Subscription Price ts $1.00 Per Tear Payable In Advance. Published by ADYERTI8KR PRINTING COMPANY Laarens. H. C. ALISON LEW W. O. LANCASTER ARTHUR LEE President vlce-l'res. Sec. and Treas. Advertising Rates on Application. Obitnarles and Card of Thanks* One cent a word. Entered at the postolllce at Laurcns, 8. 0., as second elaBs mail matter. LAURKNS, S. (!? AUGUST it, I1?i:t. The Advertiser will be glnd to receive the local news of all the communllles In the county. Cor. respondents aro requested to sign their names to the contrl* bntlonH.. Letters should not be mailed later than Monday morn* ing. ,ii Dials, Youngs and Scuflletown town Ships .still stand hy the old county. Wo are glad to have you stay with us. ? ? ? We bolleVQ that The Advertiser ex presses the sentiment of the citizens of Lau renn when it says that the greatest cause for rejoicing ovor tho outcome of the new county election was a feeling that even to the utter most hounds of the county the people still showed the old ties of affection and love for the county and county seat. It can safely bo said, we be lieve, that, In deciding how to vote at this critical time, many decisions vi r., made on sentiment alone with out any regard for the material QU08 Uons at issue Relieving this as we do, we leel that lltO citizens Of the county-sent and the county as a whole have a right to feel thankful thai they nre so closely bound together and that it will take even more than mere monetary matters to break them asunder. ? ? ? The announcement made in the edi torial columns of The State several days ago that Mr. W. W. Hall would assume charge of the editorial col umns of that paper In the absence of Mr. W. E. Gonzales In Cuba was re ceived in Laurons with peculiar pleas ure and pride. Mr. Mall is a son of I.aureus county, one who so iden tified himself with its activities and so endeared himself to its people dur ing his earliest life that they have never yet come to admit that he Is no longer theirs. Mr. Hall is the son of the late Col. Beufort Watts Hall, for a long time editor of this paper. The son followed In the steps of his father, being editor of The Advertiser at dif ferent Intervals for a number of years. Under their charge the paper grew in Influence and resources and at tained to itH highest perfection. Mr. Win. Watts Hal| is recognized as one of the most capable, most fearless and most broad-minded newspaper men In the south. The friends of The State feel no anxiety as to his ability to conduct Its editorial page In a manner befitting the great paper that it is. ? ? ? While no definite announcement has been made since the Enorec new coun ty election, the advocates of the new county with Fountain Inn as the county Heat let It be known some time ago that they Intended to have an election called In case Woodruff met defeat. We do not know yet what effect the overwhelming defeat of Woodruff has had on the Fountain Inn people, but we hope that they have come to realize now before be ginning a long and expensive contest that the people of the affected terri tories are not In favor of any change. The Fountain Inn perple should not allow themselves to be carried nway by 'ha Idea thai the sentiment In favor of the new county there caused ll?0 defeat of the Woodruff proposition. While then- were possibly a few poo pic who voted with this in view, the number wan probably very small and we believe would amount to little in deciding tho contest as to the Foun tain Inn new county The people of the old county have expressed them selves in no uncertain terms on pro posed dismemberment and their sen timent seema to be overwhelmingly ngalnst It. Hut, as we said about Woodruff, If the people of the upper portion of Laurena county want *to detach themselves from the county ?cat and turn to Fountain Inn, we will jray It is their right to decide and we Will wish them well, 'hit, we do not believe they want to leave us and we hope that another election Will not be forced upon us. . a CONDITIONS REMEDIED AT PORT ROYAL Hale of Liquor to Sailor Lads has been Stopped Since Ultimatum of Sec. Daniel? Some Time Ago. Washington, July 30.?Represonta tlev Hymen took up with Assistant Secretary Roosevelt today the Im provement of the disciplinary bar racks at Port Royal. Some time ago the BOOretary of the nuvy stated that there was some complaint by the of ficials In Charge of the government property there as to the sale of liquor on the island. Maj. Hatch, who Is In charge of the institution, has recently reported that conditions had been remedied, and Mr. Roosevelt states now that it Is the Intention of the department greatly to Increase the number of men and erect some new buildings at Hort Royal. The report of the examining board making specific, recommendations will be sent to congress In a few days. Narrowly Kscapcd Permanent Injury. Mr. J. F. Hartley, superintendent of the Reedy River and Sullivan power companies, narrowly escaped perma nent Injury to his eyes last Thursday morning by the formation of an arc Of light in a high voltage electric line The Incident occurred at the electric sub-station. The flash was of such brightness as to temporarily paralyze the optic nerves, causing almost total blindness for several hours. Mr. llarney does not remoniber the flnsh Itself nor any of the sensations Imme diately following, hut quite awhile af terwards he regained consciousness, finding himself in the middle of the street in front of the power house. Supt. Hlunt, of the city pumping sta tion, located nearby, came upon him lying there and called for his physi cian. Mr. Harney was carried to his boarding place and placed In a dark room the rest of the day and the next morning he was able to use his eyes by putting on blue glasses. Though suffering Inconvenience for several days, he Is now completely recovered. Visit From Railroad Officials. Laurens was yesterday visited by two popular railroad officials who have recently received substantial rec ognition of tholr services from the com panies which they represent. Foun tain E. Ward, recently made solicit ing passonger agent of the Pennsylva nia railroad with offices In Washing ton, D. C. made his first visit to reus and in company with SV. B. Gresham, of the S. A. L., made a round of calls on the friends of the two railroads in tills city. Mr. Gresh am has recently been promoted from the otlice of travelling passenger agent to that of district passenger agent with offices In Birmingham, Aia. Both of those gentlemen are affable, lika ble men and number their friends by the hundreds in every city they visit. How the Trouble Starts. Constipation Is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Tab lets, keep your bowels rqgular and you will avoid these diseases. For s*ale by all dealers. Foot-IIIlls of (he Illue Ridge. Mr. H. C. Fleming Saturday after noon drove a week-end party consist ing of Misses Laura Barksdale and Emily Meng. Mr. Allio Lee and himself! to the foot-hills of the Blue Ridge mountains in his automobile, return ing Monday afternoon. They visited Travelers Rest, Marietta, Hill Crest, River View and other places, going far enough up the Jones Gap road to get a beautiful view of the moun tains themselves and to inhale the pure mountain air from Caesar's Head The return home Monday afternoon was made in record time. The Best Pain Killer. Bucklen's Arnica Salve*when applied to a cut, bruise, sprain, burn or scald, or other injury of the skin will im Chamberlain of Clinton. Me. says: "It robs cuts and other injuries of their terrors. As a healing remedy its equal don't exist." Will do good for you. Only 25c at I*aurens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. Mrs. J. Y. Wallace will leave this week for Greenvlllo where she will make her home in the future. Mr. Wallace has been there for some weeks, having accepted a position In the offices of tho intorurban. Their many friends in a.. I around Laurens regret exceedingly tholr determination to make Greenville their home. Mothers! Have Your Children Worms I Are they feverish, restless, nervous, Irritable, dizzy or constipated? Do they continually pick their nose or grind tho?r teeth? Have they cramp ing pains, irregular and ravenous ap petlte These are all signs of worms. Worms not only cau?c you^ child suf fering, but stunt its mlnd/ar t growth. Give "Klckapoo Worm Knler" at once. It kills and removes the worms, Im proves your child's appetite, "eglllotes stomach, liver and bowels. The svntp toniH disappear and your child Is made happy and healthy, as nature Intend* ed. All druggists or by mall, 25c. Klckapoo Indian Medicine Company Philadelphia, Pa. St. Ixmls, Mo. E. Mores to UreenYllle. MM%J?La%\ m^mm^mm ?MMm\Mm\Mm\ mm\&^Lmm\ mu\Mm\?Lm\mlLam\ mmJmt m\*L I CROSS HILL NeWS | ^^^??????????^??^??^?^'^?^ n? Cross HUI, July 4.?Misses LIpBComb and Haugh, of Ninety Six, ?i>ent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. VV. Han na. Misses Gertrude Hunt, of Green wood, and Vivian Kay of Augusta, Ga., are with Miss Josle Grlflin. Misses Watson and Martin, of Groen wood, have returned home after spend ing a few days with Mrs. N. I. Wil liams. Misses Klloone and Margaret Young were, with Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Rasor the past week. Miss Jewel Gardener, pf Atlanta, Is the guest of Mir.s Estelle Turner. Rev. rt. 10. (Campbell, of Jackson Wile, Florida, is with his sister, Mra. N. I. Williams. The K. of P. Ixjdge here had an Interest meeting last Thursday even ing. Capt. F. S. Evans, of Greenwood, was present and made an address ap propriate to the occasion. Quite a number of ladles were present, about 60 guests in all. Ice cream and cake was served. Music, on the piano was furnished by Miss Emma I.owe. Cross HUI and Ninety Six high school boys crossed bats here last Thursday. Score ."> to 1 in favor of Crss Hill. Miss Mary Owens Is visiting friends and relatives at Woodruff and Lan drum, Mrs. Cora Moore, of Ninety Six, Is with relatives here. Miss Taylor, of Fountain Inn( is with Miss Llzlze Rryson. Miss Allono McDowal, of Miami. Florida, also Miss Reth Soawrlght, of Hodges, were recent visitors to Mr, and Mrs. .1. W. Simmons. Mr. W. C. Rasor has a splendid new Franklin touring car. It Is very fine and he is enjoying it with his friends while the roads are good. It has the electric self-starter. Mr. Latimer Rasor, of Donalds, was a Cross Hill visitor last week. Mr. R. A. Austin has returned from a trip to Raltlmore. Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Nance, Mr. Irvln Hill and Mr .1. A. Guthrie and family have returned from a pleasant trip to Wrightsvllle Roach. Mrs. L. P. McSwaln and children re turned Saturday from a visit to rela tives in Greenwood. Mrs W. M.. Miller. Miss Mary Miller and Mrs. .1. E. Lenman visited relatives at Hodges last week. Mrs. Ada Stone, of Atlanta, is vistt 'ng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. I lolllngsworth. Miss Florence Sowers, of'Clinton, Is with Miss Agnes Leaman. Rev. R. E. Campbell preached at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening. A good congregation attended the ser Vlces and enjoyed a good sermon from tho text "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest need to the things which wo have heard lest at any time we should lot them slip."? Hob. 2:1. Wie had a good rain on the south side of town last Friday with quite a severe mind and a dash of hall. Tho corn on Mr. Wade Turner's farm was split badly by the hall. We had an other good rain yesterday, the best wo have had In some time and It seems to have been a more general rain. We were glad to see It. An election was held here S1. 11? 'Mission Sermon, by Rev. J. A. Brock. 12:30?'Recess one Hour. 1:30?Reassemble for Song Service, the full afternoon. Dinner will be served In grove both days. J. A. Marler, W. .1. Cooper. E. E. Gulnn, Committee. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVK'S TASTKI.HSS chill TONIC, drives out Mnlarla and builds up the system. A true tonic ?'id sure Appetizer. For adults mid children. 50c CASTRO AGAIN ACTIVE IN VENEZUELA Lieutenants of Exiled Former DIstator Hegin Invasion of Country, Castro iery Unpopular In Native Country. New York. July 30.?Confirmation of reports that Ciprlano Castro hfis begun revolutionary activities 'n Venezuo'a was received here lodii)' 111 a cablegram to Gen. Jose Manne: Her nandez, leader of the National Liberal parly in Venezuela, now a political o\ ;c. ,n t'iis country. Tie incs a-1', dated yesterday and sent by one ot the general's agents at Cucula, tioloni?hii near Venezuelan border, read: "Cas tro's folowers have begun invasion." "This Is what ! expected," said '. Hernandez tonight, "but I ha\c no further information of Castro's ac tivities." "Gen. Hernandez as the recognized as "El Mocho," is opposed botii to Castro and the present (ionie/ govern ment and is said to be waiting oppor tunity to return to his native land and lead a revolution of his own party against President Gomez. He issued tonight the following statement: "Gen. Hernanded as the recognized leader of the National Liberty party of Venezuela has with him the hark ing of the great majority of the coun try and in the present state of affairs he can only say he Is closely watch ing events to see what can and must be done at the proper time and when due opportunity presents Itself. "With reference to Gomez and Cas tro, both are hated and distrusted both at home and abroad and there fore there Is no doubt that both will be forced by public opinion to disap pear from the political scene. What the coutnry wants is not merely a change of men, but a change In the whole rotten system. ? C. V. Hipp. * Mr. C. V. Hipp, after a lingering ill ness of about three weeks died at his county home In Eden community last Friday evening about nine o'clock. Mr. Hipp was a man that was much loved by all who knew him, and will be greatly missed because he was euch a good Christian man and a good church worker. Mr. Hipp did not care to live in this world any longer, hut was patiently waiting to cross over the river to meet his Savior and loved ones that had gone on before. Mr. Hipp was twice married, Miss Boyd of Mountvlllo, his first wife, died about nineteen years ago, and about six years ago he married Miss Char lotte Gray of Eden community, and during bis stay up here ho made many friends. He is survived by his wife Mrs. C. V. Hipp and five children, Messrs. Will and Clyde Hipp of .Mountvllle, Mr. Claude Hipp of Cross Hill, and Gray Hipp of Eden community. Saturday morning his remains were laid to rest In Rabun cemetery, Mr. Walter Baldwin and Rev. L. II. Bag got conducting the funeral service. Registration Board In Session. The county board of registration, which held its monthly meeting for registration purposes Monday, will re turn to the eity Saturday and open the books a second time. Those who desire to register may do so by going bofore the board at that time. The hoard holds Its meetings In the jury room over the clerk of court's ollice. Suffered Eczema Fifty Years? Now Well. Seems a long time to endure the awful burning, itching, smarting, skin disease known as "tetter"?another name for Eczema. Seems good to realize, also, that Dr. Hohson's Ecze ma Ointment has proven a perfect cure. Mrs. D. L. Kennedy writes:?"I cannot sufficiently express my thanks to you for your Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. It has cured my tetter, which has troubled me for over fifty years." All druggists or by mall, r>0c. PFEIFFER CHEMICAL CO. St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. FI RKM1 > \S TOI' KN A ME NT. Moving Picture Beel? of The Races Held In Abbeville In June. Two especially Interesting reels are scheduled for thin week at the Opera House motion picture show. The one that will probably be of mpst Inter est locally is that of the firemen's tournament that was held In Abbe ville during the lutter part of June. The races themselves were very ex citing and the pictures arc considered among the best ever taken around here. This picture will be shown to morrow evening and night, Thursday, Aug. 7th. ( Another fine picture, Ambrosio's masterpiece "Satan" or the "Drama of Humanity". This picture is said to have cost nearly $200,000.00"Tt> pro duce and took four months to com plete It. It will be shown on Mon day, August 11th., afternoon and night. SPECIAL NOTICES. Barbecue?We wish to give notice to the public that we will furnish a barbecue at the Friendship picnic ?Friday the 15th of August. L. C. Abercromble, J. K. Sexton. 2-lt-pd For Sale?Two good milk cows. Can glve/Cholce of three. For prices see I-Vft. Power, Barksdale, S. C. 2-lt-pd Lost?pn road from Woodrow Wll son^jxrtTool hous to home of U. D. Boyd a bunch of keys. Return or notify Claud D. Boyd, Route 5, Laurens, S. C. 2-lt Found?One bunch of keys in Rob . .erjb^wham's auto. Owner can have sajrne by calling at this office and pay ing for advertisement. For Sale?111 acres of fairly good land/*wlth two very good houses and gf^*fd barn on same, this land can be bought at a bargain. It lays seven miles north of Greenwood court house and Is close to school and churches. Good white neighborhood. Address P. O. box 42, Greenwood, S. C. Lost?Red Irish setter, answers to name of "Mike". A reward will be paid for Jrfs return or any information as to/his whereabouts. J. F. Tolbert, 1-au rens, S. C. For Sale?1 registered Jersey bull: 1 registered Jersey milch cow, 3 milch oo/yfiT 2 brood mares, and 1 stud colt, 2 years old Aj rll 10th. C, H. Pettus, Harris Springs, S. C. 52-tf Peas, Peas, Pens?For sale, price an|r sample sent on application. Hattaway & Co., Spartanburg, S. C. 33-tf The Best Hot Weather Tonic CROVK'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC enriches the blood, bu.kls up the whole system and will won derfully strengthen and lortity you to withstand the depressing eflect ot the hot summer. 50c. WHEN IN GREENVILLE STOP AT THE Hotel Gates Formerly The Blue Ridge Greenville, S. C. W. Washington Street Completely changed, remodeled and refurnished. Accommodation, cuslne and service equal to anything in tho city. Rates $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Single meals 50c. Rooms large and airy, building only three stories high and absolutely safe. A. A. GATES, Proprietor, Formerly of the Mansion House. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your kid neys arid bladder? Have you pains In loins, side, back and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, and un der the eyes? A frequent desire to pass urine? If so, Williams' Kidney Pills will oure you?Druggist. Price 60c. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Prop... CloreUnd, Ohi3 LAUREN8 DRUG CO. Laurens, 8. C. WATCH THIS SPACE FROM NOW ON IT Will Save You Money