The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 04, 1912, PART 1, PAGES 1 TO 8, Image 2

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INTERESTING ITEMS FROM THE COUNTY News Letters From Many Sections. CORRESPONDENTS GIVE LOCAL NEWS Happenings of Interest to Many Pco pic nil over the County nud to Those Who Have Left the Family Hearth stone nnd gone to Other States. Hillside, Dec. 2.?Calvin Weathers, -Of near Hillside, and .Miss Carrie Al exander, of Starr, were married Thurs day in Anderson. The groom is a prosperous young farmer, and i; held in high esteem by all who know him. The bride is a beautiful young lady of many charms, and has a wide cir cle of friends. Their many friends wish them both many joys and no sorrow on life's long voyage May He that walked the waters, make their like one of joy. Hillside is soon to have a new store. Edd Bradley, one of Hillside's farmers will move out of this sec tion next week. Edd doesn't expect to Und a better place than Hillside, anyway he can't. C. L. Weathers was last heard from in Atlanta. Our farmers In both Greenville and Laurens counties would do well to not put quite sc much confidence, or de pendence in cotton next year, as they did this time. They staked all hopes on cotton, and the short crop, and tremenoUsly low prices knocked out these props, and of course, it might have a very pleasant descent when they fell, but oh; such a landing! The farmers should plant more potatoes, sow more grain, produce more corn, and raise more pork. But somehow or other they won't do this. Maybe, it's because that is a new thing just at present, and they may be afraid of the leap. They should not be afraid of originality. Be original. There's no harm in it, but there's a lot of good sense. Whooping cough has about died down In this section. Lanford. Der. 2.?The snow was quite B surprise to every one. It he ilig a holiday, it was spent in hunting by a great many in this section, a num ber of rabbits nnd birds being killed. Moving seems to be the order of the day here. Mr. Hembree lias mov ed into Mr. L. M. Cannon's house, formerly occupied by Mr. Ben Wil liams, Mr. WtlllauB having moved to Bnoree. Mr. Wardell has rented Mr. Cloud Martin's farm and is mov ing his family there. Mr. W. T. Cooper has bought Mr. Wardell out. Miss Etolia Lanford has been quite sick but is able to be back at her work teaching. Airs. J. S. Hlgglns was called to the bedside of her brother. Mr. Wel lie Ferguson, of Greer, whose condi tion is critical. Among those who are sick are Mrs. J. W. Lanford, Mrs. H. C. Shore, Mrs. Mary Montjoy, Mrs. Minnie Willis nnd Miss Ruth Mattox. We wish for them a speedy recovery. Mr. J. Lee Langston spent Thanks giving here. Mr. W. P, Smith, >i White Pine, Tenn., spent Sunday liight with Cap'. J. W. Lanford. Mr. J. M. Fleming and Mr. B. H. Moore attended the Masonic meeting In Columbia. Thanksgiving. Miss Bessie Brown spent the week end with her parents near Laurens. Mrs. W. B. Harmon and son. Johnie Bee, are visiting In New-berry. Messrs. L. M. Cannon. John Cun ningham ano J. W. Lanford were in Laurens Monday on business. Mr. J. E. Johnson nnd family of Gray Court, spent Thanksgiving here, with Mrs. II. M. Johnson. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Freman Lanford was hurried at the Baptist Church here on last Thursday. Mr. T. J. Little died at his home nt Pleasant Mound Monday morning, lie wns hurried at Bethany Church near their old home. Mr. Little has been In bad health for some time. The family has the sympathy of the com munity. Mr. L. M. Cannon has had lightning rods put on his house. Mr. Clarence May spent Friday night at Capt. J. W. Lanford's. Miss Flossie Lanford spent Thurs day here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J* Lanford. Mrs. Robinson accompanied her. Mr. Clyde and Baxter DeShiclds Bpent several days last week here. Mr. John Patterson- was here for Thanksgiving. Madden, Dec. 2,?A "few of the faithful" gathered to the call of the teacher Thanksgiving and helped beautify tho school room. When the prize is won no doubt we'll all say "we did It!" Another case of "Betsy and I killed the bear." The friends of Uncle John Flnley will ho sorry to bear that he was quite sick for a day or so last week. He la up now and we trust will soon bo his usual self. For one who has led so active a life as be, it is hard to be confined to the house and as ho plain tively remarked, "It is a little too soon to go into winter quarters!" Miss Bennie Proflti is also sick with the grippe. We trust she will soon be out again. Messrs. N. C. and Brooks Martin of Greenville, were week-end visitors to our city recently. They were the guests, while here, of Mr. J. R. Flnley > Mvs. Allison. Mrs. Mollie Pinson and children and e e Thompson have returned from a pleasant visit at Easley. They uent Thanksgiving with their rcla ? -es, Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Fasley. Mrs. Pinson also stopped over In Greenville to have the eyes of her lit tle son. Young, treated by Dr. Car penter. Wo trust the eye sight of the little fellow will be permanently ben efited. . Mr. J. A. Woyord, Who has had quite a serious spell of sickness is now on a visit to his sister's, Mrs. Cooper, of Greors, and Mrs. Greshaw of Simp sonvllle. His friends will be glad to hear he Is improving. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Miss Myra Wofford. wore the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dean. Auditor Thompson and family were the Thanksgiving guests of Judge and Irs. Thompson. Master John Moore Iludgens was out for the Thanksgiving holidays with his grandmother. Mrs. Langston and cousins, Tom B. and Harold Culbert son. Mr. Claude Flnley ate a birthday dinner Sunday at the homo of his sis ter. Mrs. Frank Martin, of Laurens, t being the 21st birthday of his neph ew, Mr. Roy Martin. Dials, Dec. 2.?Thanksgiving day, the day one is supposed to "Count your blessings. Name them one by one; Count your many blessings, Sec what God has done." Is just past, although very few hardly attempted to count their blessings "one by one". To have done so would have been a Stupendous undertaking, when one realizes the manifold bless isgs to bo thankful for. Mrs. J. S. Brooks has returned to her home, after a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs. N. T. Nabors, of Columbia. Mr. Herbert Owings spent several days last week with his sister Mrs. Hattle Willis. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gillesple of Greenville, have returned to thetfr home, after visiting Mrs. Gillosple's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Curry. Mrs. J. M. Bolt has returned to her home in Greenville after speeding a few days with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Brownlee, Mrs. 11. Y. Simmons is visiting rel atives In Williamston. Mr. Langston, and daughter. Miss Betty, of Laurens. spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. J. D. Curry and family. Miss Grace Owings spent the week end with Miss Sue Cook of Fountain Inn. Miss Clarrinda Abercrombie died Friday. Nov. 22nd. at the homo of her nephew, Mr. Laurens Darnell, after an illness of several months. She was an earnest Christian, having been a member of tho home department of tho Dials Sunday school for some time. The funeral service was con ducted by Rev. J. P. Attaway at Dials Saturday at 11 o'clock. The eyes of tho Methodist world of South Carolisa, have been turned to wards Anderson where the annual conference Is in session. One never knows whom the Bishop will see fit to change, and to many of the preach ers It will menu the "parting of the ways". It Is to be hoped that Mr. (Continued on Page Four.) LAURENS BOY HEADS GAMECOCKS John Mills, Hefty Tackle Elected! Carolina's Captain for 1918. The "C" men of the University of South Carolina last evening elected John 1). Mills to serve as football captain for the season of 1913. Mr. Mills has been one of the university's mainstays during the present season and Is expected to make the Game cocks a splendid general. The elec tion took place at the home of H. N. Edmunds, where the "C" men were delightfully entertained. "Hig" Mills plays tackle on the uni versity team. He is from Laurens. He is very popular with the men o! the university and has shown by his playing and general work on the gridiron that he is fitted for tin high honor that his fellow players have bestowed upon htm.?The State. MRS. A. M, 1111,1 Estimable Woman of Cross Hill Pass es to the beyond. Honorary Escort of School Children. Cross Hill, Nov. 23.?A gloom was cast over our town last Wednesday when it became known that Mrs. A. m. mil would probably not live 'til! the next day. She died Wednesday night. Mrs. Hill had been a great sufferer and everything that loving hands and medical skill could do war done to no avail. "Death loves a shin ing mark.*' She leaves a busband four girls, the youngest about two years old, and a mother to mourn. Her body was laid to rest Thursday afternoon In the Presbyterinn ceme tery. Rev. J. A. Martin, conducted the services, assisted by Rev. w. 1). Hatch fold. The following were pall bearers: J. O. Denny, J. II. Rasor, E. B. Ras o:\ M. A. Le.tman, J, R. Wilcut and Marvin Anderson. Ten girls of the ninth grade dressed in White, each carrying a wreath and six little girls carrying (lowers acted as honorary escort. The floral offerings were pro fuse and beautiful. The grave was OVered With dowel's. A large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral. OFFICERS ELECTED. Laurens bodge. Knights of Pjthlas Holds Annual Flection of Officers. At the regular meeting of the Lau rens Lodge. Knights of Pythias, held last Monday evening the following Ofilcors were elected for the coming year: ('has. P. Brooks, ('. C; L. G. Roff, V. ('.: ('. H. Gnsque. Preplute; Dr. Bear den, M. of W.; John Peterson, K. of R. & s.; J. P. Tolbert, M. of P.; W. B. Sloan. M. of E.J ('has. II. Rounds, M A.; Konnerly Todd, I. (!.; Thomas Downey, O. G. At this meet ing also, Mr. J. A. Roland was elect ed D. D. G. C. At the regular meeting next Mon day, the second degree will be given. The attendance during the past year has been excellent- and much Interest is being taken in the lodge. L. IL Ferguson. Mr. E. V. Ferguson was called to Greer Sunday, where he went to he present at the funeral of his brother Mr. L. II. Ferguson, who died there af ter an extended illness. Mr. Fergu son was a native of this county and is remembered by a large number of people here. Ho is survived by four sons, six brothers and one sister. He was about 55 years of age. AI Copellind School. Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Prof. J. G. Clinkscnles will make an address at Copeland school. It will renomberod that Prof. Clinkscnles was to make an address there several weeks ago. hut he was unavoidably de tained. As an admission fee was tak en up at that time and not returned, no admission fee will be charged this time. However, a small donation from those who did not attend before will be welcomed by the school. Wlnonn Hotel Leased, Mr. s. W. Mitchell, an exper'oncod hotel man who has been running a hotel is Hendersonville, has leased the Wlhona hotel property and has al ready taken charge. Mr. Mitchell is originally frdm Chester nnd is well acquainted with Cue hotel business. He states that it will be conducted on the highest plane and that it will be a credit to the city. YOUNG BOY KILLED BY HIS BROTHER Deplorable Accident in the Hurricane Section of ibis Count) Saturday. A very deplorable accident occurred In the Hurricane section of this coun ty, near Clinton, Saturday, when young Heeder Whltmlre accidentally shot his younger brother, Copelnnd. with a shotgun, causing his death. Tho two young boys are sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Whilmiro and they have tho deepest sympathy of all In their sore bereavement. Tho two boys being so young and the accident causing stich a shock to the cider one. no connected facts as !<i how the accident occurred can bo secured. However, tho two wore out hunting rabbits. Heeder Wthitmlro seemed to have been in front of his younger brother and walking with his gun on his shoulder cocked. Some how or other, the elder boy stumbled or the hammer of the gun hit a limb or in some other way the gun was caused to fire, the load hitting tho younger brother walking behind. As sistance was sought at once, but the young fellow soon died. He was bu ried at the Hurricane church Sunday, whore many gathered with tho parents at the interment. MRS. I?. ,1. II IRRIS DEAD. Hurled in Laurens Cemetery Yester day Morning, Rev. L. I'. McOcc con ducting- the Scim ices. Mrs. Lotha Harris, wile of Mr. I*. .1. Harris, died early Monday morning at the home of her brother, Mr. Dick Owings, whore they have lived for several years. Mrs. Harris hail been in poor health for several years, her death icing momentarily expected. The funeral services wore held yes terday morning in the Laurens come lory. Rev. L. I'. McQco, her pastor, conducting tho services. I The deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. ".lot" Owings. She is sur vived by her husband and little daugh ter, Janie, and other relatives. MOVOH Into Own Mouse. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn M. Cannon have moved into the house recently bought by Mr. Cannon from Mr. W. L. Gray. The house is located on West Main street, between the homes of Mrs. Ann Garret! and Dr. IL K. Alken. Mr. and Mrs. Cannon have been making their home heretofore with Mr. and \tJohn P. Holt. Sale of Kline) Work. The fancy work, left over from the ladies bazaar, will he on sale at Min ier Company's store Wednesday, De cember 11th. The display will be in the fron! show window. A large num ber of beautiful pieces are still on hand. The ladies will dispose of them at attractive prices. Pitts-Giithrlo. A marriage of considerable Interest to friends in this county took | lace Wednesday morning at Burlington, N. C, when Miss Alvonia Clogg Guth rie, the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Guthrie, and Mr. Olln Bascom Pitts, of Cross Hill, were united in marriage. The Forest Street. Methodist church was the scene of this beautiful event. Long before the appointed hour, 10.45 o' clock, the church was filled wit', rel atives and friend-;. Mrs. W. S. Hives presided at the organ and rendered a program of wedding music. Jus! preceding the ceremony, Miss Kloiso GtlthrlO, cousin of tue bride, sang "Because". Rev, J, o. Guthrie, uncle of the bride, performed th ? ceremony, The ushers wert : Messrs. Sl"V" Moore, Ernest Holt, Joon Laxly and Vitus Holt. Mr. 13, s. y. Dam er on was groomsman. Miss Florence Pitts, sister of the groom, was the bridesmaid. The groom entered with his brother. Mr. Wesley Pitts, of South Carolina, as best man. The bride entered on the arm of hor sis ter. Miss Ada Guthrie. She never looked prettier than on this, her wed ding day. Siio woie a suit of dark blue cloth with chiffon blouse and other accessories (o match, and car ried a bouquet of bride's roses and Hilles of the valley. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Pitts left for tholr homo in Cross Hill. Tho popularity of this young couple was attested by the handsome array of wedding gifts. Oti Tuesday evening a reception was hold at the home of the bride's parents for tho brldqJ party. MEETING OF TEACHERS. Prof. J. G. Clinkst-ales will Address Truckers nt the School Auditorium Saturday. Miss "Wll Lou Gray, rural school supervisor, has announced that the ?e County Teaohers Association will hold Its monthly meeting in the graded school auditorium here Satur day morning. The meeting will op en promptly at 11 o'clock, so all tho teachers are urged to he on time. The feature of the day will he an address by Prof. J. (5. Clinkscales. of Wofford college. Prof, clinkscales is too well known in 1.aureus county to attempt to tell who he Is. the mere announcement being lulllcient to guarantee a splondld meeting. Alter the nddl'088 by Prof, Clinks cales. a round table discussion on "The General Appearance of Schools" Will be held. It is expected that the teachers Will come prepared to enter Into this discussion with a great deal of spirit as this phase of education is receiving more attention now than it ever before. Laurens county has oc cupied a prominent part In the move ment to Improve the school buildings and she is now expected to show an equal Interest in making beautiful those she has by decorating the rooms asd beautifying the grounds. Miss Qray stales that many teach ers experience considerable difficulty In securing conveyances to attend ?"'ose meetings. She requests that the trustees take some interest in this matter by providing a way for the tcnclx is to get hero. She holds thn> inasmuch as the teachers are living, with all the means they have at hand, to increase the efficiency of tbeiu se'v? i and their schools Mini the trus tees Bhould lend a band and cooperate by providing tho conveyances for them to attend. A horse and buggy for a few hours Saturday would enable the 'enchoi'B lo attend this most Import? ast meeting. UNION WANTS ONE. "The School Journal" Makes a lilt In Union County. Prof. Goodwin, a Laurens boy. who is teaching school In Union county, came over during the Thanksgiving holidays to get some Information about the "School Journal" which Is being publjshed by the Laurens Coun ty Teachers Association. Ho Stated I that those interested in school Im > provoment in Union county were strongly Impressed with the "Journal" as an incentive to better school work, and had decided to begin publication of a similar organ at onco, This ; nly one of manv score com pllments to tho progressivoness of the Laurens county schools obtain od through the "School Journal", In ? qulries are coining in almost every day as to the methods used in its publication and with each inquiry comes a compliment. Rylnnd lloyd Dead. News was received in the city yes terday of the death of Rylnnd Boyd. the young son of Mr. R. Dunk lloyd, Of the Trinity Ridge section. The young man, just about sixteen years of age, has been sick for some days, with pneumonia and bis death was not unexpected. The interment took place yesterday afternoon at Chestnut RldgC church, a large number of friends be ing present to witness the last cere monies. Rylnnd Boyd was a young man of exemplary character and beautiful disposition, being popular among all of Iiis friends and elders. Tho parents have the sympathy of all who know them In their great be reavement. Beautiful Selig Service. Tin? choirs of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches united at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening and rendered a splendid sacred song service, a short talk being made by Rev, c. F. Rankin on the place music and song has occupied in the chris tianizing of the world. Beftido Rev era] duets and quartets, a number of choruses taken from the cantata Saul were sung. The service was largely attended and very much nppreclntod. Miss Jnnle Feafherxfone Demi. Miss Jnnle Fontherstone, of An les son, well known in this city as the sister of lion. c. c. Fenthorstono, died at her home yesterday morning. She was stricken with paralysis last Slimmer and never recovered. Her death Is deeply deplored by a'.l who know her here. The interment will lake piftC0 in Anderson. LARGE CROWD HERE ON SALES DAY Real Estate Brought Fair Prices. BIDDING LIVELY ON SOME TRACTS In Bpito of tlic Repression In Business Circles nnd (lie right Condition of the Money Market, the I.nnd Sales Monduj were Well Attended and Fair Trices Itulod. Monday was salesday of DOCOinher and the usual largo crowd was in tho oily. A largo number of sales were made by county olllcorg and by private parties, some of lite land bringing very good prices considering tho short i crop and complain! of light money. (Merk of Court Sales, in the case of Joel Dlackwull, ol al., >s It. A. Cooper. Ii'.n acres known as the Thomas Coats place on llabun creek, bought by it. a. Cooper for $000. In the case of Lucy I). Hunt, et a., vs C. I). Ilarksdale, et a., II! 12 acres known as the J. Wash Williams place near Mouiitvlllc, soM to A. M. Hill for $:t.i;on. In the case of llcsslo I), Smith vs John T. Hill, If. acres of land in Cross Hill township, bought by .1. II. M. Smith for $ t .77.".. in the ease of Dr. Frank M, Lander vs Grace Matthews Lander and Lulu w. Alien, it;:. a< res In cross Hill township, houghl by Dr. Frank M. Lander for $1,000. In the case of M. S. I! Goodwin vs It. 13. Goodwin ol al., I2'l acres known as the. (Soodwin home place, bought by (). P, Goodwin for $1.000. In the case of M. S. Pulley Ai Son V'h Wntorcc llaptiHt church, two and one half acres with church thereon, bought by R. T. Dunlap for $:i:;.r. in the case of Bilgcnii Nichols et. al., \s H, L. Roper and I). A. Mar tin, et 111., all tracts bought by II. L Roper for the total sum of $6,110, Sheriff's Sale. In the case of the Knterpriso Rank vs Ursula M Wallace and Thos. M. Shaw, both tracts woe bought by li. V. Wallace, tract No. I. a house and lot on Laurel street, for $2,700; tract No. 2, another house and lot on Lau rel street, at pres. lit UlQOCCUplod, $1,000. In the cast of Claril II. Rahb vs ! .lohn Williams el al . a lot on Green street, bought by Ren Madden for , $17.-.. In ?!:?? ease of Laupns Trust Co., ; vs 13. R. Tcmploton, .1, C, Tomploton, let. a... six lots on place known as i B?dgott landH, bhuglll by Laurens Trust Co. for $r>00. Probate Judge's Sales. In the case of Annie R. Hopkins and .1. W. RnlontltlO vs Wellie R. Ral ontlnc et. al.. 48 and S7-IO0 acres near Ware Shoals, bought by Annie R. Hop kins for $r.00. In the ease of M. L. Nash, as ad ministrator of the estate of JamOfl A. Austin, vs Mary B. Austin, 152 acres of land, known as the Samuel Austin home place, bought by M L. Nash for $1,475; also, house and lot on South Harper stroot, bought by M. L. Nash for $4,000. Private Sales. In addition to these sales, several private sales were made. W. I'.. ? Knight, as administrator of the will j and testament of Margaret M. Dial, sold tOO acres near Parks dale station ' known a<t the "Quarter", This was bought in by the estate at $'17:.. Dr. .1. S. Wolff bought in for himself the tract of s-'t acres put on sale by him. $1.500 being the highest bid. The 110 acres advertised for sale by Mrs. M. F. Farrow was bought in by her representatives for $4.000. TO M \ h F. LONG CRI'ISK. Samuel Mcflowatl to ^company At lantic Fleet a*. Paymaster an Voyage beginning Januar) .">. Washington. Die. V. Pay Inspec tor ?amilGl McGowan was today de tached from the r>av.v pay OlllCO at. \ Philadelphia and is In Wmitlsgton to BOttlO accounts pre|.arato-\ to becom ing flool paymastor of the Atlantic the- January After remaining bore a few d. ys, Mi. McGo-nn will go to South Carolina and say good bye to the people at home b foro starting on his long CrulSC. The State t