Ose tz4 ?.f the- ! A* litoriar?. ?hc^Iar at-iiMija LAURENS GRADED SCHOOL AT PRESENT. ye-ir ItS? Ibc Lduare'BSvlHe Femaie Col lege Li 1 t-*:. :z i *? *? * lr cl'ne. Tr e : ??i r-.*/>'i i.*- ?? r: ?Is, for ttea it that the ever te Cfri*. a? i-?.-.-' '??*.>? ?r-i =. - *e * I ; re; st;:ory sc.v:.-/.s c.r-v. : tie dt is ' -;r f cur *. to the po-.-:;v: i of *.-?" :? Laurens vllle Ferni".* Cr- Ire- :.-.---':.--ei f .D the Lauren* ?? : ? : Tfcey pur chased thl? valuable plsce cf property and ere '.. - ' ! : -? ? i? t-r ??::>. :r.- ..i-. -r i- i ;?-'*r cf - and g:r:* The first co-?? ?'. ? i -,' - - Laureat rrsl-i scboo: wer* tae fol icnrlnjg: v.- H. H. Corfngtca. So-.*..: Mr. C I. F:k> ;.r:r.' ?:*:: = Mi*?*? E.-fs MeCasiaa, Claudia K - Perfn F*rro?\ Mary Dunklln aad Hai ti? Fiierson. The t.-ji".';*? w?re tie fo:Io**";s?: Mr. J J ps chairman: Dr E M Calae, Mr f. W 8 nk n* and Mr. W.; 1?. G-ay. The cid bulldin; me*, all needs for a time, trat, as *.c.i years rolled or. and the tc*a pre-*, it was crowd-3 to it* ?s'tlos*. ca; i-.::y. More room w?s cee?iei k: caiy for equip* ment but for playground*. So tie town !c 190$, having s^r-i.-ed 2 a:ost :-/*rr.!r.v *. ? r. ? - - ! :. -.us* of Mr C. D. Barksdale erected the splendid sew building which is the pride of oar wtcte ?.'?"?- T" - - .- :r. siraaCoa. ceiitnl'.y !o: a'.ed ? a;t ic* than tare* hundred yards from th? center o4? the town?with ro:?;ag aid ?pario:* c f ?~: "aere and there Ti'i beautiful oik trees?relic* of the orpins', forest Other trees year by j*ir. *? Arbor Day is ob served by the d?erent grades, are leir.g a-ii-f :-, r-ourds. The present ?cbool building was erected at a cost of abotr. forty thous and dollars, ?ad. is one of the best arranged school huli-ilns? :n the 6tate It coom:c? *ev*-n*.?n rooms coacplere ?eieren c'.?*? rooma. each furnished with sing> desks, blackboards on three rides of room*, and having loTe'.y pic ture* on the walls. It is strictly mod ern with iU perfect system of ventila tion, heated by furnace and has sani tary drinking fountains. Tbe audi torium it commodious, beautiful, and Interesting. Lovely pictures, copies from those of the world's most famou? artiits. and beautiful statuary add mocn to its attractiveness A friere - T-.Entry int: Bit"! on. is ti* crowning (S*-:cM;!oa of the wa!!s. 3 - o! Lonrfe" ?"x *;i Vra*hfagton * : "".'-.? C'f = t i ~ i i. - v 5 - ? iiv^ prom1; '.it ~; Year It ;;-.r ? :.e s--i,t! iis been ?-' tv.ii ? :. -o- i: is? a. Ifhrarr cossSsiias. tri sboet serenteea hundred rolnxces. All things In Uw s>choo! to ?-? cf c-: ?r ic ier?patriotism her*i-m. = ni ronor : re or.'- tauri* in ciiH r:vr;:s Its; radiate frcm: pitture-s en the ^i:!s. ? *zr*rs ? f herc-ei cf tre pas is ; rf - the thoughts cf our r*? n.?-- jr.; ~-;men thrcieh their '. * k ? Some cf most interesting f?a cf * tit''-tics, ntus ??. d.-i.irr. Oj: w:o>; is one .?-rz ten ieicir'-.z : 3 tie Piefmc nt Or>-or: s! At hie tic a-s-::a'i:n j Greenville od the lHb o? ApriL Mr V.*. a Birten c-r:- r.ize i a. " - al society this year which has not only imrr^v^i the music of the school, : but, by a public concert, added a neat nm to the treasury las', but cot least a v;*:or miriire has been in stalled. It ll r.eei'.ess to say thai this muc'; genuine, pleasure to all. ' Prang's system of draw!n< Las been ! adopted and the importance of this I? greatly' emphasize! The present corps of teachers are: Mr B I- Jcr.es. superintendent: Mr. I W. A. Barttn Jr . principal; Miss Emi ljT M^r. Mrs. H. S. 31ackwe!l. Miss Ella Roiand. Miss Bessie Birce'.t. Miss Acr.tv.e Stover. Miss Annie Davis, Miss Dorc-as Caimes. M:s? May De;'* Bar-*. Mis* Fannie Crelghtor.. a:.i Mi** Laura Barks-dale. I The trustees under the prevent rz !?;ne are- Mr. O. B Simmons, chair man. Mr. c H. Roper, secretary and ; treasurer. Mr. J. C. Oerings, Mr. P. A. Simpson. Dr. R. E. Hughe*. Mr. T. D. i I*akc and Mr. S. M, Wiikea. Why He Was Late. "What made you so late?" "I met Smithson." -Well, that is no reason why you should be an hour late getting home to supper." "I know, but I asked him how be was feeling, and he insisted on telling me about his stomach trouble." ? Did you tell him to take Chamber lain's Tablets?" "Sure, that Is what he needs." Sold by all dealers. .ft. frleie ?I AicxaBter'? Kntrj lato Bab) lea ?ad picture* ef "The SfstlNe Ma deaaa" aad -Inferior of Vatican," ttease. : ATHLETICS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ? ? _ ? \ By W. A. Barton, Jr., Principal Laurens Graded Schools. In this article the writer will at temp: to show wir asl to* athletics in the public schools should be de ! Te'.oped. I Athletics should be developed in ; onr public scioo.s because they aid in the development of miad aad tody. ; can be used to sake poor pupils good ones, create a spirit of feilcwshrp anaong the rradesui sad giTe the 1 .eacher the opportunity to come into risse eoa'.ac: ?iaa a:? pa;:".i. Athletics?that is. ?aolesonae phy. sical exercise-* of asy kind?aid is :ie ;>i?:o;a>:: cf :dT h:oT$ tha; ? per* a 'i" i-j :?e:te- ~? "".i". werk i':- - ir ai* :ikboi?!r? t.,^t ?f -Laa-iis? ?f Colambss" arer a c*.x?r in tfce Graded School auditorium. s: :z.?.t ::.tz. Ii of &z? o:hcr Mcir.$. Ta-> :':cre.'c e. = ?eir.s forcei to prcvid? j;:.for its pa. ;>::??. ir.:.*.e atV.et.c-i res:i'.: a effective mental ability, we conclude that 'Lev t.i :i tbe de*, e'.opmert of tie a::nd. Do they Jerelop tbe tc3y?7Le answer is. "Look zi t'r.e well dev::::> ed a:b*.ete who has be:-n developed by moderate inijlria:-v :a a:b'.?.:::?." A lock a: him ??:*.". cc=.Ince aay rea sonable person that athletics develop, tie body. Consider:-:?, ties* facts, we say again atblet5es a!3 !n tbe develop ment of both mind and boiy. Athletics era be used to make poor and mcre. ind t_ey '.ike-is* Icve ;.ir. with an increasing affection. Realizing tils fact. eTery teacher, i? far i- ;c?j)-.'* she-id iii his pu pils In the d-vt'.c; iv-: of -.heir ath letic life. In order to develop athletics in bis schcoJ -.he t*ach?r must get inter ested. S'< :re the h^s: possible equip, meal, and work hard. Tie teacher "ho tries to tench a iesstn In which he is not in:er-;;:*d faiis. In like manner the teacher ?ho is uninter j ested In athletics can neTer develop I them in his school. On tie ether hand, the teacher who is really in 1_ Showlap part of tat Alexandrian friVie ia Graded Se*o?l aadJlorlaa. ana picture* of Trojan'? Ret Mrs fron the Farm. pupils good ones. To do this it is necessary to make good standing in scholarship and deportment a require ment for obtaining a place cn any ath letic team representing the school. By this method the ?riter baa seen boys apparently ^intellectually dead become very efficient students. He could give concrete examples,, but he feels that this is unnecessary- if athletics c-an te used to reform poor students, sure ly, they merit a place in our public 1 schools. Have you ever attended in inter high school baseball game or track . meet, seen the manifestation of school ? spirit, and heard the cheering of the rival students? If you have not, there Is a great tr^at In sfore for you. There one sees hundreds of boys ?od ? girls standing up and stretching ev. i , ery muscle as they cheer one of their ( ' tere?ted will unconsciously transmit ! his enthusiasm to bis pupils and soon athletics wir. be growing in his ?school. Therefore, by ail means, get interested. After he has become interested the teacher should secure the best pos sible equipment. This point should be carefully noted. If ycu give a boy a cheap, dull knife and tell him to do some fancy wood carving, you ? will never receive the article request ? ed. for the boy will not work with t a poor inefficient tool. For this rea I son. the teacher who is satisfied to I let his pupils work with a poor equip, i ment will never succeed in Interest Ing them in athletics. To put the thought in other word*, good equip ment , means "Success.** poor equip ment means '?Failure." The teacher, even though he secures Msowia? ?>t t,i -'.Va.hin-lon fro^ice the Delaware"* over a door in the Crzded School auditorium. tr.* iri: -ill 5u:c<~i -alt-i- --r ilxiilf iirc. Sir.:~ ir.j riris are erez: ori a-:: *c:k aari unless ti,e.r t-icaer ?ic-$. -.-ac'ner a.Z. work bard la aaaay ways. He cat actually -.ai-: part ir. event*, keep the boys a: work, and EU stain tieir enthusiasm. He who tries to do these three things will ? >:z realise thl: he ruu^t work hard. Of the t'aree things the teacher must do to socessfully develop athletics tie roast essential is hard work. The Public School Situation In Laurens County. As Seen from \\ ithout the Count). To one who Is a native of Laurens etunty. and ?? - it- intensely inter following facts appeal with peculiar Recent Impressment*. a. G:c^.': o.' local interest in d:s tr.cts. .'t!ulting in increase-d enroll ment and l?her aver ige attendance b. A gratifying sual-:: cf ne-w lo cal taxes for schools. c. Recognition of tie value of cDu el. Better paid teachers. -Rio re tain their position longer and give bei tar service. e. Tie erect:on :?! many splendid school houses. f. T.-e establishment of several excellent high schools in the county. z. A longer term of office for the County Superintendent of Education. h. The employment of an efficient county supervisor of schools to work under the direction of the County Superintendent. i. Organization of cr.e of the iest county teachers" associations in the State. ;'. The celebration of County School Field Day. Needed Improvement*. a. A continuation and enlargement of the r:: i things already being dene b. Local levies in a nunober cf ad ditional district*. c. Consolidation cf schools :n suit able localities and transportation of pupils where feasible. d. Taking advantage of the new Act providing for consolidated and graded schools in country districts. e. Transferring to neighboring high schools all pupils within reach who are prepared for high school work, thus giving the lower grades in one and two teacher schools a better showing. f. Providing teachers' homes In stronger districts as parr of the school plant. g. Establishment of agricultural ably situated schools. h. A salary of $1500 for the Coun -.; Superintendent, making it commen surate with bis responsibility and the needs of his work. :. Making the County Supervisor of scbco'.s a ; v.-rr.ment officer in the county department of education. F.-:c: srniti.T. of the people's obli gation to ?.'.,; every child in the coun ty a fair chance now, and not suffer the loss of "hun dreds while waiting for the conditions to become ideally fa It is the hope of the writer to see all these things and many others ac complished in the near future. J. A. Stoddard. Asst State Supt. of Ed. GUARANTEED TO STOP VIi i!I>(. AT ONCE EixeiU, Rash, Tetter, Dandruff Dis appear bj r?in? Remarkable Zemo. Buy a 25c bottle today and prove it. That itching that drives you nearly wild, that keeps you awake in agony , all night long, that scalp itching, will vanish instantly by using the new remedy ZEMO. It is guaranteed. ZEMO will surprise you as it has taousands of others by its results on fiery eczema, sores, rash, tetter, blotches, inflamed or irritated skin, pimples, rawness after shaving, all skin afflictions, sores, blotches, and itching scalp. It cures dandruff com. ; pletely. since dandruff is nothing but eczema of the scalp. ZEMO is wonderfully refreshing to ' the skin. 1: is a clean, antiseptic so. lution, not a paste, cream or oint ment. The first application gives blessed relief. ZEMO has been imitat ed, but positively never equaled, j "It is impossible for me to do jus. I tice in recommending ZBMO, because i words cannot express its wonderful achievements" R. A. Stierlln. Supt. Electrotype Dept.. Sanders Engraving Co.. St. Louis. Mo. ZEMO is sold in 25c sealed bottles and guaranteed in Laurens by Lau rens Drug Co. ?res? Graded Sebeoi andJtori.m, ?ho^in* i>*i-* nt ik. ,, tares ei-Tb? Halt PiaII."4B/..ri7 1 r Alc?nde r nie,"