MEEDS PON INSECTS Bobolink a Common Summer Resident in Northern States. FEEDS MAINLY ON INSECTS .Also Devours Many Weed Seeds-In accurato Grad'ng Cause of Much . Loss to Western Wool Grow ers---Remedy is Suggested. (Te-a ret hy th" U'nited Sn:its Depart ilrII of A -rilat -e.) '1;? h b)linkk, riet bird, or reeh bird, Is 4 Ca ::a 101 e nsumnn r rqaaidont of tIII l '' 41 1at nor'h of>hout laitiltde 46 ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1!::-,- ndN % i'A !n it It tllIt .. ... . . .. . 0 E coo:..k, Rice Bird or Reed Bird Length About Seven Inches. ahnost entirely upoicn vegetable food. This consists for the mnost part of weed seeds, sitnce inl the North these birdIs dP) not. appear to attackt grain to any greatf extenit. They vat a few ciats, but their stornachs d1o, not reveal it re~at qiiantity of this or any other grain. As thle season advances they gather Into large flocks and move, southwmard, until b)y the i-nd of August nearly all have left their brding grounds. Oni their nay they fre 4ontisi2C' or i l s4o ior as the sxcrt lies 'rto the Ch'lu-:t. -I :ano frin - tib'4il tl ai iI).\ l l5issippi ie troa ing Ise' (11n i Ii (i ll t fll 1(11 (th ' 01 Ire the rate o til' II'har4illotte.1 Ii)')es 14r tu 1)tuffal11 a1nl Ittsbuha rgh pinlt s n 4 that erialoI and fr'oin \'ir inia pin t t planhurgl~l were not \Thne \onunissin' 48s reot,4'' inIpart roade, Spa4r5tanhurg is entled4(~ tolthe adva ne lof it' loti on the'( shot ein)(sl Ifro athen' W best. Wlo o't. dis Iluet it \\'e do t (ix .()1 holne! the)4(0 0hor Ine.i The' It) ondi tions hrle - 1)0) patnh('r54 hantlo (il haevral le We rate Ito Sparll) anburo frok' (I'I Ohi and .\ia ipiV 4 river11( )rinh gs,(' and t fromen tinwtl tn aetra, Fejihet ssoition nilraitoryon trae1 luming throug are, nd fr th ''uOu e wil e , un-) armrers hea E is ID the Iaew Th Mll' I You will wI ant rIrI I r edit ad otr relief fro C s TI IS Y E'A I You will wnt11 to send to) C1ogress the iman who knovs yourl needs and( ho0w to get wh at you1 want. This aid will coIe through he comn1ittee on agricul ture. A baniker' will try to get ou the Rahnking (and Cur 'ency Comimittee; the four lawyers would naturally like to go on the Judiciary Committee. I am a farimer and, if' elected to Conigress, will ask to go on the Agriculture Com miittee. where I can help YOU. Listen! There are two vacancies on that committee. Of the twelve holdover democrats eight arc lawyers, one is a manufacturer, one is a school teacher, one is a telegraph operator, and only one a farmer and he from indiana. Of the six holdover republicans two are bankers, two are law yers, one is a school teacher and one is ai Hawaiian PIince. Don't you think the Agriculture Committee could stand anothcr farmer? There are two democratic places to fill. If you send a farmer to Congress, don't you think one of those two places will go to him? And when I ai on that committee and it is framing the rural credits system YOU will have a Southern farmer representing Southern farmers, with a voice and a vote in settling how, ani1d what Congress will give you. THINK IT OVER! Vote foi your inteist, forimers of the Fourth District. I am the only farmer runming and your only chance to get oie Southern farmer o)n1 the Agriculture Committee. A. H. MiLLER