INTERESTING ITEMS FROM THE COUNTY (News Letters From Many Sections. CORRESPONDENTS GIVE LOCAL NEWS Hnppcnlngs of Interest to Many Peo ple all over the County nnd to Those Who Have Loft the Family Hearth* stone und gone to Other States. Dials, Dec. 9.?Rev. J. P. Attaway preached his last sermon at Dials Sunday morning. He leaves Tues day for O8\vego, his new charge, Mr. Attaway has only been here two years, and his removal came as a surprise. Notwithstanding our regret in losing him, as loyal Methodists, Mr. Munnerlyn and family will receive a cordial welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owlngs and children, of Fountain Inn, spent Sun day wit'.-. .Mr. II. Y. Simmons and fam ily. Miss Addie Curry of Greenville, spent the week-end with homefolks here. Mr. W. I,. Brooks visited Mr. Ernest Harris Sunday. Rev. J. P. Attaway and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Alec McCall were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Curry Sunday. Mr. Wellie Aborcromble of Hondor BOnville was the guest of Mr. D. I). Drownlee, Sunday. Mrs. Isabella Brooks, has returned from a visit to relatives in Laurens. Miss Nell McCall, was the Sunday guest of Miss Jewel Curry. Jones, Dec. 9.?We recently met the following friends, Messrs Joseph Moore of Fkom, Joe Iladdon and Brlsc Cllnkscales of Due West and Mr. John Bagwell of Princeton. Mrs. T. J. Reacham and Mrs. .1. R. McNlnch attended the Methodist con ference at Anderson. Those in need of carpenter work will find It to their interest to call upon J. 11. Oulla and Joe Beaaley. ? Messrs. Beachao) and Rtley stored a largo lot of cotton at Ware Rhoals, recently. Mr. G. L. Graham recently visited Abbeville. Wo cordially welcome Mr. Jas. Dav enport, who has moved Into our midst. Rev. Hower Owens, a returned mis sionary from China preached yester day at Turkey Creek church. He was reared in this section und was a pupil of the Jones high school when Prof. W. P. Culbortson taught. His friends wish him succea In his ministerial work. We were pained to hear of the re cent death of Mrs. Wm. Dodson and tenderly sympathize with the bereav ed family. Mr. W. R. Cothran has repninted his house. Wo will have a Christmas tree on 1 Christmas day and everybody is cor. dially invited to attend. ?Madden, Dec. 10.?Well, wc trust that from now on the weather will be steady cold. Last week was ex ceedingly trying on the well and also the sick. ? Wo regret to report the YCT serious Ulnesa of our friend and neighbor, ??ff, Thild Martin. He is exceedingly 4?w today and all hope of his recov ery has been abandoned, Mr. HeiWftn Tloyd Was Qatfea hnmu '"laut Week On account of. th Mr Dec CuL I bertson and brother Mr. Elisha Wat j kins. Miss Ida Turner, our progressive teacher, attended the teachers' meet ing at Laurens Saturday. She was accompanied by several of her pupils who helped select the pictures for the new school house and those who were on the honor roll went to the moving picture show. The children of this generation surely havo better oppor tunities than we! What woftld we have thought of a picture in our Hchool house? Mr. Henry Madden of Greenville was the guest recently of his brother, Mr. Lee Madden. Relatives of Rev. W. .1. Langston, of Conway, expected that he would j stop over on his way from the con vention at Abbeville. He however, I could not stop, but will be up for the I holidays. Princeton, Dec. 8.?Misses Fstcllc Taylor, Sara and Susan Britt spent last week-end in Laurens, with Mrs. T. Lane Monroe. Mrs. John llagwell and Miss Lydie made a business trip to Honea Path Saturday. Rev. Mr. Copeland of Bolton filled the appointment at Columbia church Sunday morning, for Rev. Mr. Poster of Greenville, who was kept away on account of sickness in his family, i Rev. B. M. Dullose and family ex pect to leave Wednesday for their new home in IMnewt ()?'. where they were sent by the conference for the coming year, .Mr. DuBose will be succeeded by Rev. Mr. Morris of Turborville. Mr. Cleveland Knight of Gray Court, was a Sunday visitor here. Mr. M. M. Arnold, of lleiton. spent a few days here last week with his father. B. P. Arnold. Dr. .1. 11. Britt made a flying trip to Helton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. .Ino. M. Wood are real sick here with ,. leumonia. Their many friends wish them a speedy re covery. The Princeton IiIkIi school pupils will give for the benefit of the school, on the night of Dec. i!0, "Christmas at the Cross Boads." An admission fee of 10 and 16 cents will be charged. Re freshments will be sold after the play. Eden, Dec. 9.?The fanners of this section are about through gathering their cotton. Mrs. Mammie Allen, spent several days last week with relatives in Eden. Mr. C. V. Hipp and little son, Gray, spent Friday and Saturday In Mount ville. Mr. H. B. Mahon and wife left Tues day for Chatanooga, Tenn., where they will make their future home. Wo re gret to see them leave very much as Mr. Mahon was one of our leading merchants. Ho sold his lot and house to Mr. S. R. Gray who will continue a full line in the same stand. Mr. Ambrose Holder spent a few days in Greenville last week. Mr. B. L. Babb and wife were the guests of Mr. M. W. Gray and wife Thursday. Miss Bess Knight spent last week with Mrs. Ambroso Holder. Hartley Brooks of Gray Court, spent Saturday night with William Brooks of Eden. Mrs. Enrl Gray returned home Sun day after spending a week in Fountain Inn with her sister. Mrs. M. W. Gray and ?on, Booth, were in Laurens Friday. Miss Sue Gray and Mrs. Author Aliens spent Wednesday night? with Mrs. ,T. H. (lift* Of fountain Tnn. The hCailh ?f the community is very gbbd hi present. Watts Mill. r>eo. 9.?-Pairviow camp No. 422 W. O. Wt met On last Friday night and elected officers for the com ing year. The following were elected: PaM Consul Commander, W. W. Grif fin; Consul Commander, h. E. Bishop', Advisor Lieut, Ruft)? Carter; Blinker, t). L. Boulwnre; KsctM'b. W. A. Rid, die; Watchman, W. #\ button; Sentry, John Wise-: WjyViman, Dr. R. R. Walk er; Manager A. T. Wells; Representa tive to lroa'd camp, L. E. Bishop and R, II. Donaldson and D. L. Boulware, alternate. Fairvlew camp not only has a good sot of officers, but is also a hustling camp and still growing in ! number. A very good numb"r was out to prayer-mooting Wednesday night. The meeting was conducted by Bio. T. B, : Mahnffoy. Quite, a Pnee COngrogatlbn was out ; 9nnday thornln)? to hear Pro. Davis dalivor lilfl far -v.vll address, ns the Delight Your Friends This Xmas With #tft? of Jetoelrp 'TIT'jHERE is a silent language in Gifts of Jewelry which ex presses more clearly than tongue can tell the real sen timent which inspired the giver. A Gift of Jewelry is an appreciated gift?a lasting gift?a gift which gives not only immediate pleasure, but one which serves to remind the re cipient that the giver both treasured and cherished the friend ship which the Gift of Jewelry so feelingly expresses. A well selected and complete jewelry stock like this affords one the greatest possible opportunity for putting one's own personality into the gift. Because a gift is an article of jewelry does not necessarily imply that it is expensive. Many really desirable and truly beautiful gifts which are inexpen sive and certain to be more greatly appreciated than larger gifts of less intrinsic value, may be selected from our stock. It matters not what you have allotted yourself to spend for gifts this Christmas, you can spend your allowance to greater advantage in this store. gmgge?tmg tfje ^arietp of ?>ur ?>tock La Vallieres, Necklaces, Bracelets, Pendants, Brooch Pins, Vanity Sets, Mesh Purses, Scarf Pins, Silver Dresser Sets, Rings, Cut Glass, Watches, Belt Pins, Fobs. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS ^tlltam Solomon The Reliable Jeweler m conferonce has sent him to Camden for the coming year. The people here who had learned to love Bro. Davis regret very much (o see him leave, but wTah him much success |q his fu turo leid. BfiV, a. Marler preached to a good congregation Sunday night at Lucas Avenue Baptist church. Tyloravllle, Doc. 0.?Several from thlc immunity went to Bethany last, Sunday to hear Rev. J. B. Branch. Miss Amanda Glenn spent the Week end with hor sister, Mrs. F\ (J. Little. Mr. and Mrs. J. ;t. BUrnett and MiBs Nina P??le of Spartanburg spent Sun il?y" with Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Poole and family. Mrs. S. P. Blakely haa returned from a visit over to Due West. Misses Lydie and Lizzie Sloan of the Pea Ridge section spent Friday with Miss Lucy Donnan. Miss Mattie Belle Peterson 1h visit ing relatives In Laurens, Mr. tolles Clark of Clint'- visited relatives here ?fMiiday. Miss Kntie Groyllsh of Columbia spent Saturday with Mr. and Mr:;. .1. W. Donnan and family. Mr. and Mr:;. C. R. Cooper were In Laurens Saturday. MlgS Ella Peterson an-i brother, William cvoro In Laurons shopping last \ After Christmas, WHAT? The yearly transferring of books stares those in the face who do not use loose leaf ledgers. \ j those who do use them, it is a source of self congratulation to know that they have been businesslike enough to Jo away with this extra drudgery. Why continue to make this annual transfer of ledgers when it can be so easily avoided and at no extra expense. We would be glad to show them and explain them. Advertiser Printing Co Laurens, S. f. V 9 tf f