l LOCAL AND PERSdr^^ yir. Willie Ruff made a flying trip to Carlisle Sunday. Mr. J. D. Godfrey, of Lanford, was a visitor here Monday. Mr. Virgil White, of Dials township, was lu the city Monday. Mr. Osie Sitgreaves left yesterday for a visit to Charleston Miss Jennie Shealy has gone to Greenville to visit friends. Miss Annie Kibler of Newberry is vir.iting Miss Kit Sullivan. Mr. Will Jones, of Waterloo, was a visitor in the city yesterday. ' Rural Policeman Lowe, of Cross Hill, was In the city yesterday. Miss Annie .lamieson, of Helton, is the guest of the Misses Wilkes. Mr. Geo. A. McPberson, a Waterloo furmor, was in t'.:c city Monday. Mr. .J. W. Payne has gone to New York to meet his southern trade. Mrs. S. R. Dor roh and little daugh ter are visiting Mrs. W. T. Dorroh. Mrs. M. E. Hart, of Miami. Fla., is visiting her niece, Mrs. IC. W. Tune. Master David George is visiting Master Gelder Mlnter for a few days. M>r. Thos. R. Hay, returned Monday from a business trip to Irwin, Tenn. Mr. Walter Haid win, of the Rabun community was a recent visitor to the city. Dr. R. E. Hughes and little Miss Harrlette have returned from Vir ginia. Mrs. M. L. Roper left yesterday morning for Anderson to visit rela tives. Mr. Frank Walker and children are spending sonic time here with rela tives. Mr. Frank Davis, of Princeton, spent Sunday In the city with friends and relatives. Mr. FJdd Corbitt. of the Lisbon neigh borhood, bad business in the city Saturday. Mr. Gary Eichelberger, of Winston Salem, N. C, is here on a visit to his homefolks. Miss Josephine Fuller and Miss Francis Davis are In Montreat for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crisp are visit ing Mr. Crisp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Crisp. Mr. T. .1. Weathers has purchased a Ford touring car through .Messrs. Wham Hros. Mr. Gerald Nickle, of Bessimor, Ala., is visiting at the home of Mi*. Hobt. Eichelberger. Miss Hester Cooper left Tuesday for B visit of several days with relatives at Princeton. Miss Hanna Royal has gone to Vino.land, N J? where she will spend her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Willis, of Owlngs Station, visited Mr and Mrs. J. C. Burns Sunday. Mr Jno. Pat. Mad don, of the Cheek Spring section, was a visitor to the city ia't week. Hon. R. A. Cooper leaves today for Scnaoa where he will make an address at a large picnic. Mr. Julius Sltgreaves left Sunday for a few days' vacation In Charles ton and Beaufort. Mr. Jno. W. Lawson, a prominent r^noree farmer, was in the city last week on business. Mr. John Kelly, of Spartnnbuug. spont several days in the olty last week with friends. Mr. Rufus Sadler, of Greenville, spent the week-end In the city with Mr. Ernest Machen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wardell, of Martin's Cross Roads, were shopping in the city Monday. Mr. B. R. Fuller, cashier of the Bank of Mountville, was a business visitor in Laurens Monday. Miss Helen Taylor left Monday for Columbia, where she will visit rela tives for some time. Mr J. Andy Coats of the Friendship section, was in the city Saturday among his old friends. Mr. R. L. Walker attended the ball game at Greenwood Friday between ?Greenwood and Dillon. Mrs. John Stevens, of Kersliaw, is in the city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sitgreaves. Mr. Demphsey Watklns, a well-to do farmer of Burns Factory section, was in the city last week. Mr. L. L. Langston of Darlington has been the guest of Mr. William Mc Gowan for the past week. Mr. Larry Dorroh and son. Ralph, of Falrmount, Ga? are visiting Mrs. "W. T. Dorroh and family. Mrs. John Hit! and little daughter and Miss Minnie Wade, of Cross Hill, were in the city yesterday. Mr. Lyl Moore left Sunday for north ern points, on bis annual summer va cation of a week's duration. Miss Ruth Martin, of Spartanburg, Is spending a few days hero as the guest of Mrs. A. D. Hudgens, Miss Leila Todd of Sltnpsonville spent Thursday night bore as the guest of the Misses Easterby. Mr. Leland 'Chapman, a prosperous young farmer of Hickory Tavern sec tion, was in the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roper left yes terday for Anderson, where they will visit relatives for some time. Mr. G. Wash Long, a prominent Wa terloo farmer, was transacting busi ness in the city last Saturday. Miss Beuford Curry has returned home after vlsitlug her sister, Mrs. L. O. Hlers. for several days. Mr. Warren Culbertson from the Rabun Creek section, had business to look after In the city Monday. Miss Mamie Prather, or Clinton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown on South Harper street. Misses Parnell Abney of Greenwood and Mattle Glasgow of Newberry are the guests of the Misses Easter by. Mr. William Watts, of Denver, Col., is spending some time in and around l.auri'%; as the guest of relatives. Miss Ludle Taylor left yesterday for her home in Princeton after vis iting relatives here and in Columbia. Miss Jule Chlldress has returned home after a pleasant visit of several weeks with relatives in Gray Court. Mr. Herbert Sullivan Is on an out ing at his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Sullivan, of Tumbling Shoals. I Mr. .1. P. Henderson, of Greenville, is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Hender son. Mr. Austin Rolter, one of the com ing young fanners, of the Henderson ville district, was In the city Satur day. Messrs. Earl Wilson and Rice Nick les left Saturday for a few weeks' stay In the mountains of North Caro lina. Miss Daisy Reil Colleton bar- return ed home after a pleasant visit to many friends and relatives in Anderson and Belton. Mr. Sam Wright and party of rela tives from Clinton were in the city Monday afternoon, having come up by automobile. Messrs. Willie Ruff, Tom Bolt, Ren Sullivan and .lack McCravy went over to Creenwood Thursday to witness the ball game there. Mrs. W. 10. Meng and Miss Emily Meng left yesterday for Henderson vllle, where they will remain for the rest of the summer. Mr. .1. N. Hudgens, Miss Dorothy Hudgens and Miss Ulla Todd left Monday for a two weeks' stay In Wash ington and Baltimore. Mr. W. R. Clark, a native of this county, now in the government em ploy at Greenwood is spending his va cation here with relatives. Mr. Frank Henderson, who is now living in Denmark, Is spending his vacation in the city witli his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Henderson. Misses Ethel, Marie and l.enora and Master .1. L. Hangston left several I days ago for North Carolina, where they will remain for some time. Mr. Russell Minter, who has been spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mintor, returned to his home in Davidson, N. ('., Thursday. Mr. Milton Sullivan, of Tumbling Shoals, who lias been attending the summer school tit Spavtanburg, pass ed through the city Tuesday on his way home. Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Machen and Mrs. Ralph Terry left Thursday for Staun ton, Va., where they will visit the two latters' sister, Mrs. Ruckner, dur ing this month. Miss Dorothy Owens, of Clinton, and Miss Mary ICartwright, of Yorkvllle but who Is now visiting In Clinton, were in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Spratt Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, of Princeton, passed through here Tues day on their way to the mountains of North Carolina, where they will re main for several weeks. Mr. D. W. Norwood leaves next week for Durham, N. C. where he will visit relatives. Fi i there he will go to Washington. D. ('., for a few days. He will be gone about two weeks. Rev. and Mrs. B. J. Blackwell, of Eufala, Ala., were in the city yester day with Mr. Rlackwell's brother. Mr. H. S. Blackwell. They will re turn here In several days to visit Mr. and Mrs. Rlackwell for several days. Misses Annie Relle and Bessie Chll dress have returned from Fountain Inn, where they have been visiting Miss Bet Jones for several weeks. Miss Jones accompanied them to Fl? rens and will be their guest for some time. Prof. Clyde Curry, of Cray Court who Is now taking a post graduate course leading to the degree of Ph. D. at the University of California, was a visitor in the city yesterday. He re turns to California next week to re sume his work. A party of young people chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs .1. W. Dunklin leaves today for Edneyville, N. C, about fif teen miles from I lendersonville, where they will "camp out" at a summer hotel for a week or ten days. In the party, besides the chaporones, will bo Misses Rosalie and Allene Franks, Un eia Wolff, Amelia Lodge, of Oaffnoy; Messrs B, O. Anderson. R. (!. Franks, J. E. Hicks, and R. A. Babb. I Mr. A. C. Watson, of Creenwood. passed through the city Thursday on his way to Barksdalc Station, his old I home, where he has some farming in terests. Mr. Watson was accompan ied by his nephew, Mr. lt. W. Toland, of Argents, Ark., who came back to South Carolina this summer to visit old friends and relatives. Mr. Toland Is a native of this county and left here about thirty years ago foi the wesi where he has been living ever since, J SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. j ? *> % ? #t #1 % *l *r fr s-o Itzer-Worley. A marriage which came as a sur prise to their many friends here was solemnized in Baltimore, Md.. yester day morning when Miss Irene Worley became the wife of Mr. Tom R. Swltzer Although the Intimate friends and rel atives of the young people were aware of the plans for the marriage, no Inkling of it had boon given to oth ers Both Mr. and Mrs. Swltzer are well known in Laurens, Mr. Swltzer being a member of tlx firm of Swltzer Company, one of the leadln?, business houses of the city. Mrs. Swltzer, as Miss Worley, has been employed in the millinery department of the same company for several seasons and has made numerous friends by her many personal charms and graces of man ner. Mr. and Mrs. SwitZOr will spend their honeymoon In the north, return ing to l.aurens in several weeks. 000 Adani8*Ltham. On Wednesday afternoon, at hair past five o'clock, at Bethel Church, Clover, S. C, the marriage of Miss Agnes Hammond Adams and William Luther Latham was solemnized. The Rev. Dr. Robert Adams, father of the bride, officiated. An orchestra of three pieces played an arrangement of "O Promise Me", after which Mrs. .lames Anderson Page sang "All for You," accompanied by the orchestra. The wedding party entered to the strains of the Wedding March from Lohengrin. The bridesmaids Miss Olive Arme Adams, sister of the bride, and Miss Nelle Rlley Miller, of Lau rens, followed by the two little Howe girls, Sidney Holmes, niece of the bride, and Dorothy Dulln, proceeded, the bride, who was accompanied by Mrs. Lowry Wilson Brown, of Char lotte, X. O, Dame of Honor. They were met at the altar by the I groom, accompanied by his best man, I Rev. Robert Roy Brown. The ushers were: LoRoy Hammond Adams, broth j er of the bride, and John Latham, brother of the groom. After the cere mony the bridal party left he church, in the reverse order, to the strains of the Wedding March from Than hauser." In specially reserved scats were the members of the families, and the Miss es Margaret Query, Rebecca Flanagan, Webb Stanton, Blanche Glenn, Belle Campbell, Martha Riddle, Annie Blake ley, and Mrs. R. L. Wiley. The church was beautifully decorat ed with blue hydrangeas, pink roses, and ferns, carrying out the color scheme of pink and blue. The only light was that of candles in crystal and brass candelabra. The bride's gown was batiste, hand somely draped with shadow lace, and her tulle vidi was caught up with orange blossoms. She carried a show er bouquet of white Klllarney roses. Mrs. Brown, dame of honor handsome ly gowned in lace draped blue Char meuse, carried blue hydrangeas. Miss Olive Adams, in pink silk with pearl trimmings, and Miss Nelle Miller in pink crepe de chine with trimmings of pearls, carried pink Klllarney ros es. The little flower girls wore dainty gowns of pink and blue, and scattered rose petals, from blue, handwoven baskets, in the path of the bride. Mrs. Wilmot Stuart Holmes of Orangeburg, sister of the bride, pre sided at the organ, accompanied by Mr. James A. Page, on the clarionet, and Mr. William Smith, on the saxa phone. Before the ceremony, a wedding lun cheon was served at the home of the bride, and following the ceremony, an informal reception was held at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Latham left for a few weeks stay In the mountains of North Carolina. Her traveling gown was a coat suit of king's blue with hat to match. The wedding was the occasion of a complete reunion of the Adams fami ly. The out-of-town guests wer.?. Row and Mrs. W. S .Hohnes and children of Orangeburg, Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Adams and children of Lauren-;, \fr and Mrs. Robert H. Adams and son of the Berry School. Miss Nelle Miller of' Laurons. Miss Annie Blakeley of Clin ton. Mrs. Lowry Wilson Brown of Charlotte, Mr. John Latham, of Sharon and Miss Maggie Latham of Sharon. ? ostij Treatment. "I was troubled with constipation and Indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and treatment," writes C. 11. Hilles, of Whitlow. Ark. "I went to a St. Iyouis hospital, "also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure was effected. On returning home I began taking Chamberlain's Tab lets, and worked right along. I il ed thorn for some time and am now oil light." Sold by all dealers. WE INSURE YOU A I GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP 1 If You Use Our Springs and Mattresses. So Comfortable .? It you only know how COMFORTABLB?how RNDURINO you would never bo content without THE STEJMS & FOSTER Look for our name MATTRESS on every Mattress) A POSITIVE GUARANTEE ON every MATTRESS. By tho use of a special "Webbing Process," used RX0LU8IVBLY In ?11 Stearns A K?ster Mattresses, tho tiny Ootton llhrea are wovon m>i1 Inter, woven Into thin, gauzy shoots?delicate n? ihr most prloelesa lace; 'MO of those gauzy sheet* are required to make tho MNK I.AYKUS of Cotton. Those "layers." when ready, stand TWO AN n A HAT.F FKK.T IT I OH. They aro thon compressed to a thickness of FlYK lNtiiiKS?niakin* the mattress Rott, yot firm, ho that, while It sustains tho body COM KOKT ABLY ?t every point of contact, It 1* soft without yielding. Tho "I>aoed Opening" shown bore Is on every Stearns A Foster Mattress. It show* you the Quality of the cotton lu tho VICKY, MATTRKBB YOU UUY. -V* as Open Cloted This device on every MaltroHH You want to l>o sure that the mattress you buy Is Pl'TlK. nol filled with "Mill Sweeping*," foul "Shoddy" or other Impure ma terial* that would INJURK vour II K A I.Tll? YOU A HI. bl'HB IX 13 I'URK If U'i a "8TBARN8 .t FOSTER." Tome In and lot us show you these mattresses?INS1DK ANI> 0UT81DB. They are the most Comfortahlo?most durat>lti and handsomest mattresses made. Several styles to choouo from; prices tho lowest oonslstont with quality. We are sure we can suit you both In quality and price, for better niatleresses cannot be made or sold for less money. Come and let us show you the BEST values ever offered in Mattresses at $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $4.50, $5.90, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50. MI tell my friends that the good old Victor is the best I ever slept on. It sustains me perfectly, conforms to every curve of my body, is noiseless and provides an independ ent support for my wife, who weighs only 120. She is better pleased than I am." William H. Sumwate. I.TST.ItoY-mi A r? N'OS ?i'kinu IIIC1 >h. VICTOR. MOIJUSEXUCUn-WXXJU NDVIH SAU, We have just the Spring to suit you. Prices from $1.75 up to $5.90 Let us Make Your Bed Comfortable. 1 S. M. & E. H. WILKES & COMPANY ?.*.?,..<.....??.? ? ? ? EKOM >OTES. ? ? ? ?????????**???*??* Rabun, Aug. t.?Mr. T. F. Babb and family and Dr. J. VV. Beason were In Greenville Saturday on business. Misses Austin and Shell of Laurens arc visiting Miss Cora Modlock this week. Miss Ada Nash, after spending two weeks In Ashevlllo, roturnod home Thursday. The Misses Garllngton of Columbia, are visiting Miss Marie Mahon. Mr. Laurens Mahon was in Green ville Saturday and Sunday on business Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Mahaffey and children of Texas are visiting around lu re for a few days. Mrs. Arthur Taylor and children of Laurens, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mcdlock. Mrs. Daisy Nash and children of Greenville spent last week with Mrs. Walker Cray. Mr. I.. 11. Roper Of Laurens, is up for the meeting this wool? at Rabun. Mrs. Rebecca Owens is spendin?: several weeks witll her daughter, Mr. Claude Wasson of Friendship sec tion who has typhoid fever. Mr. T. F. Babb and Mr. W. D. Ow ens were in Laurens Monday. When you feel vous, tired, worried or d>spondi i.. it is ;i sure sign you m r I Mott's Nerverine Pills ]'[:, " WIIUAMS MFG. CO.. Prop. . Cleveland, Ohio ' LATHENS DRUG CO. 1,aureus, S. C. moot ouvk. Mt. Olive, Aug. t. Protracted meet ing at thin place closed Thursday night i We had a good meeting with five ad ditions to the church. Mr. .1. if Cannon went to Groon vlllo last week for special treatment. Hi- has been cripple for several years. '! is hoped by tils many friends that he will soon have a complete recov ery. Mrs. Emma Mahon, of Itahun, visit ed relatives bore last week. Messrs. '('. i. and Albert Martin spent the week-end in Greonvllle, with Itev. f. II. Wronn. Mr. Arthur Culbertson, of Harmony, spent last week with relatives hero, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ij, Coopei visited at Mr. Tool W. Moon's of Kkom, Sunday. Mr. C. \V. Martin and family, of LtlU rens, an: visiting at Mr. I A C Mar tin's. Mr. .la. Jones was called to Ware ?Shoals, Saturday to the bcd-sldc of his daughter, Mrs. Willie Knight, who has been ill for some time. |lor con dition grow worse Mr. and Mr> 1 S Crawford of !!i ewerton. visited hi re la-.t. week, Mrs. .1. I\ Kn hi Spent last week with hor daughti r, Mrs, W. 0. Mar ton, of Ware Shoals, who has been sick for sonn time. We are ?lad to .?oport that sin i novi convalescent Mrs. Nannie Taylor Visited in this community lasi week. Miss Natmli Washington and broth ? r. Everett a/id Manning Holt, vlsifei tliOlr aim;. Mrs !. A. Wool, Of Ml Bothel, Saturday. Misse? I.ill..- Martin, Sarah Coo pel and I.u i Mar- Boll spent Thitrsdaj with Mr and Mrs, N. IS, Coopor. Mr. and Mrs. .1. I.. Martin, of Ml. Gallagher, visited ill Dr. ,1, O. Mar tin's Wednesday. Mr. Clove llolnnd leaves for Groon? wood today whore lie has accoptod a position ;is salcsinati with a large dry (food s eoneei n. Oll tho ;!'?th inst. Crom I to f, 'Ml p. tn., tho young people ?f this eoinmun? ity were delightfully entertained at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. K II. llo land. After several games, a delicious lc? course was served. Mr Doland was assisted by Mrs. 1'auline McDan lel. The occasion was greatly on joy ed l>y ;iil present. (?nod Kennen for His linMiiisiiisni. When a man lias suffered for sev eral days with colic, diarrhoea or otli ei form of bowel compliiir) and Is then cured sound and well by one or 'w<> doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llomody, as often the the case, il is but natural thai ho should be enthusiastic In his prntse of the remedy, and especially i.-. tin the ease of a severe attach" wboii lifo Is threatened, Try II ,vhon in need of such a remedy. It iievor falls. Sold by all duale)?. Cures Old Sores, Other Remodles Won't Curs. The ?omt cases, no matter of howlonjr standing, are cured by the wonderful, o!d rrlinl.le \>t. I'orter's Antiseptic Healing Oil, It relieve* Tain and Heals at the same time. Z^c. 50c. |l.00 Piles! Piles! Piles! Williams' i' ? in v lo Ointmcni will cure , Hllnd, Bk-odltiK und Itfeldng Piles. It .'ib sorbs Iho tun i . sflay Iti I Ing at ituI $1.00. Williams mfg. en.. proM., Cleveland, Ohio li A CHEN8 DHVii . O. Laarens, s. ('.