The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 11, 1914, 12 PAGES. PART 1, PAGES 1 TO 8, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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CAN'T FIND TRACE OF MISS PRITCHER Method of Girl's Disappearance and Her Whereabouts Can Hardly Even be Conjectured. Savannah, Ga., March G.-Search for Miss Maud Pritcher of Pritchards ville, S. C., who mysteriously disap peared fron the bluff at Emniet park Wednesday afternoon, was practical ly abandoned tonight with the mystery still unsolved. The police and rela tires: of the girl have followed every *lue and suggestion, but their search has bden in vain. They have scoured every section of Savannah, including the rural districts, but have found no trace of the missing girl. Relatives have given up hope of finding her im mediately. They have reconciled themselves with the thought that the girl left home voluntarily. They are trying to believe that she decided to got out into the world and mike her own living. They will not entertain the thought that she tas met with foul play. Theories without number have best advanced to account for her disap pearance, but none has been plausible enough to be accepted seriously or to aid in the search. The fact that the girl absolutely vanished from an open park in the centre of the city at 1:30 in the afternoon remains, and so far there has been no reasonable explanation of the fact. The relatives of the girl are utter ly at a loss to account for the oc eurrence, and the police as well are puzzled. The search has been carried into the restricted district by them on the theory that the girl may have been lured into some resort where she is being detained, but this has brought no result. The place where the girl was stand ing when last seen by her father i1 at the head of a narrow flight of stairs winding around the bluff from the eastern end of 'mmet park to the driveway beneath, a distance of about 30 feet. From the foot of the bluff to the boat landing is very nearly 200 feet. It would have been an utter impossibility for the girl to have fallen into the river from this place, and had she fallen over the railing to the driveway below her body would certainly have been found. Thus the possibility of acci dent is eliminated from the case. Two theories remain: that she met with foul play-was kidnapped or lured *way-or that she ran away of her own accord. The fact that her disap pearance occurred within a space of time not exceeding five minutes, and that the place where she was last seen is almost in the heart of the *ity, with pedestrians passing back and fortht Ott the sidewalk not 100 yards away, and in plain view, renders the kidnapping theory vastly intprob able. tier screams would have Wrought 100 people to her assistance within a few moments. The theory that she was lured away becomes equally as improbable in face of the fact thtat she was with her father almost every minute of' the Uto that elapsed between her leaving Wednesday morning and hter disap pearance Wednesday afernoon. To have persuaded a girl of thte tempera ment ascribed to Missi Pritcher to leave her father in the manner shte left hlim would htave taken quite a good deal of time, even- if' it could have been done at all. The possibility 'that she left in ac *ord with a plan arranged throug~h *orrespondence unknown to her par AmA usaal, y'ti will fnd outr stock of $lPRING GOLD) & SI LVERt JIOEJARY, SilLVE~R WVARW~, PREFCIOUJS STONERS, WATCHES, exqutisite 'NAM EL'S, NF0CKLbA(ES, e ., etc., --thtat we offer yout Io mostg conmprehtensivo, ceom lete and up-to-date assortme ts htere abouts. Those consider a putr chase of a SP~RIN GllFT-a D)AY GITl----will fInd our as sortments 'most slhendlidly complete witht tite iftost ox quisite ornantents, trinkets, watches and wares that are produtcedl. Our prices trepresent gen mine intrinsic valute., Evspert Wistrijsmaker Iteters & 0,pttitn nilttntt - 9. QI. IllIllffi III llIIIIIeDDI eats is preclude(!d by the fact that She was entirely unnetiuinited with the city, and couH ' not have found he: way to a meeting pI:e even h:d one been ar:'anged. 1ad alhe cotmi; lila tedh m ri:'1g',e an elope:nenl'it. woald ha:ve been1i unnice4ar . Ms P. 1': itch or is (lCscril:ed 4s the ty pe of g1:-1 w::o is "chummy" with her miothe, and had shie'u a swentie:'rt in -3a vannah or elsewhere she most prol::lliy wool:1 have told her mot::e:'. 13:l ; he tolt: her mother of an intende:l miarri'age and been :orl:ididen t1:e elop)ement theory a: ight -he more plausible. Miss Pritclier was on tl' best pos sible terms with her n1other anl fa ther, and recording to her father there had been no quarrel which might have caused her to wish to leave home. She is said to have been ve:y attentive to her mother, and was of a very modest and retiring disposition, even to the point of timidity. In her previous vis its to Savannah she had never ven tured into the city alone.-The State. Chronie Stomach Troubles ('ured. 'T'here is nothing more discouraging than' a chronic disorder of the stom ach. Is it not surprising that many suffer for years with such an ailment when a permanent cure is within their reach and may be had for a trille? "About one year ago," says P. 11. Beck, of Wakelee, Mich., "I bought t pack age of Chamberlain's Tablets, and since using them I have felt perfectly well. I had previousl-y used any num ber of different medicines, but none of them were of any lasting benefit." For sale by all dealers. * * * PINE BLUFF NEWS. * * * Pine Bluff, March 7.-Misses Wilson and Eloise Brown visited (Greenwood friends and relatives Friday and Sat urday. .1. 1). IBoanman, of 131ininghaml, p::id homefolhks a flying visit last week. Mrs. W. B. 'T'ownsend Is spemding some time with her brother at M.i den. Our teacher here is doing some good work in this little country school, which is greatly appreciated by the patrons. Mr. A. W. CGriffin had a little smash tip wvhile dlriving on the ice last Sun day night. Messrs. J1. I{. Campbilell and1( E. P. made a business trip to Laturens re cently. G. E. JBoazman has just put the liin Ishing touches on Mr. Fred Noffz's cot tatge. We gladly welcome him as otur new neighbor.. Some of the old farmers are in spectIng the ont crop with fear of in Jury from so 'many freezes. Mrs. RI. D. Whiteford and Mrs. W. 13. Coats visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Hi. Coats Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ethel Mclaniei is the lpresenit gueost of Miss Eloise hirown. USE "TIZ" FOR SORE, TIRED, SWEATY FEET "TIZ" makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly danc~e with delight. A way go the aches and pais, the corn s, cal louses,. b'ic''s [andt bunions. "TU I Z" dlraws out the acis and * poisonis that puiff up your feet. No (matter how haird you work, how N, long you dan1ce, how f air you w ,or how tho g you re.naln Syotur feet, 'rrZ" brings . restful foot com fort. "Tl'lZ" is wonderful for tired, achting, swollen, smarting feet. Your feet Just tingle for Joy; shoes never hurt or seem) tight Got a 25 coat box of "TIZA" now from any dIruggist or dlepartmient store. End foot torture .forever--wear 'smaller shoes, 1keep your feet fresh, sweet and haptipy. Jtist think! a whoie yeai's foot comfort for only 25 cents. WILLIAMS' KIPNEY PILLS Ihnve you overworkeir your nervousa sy temn and~ caused trouble with yotur' kId noys anwd bladder? llave you painsa in loins, side, biook aind bladder? (Lavye you a flabby appentianen of the face, and tin dler the eyes' A frequtooh d~estro to piass urIne? Tf na,~ Williams' I' Ki'v P'illa curo you-i 'rtsist, Price 50, WIll.IAMS MF'G. CO.. Prons., Cleveland, Ohib LURENS DRUtTT 00, Laurons. S. E1. WPATENT " BEATEN EBY BLACKS, WhITE MAN DIES 'ephen 1irby. of ('asroki, 'utstat huii tured .I 'ITuesuny Ni'ht. Idle ust 'ets arte Arrestedl. Biland.':.lntu " , \1::rehl 5. t aiminglt 't i.4! ha'i-in I)lIttruw by nle.groes Vo Ver t nt o:1 doing him bodily I:at, S1te1 hn Kirby, a w hit" inan of P aeolet, c ou 'n of liepresentative Kir ! y, o' thi: county, went into the house c I Ft::' .lni s.a iegro woman, w'ho live near the intersiection of Chest int and Sit. Uu s Ctreets, late Tuesday night and re:11uested one of the three act:-o r!rls pre-en. to go for her moth , Ielter Jones, who was attending an entertainment at a nearby church, e!:(tiing he wanite:l to see her. Wit e the girls out of the hosuc, Kirby left through the back door. Ile was later found in an unconscious con:li tion about 200 yards froim the hotse ind was taken to the police station, where an examination dem11on1st1ll ated that hiII skull w".s crushe: and he was badly t:ten ablout tale hpdly. lie wai t:Iken to t local losiiital, where I'e died fr1om concussion of the brain ycste:'day afternoon at 5:15) o'clock. The ilulliest ove:- the remains will be held this 'morning. Five negroes, Suspected of he!ng ilieniCted in the affair, are under arrest. Investigaticn of the affair by the po lItg developed that Kirby was as r blted by a band of negroes, but the cause has not been established. The girls who were in the home of HIester .les, when Kirby entered said that he did not act unnatural ror. did he seem to be inder the in !!uence of whhiihey. They said that a I ld of negroes were oin the outside of the house, and threatened to shoot. IKirh;iy through the cracks. Hie thlen left the house through the rear .41001 Kirby was found in alit uncon1sC louls conditkin by it negro Iman, wh o re lported1 the matter to the pollee. Kir by gaiined consciousness; in the poliee, station, but his speech was incolher elt and he could give no information of his assault other thian he hadl been beat up by i band of negroes. Stubborni, Annying il ('oighs ('tired "Myv husban had a111I cough for f teen years anCd my Ron for eight years. Dr. King's New Discoveryv completely (icre them, for whih I am moat thankful," wvr1tes.?ilrs. David Moore, of Saginaw, Ala.\#Whmat r. King's Now Dilscovery Cdid for these men, Jt will1 do for you. Dr. King's New Discovery should he in every honme. Stops hack ing coughs, relieves Ia grippe anCd al thrioat and lung ailments. Money back if It falls. Alt druggists. Price 50e aind $1.00. HI. E. Buicklen & Co.. Philadelphia or St. LouIs. SWomen's SAilments SThe ailments from which Swomen suffer are many and varied so far as the symptoms jindicate, yet they are all de Spendent upon :t disorder in the feaegenerative system, and Sa remedy that acts on the cause of the trouble puts an end to all the d'stressing symp Stoms as soon as the unnatural Sconditions are removed. : DR.SImMONS SComp nd is a Medicine for Women5 it acts directly on the female org anism. Quiets infiam mationi eases Spain, strengthens the nerves helpsj digestion, tones up the stomach Sand pute the body in fine vigorous cndtos. It tran'sforms a weak, jof sparklng cheer f uhness anid vigor. It brighten-s the eye, re jvives the spirits and restor'is the prosy bioom of health to the cheek. SSold by Druugglets and Dealers 5Price $1.00 Per Botle E-PRimaneMerine ut o s 0 BARGAII 123 1cres, fou Clinton road, wvell J. W. Moore $20.00 per acre. The Colemna acres at a bargain. Dorroh Place, per acre. Jno. Clardy P 45 acres one 1 $45.00 per acre. One house an building at $1,000, 1,000 'acres, ti tracts, at a bargain '_. The Dr. Duval splendid improveml alnd good neighbor A 50 acre fair Sprice. * One house an1 gain f)1' a qlick sa 175 acres in S Farl. A bargain, Lauren R. A. COOPICR, President. Anders * WOODhIOW WILSON NEWS. * *e * * o * *, e * * * * * * * * S * * S Woodirow Wilson, March 7.---The health of this community is very good at this writing. Tho farmers are get ting bchind with their work. Mrs. Mitcheli Owings has returned from 'Enoree, where she has been vis iting her sick mother. Mrs. Georgia Pitts, from Lavonin. Ga., has been visiting Miss flessie Ow ings this week. Master WValter Rutledge, of Laureuns, was a visitor at Woodrow Wilson Sat urday night. Mr. and~ Mrs. WV. L. Reid spent the (lay at Laurenbs Sunday. Mr. C. Y. C'raddoek has completed his fine house and will move in this week. We are glad to have them wvith u~e agin. Mr. WVilliams and Clarence Fuller, of Chestnut' Ridge, were visitors at this plaeo Sunday. Mr. R. M. Owings mado a trip to Princeton one day last week. Mr. A. L,. Owings has purchasedl a new buggy. Mr. fle' Hillams has finIshed his new house. We are gladl to report that Mr. John Miller as being up again. Best Famnily .laxative Beware of cons Vpation. Use D~r. Oneu's New L~ife P Is and keep) well. '1" Char jles FE. .' ith, of Weost Frank \.MTr' mills th 4~n"Our family lafa c'thu otter for adlults or (V em today 25e. All drug Sor byv ,mnii. .. F. lihtekien & (Co., Pilililan or. St Lo.ana .; e . o . B BLACK s /1/1/ WHITE TAN *' 0 S INREALE STATE Ir miles east of Laul'ens Court I.ouse oni il)roved at U ?al' gail. Tremins easy. Place, near Mt. Pleasant, 75 acres i 9 Place, six miles west of Lairens, 125 near Boyd's Mill, "220 acres at $12.50 ace, near Mt. Olive, 165 acres, $10 an acre. In(l one-half miles South-east of Laurens, [1 lot near the Laurens Cotton Mill School 00. iree miles west of Waterloo, in several 11 Farm on Pea Ridge, 100 acres and S ents, well located as to schools, churches s. in in samie neighborhood it a reasonable .1 lot on West Main Street, now at a bar ullivan Township, the T. W oo(d l3row i s Trust Company C. W. TUNE, Sec. & Treas. on A Blakeley, Managers Real Estate Sales. LAURENS, S. C. *\ e * e e S S Sx e 0e WE < ARE NOW SHO WING Se GLAD EASTER JEWELRY ~ SSURPfRISE YOUR WIFE WIThi A BlEA UTIFUL P'RESI;NT FOR GLAD EASTER. COME IN AN!) SEE TIlE EXQUI5IJTE* e DESIGNS WE HA VE A PPROPRVIA TE FOR TiS TIME AND YOU WILL hAVE NO TROUBLE FINDING A SUITABLE G11FT. 0 NOTING GLADDENS TIlE HEART'I SO MUCH! AS BEAU(TIF'UL * JEWELS. WIHEN THEY COME FROM OUR STORE THEY S *HA VE "QUALITY" AND WiLL REMAIN GOOD AND) BE 5 *CHE!RISHELD A LONG TIME.5 S FLEMING BROTHERS. g Laurens, S. C.