T. B. WALLACE ELECTED PRESIDENT Made l'resld< nt of Southern Textile Association at Annual Meeting at Isle ot ['alms, Oroonvlllc, s. ('., Juno Mr. T. B. Wallace, at |iroHout superintendent of the Duncan mills of this city and formerly superintendent of tho Watts mill at l.aureus, has been elected pres ident of the Southern Textile Asso ciation, nt tin- meeting which was, brought to a close at the Isle of Palms yesterday morning. It Is un derstood that Mr. Wallace has been offorod the position on several other occasions, but refused, suggesting that a younger man he given the position. ? 01 M.S. ? ? ? Dials. Juno Mr. and Mrs. Alee MoCall returned home Sunday from Piedmont, where they were called dur ing the illness ami death of their sis tor. Misses Claude, and ?l'UCC Gray, of Gray Court, spent esveral days with their grand-mother. Mrs. I. S. Brooks last week. Miss Ruth Curry visited Mr. Julius Curry and family last week. Misses Emma Harris and Fannie Brownlee returned home Friday from Greenville, where they were delegates to the joint meetings of the Home and Foreign Missionary depjarbmenta at Buncombe Street church. Miss Kate Curry had its her guest .Saturday night Miss Cecil Owings. Misses Salli" Brownlee and Marie, and Mattie Simmons were visitors In Greenville last week. Messrs. Wellie und L?de Aborcrom hle, of Hendorsonvlllo, were visitors in our midst Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fate Henderson, of Friendship, spent Sunday with Mr. Switzer and family. Miss Jewel Curry has returned home from a pleasant \isit with relatives ill snoree. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bolt, and clhl dren of llendersonvllle, spent Sunday with Mrs. J, R. Brownlee and family. Miss Jewell Curry entertained the members of the young People's so ciety Saturday afternoon from four to SOVen, The pia/./.a and parlor were beautiful with growing plants and ferns. During the course of the after noon delicious Ice cream and cake were served by the hostess and Miss Klloen Curry. Those present Were: Misses Ostell Willis. Lilly Thomason. Graee Owings, Theresa Darby, Marie Curry. Cccllo Owings, Kate and Eileen Ourry, Salllo Brownlee. Both Curry. Marie Simmons. Nell and Clara Mc Call, Willi.- May and Irene Godfrey; Messrs. States Curry, Vcrnoil Willis, I. M. Owings and Wright Willis. TYI.ERSVII.I.E DOTS. ? ???>????????????.? Tylorsvllle, June 23. ?Rev. B. P. Mitchell filled his regular appoint ment at Langston church Sunday. Miss Myrtle Workman, of Woodruff, was the attractive guest of Miss Grace I'OOlO last we.-k. Miss Brace Boole and brother, Josh ua attended service at Lnnford Sta tion Sunday. Mr. anf County Commissioners of Laurens County will let to the lowest resi>on sible bidder the contract for building a bridge over Reedy Blvcr at Tumb ing Shoals, in said county according ?<> plans and specifications to be ex ilbited at the letting. All bids must no accompanied by a certified check if $100.00 as guarantee of good faith ?that bidder will If awarded contract execute written contract and satis factory l>ond, for performance of same vlthin ten days after award. The ighl is explicitly reserved to reject ny or all bids, letting to be at the it'o. H B. HUMBERT, 4F-fit. CO. Supervisor. Another shipment of Porch Fumi ?urO JUSt received. Come and let us .t you up. It COSts scry little to make (tir porch comfortable. S. M. & E. IL W ILK KS & CO. LANFORD NEWS. l?anford, Juno 23.- This section was visited by a severe wind and hall Htorin Sunday afternoon, doing c?ii sidornblc dumago to tho corn and cotton crop. Several houses on VV. I'. Patterson's place were blown down. Mr. W. I.. Patterson lost a nice hog, :i tree being bdown down on it. The community was saddened to bear of the death of Mrs. Larry Brooks, which occurred in the hos pital at Laurens Sunday. The re mains were taken to Gray Court for burial. The many friends of Mr. T. A. Druiuinoud are glad to see him out again after a two weeks' illness. Mis 0. F. Fowler is improving slowly. Miss Nellie Wclborn attended tho Sunday School Convention at Duncan. Mr. .1. D. Johnson spent the weck end at Arcadia with his sons. Mr. B. \v. and .1. v. Johnson. Mr. Kston Hembrec played ball at Laurens Saturday. Mr. o. L. Lnnford is out again af ter having the mumps. Bites or stings of poisonous insects which cause the flesh to swell should be treated with DARBY'S PROPHY LACTIC FLUID. It counteracts the poison, reduces swelling quickly and eases pain. It is equally as valuable when applied to tlesh wounds, burns, scalds, cuts or bruises. It causes the tlesh to heal over and leaves no dis figuring scar. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold by Laurens Drug Co. 8S8S888888888888S888 8 8 EDEN NOTES. 8 8 8 'i 8 8 S S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 Kden, June 23. The crops arc look ing line through this community now. T. II. Beeves has been spending a while with his mother, Mrs. Kmtna Beeves. Lyston Mahon. of Greenville, was the week-end guest of Booth Cray. Mr. I >. W. Holder spent Sunday with his father, Mr. M. V. Holder. Fred Armstrong is at home from Clemson, where lie has been attend ing school, Misses Claude and Bruce Cray, of Cray Court, spent several days last week in I'Jden visiting relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mahaffcy, of Fountain Inn. spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mahaffcy. Dr. .1. W. Benson has given up his practice for a while on account of his health. Mrs. Istlbello Brook.--, spent several days last week with relatives in Lau rens. Rufus Armstrong, of Laurens, spent Sunday in Kden. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Babb spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. YV. P.. Owens. Mr. and Mrs. ICrskiuc Babb. of Lau rens. visited Mr. C. A. Babb ami fam ily Sunday. ( Clay Babb, of Fountain Inn, spent several days last week with Murphy Mahaffcy. Mrs. Dr. .1 ,W. Beason spent Thurs day with Mrs. T. H. Babb, of the Ba bun section. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Armstrong were in Laurens Thursday, Miss Sue Gray visited Mr. W. B. Gray and family of Cray 'Court, last week. Mr. Bus Mahaffcy and family, of Laurens. spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Manaffey. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hipp spent Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. W. Beason. Mrs. Clnrsy Manning's children and a few of her near relatives enjoyed a birthday dinner with her Sunday. Roy Cray, of Cray Court, spent the latter part of the week with William Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Woods visited Mr. and Mrs. Conway Armstrong Sun day. Mrs. Femilla Reeves and Miss Sue Cray spent Thursday with Mrs. F. W. Mahaffcy. BABY LOVES ZEMO FOR SKIN TROUBLE Slops Ifrhlng at Once. Cures Irritat ed, Chapped Skin Buy a 2f>c bot ton today and prove it. Try one application of ZBMO on the baby, and see the poor little fellow jubilate with bis toes, and chuckle. If he could only talk, he'd thank you for the heavenly relief. ZKMO Is guar anteed to stop itching Immediately or money Is refunded. For rash, tetter, and all the skin tortures that babies suffer, ZKMO h>, and it cured them." F. W. Flowers, Jeweler, Oakdale, Ya. , ZRMO is sold in 2".c sealed bottles and guaranteed In Laurens by LaurCHS Drug Co. ??*??**?* ?+?*?????( * *1 ON AUD I'S. ? *?***???***???***? "fho don wood lias long since Hung ins blossoms out." Tho children havo discarded shoes and barefooted wade up ami down tlx- branches looking for minnows and maybe a horny head oc casionally. By all those signs we know that summer Is coining and the time of the agent drnweth nigh! Therefore, a word of advice ami cau tion just now may not be amiss though whether either will be heeded or not. Well that is a different proposition! I have always believed that the South is looked upon as an exceedingly fer tile field when it < otnos to agents, for we all know tiiat in an endless pro cession tiny COIUC the Chicago por trait fellow heads the procession quickly followed by machine, piano, range, fruit tree, lightning rod and patent medicine and as the composi tions, (of boys especially) when wrll ten on " Trees", which was an exceed Ingly favortc subject In our old school at least, after naming all the trees that he knew anything about would add "and others too numerous to mention.'' As I see these different agents go forth from the towns into the fertile territory of the surrounding country 1 always think of that verse "they toil not, neither do they spin" and yet from hard-working, yet easily gulled farmers, they gather the shekels in! Now the farmer at our house, level headed in business as he usually is, yet when an agent appears on the scene, no matter what he has to sell, even down to a bottle of [latent med icine or a box of cattle powders (which is exactly the same tiling as throwing that much money away so far as beiieflclont results are concern ed) the farmer Immediately decides that is exactly what is needed so he I purchases. All my time and wits are employed in shooing agents away. Ue ' Ciitisi1 if ever they ?-rct the farmer? happy agent! lie has as good as one sale to his credit sure. The best way to gel them to pass on is when he begins his nice smooth little story to say firmly Not any thing today"! Don't you hesitate a minute for woe is one! if you do, you will Und out to your sorrw "he that hesitates is lost!" Not long since a dapper young fel low knocked at the door. "Good morning," said I, as 1 eyed him du? I biously "If you are an agent now I don't care to see or purchase any thing you have." "My dear lady," glibly broke he in. "I'm no agent but or?demonstrator and 1 only wish to ask you a few questions." Oh! well come in and I'll try and answer your questions." All the while he kept up a running conversation?ho patted our little girl on the head?he praised the bright looks of the little boy?he talked weather he knew just a lot about farming. He casually inquired the number in family ?how many living ?were my parents dead and forget ting for *the moment his "role" of demonstrator he lapsed Into his nice little smooth story and I spotted him! "A demonstrator Indeed"! said I, out of patience. "I know now that you are an agent for the memorial pic true of the White dove variety and you need not go any further?I don't care to purchase!" He left with the in jured air of one who had tried to im press upon an Ignorant soul the beau ty of "high art" and failed. Ills next visit must have put him In exceeding ly good humor for when he passed on his way back, he was gaily whist ling. When the negro came over that day at noon with his mule curiosity prompted me to ask "Did you buy a picture from the agent today?" "Ves'm." Afterwards I learned that he gave $7.00 for the picture and mort gaged his shotgun and hog to secure same! A picture for $7.00 that at an exceedingly liberal estimate was worth $1.00. One of you that is good In mathematics figure out that per cent. I want to leave this as a last bit of advice?"Don't you ever forget, dear reader, when an agent dashes tip to the farm house door, with a prancing of horses and a loud jing ling of bells, always remember this ? you pay very dear for the ringing of the bells! That Is, If you buy, be it either range, or machine, or piano, or anything else. None of the agents are In the business for their health exclusively I wish there was some way of securing statistics of this drain on our country. I am sure it would be worth studying. If you are able to buy these things and pay cash order direct from some responsible firm. If you buy on credit you could make bet ter arrangements by dealing with your home merchant Anyway try this plan when an agent dashes up this year, say 'Not anything today" and you'll feel bettor this fall. Aunt Kate. Now Is the time to ha.ve vour porch filled with Vlldor Porch shades. Our line is complete and prices the lowest you will find. S. M. d K. II. WILKES & CO. Sugar Below Cost Saturday, June 28th Only Twenty-five pound Sack of Franklin Sugar for 15 ONLY ONE SACK TO A CUSTOMER This is a Standard Brand of Sugar that we are selling Below Cost as a special for one day only. Buy your sugar now for Fourth of July. DIAL COMPANY W. M. DIAL, Manager SPECIALS -FOR Friday and Saturday, June 27 and 28 2-DAYS ONLY-2 ? One Lot wide Cotton Torchon Lace Value 5 cents. Clean Up Price Q1 ? per yard .-. ?S2C1S One Lot slightly soiled Val Lace and Insertion. Clean Up Price "1 ? the yard ._. ICt. Fifteen Yards best grade 32-inch 10 cents White Lawn for.