The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 18, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Is Easy to Have, Natural Colored and Beautiful So many women have grey or faded hair; neglect It until it becomes thin, dry and lifeless, begins to fall out and makes them appear much older than they really are. If your hair is in this condition get a bottle of Hay's Hair Health today. Don't wait until some one says bow much older you look. You'll bo delighted at the results from even one or two applica tions. The Kiev hairs gradually dis appear and your hair will become full of life and vitality. No one can tell that you are using it. It's not a dyo but a nice, clean preparation that quickly and effectively keeps your grey hair dark, glossy and natural colored and that all druggtstB guarantee sat isfactory or refund your money^/'Al ways ask for Hay's Hair HcaJ*n. It never falls. Free: Sign this adv. and taJfe It to the following druggists and tie of Hay's Hair Hea cake of Harflna Soap, f bottle of Hay's Hair I 26c. cakes of Harflna Soap Free, for $1. For sale and recommend od by LAU HE WS DRUG CO. Special Agents 50c. bot and a 25c. 50c; or $1.00 ealth and two WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your kid Beys and bladder? Have you pains in loins, side, back and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of Ith?' face, and un der the eyes? A frequent desire to pass orlnc? If so, Williams' Kidney Pills will ?uro you?Druggist, Price 6Cc. WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Props., Clereland. Ohii LAURENS DRUG CO. Lanrens, S. C. 1786 1918 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON South Carolina's Oldest Collcgo 129th year begins September 26th Entrance examinations at all the county-seats on Friday, July 11th, at 9 a. m. Full four year courses lead to the B. A. and B. S. degrees. A free tuition scholarship is assign ed to each county ofylhe State. Spacious bullding?!, and athletic grounds, well equipped laboratories, unexcelled library facilities, and the finest Museum of Natural History In the South. Expenses reasonable. For terms and catalogue, address HARRISON RANDOLPH, 44-tf President. DR. CLIFTON JONES Dentist Office In Simmons Building Phone: Office No. 86; Residence 219 Money to Loan On improved farm lands on long time and easy pay ments at reasonable expense. J. S. CRIAG, Laurens, S. C. -l i -st B. R. TODD Engineering and Contracting Land Surveys a Specialty Concrete Work Skillfully done or in spected. I Drawings and estimates of all Kind. Telephone No. 346 Laui ens, S. C. 25-tf CONDENSED PASSENGER SCHEDULES. Between Greenville. Anderson and Greenwood. Effective Thursday, May 16th, 1913. Trains leave and arrive comer Main and Washington Sts. No. 1 3 5 7 9 11 IS 17 19 Leave Timo 6.00 A.M. 7.50 A. M. lo.qo A.M. 11.45 A. M. 4.45 P. M. 3.40 P.M. 5.00 P. M. 7.05 P. M, 10.00 P. M. No. I Arrive Time 8.10 A. M 10.26 A. M. 12.20 P. M. 8 1.40 P. M. 10 12 it; 18 20 f..2: 8.10 P. M. 9.20 12.10 P. M. A M. Tickets on sale G. S. & A. Terminal 1*4 North Main street. E. Thomason, Gen. Mg'\ C. 8. Allen, Gen. Pass. Agent. jfJHICHESTER S PILLS I.iull<?fA>ik your llruffgl.t tot /j\ i 'hi... r*? IMiimond Tlrnii.l//V\ l'ULJn lt..I ami ??<>l.1 in<-iiliir.\y/ t.<->iVf 1 wi,h "l"5 Ki!.t-,n. \V TiK no olhrr. liny of your v Oruirgt.t. A v f rCilf.4 lll^-Tfll S Nl> It It \ M* I'll.!,*. < r >S SOLD BY DRUCtflSTSFVFRYWHFRE Caret Old Sores, OtNr (remedies Won't Curo. The worst cases, no matter of how Iouk standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Herding Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the aatne time. 25c, 50c, $1.00 THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OE ROADS If you look at the ordinary country road after a shower you will see small ipuddles along tho wheel ruts and sometimes larger pools. This water stays on the road surface because it cannot drain away into the side ditch es. If you look closely you will see side ditches which have grown up with hushes and weeds in many cases, and whch are so far from tho traveled part of the road that the rain water does not drain into them. That part of the roadway where the wagons travel is called the traveled way. To prevent water from standing on the traveled way the road should he rais ed in the center and should slope gent ly into hroad shallow ditches. It is then said to have a crown. If it is 10 feet from the center of the road to the side ditch, the surface at the side ditch should he at least 10 inches lower than it is at the center where the horses travel. The road then has a 10-Inch crown. The rain that falls on a road properly crowned will run quickly to the side and not soak into the surface or form pools. The side ditches for suface water should run parallel to the right of way, and should be oven at every low point so that the water can run out of thorn Into neighboring brooks and streams. If the ditches merely collect the wa ter from tho road surface and it can not run away, large pools will be formed along the roadside, which will gradually soak into the soil beneath the road and make it so soft that the wheels of wagons will cut through the road surface and soon destroy it. Smetimes water runs fiom land along the road into the road and forms a little Stream down the wheel tracks or In the middle where the horses travel. When driveways into farm yards are built across the Bide ditch es they frequently form channels for water from the farm yard to run into the road. The pipes under driveways become filled with leaves of rubbish and the water can no longer run away. If the driveways that, stop the ditch water were rebuilt so that no pipes were necessary and tho ditch could be left open, much trouble from surface water would be stopped. Sometimes a road runs across low ground or through a swamp where the road can not be drained by side ditch es alone. If the road were built high er like a railroad embankment across such low land and made with a crown, it would be dry and hard. Sometimes a road passes through what is called a cut. This is a place where the earth has been dug out. so that the road cas go over a hill without being too steep. The water which always Hows quietly under the ground on hill sides is known as ground water. In road cuts such water sometimes manes the road very muddy, and tin; road then needs what road builders call underdrainage. A good kind of under drainage is a trench to go along un der the side drain and about 3 feet Madden, June IG.?Mrs. .1. L. Bass and children, of Hartsville, have re turned from a visit to her relatives near Holly Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Calcutt, of Augusta, visited the latter's parents Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs Calcutt is pleasantly remembered as Miss Ten nio Madden and this is her first visit to home folks since her marriage, which was a surprise to her friesds here, in Augusta three weeks ago. Her friends and acquaintances wish for her many joys in her wedded life. The thresher of Messrs. Hall and Armstrong came into this community Thursday, last. The oat crop through here was especially good. The oats of Mr. J. A. YVofford, which the Adver tiser commented some weeks ago, turned out about 65 bushels per acre. The trustees of New Prospect have elected Miss Aiken as teacher In place of Miss Turner. No announcement has been made whether or not Miss Alken will accept. . The many friends of .Mrs. \V T. Alli son and Mr\ Mol lie Teague, will be glad to hear that they are greatly es joylng their trip to Mr*. Wright, of Knrooe and Mrs. Larry Martin, of Spartanburg. Mrs. J. A. Woffonl had a pleasant call Saturday a f tor noon at the home of Mrs. Rosalie Sullivan. While there sho had the very great pleasure of shaking hands with her school mates of Flosodalo days. Mcsdamfts Bd. Burn* sides, of Greenwood and Kd. Milam, of Cold Point. The friends of Mr. .John Sullivan will regret to hoar that he is now confined to his bed on account of a fall re ceived six weeks ago. 'The boy.; who wore tho gray" will be Krieved to hoar that their old comrade is now prac tically helpless Undo John PInley, who has been deep and a foot and a half wide. In this trench a pipe is laid near the bottom and covered with loose stones no bigger than an egg. When the trench is completely tilled with loose stones the ground water, instead of soaking into the roadway will Btop among the stones and bow down the hill through the pipe. To keep a road smooth and crowned the best method is to drag it witlt a road drag. A road drag is made easi ly witlt two halves of a log which lias been split. The log should be about (; or S incites In thickness and about Ii or S feet long. The two halves of the log are set :> feet apart with the smooth faces forward and upright. They are then fastened together with braces set in holes bored through the log. A pair of horses may be used to drag the road and are hitched to a chain fastened to the front half of the log. The road drag should move forward so that it slants across the road in such a way that a small amount of earth will slide past the smooth face of the log toward the center of the road thus forming the crown. Tho edges of the logs will smooth out the ruts. The best way to drag is to begin at the side ditch and go up one side of the road, and then down the other. In the next trip the drag should be started a little nearer the center and the last trip over the road the drag may work close to the center Itself. Small ridges of earth will be thrown in the horse track and smeared by the round side of the log smoothly over the road. The smearing of tho earth by the drag is called "puddling" and it (ends to make the surface of tho road smooth and watertight titter the sun comes out. The road is always dragged al ter it lias rained and not when it is dry. A good, strong pair of horses with a well-built drag can drag abut 3 or I miles of road in a day, and it is tho best way to maintain good roads In every county some fanner along each 'I milt's of road should own a drag and drag the road when it rains, and he would always find the road is good condition when he goes to mar ket. Owing to the fact that many rural schools were closed at the time when the prize maintenance essay was an nounced by Director Ix>gan Waller Page of the Office of Public Roads, it lias been decided to extend tho limit for receiving the essays to October 15, 1013, In addition to the gold medal given as first prize, two silver medals will be given its second and third prizes. If a child who has submitted one essay previous to the issue of this notice should care to try auric, lie is at liberty to do so. but let: he must be a pupil of a rural school. The -e is some misunderstanding in retard to the subject of the essay The idea is to set the children thlnk'ng how to better their earth roaus Htil the ma terial they have at hand. confined to the louse, is now able to be out again, his friends and old com rades will be glad to hear. Mr and Mrs. G. II. Finley and chil dren svent Sunday witli Mr. and .Mrs. Lee Madden. Mr. .1. M. Dea nand family spent the day recently with Judge Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs Pitts Henry, Mr. .lohn W. Henry and Mrs. .1. L Bass and Children, were the Sunday Kiiests of Mr. T. S. Langston. Miss Susie Langston lias been sick for the past few days hut is better now. The New Prospect girls. Misses Ruth Brown, Kate and Azlle Wofford, are al borne from Winthrop. Their many friends will he glad to hear they made good and captured some of the hon ors. Miss Ruth was elected House President of North Dormitory, a very responsible position. Miss Kate, vlce Prosident of the D. B, Johnson Rural Improvement association and .Miss Azile was again "Distinguished" In her class. The petition to call for a vote for 2 mills more has been pretty unani mously signed?only two opposed to this extra tax so far reported. This will help greatly our school here and shows that we :.t least, desire to be progressive. .Most Children Have Worms. Ifany mothers think their children are suffering from indigestion, head ache, nervousness, WCflknoss, COStlvo* ness, when they are victims of that most common of all children's ail ments?worms, Peevish, Ill-tempered, fretful Children) who toss ami grind their tOOth, With bad breath and col icky pains, have all the symptoms of having worms, and should lie given KlckapOO Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge. Which OXpolfl worms, fcgualtes tlie bowels, tones up the sys tem, and makes children well and happy. KIcknpoo Worm Killer is guar anteed. Ail druggist;-., or by mail. Price 25c, KlckapOO Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. PROCLAMATION. state of South Carolina. Executive Department. Whereas, petitions nave heretofore been tiled With tue and signed by more than one-third of the qualified electors of those portions of Spartan burg ami Laurens Counties proposed to be cut off to form the new county, and embraced in the following lines, to wit: Heginning at a point where Fair Forest (. risk intersects the Unfall ami Spartanburg county line; thence the run of said Creek the line in u north westerly direction to a point where a public road crosses Fair Forest Creek at Foster's Mill; thence tIn road to Glenn Springs the lino to the incorporate limits o!" the town of Glenn Springs; thence the said In corporate limits in a southeasterly direction to its intersection with the Glenn Springs railroad; thence said railroad the line to its intersection with the public cross roads near Phila delphia church; thence the public road in a southerly direction to the Hurnt Factory road; thence a straight line in a northerly direction to a point where a branch crosses the public road near the "old H. 1 lammet place" thonce a straight line in a northerly direction to the fork of the roads near .1 N. Collin's house on the Glenn Springs public road; thence said Glenn Springs public road the line to a point eight miles from the court house building of Spartanburg Coun ty; thence the arc of a circle, with the same number of miles as its ra dius and the said building as Its cen ter, the line in a westerly direction to Its intersection with a road leading from Lanford'a bridge towards Fair mont Mill; thence the said road to Its intersection with a road about one half mile south of Fairmont School; thence a straight line to a point on a public road one-ball* mile south west of a bridge at Fairmont Mills; thence ?lue north a straight lino to Middle Tyger River; thence up Mid dle Tyger River to its Intersection with the National Highway near Tyger River Mills; thence said National Highway in a westerly direction to its intersection with a road near the house of II. 1. Cannon and .1. A. Ilad den: thence a straight line (s-.">7 >(. w) to a bridge over South Tyger River; thence up South Tyger River] to Maple Creek the line, with its va rious courses rind distances, to a branch of said Creek which heads at or near Victor Mills; thence said branch to its Intersection with a road west of Maple Swamp School Hollge; thence said road to its intersection with a road at the Spartanburg-Grccn vllle county lino; thence the said county line in a southerly direction to Fnoree River; thence the said F.ll oree River, with its various courses and distances to the Grcenvillc-Lau rens County line; thence the said Greenville-Laurcns county line to a stake X. N. 13200 feet east of the C. &W. C. Railroad; thence a line parallel to the C. & \V. C. Railroad in a southerly direction for a distance of I'j miles; thence a Straight line <S 20V6 Wl to a point one-half mile from the C. & W. C. Railroad; thence a line parallel to the said C & W. C. Rail-: road in a southerly direction to its In tersection with the Incorporate limits of the town of Gray Court; thence the said incorporate limits the line in a southeasterly direction to a point one-half mile from the C. \- W. C railroad; thence a line parallel to the c. & W. c. Railroad in a southerly direction to a point eight miles from the court lions- building Of Lauren* County, thence the arc of a circle, with said number of miles as its ra dius and with said building as its Ren ter, the line in a southeasterly direc tion to its Intersection with the town ship line between Scuflletown and .lacks townships, in Lnurcns County: thence the said township line the line to Its intersection with the Laurens and Union county line; tlipnco the said county lino the line to a point Whbro the Spartan burg., 'and Union county line intersect..;, the same; thence the said Spflrtnnburg-lJnlon county line to the; beginning point. And whereas, the boundaries of the proposed new county, the number of inhabitants, the taxable property, as shown by the last tax returns, and' that the proposed lines do not run nearer than eight miles to any court ; house building now established, are as set forth in said petition. And whereas, the- report of the Com mission appointed by me to ascertain the facts as provided for in the Act of 1905, now known as sections 030, f.:!7, r.;tS. and 639 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, Volume I. as to whether the; requirements of the; Con stitution as to area, distance, wealth, population, et oetra, have been com plied with, has been filed, stating that the law has been fully complied with, and the number of square miles In the proposed new county Is four hun dred and seven square miles, leaving to the County of Spartanburg more, than five hundred square miles and! to the County of Laurens more than live hundred square miles. Now, therefore, I, Col" L. Blcasc, as Governor of the State of South Carolina, by virtue of the power con ferred upon me by the Constitution and laws of this State do hereby or der: 1. That an election be held in the territory embraced within the pro posed new county on the 29th day of ?Inly A. I). 1913, upon the question of creating the said new county and that at such election the qualified electors within the proposed area shall vote upon said question. tnose favoring the proposed new county to vote "Yes", those opposed to VOtO No". 2. Thai the Commissioners of the State- and County Election! of tho Counties of Spartanburg and Laurens respectively shall mal;.' all heCOS uy arrangements for holding said elec tion and shall appoint manage and do all other things liccosaary for the bedding of the Brimo. That the County Supervisors of the said Counties respectively shall have- prepared printed tickets as per the following form, and as provldod for |n section 286 of the Code of Laws. 1912, Volume I, and furnish the- Bam< to the Commisslone-rs of Eloctlon t? t >oot )!')ti)C):)iut',)<')(')(r)(,)ir)tr)<n<r)ii)ii)Oii)ti and someday it is t lie ambition <>)' evoi*,y father to ?et.* Iii? boy some ?luv noourely fixed In it itloe buHlnoatt? Jf you snvo moncv Foi* no other purposet why not begin now jmttIntr money in tho hnnli J'oi* YOUR HOY'S FUTURIST Hcrhnpn thnt mnme money that will set your Ijufy*up In htittinotiH will tunke ii oomforttible <>/</ figfo )"oi* y<>?. I>0 YOUR It.A ZV It I ZVCi WI TH IIS. We pay 1 per oetit itttoro&t eompountlett uunrterly. Enterprise Bank .V. II. 1)1.\I? 1>res. C. ll. HOl'llH, Cnshier 0 :i H >? if H if if if <f m . Im- noil! by them to the Managers oT Flection lor the UH0 of the Voters, to wit: (Form or Itullot.) Special Election upon the question or the formation of a new county out of parts of Spartaiiburg ami Laurens Counties, held July 29th, 1913, Shall the New County bo Formed? Where shall the County Seal lie lo ented? What shall its name he? I. That at said election the ques tion of a name and a county seat for said proposed new county shall also l>c submitted to the said qualified electors. 5. That said election shall he hold under the same rules and regulations as are provided for by law tor rogll lor general elections: that the man agers shall he appointed as provided in section fill, Code Of Laws, 1912, Volume I. and he sworn before en tering upon the discharge of their duties, and I hoy shall open the polls at seven o'clock in the morning and keep the same open until lour o'clock in the afternoon, whereupon the polls shall he closed, Ihe votes counted, a written return of the number of votes cast for and against the formation of the proposed new county, also thel name thereof and the location of the county seat therein, shall he made, signed, and certified to by the Manti ?gors of Election, and. logother with the ballot box, ballots, and poll list shall be turned over to the Commis sioners of Election as required by law; that the Commissioners of Elec tion shall then tabulate the votes and make return thereof as required, by law to the Governor ofj>ne State and to the Secretary or State, ami also file a copy of tho jyojio in the olllce of the Clerk ol oun of Common Fleas for each of said counties of Spartanburg and Laurens. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sei my band and caused the fir eat Seal of the State to he affix Od, at Columbia, this 20th day of (SEAL) May, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirteen, of the Independence of 'he United States of America the One Hundred and Thirty-Seventh. (Signedi COLI'. L. 11 LEASE, Ry the Governor: (Jovcrnor, lt. M. McCOWN, Secretary of State. Notice ei' Election. State of South Carolina, County of Laurens. Porsuant to the proclamation of His Excellency, Cole L. Blease, Gov ernor of South Carolina, and in ac cordance with the terms and provi sions thereof;? We. the undersigned Commissioners of County and State elections, for the County of Laurens, in the State of South Carolina, do hcroby order an election on July 29th, 1913, for the purpose of voting on a New County to be formed from certain territory to be taken from the Counties of Lau-' r< n and Spartanburg, a full and com plete description of Which is set forth in said proclamation. Now, therefore, we. thb said Com missioners of County and State elec tions, for the .-aid County and State, do hereby appoint the following Mali ngers of election at. the precincts hot ein below named: Lnnford Station .1. M. Fleming E. II Moore, W. ii. Urummond. Cooks Store. .i. it. Cook w. r. I'atton v. 0. Edwards. Grays Store. R. I:. G?sset! E, F. Flnchor Will Irby. Cray Court. Zeno Wilson W. w. Yoai'Ktn .1 II. Mall. Pleasant Mound W. I I till lo W. C Crow i/./.ic I'ryor, Youngs Store. 0. It. Wallac?. 1. It. Dial Jess Check. Stewart's Store C, it. Leonard ('. ('. Jones Cook Henderson. Power Shop S. 10. Con try S. c. Hill I (rooks. Cooper. L?ngsten Church. W. M. Meyers A. I1;. CltiVOIUIld IV I.. Donnoti. Thai only the t|tialiflcd oloolord re. siding within thai portion of DlalH Township within the proposed area oC the said New County shall he allowed to vote at Cray Court and Power Shop, and Hint such electors shall voto ai lhe place at which their Registra tion Certificates entitles them to vole; That only the tpialiflCtl electors ?'? 10 reside within that portion of Souflh Town Township within the propo i aretl of the said New County shall lie entitled to vote at. LailK >l( ?''?. Chn rc.h; And thai only the qualified electors; who reside within that portion of Youngs Townshjjr' within the proposed area of said New County shall he en titled to vole at the place which their Registration Certificate entitle.- them to vote. The Managers of the election shall require of nny elector offering to voto at tins election, and before allowing him to vote, to comply with the gen eral election laws of this State, Tho polls shall open at 10voii o'clock A. M and close at four o'clock P. M .fno. M, CANNON. I ( '. Me DA NIKI,, Ij, II. BLMASIC, Commissioners of County and StatO Elections for Latirons County, South Carolina. HrWge to On Tuesday tho fust day of I ii, a. D., I (IUI at I o'f lock !>. M the Hoard of County Commissioners of Laurent* County will let to the lowest rospon ? slhlo bidder tho contract for building a bridge over Kcedy River at Tumb ling Shoals, in said county according; to plan.; and spuificalioris to be ex ? hlbited at Hie letting. All bids must, lie accompanied by a certified cheek, of $iou.'mi as guhrprntco of gooil faith that bidder will it' awarded contract oxecuto written contract and sal ??? factory bond, for performance of samo Within ton days after award. Thn right is explicitly reserved to f tjcct any or all bids. Done at Haarens, S. C, June 10th, IDKi in pursuance of a resolution ot said board of date June 3, 1913 II. H HUMBERT, 4G-3t Co. Supervisor. Asthma! Asthma! POPIIAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY gives instant reih i at:<l aa absoluta cure in all coses i>f A'Smma, Bronchitis ind Hay Fever. Sold by drtiygists ', mail oa receipt of price $i <>o. TrUil Pftckftgfl i'V mnll 10 rents. WIIJ IAMS MFC, CO., Props., Cleveland. Ohio LAU HE N S DKUU CO. l.anrerm, s. c. _ IF YOU HAVE A House i$> Move See A. C. BRAMLETT Laurens, S. C.