton and has hundreds of friends throughout the county who wish her many happy years of life. The groom is a young Greenville coun ty boy now engaged in the automobile sales business in Spartanburg. I-ic is a fine young fellow and has a host of friends who congratulate him on his marriage. 000 Mrs. If. 1). Gray Entertains. A social event of surpassing attrac tiveness was the reception given last Thursday afternoon by Mrs. 11. 1). Gray in honor of Mrs. Ernest Easter by, Mrs. 1. L. Jones and Mrs. J. H. Sullivan. The Interior of the hand some -Gray home on South Ha per street was artistically decorated for the occasion with autumn leaves andl chirysanthemums, the enitire lower floor being combined into one large reeption hall. The guests were received at thue door1 b~y Mrs. J. WV. iDunklin, andl Miss Rosalie Franks and were then intro duced to the reception line consisting of the hostess and the guests of honor, by Mrs. James ti~avis. They wvere then asked by Mrs. J. N. Huidgens into the dining room, beautiful in its decora tions of red, where they were served most dlelicious cream and cake by Mrs. WV. E. Meng, Mrs. Arthur Hund gens and Miss Nannie Kate Iludgens. Assisting in the dininug room we're .\irs. Louis Meng who cut the cake and Mrs. Albert C. Todd, wvho cut the creanm. From the dining room the guests were invltedl into the coffee room, where Mrs. Charles Rounds and( Miss Mary Todd were presiding. After a cup of very (delicious coffee, Mr's. Tom Shaw innifed beautiful hand-painted favors upon the guests. Duiring the afternoon Mr's. Luther Roper andl Miss Esther Fowleir ren dlered a very enter'taining musical prmo gamn. About one hundred guests call during the afternoon to accept of the delightful hospitality of the hostess. 0o0 Wright..McLees. Clinton.--One of the most beautifulI marriages of tihe fall season was that of Miss Zee Wright and R. C. Mc1ees, both of thIs place; which was solemn ized at the home of the bride's par ents on Wednesday afternoon at six o'clock. The home was beautifully deCcorateLd with giaceful ferns, palms, roses5 and ivy, the color' scheme of Mink and green being effectively car riedl out ; andl at thle ap~poinkted hiour was filled wvith the friends of this piopular young coupile. Miss Frances Burgess pr'esidled at thme p)1ano andi~ to the stiri'ng strains of Mendelsohin, the b'rldal party en tered the pa rlor through thle hall. Filrst 'aimie tile grioomi \vith hiis best muan, .. MeI. (. fluuarksd(ale anmd then the brbldesmal., Mlisses C'ornuella .\c I (. 'i litl Yorung 0and linomir IRob ^ C - l nwd lo the hit ci flower A WC The Made of the * tos lined, high we reservoir, large 1 4 grates and heavy A really high-grn +improvements. The, styles and prices. If before you buy. S. M. & I girl, Miss Mamle Lee Wright, and was met by the groom. The ceremony was performed by Dr. W. P. Jacobs. The bride, who is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Z. Wright of this city is a most attractive and popular young woman, and is admired by every one who knows her well. The groom holds a position here with the postoflice and is quite popular in the business andi social circles of the town.. After the wedding Mr. and Mirs. Mecees left for a wedding trip), andl after their return they will be at home to their numerous friends. fR. E. V. Babb. Rev. Ei. V. Babb, pastor of the First Baptist church, of Easley, has been nall'9d: to the First Baptist church of Newberry. He has accepted and will enter on his new labors about the first of January. This settles all the prob lems for the ireacher in Newvberry and we rejoice wvith them; but we weep with the church at Easley. They are dlevoted to Babb, as well they may be, for he has filled the bill as preacher, as pastor, as citizen, as a tactful fel ow laborer and as frtend.--Baptist Courier. Meeting of D). A. It, The IHenry Laurens chapter D). A., RI. will hold( its regular meeting at the residience of Mrs. BI. L. C'lardy, Saturday afternoon, Novembher 13th, Ial. 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. WV. L1. Gray, Secretary. Accepts Agency for Auto Tires. Swygert, Nickels & C'ompany have acceptedl the agency in Laurens for the Diamond auto tires, one of the best known and most poptular tires in the country. They have already placed in stock a large assortment of these tires andl expect to keelp a full suppjly on hand at all times. The Aliternative. At t Edltor-"l'mn afraidl work is (tt comic for general illus'rating." Art't-" I supipose that means I will have to spiendI the rest of my life doluny comtic supplemetts."' ' A'ot necC ossarily. You mtight dlesignl 'omnen's fashh'ns.-Li fo. How to Prevent Lockja'v, A ( hrman pnhysk-ian reccomir ehnds di recti i a joit of hOt. ir on a v lundl to prevehnt lockjaw. Even a jet -if air of the I'hinarny temperaturn fr ?'a a 1)1 dyCc ipum 1 or (i au eclecric~ fat or bl-I lows ivl, it is said, check the -levelop )an'nt af the bacillus which cat ses this INDERFUL RANGE VilkesSec Biest Steel and Grey Pig Iron---asbes trming closet, 6 eyes, with or without 8 x 20 inch oven, fitted with duplex fire linings. 77~ff~4A. tde Range with all modern conveniences and r are full nickle trimmed and come in several in need of a range be sure to see this line .. H. Wilkes & Co. The Aluminum Ware HAS ARRIVED SOn Display in Our Show Windows Now, COMB TO OUR STORE and get your share of our profits. WE ARE DIVIDING them with you to show our appreciation of your patron age. This co-operative plan will greatly benefit both of us. THE PLAN is is 'py this---every cash purchase yoitx pake at this store, amounting to five1/ ts (5) or more, en titles you to a coupon--you save these un til your total purchases reach the amount ~necessary to entitle you to the piece you o desire, then bring these coupons to us and ABSOLUTELY FREE Read the circular that will be distributed to every home in Laur ens to-day. Exceptionally good bargains this week in Groceries. Cash Grocery StoreI W. Moore Dial, Prop.