The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 24, 1913, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 14

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That Little Girl Of Yours she'll soon be having her hair "done up," and too, she will be out growing her childish ways ?and you haven't had her picture taken since she was in long dresses. You don't exactly want to keep her as she is hut you do want to keep the memory. Make the appointment to day with OLIVER At The McCord Studio. r S/n . J/h / y) <i/i/ii f ui ifctff /run Wedding Gifts "WHAT TO GIVE?" Is the question that is Agitating You. WE HAVE THE ANSWER Our years ol experience in supplying Wedding (lifts that please will help us to guide you. (lifts of distinction and Refinement in I'i Uard's Maud painted China. Everything desirable iu Silver ware and Cut (ilass. LEWING BROTHERS JEWELERS HMfUnsr, Pulleys, Dolts, Repairs and Files, Teeth, Lochs, Etc. LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA, CA. (Jet our circular before you buy. 178."? 1013 (01,1 ILL OF I'll A IM.F.STON South Carolina's Oldest Collogo 129th year begins September 2Cth Entrance examinations at all the eounty-seats on Friday, July 11th, at 9 a. in. ^ Full four year courses lead to the n. A. and It. S. degrees. A free tuition scholarship is assign ed to each county of the Slate. Spacious Udldings and athletic grounds, well equipped la! .ratorlos, unexcelled library facilities, and the finest Museum of Natural History In the South. Expenses reasonaibfle. For terms and catalogue, address IIAlUtTSOJN RANDOLPH, 44-tf President. Asthma! Asthma! POPHAM'S ASTHMA RF.MF.DY K*vch instant relict and au absoluta euro in all cases t>f Asthma. Bronchitis, and Hay Fever. Sohl by druggists; mail on receipt cd price $i.oo. TrUU Pook&Rfl V>jr mall P> cents. WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Propi.. Cloveland, Oliio LATJKEIfS DRUG CO. I.aiirens. S. (', 1)11. CLIPTON JON KS Dentist Office tn Simmons ttalldtntf itione: Office No. 86; Residence 219 CONFEDERATES BARRED FROM 0. A. R. PARADE Misunderstanding "s to Donation to I .loin in l'urade He* u Its in Kiuwar? rn siting Situation? Chattanooga, Tonn., September 17.? 1 Fniforcomont of an order excluding w? iii?-ii ami civilians from the 47tll annu al (Jrund Army of the Republic parade today proventod the N. U. Forrest Gump ol United Gonfodorate VeterauH fr?,in participating in the pageant. Glud in their grey uniform? tin- Southerners were preparing to form in tin- line of march with Foraythe I'ost, No. 1'., of Toledo, Ohio, when the order was ex ecuted. An invitation to join in the parade had heen tendered Col. I.. T Dlek inson, coimnander of the Forrest L'ninp, by Col. Henry N. Hanson, coniinatider of the Foi'?yiho I'ost. As the Con fedorate Veteran? pawned along the line of KoldlerH in blue to the location of the lAn'Hytho i'o t they were greet ed with ciu-eis by the I'lilon Veteran?, .lust when they were ready to lake their plncei Col. Ilnnsoii inforiiied Col. Dickinson thai the commander of lint deparliiKUil of Ohio. Col. W. It. War nock, had been instructed lo bar every one from the parade except Union vel (?raus. Col. Hanson oxproHSod deep re gret over the Incident. The Confed eruto veterans also appeared dis tressed, but as t.ey marched tpiletly back to their headquarters Ho y wen' given another ovation b.\ the Union veterans. Incident Regretted. in a statement tonight Col. Dickin son said: "We regretted the incident very much, hut I believe our comrades, and especially those in the Foray the I'ost, were even more distressed. We hold no ill feeling towards the rank and tile of the hoys in blue. The hoys ill III 111! are with us ami for IIS and we are with ami for them. To show ] thai there is no hard feeling against ans of them we are tendering them an Invitation to visit our camp tomor row night. This Invitation is to the rank and tile of the hoys in blue." The following explanation of the In cident was made in a statement to- j I nicht by Commander in Chief 101 fred I It. Doers, of the (5. A. It.: "Yesterday I learned that there was a body of women here planning Intake part in the lira ml Army of the Repub lic parade. I also understood that women we;.- from Die State of Ohio. For this reason I called the attention of the commander of the department of Ohio, lo the following extract from General Order No. 10, which reads: "Women ami civilians are prohibited from participating In the parade an 1 I department commanders are directed to enforce this order in their respec tive departments." I mi ware of Imitat ion. "I did not know that an invitation had he.-n extended to Confederate vet erans to take part in the parade and never heard that there was an Inten tion of extending an invitation lo the X. It. Forrest Camp, Ci C. V. It was certainly not tendered by headquar t> nor was the permission of head quarters asked lo extend such an in vitation, nor was the endorsement of such an invitation by headquarters I asked. "The Forrest Camp of Confederate I Veterans was excluded in accordance with a general order issued Septo.uber i l\ DHIt, barring till persons from the 1 parade except G. A. It, members. This order was based on a custom which has been observed in the past. "Ill addition to this the Confederate camp was not excluded because its members were former Confederate sol diers, hut because it is the policy of tin- Grand Army of the Republic to have only Its members in the parade, w itli i he exception of the Sons of V, I - frans, who were oMicially invited to act as escorts." Fully twelve thousand Cnlon survi vors of the civil war marched through tite streets of Chattanooga today in t the Grand Army of the Republic's 17th annual parade. In ill(i f;ice of a steady rain the veterans trudge ilbotwecn I walls of cheering spectators which I lined the entire route. Singing familiar songs and waving battle Mags; old Glory" and depart ment banners, the veterans presented a picturesque sight which will long be remembered in "Dixie." Other e'en;-: of In'ere4?: in connec tion with Urn a n n mi I ene ui:|,iuent Were a reproduction of Die battle of Mission ary RldgC this afternoon and a Grand Army camp lire at the City Auditorium tonight. Mother of Kightccn Children. "I am the mother of eighteen chil dren and have the praise of doing more work than any yotlllg woman in my town." writes Mis. ('. .1. Marlin. DooitO Mill. Vi. "I suffered for five years with stolnnch trouble and could not eat as much as a biscuit, without ?nft'ering. I In? ye taken three bottles of Clnmberlnlii'fl Table:* ami am now a well woman and weigh ICS pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as lUUCh as 1 want and fool better than I have at any lirtiO in t n vears. I re fer to any one m Doone Mill or vicinltv .!?<(! they v. ill vo'.ch for what 1 say." Chamberlain's Tablets are for sile by all dealers. COLUMBIA ITEMS OF STATE WIDE INTEREST Jasper Count) Men Pardoned liter Doing Convicted for Whipping linpu? cent Negro* Columbia. Sept. 21. C. 15. Perry, W. .1. Miller und 10. I.. Perry, all promi nent white citizens of Jasper county, who were convicted of assault on two negroes, at tin- recent term of court at Uidgelund and sentenced by Judge liowmun to puy a line of $100 or serve thirty day:, oti the roads, huvc been grunted full pardons by Governor Mease. The pardon was granted on the ro ipicst of th<- twelve Jurors who sat on tin- case against these gontlomcn and convicted them, and on the showing made. It nppeurs thul two negroes said to have boon very Impudent had been malting some remarks about Mr. I'crry and his family, and one night Mi. I'crry and some friends got these two negroes, carried tltom to a piece of woods and gave tbein a sound thrashing. One of the negroes reeog !/i?d Mr Perry, it Is stated, and Ho y took out warrants for the three white nu n. On their being indicted and placed on trial, the negroes went on the stand and idcntillcd lliem, The de fendants did not testify and tin- jury returned n verdicl oT simple iisstiult, and Judge i'owiuaii Imposed a line of |$ino or thirty days. The twelve jurors Immediately joined in a petition to Governor Mease t<> iiardon the three men, all twelve of them signing the pel it ion Mr. Perry is known as the father of Jasper county. All of the defendants arc prominent and popular through out the Southe n section of South Car olina. .Mini) Seek Position. Applications for the position of sher iff of Hampton county, made vacant by the death of Shi riff .1, II, l.ightsey, have been pouring in on the governor, three already having asked for the position. It is understood that the governor will offer ||>.e vi cancy to t'apl Hen S. Williams, of M'Unson, who is not an applicant in any sense or man ner. However, the governor hapes ('apt. Williams will accept the shriev alty of Hampton county, because ho is one of her best citizens, ami tais would avoid a political scramble for the place, 'rite governor's appointee will serve until January. 1015. Leave for CoilYVU)'. Attorney General Thos. II, Pccplcs, Governor Mease an<| Representative George U. Itemhert left here this af teriioou for t'onwny to attend the llor r.v county court, beginning tomorrow. Altorue.v General Peoples goes to take charge of the court and to conduct the prosecution of the charge : gainst Solicitor Ii. lt. Singleton, who is charg ed with criminal assault. An indict ment containing this charge will be handed to the grand jury of I lorry county tomorrow by the Attornoj Gen eral, aiul this case will have right of way in the court. Governor Mease ami Mr. Uemborl are simply going along to meet the people of llorry county. The governor said that llorry had always given him a good majori ty, although he had never had the pleasure of being there, except during the campaigns, ami he wanted to go over to meet and mingle with his friends. Columbians read with pleasure of the action of President Wilson in nam ing State Senator P, II. Weston as district attorney, ami Kditor J. L, Sims for Hutted States Marshal. rL>tli of these gentlemen have thousands of friends throughout the State, who are gratified at their landing and are as sured that the government will hava faithful and conscientious olllclnls, \ftcr Westell's Place. It is assumed that as sooa as Mr. Weston is confirmed as district attor ney ho will resign as Senator, Toni Ki< hland county, and an election will be held to fill the vacancy, his present term expiring In 1.01-I. The resigna tions of Senators and the power of ordering elections to fill the vacancies lies in the hands of Lieutenant Gov ernor Smith. The resignation Of Sen ator Weston would likely soc a lively scramble for his uncxpircd term. The names of |{. H. Weston. P. T. i'oiMlinn<--., both representing lltchlnnd in the lower house of the legislature, Of K. ('. L, Adams and Iredcll Jone*, ,|i? having already boon mentioned in this connection. Strengthen Weak Kidneys Don't suffer longer with weak kid neys. Voll can got prompt relief by taking KloctriC Mtt?rs, that wonderful remedy praised by women everywhere. Start, with a bottle today, yoil will soon feel like a new woman with ambition to work, without fear of pain. Mr. John l>ow ling of San Francisco, w rites "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of lOlcctl'lc Hitters prompts mo to write. It cured my wife when all else failed." yood for the liver as well. Nothing better for indigestion or biliousness. Prlco 50c and $l.oo at I,aureus Drug Co. and Palmetto Drtl.J Co, For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard RtMirrnl ?treiiKthening; tonir. OKOVB'8 TA8TKI.K8S chill TONIC, drires out Mnlarin nnd build* re t li?- system. A true toil I .iiid sure Appetiser. Forndtilts mid children. 5<>i" Choose Your Paint as Carefully as Your Painter The material is important to the workman as well as to the property owner. The best painter can't make poor paint last. Be sure of your paint. See that it is made of Atlantic White Lead (Dutch Hoy Painter Trade Mark) And Pure Linseed Oil We can supply you with both these materials, as well as other painting requisites, and shall be glad to help you select a color scheme for your house. Come in. Don't forget to ask for our while lead book. Brooks Hardware Co. $20.00 Don't Pay More than necessary for a Delivery Wagon. Special introductory prico to one i 11 in in each town Write quick lor Price List A with large cuts. Secure this bargain. Toll uu what you want. Wocan makon wnKon suitable for your buainvisa and auvc you $20 or more. Cheap timber, chcu) labor, low freight)! cnabloa us (.. >aaitydn this. BIk factory, l>< >8t facilities. Act <iuiek or y<?i may be t<*> lato. The Rock Hil! Buggy Co., KOCK UILL, S. C. SAVED ?ur'- . Z5? I Fall and Winter \ WEAR \ W. G. Wilson & Company are > opening full lines of Goods adopt * ed for the coming season embrac > ing some special values in the very c latest weaves. |W.G.Wilson&Coj SUMMONS '< ..inplaint Filed) State of Smith Carolina, County of Laurens. COURT OF PROBATE. F. C. Smith, Individually and as Ad ministratrix of the Et t?te of Alex X Smith, deceased, FlalntlU, against Mary C. Smith, Lllllo Bowers, Julia Humbert, May Smith, Guy Smith, Frances Smith, ('. R. Smith, Glenn Smith, and F. M. Fuller, as Trustee, I )efendants. To the defendants above named: You are hereby (summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in the above stated action, which was Hied iu the otllco of Probate Judge for the County and State aforesaid on August 80th, 1013, and to serve a copy of your answer to tie- said complaint on the subscriber at his otllco in the Barksdale Building, Laurons, South Carolina, within twenty days from the service, exclusive of tue day of such service; and it" yo? rail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, C u plaintiff, will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Com plaint. F. P. MeCowan, Plalntilf's Attorney. Laurens, South Carolina, August 30th., 1913. O. (i. Thompson, (Seal) J. P., L. C. South Carolina. O-Ct State of South Carolina, Count) of i.aureus. PROBATE COURT. <;. 1!. Franklin as administrator of the estate of Harriett Hary, deceased, Plaintiff against Mariah Williams, et. al.. Defendants. Pursuant to a decree in this action, I \sill sell at public auction at Uiurons C. C, s. c. on Salesday in October. 1013, the t'.th day of the month, within the legal hours of sale, the following described lot of land to wit: All that piece, parcel, or tract of land, lyitiK. being and situate in the city of Laurcns, said county and state, known as the Harriett Clary lot, hound ed on the north by lands of John Garl Ington, oi. the cast by Green street, on the south by lots of J. S. Hunter, M. M. Stone and others, and on the west by lands of Will Campbell, and containing one-half (1-2) acre, more or less. Terms of sale: Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. If the purchaser fails to comply with the terms of sale the property to be resold on the same, or some subsequent salesday, without further order of the court, on the same terms, and at the risk of the former purchaser. O, O, Thompson, Probate Judge. September 10, 1913. Executor's Notice. Having qunUllcd as Executor of the Estate of Mrs. Sarah Frances Wham, 'ate of Chest ir county, lormcr'y of Laurcns county, s. C, this Is to no tify all and singular the persons in dobted to said estate to make imme diate settlement with Messrs. Henry & Me Lure, my attorneys and all per sons holding claims against said es tate, present the same properly at tested to my said attorneys at their ollico in Chester, S. C, K. R. MOFFATT, Exocutor ol Estate Of Sarah Frances Wham, deceased. 0-lt fix al si:ti i.i:mi:m. Take notice that on the 10th day of October, I will render a final account of my acts and doings as Administra tor of the (>state oi .1. w. Holt, de ceased, in the otllco of the Judge of Probate of Laurcns county at li o'clock, a. in., and on the same day will apply for :, final discharge from my trusts as Administrator. Any persons indebted to Bald estate are notified and required to make pav inont on that dale; and all persons, having claims against said estate will present them on or before said date, duly proven, or be forever barred. K. O. WII.SOX, Administrator. September 10, 1913.?1 mo. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure. The worst enses, no matter of how lonjf standin?, nre cured by the wonderful, old reliable Or. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c. 50c. $1.00 BUY LAND AND SAVE RENT! Some More of These Leak Bargains in Real Estate Houses and Lots 227 ncrcs, near Ware Shoals, good Improvement, known as the Rivera land. Prices made right, GO acres of land, with two dwellings, hound by lands of Franks Griffin, Live ly Hunter and others. Prico $o,000. 10 acres of bind, hound by lands of Homer Armstrong, T. A. McBrncrty and others. Price $1,800. S7 acres of land, in one mile of Barksdalc station, nicely located, good buildings and in high state of culti vation, a model farm. Price $.".r, per acre. Fight room dwelling, good improved out-building, in tho town of Gray Court, $2,500. Three lots at the Walts Mills, nice ly located, fronting North Harper street. See me for prices. One four room cottage, in town of Cray Court, built 3912, finished com plete, with a hair aero lot. $600. If you do not find what you want in the list, call on mo for further In formation. I am ahsa>s in touch with parties wanting to sell or buy. I will continue (o divide (he earth as long its there is a pebble left. I Can Secure Loans and Make Advances on Real Estate J, N. LEAK GRAY COURT, S. C. The Man That Divides the Earth to Suit Your Purse."