Your House Is Larger at certain times than at Others. You don't notice it, but it is. The surface of your house contracts with the cold and expands with the heat. If the paint on your Incase dots not con tract and expand with the surface it will crack. One should therefore be careful about the paint used. Atlanta White Lead (Dutch Hoy Painter Trade Mark) And Pure Linseed Oil make ideal paint. White lead is made from metallic h ad, one of the most pliable of metals. It will contract and expand with the surface painted. Be sure the white lead is pure. We sell these Dutch Boy paintythatcrials. The Dutch Boy trade-mark is a guaranty of absolute purity and highest/quality. We also sell varnishes and other paint supplies. Ask us for our white lead book. Brooks Hardware Co. Blood Was Wrong All women, who tuffer from the aches and pains, due to female ailments, are urged to try Cardui, the reliable, scientific, tonic remedy, for women. Cardui acts promptly, yet gently, and without bad effects, on the womanly systen relieving pain, building up strength, regulating the system, and toning up the nerves. During the past half century, thousands of ladies have written to tell of the quick curative results they obtained, from the use of this well-known medicine. TAKE Cardui "he YrbmansTonw Mrs. Jane Callehan suffered from womanly trouble for nearly ten years. In a letter from Whiteville, N. C, she says: " I was not able to do my own housework. My stomach was weak, and my blood was wrong. I had back ache, and was very weak. I tried severaj doctors, but they did me no good. I used Cardui for 3 or >4 months, and now I am in the best health I have ever beetL I can never praise Cardui enough." It is the best tonic, for women. Whether seriously sick, or simply weak, try Cardui. Wrtte to: Laitiea* Advisory Dept.. Chsttanooca Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenru. for Special Instructions, ami 6-l-page book. " Home Treatment tor Women," tent free. frOffU ?.? ? a ? ??? ;: ;: :: :: :c :t :: :: ft g g :: :: ? :s :< h.h :: :-. :: :: :. :: :: :: il M I?) m is:' 1 W % Co//e#e *P fnoitey erste//te cetsj /)" vom wnnt to sogtn now n Unnlc neeotint with flint itlen in \'iow, and hy tha time lie is i.\ m:six i:ss. DO >/;/v* .\ l\ 1 .\< >< >< >( HWtotu a )! :t it a K.>OOt_>Oi ?Ot.loOOOGM" >< if a a Kit-it u :t:: ? :f;<.)( N. II. DIA I , ffOS, C. //. ROrnR? Cashier Piies! Piles! Piles! Williams' Indian t'lln Ointment will cure Itllnd, Bleeding and Behind Piles. It ab sorbs tho tumors, allays Itching at once, acta ns a poultice, gives Institut rollof, Williams' Indian Pile nintrhoht is pre r>arod for Piles and Itching ofytln- private pnrts. Druggists, mail 5i><: and ll.'X). WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Props.. Cleveland, Ohio LAUREN'S DRUG v,0. Lam ens, S. C. Dr. T. L. Timmerman Dentist People's Bank Building Phon? 882. Laurens, S. C. COTTON CONDITION VERY MUCH LOWER Okluhomu ami Texas Suffering f??r^ Waul of Itains. south ( a roll nil Crepi Aiauug liest? Now York, August 29. -Reports from 1931) special correspondents of the Journal of Commerce, bearing an average date of August 22, show u con; dltlon of cotton of Tl.'I per cent, as compared with SI.I per rent a month ago, or a loss of !'.T points. Only once in the past ten years has this decline in August been exceeded, namely, the year 1011, when It was 1I.? points; and the ten-year average lost) is about 5.0 points. Condition a year ago was T?.l per cent, while In 1011, the banner year, it was 72.0 per cent, and 70.7 per cent in 1910. The ten-year average is 7:'..'> per cent. It remains to be seen how far a loss of '.'.7 points In conditions will be offset by an Increase of 856,000 acres over last year, or about 21 1-2 per cent. Percentage condition by states fol lows: Condition ?>> states. (1913) Sept. Sept. Ann. Dlff. 1012 1911 1910 N. Car.' TU.:; ?0.9 7f?.0 70..r> 70.0 S. Car. ?77..". 76.8 *0.0 74.0 7I.S 74.0 Georgia ..7:u> 7;>.:? ?0.6 71.5 80.6 7i.o Florida . 7'.?.b SO.O ? O.G 7:1.0 7f>.0 GS.O Ala . ..7;i.f. 79.2 ?r..G 74.:? 79.4 72.2 Miss. ... 7;:.t; 81.0 ?7.4 71.3 7t>.:; 71.0 La.72.1 7S.I ?6.0 7.">.:i 02.1 :>7.f. Texas ..65.1 S7.I -!.">.7 70.0 00.0 64.0 Ark. .. .77.0 S7.1 ?0.8 81.0 75.0 7S.:5 Tonn. .. .Sl.O so.2 ?8.2 75.4 S3.4 7."?.0 Missouri .66.8 Si'..G 19.8 s:!.0 SO.O 72.0 Okla.60.2 84.8 -l'-.l 82.8 69.2 S7.7 Average 71.4 Sl.l ?9.7 75.4 72.0 70.7 Deterioration has been greatest In Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri, where ! continued drought and high tempera tures were childly instrumental in j causing declines of i.">.7 points. 15.4 points and 10.X points, respectively. Other important states showing losses were: Georgia 0.5 points; Alabama .">.0 points; Mississippi, 7.1 points; Louisiana G points: Arkansas 0.S points; Tennessee 8.2 points. News & Con t ier. ??**???<*..??????? ? WARRIOR CREEK. ? ? ? .*.****?**..*..**. Warrior Creek. Sept. 1. .Mrs. M. W. Fowler entertained at a delightful din ing Wednesday. Those who enjoyed Mrs. Fowlers hospitality were Rov. I. N. Kennedy and family, of Ora, Wcs dames M. K. Kennedy and Noll Moore and daughter, Margaret, <>f Due West. Mrs. S. K. Anderson, of Laurons, and Mrs. T. a. Drumtnond and children, of Lanford. Aliss Ruth Martin returned Monday front an extended visit to relatives and friends in Fountain Inn ami Dial's township. Mr. s. .1. Martin left yesterday for Lam ens where he goes to begin work for .1. C. I'.urns & Co. Misses Nell Dowtill and Malvina Kennedy, of Troy, wore the attractive guests of Miss Carolin? Fo?vlor the pasi feck, Mr. Uascom llrownlee is spending tliis week in I.aureus. Miss FJrllln llrownlee spent Monday with M s.1 Carolina Fowler. Mr. am! Mrs. Ariel.iUs Lorn? are en tertaining a house party this week. TllOSC who are present are as follows: Misses Mary Watson, of GrooUWOOd, Wynona Long, Nell Henderson, Paul ino Nichols and FJthcl Culbcrtson, of Waterloo, and Messrs Fred ClllbortSOU ami DeWitt Nichols, also of Waterloo. Miss Kdna Lntrekin spent last week in Lau tens, the guest of Miss niauchc Durns. Mr. W. W. Bramlctt and son.-. Sam uel ami David, spent the week-end in Green Pond. Miss Allie Rcilo Hums spent the week-end with her aunt. Mrs. James Kntrokin. Mrs. Susan ?rnmlett is spending a few days with Mrs. Cora Robcrson. Mr. g. M. Riddell and family u. re the guests of Mr. S. .1. Hurns Sunday. The Best Hot Weather Ton;.. GR?Vl{'STASTKi.KS8< hill TONIC rmrlcln - the blood, budds up (lie whole system m ' ??? :' ? ilerliilty strengthen nu : fortify yon ; ? >v..? ? id the depressing effect ol llu hot summer. Cures Old Sotes, Other Remedies Won't Cure. The worst enses, no matter of how long Standing, are cured l>y the wonderful, old rcllnl Ic Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil, it relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c,50c,$l. Dl M.S. Dials, Sept. 1. Mr. mill Mrs. U K Brooks, ami littlo son. Robert, have returned front the mountains of No! th Carolina. Miss Minnie Swlt?.er of Spartanburg, is visiting Misses F.'.Da Iltul Ann i Swit/.er tllis Week. Miss lame Aborcroinblc spent S.r. unlay with Misses Lola and ICthel Mar tin. Mrs. Harris Curry \isiteil relat'VeS near Fountain Inn last week. Mrs. W. 8. Molt ami children of HendersouvHIc, visited Mrs. .1. II, Brownlec and family last week. Mr. Men Sullivan, of I.aureus, spent last week with Mr. 1.. W. Brooks. Miss Sallie Brownlec had as her Kttests Saturday night, Misses Alpha ami Vena Martin. Mrs. John Aborcroinblc of llouea Path, is visiting hotuefolks here. The Misses Swit/.er entertained be tween fifty and sixty of their young friends Saturday night with a lawn party. The affair was given in honor of their guest, Miss Swit/.er. of Spar tanburg and was greatly enjoyed by all present. Master Robert Nabors of Columbia, has returned home after visiting his grandmother. Mrs. 1. S. Brooks. Mr. B. II. Cray, is visiting his broth er at Macon, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Plummer Curry, and son, left Monday for their home in Southern California, after a pleasant sojourn with relatives here. Mr. Marvin Armstrong, who belongs to the l". S. Navy, came home last week on a short furlough. Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Gllosplc and chil dren, of Greenville spent the week-end with Mr. Harris Curry and family. Mr. .1. ArchlO Willis, who has been residing in Florida for the past year or so, was called home last week to the bed side of his younger brother. Vernoil, who is very ill at this writing. Miss Nell MeCall, was the guest of Miss Until Curry Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Curry and fam ily spent the week-end with Mr. /.. N. Cray and family. HOVT LET BABY M l I KK WITH . F.C/.F..M V AMI SKIN F.RITTION.S Babies need a perfect skln-coverlug. Skin eruptions cause IhoiU not oly in tense suffering, but hinder their growth, Dr. Ilohson's F.e/.oniu Oint ment can die relied on for relief and permanent cure of suffering babies whose skin eruptions have made I heir life miserable. "Our baby was ntlliel ed with breaking ouy of the skin all over the !;,ee and ^' QW- Doctors and -kin specialists I'nilLfl to help. We tried Dr. Ilohsou's ?czeinn Ointment innd were overjoyed to see baby com 1 pletely cured before one box was Used" writes Mrs. Struhler, Dtibutpie, Iowa. All druggist . or by mall, ?Oc PFUIFFMR ClIKMIC \L '<>.. St. Louis. Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. Plate Class Sinasbeil, One of the large plate glasses in the show windows oi S. M. ?v K. n Wllkos & Company's store was total ly demolished during the wind and I rain storm Friday evening. The large glass, which is eight foot hieb by fourteen feet long, w as cracked during a wind storm several months ago and the big storm Friday evening put the linishing touches to it. Not a piece? of glass a square foot in area was left to loll the tale. Several per on seeing the crash hurried through the opening and removed the furniture so i that it would not be damaged by the rain. "Cnelo" Jack (llenn was then put on guard to keep prowlers out during t lie night and he kepi sentinel until Saturday morning, holding a eon; tinuous reception to questioners from soon after tii" accident until late in the night. Despondeiie) Is offen ?ansei; by indigestion and ! constipation, and quickly disappears .when Chamberlain's Tablets ::r tak en. For sale by I 11 dealers. PARISIAN SAGE FOR THE HAIR If your hair is too dry?brittle color less? thin?-stringy?oi falling out- u e Parisian Sago- now at on. c. It stops in hing scalp, cleanse th hair of dust and excessive oils, r< move . dand ruff with one application and ? 11 ?'? hair doubly beaiiu/ul sofl fluffy ? abu .dant. Try n bottle to-day. It will not only-'Cave your hair and make it grow, but give it tl.u b< auty you desire. LAURKNS DRI G l 0. LnurenSi s. C. L#TrV?NDGRS WHAT u know what you aie taking when Thousand n| families know it til ready, you take (iROVli'S TASTlil.l SS < hill mid a tiial will convince yon that DU. I T< >NK\ recognize d fm .Ml years tinoiigh p< ?RTItR'S A NTISIiPTIC 11 ISA 1,1 NO out the South as the standard Malaria, Oil, la the most wonderful remedy evei (.'hill and Pever Remedy and Ceneial discovered for Wounds, Hums, Old Korea, Strengthening Tonic. It is as strong ?> fleers, Carbuncles, titahulatcd liyc l.ids. the sliongi st hitter tonic, hut \ ? >u do in I Sore Throat, SKin pf Scalp Diseases and taste- the bitter because the ingredients nil wounds ld Ciuarautced hy youi Druggist, We mean remedy, t iuaiantced hy youi Druggist it. 50c. We mean it. 25c, SOe, f 1.00 Theo- is < Inly < Ine "HROMO QDININIv" That is I.AXATI Vli HROMt?( >t I NINK Look for signature of Ii. W. CKOVK on every \?> \ . Cures a Cold in One Day, 25e. If You Eat You Need Digestit The New Relief for Indigestion It has hot !) stated that more than tiro proof. You can try It for yourself eighty million people In Iho United without any risk -if It falls to gtvo States aro victims of Homo form oLTyou absolute satisfaction your money Indigestion. 'I h<- American people do will ho returned. IJrown'B Digestit laa not take time enough to oat, Tho ro- HttlO tablet easy to swallow ami ahso snlt is stomach distress, gas. bolchlng, lutoly hnrmloss. Itroliovos Indigestion indigostlon and dyspepsia, almost Instantly, strips food formonta Digostit Is the new relief It has lion, prevents distressaftor oatlngand boon found a certain, quick and per- cures dyspepsia. You need It even manont remedy, 't housands of pooplo though you are not sick?It aids dlgoa havo found relief from its use. Their It ion and gives you all tho nourishment, own statements on file In our ollico . ij},,irci,a pnig Co.. Laurons, S. 0. If Your Garments Become Soiled I luring tnr el oi vacation, ship them 16 us direct. Footer's Service is universal. S'ou taa profit bv its advan tages any time?tmy where. VVc have special facilities for Cleaning Lingerie and Summer Dresses, Kid, Satin and Canvas Slippers and Shoes,, Gloves, 1*.mania, Straw, .belt and Cloth Hats. Gentlemen's Business, Flannel and (luting Suits. Footer's Dye Works Cum her land, Aid. ALWA YS SA FUST AN D HICST. America's Greatest and Most Sanitary Cleaning und Dyeing t