The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 06, 1913, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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NOW IS YOU It TIME. OET Hi ON I'll I s DEAL, WHILE THE GOOD Til IN 08 AUE 001 NO. WHEN BURNS SAYS ITT A SALE "ITS-A-SALE" J. C. BURNS & COMPANY'S Big 13 Days Sale Opened Saturday With a Big Crowd of Customers and the sale is going right on until August 16th. Come this Week and Avoid the Rush. 13 Days-RED HOT SELLING-13 Days. This Sale is no miracle it's just a plain problem of simple arithmetic figuring the prices down lower than you can buy the same goods wholesale. We are loading our rapid-firing guns heavy and we expect to fire 16 times to our enemy's one. We are well fortified in our own building at No. 118 North Main Street, and we have this building and a warehouse packed full of (Goods) amunition and our rapid-firing guns are our lowest prices, which shoot the Goods out the front door of the Red Iron Racket at a rapid gate. Big Clothing Sale! Boy's Suits.69, .84, 1.39 up to 4.25 for tlie $<i.()0 kind. Dress up the boys now. BIG SALE OK MEN'S CLOTHING. Closing out Clothing. Men's Suits, sale price, 3 98, 3.49, 4.25 and up to 11.39 for the 16.50 kind. Now -s your chance to get two Suits. BIG II AT SALE. Men's and Hoy's Fur Hats, worth .75 to 1.00, closing out at.45 Another lot Men's fine Fur Hats. Samples and odd lots, worth up to 2.00, sale price.95 Other Hats, 1.19, on iip to the John B. Stetson 5.00 Hat. Sale price.2.97 BIO SALE OF SHOES. Lot 1, Ladies' Shoes and Slippers, worth up to 1.50 a pair, big Sale price.8& IiOt 2, Men's Shoes and Slippers, worth up to 1.75, sale price. Stock Closing out Men's Slippers and Shoes: $11.00 Shoes, sale price .2.19 $3.50 Shoes, sale price.2.68 $4.00 Shoes, sale price.2.89 Lot 3, all odd lots of i'hgh grade Shoes. Brands: Stylus, Director, Paramount, Expansion, Spartan, Kiser King. The above are 3.00 and 3.50 lines of Shoes, sale price 1.75 HOSIERY?SOX AND STOCKINGS. 6,000 pairs Men's, Women's, and Children's Sox and Stockings, sale price.05, .07, .08, .10, .19 Buy now for the whole family. .07 quality yard-wide Sea Island.05 3-4 .08 quality L. L. yard-wide Sea Island.06 1-2 $2.50 Large Family Bible, sale price.87 $1.50 values Jute Smyrna Rug, sale price.87 JEWELRY SALE." Special lot Cuff Pins, Bar Pins, Cuff Buttons, Tie Hold ers, Scarf Pins, (worth .25) sale price.10 $1.00 Alarm Clock.1.49 $1.00 Watch.59 $3.00 Eight Day Clock.1.68 BIG SALE CORSET COVERS, PETTICOATS, GOWNS, AND SHIRTWAISTS. You will have to come and see these goods to know the values going in this sale. Odd lots Corsets, worth 1.00, sale price.45 .10 25c Corsets. J. C. C. Corsets, worth 1.25, Sale price . .. Labianch, a corset worth .75, sale price . . Prices withdrawn as lots are closed out. l.r)c. Kour-in-lland Ties, sale priee. Spcial lot .25 Four-in-IIand Ties. 35c Ties, sale price. 50c Work Shirts_ . Best Union made Work Shirts, sale price $1.00 Negligee Dress Shirs, sale priee .. 50c Dress Negligee Shirts, sale price .... Special lot Shirts to clear out at. Boy's Shirts and Bodies going in this sale .79 .43 .10 .18 .23 .35 .38 .79 .38 .23 .19 TOBACCO SALE AND WHOLESALE. 10c plugs S & G and Red J Tobacco, good chew, plug .08 Clean Sweep Special Dry Goods! 1,000 yards Calico, Stanley Prints, Sale price, 10 yds for .39 10 yds Bleaching.39 10 yds (.10) Bleaching.68 1 lot yard-wide Lawn.04 1 lot yard-wide Percale, best .10 goods.07 1? Special values in Ginghams, Chambrays and Percales .07 1 15 Dress Goods.i .18 Dross Goods.121-2 25 Dress Goods.18 .35 Dress Goods.25 .48 Dress Goods.36 Full size bleach Bed Sheets, 72x90 .48 Full size Pillow Cases.10 Special Lot Laces .05 to .10, Goods going in this Sale at per yard.03 Lot of Embroidery and Insertions (worth 10c) going in this sale at.05 Ribbons going at Sale prices, .05, .08, .10 to .19, for the .35 Kind. 3 cakes (5c) Toilet Soap.10 3 cakes Rose Glycerine Soap.10 10 Boxes (5c) Matches.25 30c Linen Window Shades.23 50c Lace Curtains.34 8 cakes Best (.05) Laundry Soap, Sale Price.25 4 packages Starch.15 7 packages Washing Powder Sale price.25 14 cakes Laundry Shoap, "Schnapps", Sale price.25 12 cakes Polo Laundry Soap Sale price.25 30c Broom, sweep out.23 40c Broom, sweep out.29 1 set Tumblers, Sale price.15 1 set nice White Plates.39 1 large (10c) Wash Pan, Sale price.05 4 Tin Cups, Sale price. 05 Big lot of Tin, Glass, Crockery and Enameled Ware in the Basement all going at Sale prices. 3 lbs Epsom Salts (worth 10c per lb. elsewhere) for.10 1 lb Sulphur (10c) sale price.05 Down in the basement: Tin, Glass, Crockery, Enameled Ware, Pictures, Photo Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Rugs all going at sale prices "RED HOT". _ Special lot $1.00 Negligee Dress Shirts, a little soiled, close out at.35 Wood Curtain Poles.09 $1.00 large Framed Pictures.49 25c Jardineers.08 50c Jardineers.25 75e Jardineers.38 $1.00 Jardineers.49 Special values in Churns, Milk Pitchers and Flower Pots sale price per gallon. . 08 Bargains Below! Remember! Our Prices Have Always Been 15 to 25 per cent Lower Than other houses for same Goods, and now the Slaughtering Knife has been used freely throughout this immense Stock, which means a saving of 30 to 50 per cent, to all who take advantage of this RED HOT SALE. Hurry up and avoid the RUSH for they are all coming to the RED IRON RACKET Don't fail to sec the Tables filled with special closing out Bargains. Cool place now, but the prices are red hot. BIG UNDERWEAR SALE. 25c Men's Underwear, sale price.18 50c Men's Underwear, sale price.35 Men's Suspender sale, going at.08, .10, .13 and .19 for-,the .35 kind. Ladies' Gauze Bleached Vest.05 10c Ladies' Gauze Bleached Vest.08 15c Ladies' Gauze Bleached Vest.10 5 spools good Thread.10 6 spools best Thread.23 10c Baby Elite Shoe Polish_ v.07 .25 qaulityN Table Oil Cloth.15 25 quality Colgatcs Talcum Powder, sale price.13 15c quality Airfioat Talcum.08 .1 lb. can Airfioat Talcum.18 10c bottle Cologne.05 15c Tooth Brush.08 J5,c Buggy Whip.10 25c Buggy Whip.19 50c Buggy Whip.38 $1.00 Buggy Whip.69 10 packages (1 lb) best Soda made for.25 20 Nutmegs Sale Price.05 White Shoe Polish.08 10c Shoe Polish, black.05 "Jet Oil" Waterproof Polish at.08 25c box Toilet Soaps ..10 Shaving Soap./.05 Fairbanks Tar Soap.05 '' Sweetheart'' Soap.04 15c Talcum Powder.08 .05 Petroleum Jelly.04 $1.00 Wine Cardui.69 Pure Bristle Hair Brush.10 Large Jars Vaseline.10 15c Whisk Brooms.10 25c Colgate's Talcum Powder at.13 "Princess" Brass Pins, large papers.03 fc papers Pins.05 C papers Needles.05 6 papers Hair Pins, assorted,.05 "Beats All" Lead Pencils.01 15c Barretts.10 Men's Rubber Collars.08 Men's 4 ply Linen Collars.08 .98 Umbrellas, good value,.68 $1.15 Umbrellas.93 Medicine Sale! All $1.00 Bottles Standard Medicines, Sale price.69 All .50 Bottles.37 All .25 Medicines.19 Now is Your Time to Buy Medicines SKIRT SALE. All prices from.97 up Lot of fine Skirts worth 6.00 to 7.00 going in this sale at just one-half price. These are fine goods . .. .3.00 to 3.50 $1.00 yd. Silk.72 This $38,000.00 Stock is in the hands of the Price Slaughterers for Thirteen Days. Sale opened Saturday, Aug. 2d., at 8 o'clock and will close Aug. 16th. Be on Time. One Price to all in plain Figures. J. C. BURNS & COMPANY 210 ?EST LAUKENS ST. NEXT TO ?RAM LETTS SHOP RED IRON RACKET ,r. C. BURNS & COMPANY 210 WEST LATHENS ST. NEXT TO KKAM LETT'S SHOP Is the Talk of the Whole Town and County. Good Things Going?Only 13 Days to Get in on This Deal.