The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 26, 1913, Image 1

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NEWS OF THE WEEK IN TOWN OF CLINTON J. F. Jacobs Buys Hotel Property for Office Site PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS ON POPULAR PEOPLE Expected that Free City Delivery will soon be Secured. Musgrove Street being; Improved by Rcnvodellag~'of Store Fronts. High School Declaim, ers Contest. Clinton, March 25.?Every now and again this town Is brought up against a week filled with interesting events and this one happens to be of that sort. For the business community, the college and graded school sets, the club women, and socially inclined peo ple generally, there is something do ing. A recent deal that mean a good deal for the appearance of the town was Mr. J. F. Jacobs' purchase of what has come to be known as "the now hotel" property on Phinney avenue. Mr. Ja cobs will not build it as a hotel but as a modern office building, for which it is well situated. The Chamber of Commerce will en tertain as Its honored guest next Fri day night Mr. John Wood of Spartan burg whose success In his line of work will command for him un interested hearing here. The entertainment will take the form of a "smoker" in the city council chamber and all the bus iness men of the town whether mem bers of the Chamber of Commerce or not will he Invited. Postoftiee Facts. For some tme Clinton has been say ing, "Soon we shall he entitled to free mall delivery." Yesterday the "soon" became "now" when the postal re ceipts passed the $10,000 mark. The town has Its part yet to do in the matter of naming streets and num bering houses. Arrangements have al ready been made for paving, and curb, ing which will weigh with the depart ment In securing an early order to In stall the service. From the number of bids one hears, Uncle Sam will have no trouble lo cating a postofllee here. ? Town Improvements. A great Improvement in the looks of Clinton will he brought about when the block of stores on the Musgrove side of the square shall have been made uniform In appearance. Plate glass display windows are now being put In nnd it is said that when this 1b finished the whole side will be paint ed white. This will ho a very great improvement, giving the appearance of size and dignity to the entire block. A bronze drinking fountain for man and beast has been erected on Mus grove street near the poatofficc by the City authorities. The pipes feeding It pass through a deep disused well, and thus cool drinking water for the hot days is assured. Duckctt-.Iohnson Wedding. At four o'clock Wednesday after noon Miss Eleanor Duckott, daughter of Capt. and Mn. T. J. Duckett, will be mnrried to Mr. Duncan Johnson of Nowberry. About seventy-five rela tives and intimate friends will he prosont at the ceremony which will bo performed by the bride's brother in-law, the Rev. J. F. Jacobs. There will be no attendants. However, pre ceding the ceremony, Mrs. Eugono Foucho, Miss Mittie Young and Mr. William Jacobs will sing, Miss Maud Sumerei playing the accompaniments. Mr. John Townsend of Andresbn. a nephow of the bride, will play the Wedding march. The wedding will he celebrated at the homo of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. F. Jacobs, and elaborate , decorations of white and green will ho used. ThO bride will wear white brocaded charmeuso, Her veil will he Caught With orange hlossoms and her bouquet will he brldo roses. If the roads permit Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will go <<> tholf future home In Nowberry by automobile. Entertainments for Ulis? Duckett. Mrs. George Ellis entertained six teen friends of Miss Eleanor Duckott at a linen shower on Monday alter noon, the affair being beautifully car rled out In every detail. Some beau (Continued on Pago Four.) OFFICERS ELECTED BY CITY COUNCIL AH Officers He-elected with the Excep tion of City Clerk. The new city council held a meet ing in the council chamber Thursday night and went Into the election of of ficers to fill the different places made vacant Incident upon the inauguration of the new mayor and aldermen. The eleotlon was by secret ballot, the vote of the mayor and aldemnen not being made known to each other or to the outside world. No record of how the different men voted was made in the minutes and It was agreed in the mecrt Ing before adjournment, according to one of the aldermen, that no one would make their vote public. The interest In the election centered around the selection of a clerk and a 'metre reader. City Clerk Roland, who has held the office for several years and against whom no charges of in competence or failure to discharge his duties were brought, was defeated for re-election and C. W. Kitchens, until recently of Spartanburg, was elected In his place. In the election of metre reader, .1. 15. Philpot, who now holds the position, was re-elected over Hanse Crews, the other applicant. R. B. Ilahh was re-elected city attorney. Chief of Police W. S. Bagwell and Assistant Chief L?ngsten and Privates W. H. Doson, Don Irvin, Rhett Held and James Powers were re-elected. John H. Henderson was re-elected superintendent of streets, H. L. Blout, superintendent of the power house and James Davenport manager of the fire departlinent team. The salaries attached to these offices are as follows: mayor $75 per month; chief of police $75 per month; city clerk $75; five other policemen at $50; metre reader $60; superintendent, of streets $55; manager of fire dopart menft team $40; superintendent of power house $11.00 per day. In addi tion to these there are three negroes employed on the water and light de partment, one at $1.35 per day and the others at $1.00 per day. II. L. Blount Is contracted for by the week and the Others, except the negroes, are con tracted for by the month. Joe Smith Elected. At a meeting of the Traynham Guards held last Thursday First Ser geant Joe Smith was elected a lieu tenant to fill the place made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Pope Irby. Lieut. Smith has been with the com pany for years and his high efficiency as an officer and his popularity make the election a much deserved one. With Capt. Richey, Lieutenants Simpson and Smith as the commissioned officers the company is sure of retaining Its present high standing in the state militia. MOVING PICTURES AT SCHOOL FAIR Mr. B. B. Lnvender has Completed Ar rangements, Pictures of Auto Pa rade, School Children and Prominent Views. Mr. D. R. Lavender, manager of the motion picture show has completed all arrangements for having one thous and feet of moving picture films taken In Laurens during the county school fair. Pictures will he taken of the graded school, the graded school chil dren, the parade of the school children from all parts of the county, all the automobiles in the county that are hero for the day, and pictures of the more prominent views around the city Mr. Lavender is particularly anx ious to have a large and striking pic ture of the autos taken. He wishes to have every single auto In Laurens county in the parade if possilde. lie also states that the cleaner the ma chine the better the picture and the bolter the result When It comes to ad vertising the county to others When the views are shown in other towns. The use of motion pictures as adver tisers for cities and counties lias prov ed popular and it is hoped thai much interest will he shown In Laurens first chance to ho "tuk". Box Supper at Fleming School. There will he a box supper at Flcm i ing school Friday night, March 28th, to which the public is Invited. An In teresting program, including a speech by Solicitor R. A. Cooper, has been arranged. There will also he music I by the CnUdrosa Siring Rand. HUGH AIKEIN WON ORATOR'S MEDAL Will Represent Laurens High' School at Greenville and Itundolph Little at the County Contest. Hugh Alken won first place and Randolph Little second place In the preliminary oratorical contest held at the graded school auditorium Friday evening for the purpose of selecting a representative from the Laurens high school to compete in the oratori cal contests of the county oratorical association on April 18th and in the Piedmont Oratorical association to he held in Greenville April 11th. By winning first place Hugh Alken secur ed the honor of representing the lau rens school at Greenville and In addition won the medal offered for the best orator in the school. Ran dolph Little, who came second, will be the speaker at the county contest. In making known the decision of the judges, Mr. H. S. Blackwell stated that the marks of the two leading contest ants had been very close, Hugh Alken having been selected by a margin of one point, and that the other young men had done splendidly. In marking the contestants. 60 points were allowed for general effect, 10 points for articulation, 10 points for gesticulation, 10 points for memory and 10 points for selection. The av erage of each contetant was taken by the judges and the honor awarded to the one having the highest total score The young men who took part in the contest were as follows: Hugh Alken?"Sergeant Prentiss First Plea." James Holmes?"Nobility of La bor." Paul Lake?"Comflnerce." Randolph Little?"The New South.' Farris Martin?"The Secret of Mur der." James McCravy?"Not Guilty." Laurens Phil pot?"Citizenship." Hayno Taylor?-"Heroes of Dixie." During the Intermission a delightful musical program was rendered upon the Victrola owned by the school. Flag liaising. Those of you who were fortunate enough to be In the immediate vicinity of the new P. O. last Wednesday and not being familiar with the cause probably wondered at the large and enthusiastic gathering which spread itself along Main street at that point. For the information of those not know ing, it might be well to state that there was some flag-raising on the federal building. Cheered on by the plaudits of an admiring throng, Mr. C. E, Parker, the U. S. Government super intendent, mounted to the roof and tied Old Glory to the halyards and the flag-raising was on. The silken banner, which was not as large as first expected, flew proudly to the breeze for about flve minutes and then hid itself behind the ropes. The inspiring sight held the crowd spell bound and when Mr. Parker descended to the ground it was with difficulty that he made his way through the throng. It was a notable event. The flag remained on high for a day and now lies locked in the desk of the government superintendent. It is prob able the largest flag ever flown on a federal building in Laurens. its di mension being 0 inches by 11 I nc lies. A careful estimate of those present resulted in a disagreement between the two spectators as to whether there were three or two onlookers. In this connection the silken flag will be In troduced In the first act of that heart rending drama "Down by the Sea." to be played Friday night in the Opera House by local talent. Admission 25 .1"? and ."0 cents. Services at Mountvllle. Low Sunday, March 30th, will bo observed at tho CllUl'Ch of EHornnl Hope. Mountvii'c. by preaching and song service, 'rise service will be at 8 o'clock p. m. The rail :<? will ha di rected by Mrs. Mao T> Cluck, the ser mon by Rev. Geo, Studson Delano, i>. D. * Cnninflro Jokes and Slorlcs." "Undo Dock" Owen, of Greenwood, S. C. has Had published a little hook entitled "Can.pilre Jokes and War 8torl08"~-prlCO ?6 cents. Kent to any address upon receipt of prlCO. T.:< old vet Is 70 years old and la 'depend ent on the sale of the little book for his sustenance. . NEGRO MAN KILLED IN CENTER OF CITY Tom Hunter Shot Down by Snm Price ns He Crossed the Threshold of his Own Home. Tom Hunter, a lawabkllng and bard working negro of the city, was shot down Saturday night as he was about to enter his own home by Sam Price, another negro man. The bullet en tered the abdomen of tho negro in front, raging downward and to the left, lodging Just underneath the skin in the rear. He lived until Sunday about 2 o'clock, when he died. Before his death he made a statement of the affair and made disposition of two in surance policies which he carried on his life, changing the beneficiary from his wife to his mother. The trouble arose over the wife or the deceased, who was being shown attentions by Sam Price. The ante-mortem statement of the dead negro Is as follows: "Went home from market Saturday night. Didn't see any light in house. Went round to back door to get key where my -wife always leaves the key and I heard somebody speak and run. Went on round to the other back door and met Sam Price and he shot me. I snys to Sam "Taint no use In that" and Sam shot me. "When I got home the front door was locked and I couldn't get In front door, so went round to hack door to get key where my wife always leaves it and met Sam. My wife was In the house with Sam Price. "I realize that It is probable that I may die from this wound and this is my dying statement. "There was nothing immediately be tween Sam and myself but had been a week or so ago. Sam said he had heard that I was carrying a pistol for him, but we had shook hands and made up. "I desire to state that I want to change the provision of my will as to my policies in Carolina Insurance Co. (Hill) and in the Knights of Pythias, I.aureus Lodge No. 30?that is, I de. sire that, the beneficiary of my will be my mother, Laura Hunter, instead of my wife, Carrie Hunter. (}. D. Franklin. The full story of the tragedy is con tained in the short statement of the deceased. There were no other eye witnesses of the shooting, except Sam Price, himself, and so far he has elud ed arrest. Carrie Hunter, the wife of the dead man, who was in the house when her husband arrived, testified that Bhe ran to the front door when she heard Tom go around to the back and ran out when the shot was fired. Several other negro men and women testified to seeing Sam Price in the vicinity and on the premises just pre ceding the shooting but none of them were witnesses to the affair. Others testified that Carrie Hunter first de nied any knowledge of the crime and tried to persuade other of her neigh bors to aid her In escaping any con nection with it. However, at the in quest she gave in and told her con nection with the case and admitted that Sam Price did the shooting. The coroner's jury, of which Mr. Ceo. S. MeCravy was foreman, ren dered the following verdict: The said Tom Hunter came to his death by a gun-shot wotind inflicted by Sam Price on the 22nd day of March, 1013, to wit, a pistol. Tom Hunter had been employed In the meat market of Mr, S. Cr. McDaniol for a number of years and was eonsid erod a faithful, humble and hardwork ing negro. Sam PrlCC Is a brlck , layer and -plaster and lias be n before the mayor for unlawful conduct Oil . ftn?thor occasion. ' Letters and notice; have been sent ? out describing the1 eseapod negro and ; the sheriff i-; making every effort to apprehend film. Hp Is a yellowish up in front. ?Oeling of I . 0. C. Tho Joseph b. Korshaw chapter, V. I). C. will meet Friday afternoon at ?i o'clock, wiili Miss MayniO Ferguson. The members are roqucsted to tele phone the hostess whether or not they will be present. .T. C. Owlngs, J. Ft, Held, "Tom Hunter. W. T. Crews, Magist rate r 21 years of pounds. His N. B. DIAL TO OFFER FOR U. S. SENATE X. B. Dial to Offer For U. S. Senate. Announces in Washington thai He Will bo in the Ilnce Next Year. A special dispatch to tho Green ville News Saturday carried tho an nouncement that Mr. N. B. l>ial, of this city, would he In the race for the United States senate in 1014. Mr. Dial was a candidate In the race against Sen. Tiilman and Col. Talhert in 191'2. The dispatch to the News was as follows: N. B. Dial of Laurens, has been spending several days in Washington on his way home from New York. While here ho has been spending a good deal of his time In the comp ty of Attorney General MCReynolds nnd Represenative Underwood who were his classmates at Vanderhllt univer sity. Mr. Dial stated to the Greenville News correspondent jthis afternoon that he is not an applicant for any position in the gift of the adminis tration, but would ibo a candidate for the United States senate next year. One of the leading planks in his platform will lie a demand for a government system of warehouses for storing cotton ami other farm pro ducts. He says lie has worked out a scheme which lie thinks will he prac ticable and will also he constutional. Wliile here he has been getting data on the subject and will lie prepared to present it to the people during the next campaign. ?Ol X? TO FOUNTAIN IXX. Rev. J, I>. Pitts, who was Pastor of the First Baptist Church Here for Many Years, Ileslgns Charge at Blackville. Rev. J. D. Pitts, who has been pas tor of the Baptist church at Blackville for several years and who was for a long time pastor of the First Baptist church here, has resigned his pastor ate at Blackville to accept a call to the Baptist church at Fountain Inn. Mr. Pitts will take up the work in his. new field during tho first week of April. in the special correspondence to The State from Blackville is contained the following about his resignation: Mr. Pitts' announcement, coming at the close of an eloquent sermon, which was the climax of tho Raster services, proved a great surprise to his people. Mr. Pitts and his wife, who came here from Laurens in 11*07. have made a host of friends, who will regret to see them go. During his incumbency of the pastorate Mr. Pitts j has labored well and faithfully for the upbuilding of the church here. _ iL Y. SIMMONS DEAD. i Prominent and Greatly Beloved Citi zen of Dials Township Passed Ah ay Monday night. I Mr. II. Y. Simons, one of tho best known and most highly regarded clti i zens of the county, died at his home I near Gray Court Monday nlghl of pneumonia, having been sick for ( about eight days. Tho funeral scr ' vices wore hold yesterday afternoon . at Dials Methodist church, of Which lie was a member and steward, Rov, Mr. Munnorlyn, assisted by Itov, J, k. McCain, conducting the services a large numbor of people attended the funeral, quite a number from Lau renn going up to lie present at the obse quies. : Mr. Simmons was a man of the highest honor and of Inflexible In* tregrity. lie was a Christian gentle man and greatly beloved by .mi who knew him, Ho took an active and prominetii part in the affairs of Dials . church, teaching a closs of ovor fifty men. each of h"m filed by his grave yesterday iflernoon and dropped a all who knew him ami hla doath is con Idored n distinct loss not only to bis family but to his community and county. lie was a few months more than sixty years of ano. He is survlvod by his wire, who was Miss Sal Ho HoUnms. the daughter of William Hellams, and a number of sons and daughters. MEDICOS TO MEET HERE THURSDAY Third District Medical As sociation of Four Countlos. TO HOLD MEETING AT COUNTY HOSPITAL Regular Spring Meeting of the Third District Medical Association to be Held at the Laurens County Hospital Thursday, the Sessions to Open ut 11:80 o'clock. The quarterly meeting of the Third District Medical association will bo hold In this city Thursday, the ses sions to ho held In tho assc-mfbly hall of the county hospital. It Is oxpeot od that a large number of physicians from the four counties of the associa tion will be present. An attractive program has been arranged for the meeting and a very enjoyable session is anticipated, The association is composed of phy sicians from the four counties of Nowborry, Greenwood, Abbeville and Laurens, Tho president of tho asso ciation is Dr. T. L. W. Ikailoy, of Clin ton, the vice president is Dr. lt. H. lopting, of Groonwood, and tho sec retary Is Dr. (!. P. Nerd, of Green, wood. Tho association is composed of a very able and enthusiastic body of men. Tho visiting members will bo ten dered a dinner-banquet in the dining room of tho hospital by tho local mem bers of the association, This 1b ox pocted to be a very enjoyable affair. Tho program of the business ses sion will bo as follows: Called to order. Divine Invocation. Welcome: Rolfo B. Hughes, M. n., Laurens Medical Society. Luncheon 2:30 p. m. Papers and Discussions. i. Totnnus Prophylaxis. G. a. Nouf IVr, M. I)., Abbeville. ::. The Bra of I'rovontnllvo Medicine. John II. Miller, M. I).. Cross Hill. Observations an a Factor in Ad vancing the SclOllCO Of Medicine. (). 11, Mayer, M. I), Nowborry. 4. Irrigation in Bnlcro-Colltls, Isa. .(lore Sehayer, M. I)., Laurent, fi. Jaundice. C. ('. Gnmhi'i I!. M. I)., Abbovillo. f.. Management of Puerperal Eclamp sia. Jesse II. Tonguo, .M. )>., Lau rens. 7. Eclampsia. W. Lawrence Dalloy, M. I)., Coronoca, x. The Discovery of Cancer In Plants. Hugh K. Alkon, M. I)., Laurens. D. Anodynes. J. I>. Austin, M. D? Clinton 10. Appendicitis. G. P. Noel, M. D., Greenwood. 11. AnteJPartom and i*ost partom douche, and the repair of cervical and perineal lacerations. J. L. Ken nel, M. I)., Waterloo. 12. Subject unannounced. W. P. 'Punier, M. I)., Greenwood. 13. Physical Diagnosis Pre-eminent; Discussion opened by it. I?. Epting, M. D., Greenwood. H. Subject, unannounced. J. Leo Young, M. D , Clinton, in. Gunshot Wounds el" Abdomen, OpornUvO, Series of Casts. S. W. Pago, M. D., Greenwood, 1C. Salvarsnn. John Lyon, M. D? Groon wood. it. Volunteer Papers and Clinics, 18. Business, Makes a Record .Mark. 1 Chief Clerk Molts, of tho Atlanta 1)1? Visloh of Hallway Mail Clerks, was in the city several days ago ?;> give a ''SOUtll Carolina to Kontos'' examina tion to Mr. Jack McCravy, ;.t the local post pfllcc. The examination given id Mr. McCravy Was one of tho regular ; routine exaiuiiuill n r'w- n to clerks in the post ofTtci s odd Intervals and u mal ly do nol at I; ? ?? ..'<? attention* cause of the high mark in. > by Mr. name, stating a' the same time that, not onjj i i j very Boldom but that is j is only occasional that such a Jlno mark as this is made in the mail ser vice. Mr. Melts considers "Jack'' uno j of tlio best men in Iiis division.