The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 04, 1912, PART 1, PAGES 1 TO 8, Page PAGE SIX, Image 7

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The Infernal Pains of Women Women who are weak, nervous and discouraged brought on by tho painful aliments peculiar to their sex, should use DR. SINNONS Squaw Vine Wine - A Woman's Remedy It possesses the power to act directly on the weakened parts, conveyingrencwed strength, func tional activity and regularity. A woman who Is struggling along under a burden of pain, weakness and distress soon feels its bene ficial effect In a revival of Inter est In her household duties and the strength and energy to per form them without exhaustion. It puts the system In perfect order, the result of which is a strong, healthy body, a cheerful mind and a clear, rosy complexion. Sold by Druggists and Dealer* Price $1 Per Bottle C.f SIMMONS MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI LAUKENS niU'U CO. I,aureus, S. ('. 100 WATCHES FREE J. C. BURNS & CO. A handsome Watch given away with each Suit of Clothes from $4,97 up. For this week only. Hurry up before they <are all gone. J. C. Burns & Co. The Newest Jewelry A finer selection of tho latest styles in jewelry we have never been able to show than now. We invite you to call early, while our stock is at its best, and your selections can be made at leis ure. j We will tfladly set aside any ar ticle for you until you Want it. FLEMING BROTHERS THE GIFT STORE N. B. Dial A. C. Todd DIAL & TODD Attorneys at Law Enterprise Bank luHding, Laurene, S. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS MONBY TO LOAN WILL INTRODUCE EDUCATIONAL BILL Important Measure Fathered by Cher okee's Senator. Senator Hs!! Win IntroduHe Compulsory Education Bill. Gaffney, S. C, Nov. 29.?It is like ly that Senator Hall will Introduce a compulsory school attendance bill at the next session of the general as sembly. Senator Hall has given this mutter a careful study In connection with similar laws In other states, with a view of proposing stich a measure as may suit the peculiar conditio ,s rxis ing in S nth Ci.vol'-.a. Below is printed a full text of the proposed bill. Senator Hall requests all who have any general or special Idea as to what such law should con tain to communicate with him as he dOslrea to advocate the passage of .onto law that will meet the existing 1 demands for a more general educa Mori: " Section I. Be it Rnacted by the QeilOral Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the free public schools of this State are open to all Ohlldres between the ages of six and twenty-one years. Sec. 2. Thai all children between the ages of seven and fourteen years arc hereby required to attend the public schools of this State for a period of at least four months during each scholastic year, and it shall be the duty of parents, guardians, and all Other person:; whatsoever, who' may have charge of the care and custody of children, to observe ihe provisions of the Act. Sec. :?. Any parent, guardian, or other person having the charge and custody of any child, who falls to comply with the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor and upon conviction there of, shall be subject to a Hue of not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offense, or imprisonment for a period of not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 4. The provisions of this Act shall not apply In cases where the attendance of such children is due to Providential causes, or where there is no public school within two miles of the residence of the parent, guar dian, or other person having charge of and control of such child or child dren, or where the school term of any school accessible to such child or children is less than four months In each year; hut in tho last case, it shall he the duty of at parents, guar dians or other persons having the control and custody of such child or children to send the same to such school as long as the term may last. If less than four months. Sec. 5. In order to carry out the provisions of thla Act, the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars is hereby appropriated to provide ac commodations and facilities for the increased attendance in the school districts of this State, the same to be apportioned among the counties and school districts of the State in the same manner as Is now provided by law for the distribution of the three mill Constitutional school tax. Sec. 6. The appropriation provided for in the next proceeding section shall he used for the purpose of In creasing t'ne capacity of schools now existing; for the erection of addi tional schools and the employment of additional teachers, wherover It shall appear to the County Board or Education and the trustees of any par ticular school district that ad ditional school buildings should be erected or additional teachers should be employed: and the sum appropriat ed to each County shall after appor tionment as above provided, be paid out by the treasurer on the warrant of the trustees of the school districts to which any portion of said appro priation may be apportioned aa above provided, as in the case of other school funds. Sec. 7. it is hereby made the duty of the trustees of each school dis trict In this State to see that the pro visions of this Act are carried out, and any trustee, who wilfully falls or refuses to enforce the provisions of this Act, shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding twenty-flve dollars or imprisonment for not exceeding ten days and he liable for removal from 0fnC6, and whenever It shall come to the notice of any trustee of any pUD? lie school district that any parent, gunrdian, or other person having the custody and control of any child or children, are violating the provisions of this Act. it shall be the duty of such trustee or trustees to have a warrant Issued for such parent, guar dian or other person having charge and control of such child or children, by any magistrate having Jurisdic tion, and shall prosecute such de faulting nersons as representatives of tho Stato of South Carolina. Sec. 8. The provisions of this Act shall not be construct as in any way affecting the prdvlslons of the gen oral school lav/ of this State, but shall be in addition to the law as now existing. , Sec. 9. All Acts or ports of Acts Inconsistent with this Act arc hereby repealed.?-Tho Ledger. WITH THE .CHRONICLE.* Mr. J. K, McObee Accepts Position in Augusta with the Morning Pn per. Mr. J. R. McObee, who has been making his headquarters here for sev eral months came up from Augusta Sunday to take Mrs. MeOhee and lit tle Margaret back with him to mat city, where he has accepted a re sponsible position with The Chroni cle. Mr. McGhec's numerous friends hero will he glad to know of his success, though they regret to see him leavo Laurens. Tho following Clipping was taken from The Augusta Chronicle of last Wednesday about him: "MY. A. Rutledge Mc?hee. long Idert;] tided with newspaper work in South ! Carolina, is now connected with The! Chronicle In the advertising depart ment with Mr. J. Rarnnrd Lyon? My. C( nips to Augustu with a rep Utntlon of being a newspaper man 6f Wido exp rienco in the two Btates. and brings with him a knowledge of push and energy Which has characterized his newspaper career. "For several years ho was publish er of The Daily PieQtnont, the after noon newspaper of Greenvlllo, which was brought from comparative ob scurity to a place In the front rank of South Carolina journalism. He has been Identified with several newspa per enterprises In his homo stale, and wuh connected with The Chronicle several years ago. He will receive a warm welcome to Augusta. He is a brother of the late Zach McQhee, the well-known Washington correspond ent and author. How About This? We would like to suggest to the town of Clinton that in its efforts to become a county seat and to form the new county or Musgrove that It could not do a better thing than to build the roads leading through the town. We do not believe there la a worse stretch of road from Newberry to Spartanburg than the streets of Clinton, or at least the one you go on the way to Laurens from New berry. This, too, is a part of the CapitalJto-Chunty highway. Gfood roads are an evidence of the right spirit and of a progressive communi ty as well as of civilization, Clinton will pardon tl e suggestion. There are others besides Clinton that need to wake up on the subject of road im provoment.?The Herald and News. Presented Watch ( harm. The Mountain Lodge of Indepen dent Order of Odd Fellows at the con clusion of their last meeting pre sented Mr. J. J. McSwaln with a beautiful diamond studded watch charm, as a token of love, apprecia tion and esteem for his services in the trial and prosecution of T. U. Vaughn. Feeling deeply grateful for the valuable services which Mr. Mc Swaln rendered, although this ser vlco was altogether prompted by his desire that j'istlce should he done the Mountain Lodge felt that they should show Mr. McSwaln their ap preciation of his serviles. Bx-QoV. Ansel presented the charm with a few fitting words, speaking for the lodge. Mr. McSwaln made a gracious re sponse to Mr. Ansel's speech of pre sentation. Messrs. Goldsmith, Kndel. Daniel and J. B. Davis from Mountain Lodge, Seyle of Hrandon. Scott of Hrooks, and a representative of the Mnnaghan lodge, each had some timely remarks to make in reference to the occasion.?Greenville News. k MESSAGE To Feeble Old People. As one grows old the waste of the eystom becomes more rapid than re pair, the organs act more slowly and less effectually than in youth, the cir culation Is poor, the blood thin and digestion weak, Vlnol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic without oil, i3 tho ideal Btrengthcner and body-builder for old fol'.s, for it contains tho very ele ments needed to rebuild wnstlng tis sues and replace weakness with strength. Vlnol also fortifies the sys tem against colds and thus prevents pneumonia. A grandnelce of Alexander Hamil ton, over eighty years of ago, onco remarked: "Vlnol is a godsend to old people. Thanks to Vlnol, I have a hearty appetite, sleep soundly, feel active and well. It is the finest tonic and strength-creator I hav-j ever used." If Vlnol falls to build up tbe feeble old people, and create strength, we will return your money. LAUREN I* DRtU CO. Lanren?. 8. C. When you feel 'JSSS^. ?ous. tired, worried or despondent it la a sure Bign you need MOTTS NERVERlNE PILLS. Thny renew the normal vigor and make life worth living. Ho iura and ?tk for Mott's Nerverine Pills R'S'nSiS W1UAMS MFC CO.. Prop... CWeland, Ohio I.AI'JIE...* DRUG CO. I nnrrn?. H. LECTRIft THE BEST FOR "BITTERS AND KIDNEYS. A Woman Wants Two Features IN A SHOE 1st. 2nd. Comfort This is a hard combination for most Shoe builders I but not for our skilled Shoemakers. We have Shoes at I $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 or $3.50 | that possess all the style that can be put into a Shoe I without sacrificing comfort. i We've a width and a size for every foot. All the New Toe Shapes. Leathers the very best. We guarantee satisfaction or the Shoes are "OURS" not "YOURS." CLARDY & WILSON THE SHOE MEN ONE PRICE STORE VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE Fine piece of property containing 167 acres, 6 miles north of Laurens. This is a most desirable piece of property, located in a prosperous section of Laurens county, convenient to schools and churches, only one half mile from Barksdale sta tion. This property is divided by the public high way leading from Laurens to Greedville, has nice residence, with necessary tenant houses and out buildings, is well-watered and well-adapted to all crops. This property is being sold for a division of lega tees and will be sold For $45.00 Per Acre. This property is well worth $75.00 per acre, but on account of the fact that it must be soSd for division, we have reduced the price in order to bring a quick sale. If you are seeking a home and desire to locate in a choice section of the county, see me early. Don't Forget I Can Secure Loans and Make Advances on Real Estate. J. N. LEAK, Gray Court, S. C.