The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 20, 1912, PART 1, PAGES 1 TO 8, Image 1

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MAMMOTH WARSHIPS VISIT CHARLESTON Whoie City is a Scene of Gaiety. HEAP MUCH WATER IN MAIN CHANNEL Greatest Fleet Even Before In South, ern Waters, now in Charleston Ha-r bor. Officers and Men to be Enter talned in True Charleston Fashion for a Week. Charleston, Nov. 17.?The three di visions of the Atlantic fleet arrived in port early this afternoon, being wel comed by a crowd of many thousand people who lined the battery and the wharves as the big ships came into the harbor and proceeded to their an chqrage ground. It was a magnificent sight to see the ocean leviathans as they steamed Into port iu single col umn formation, the somber business like gray color being lightened by the display of the flags of the various fleet and ship officers and the signal colors as they floated. In the breeze. The ships came through the new straight channel with a neap tide and a north wind which did not add to the depth of water, yet there was an abundance of water. The North Dakota and the Utah, the heaviest draft ships, drawing 29.4 and 28.5 feet respectively, came through the new straight channel which is pro jected to take the place of the Cum tuings pojnt range, with its two turns. A Deep Harbor. The ships required no easing and that there was morw than 34 feet at the minimum depth spoke well for the harbor, and the fact was freely commented upon by the officers. The dredging of the channel is still under way and will provo especially useful to long big draft ships. Rear Admiral Osterhaus was offi cially visited by the committee on reception this afternoon. The party was very cordially received aboard and entertained In the admiral's cabin. It was a particular pleasure to many of the committee to meet Capt. W. S. Benson, commanding officer of the ship, who is well known here, he hav ing been for a couple of years inspec tor of the lighthouse department, and ho was as well pleased to meet his Charleston friends. The committee used H. P. Williams' launch, Vadlo. The only visitors to the ships this afternoon were those having business ?f an official character. . Besides the committee on reception, Ool. Lud low of the army post and Command ant Helm of the Charleston navy yard visited the vessels, paying their re spects. Thousands See Ships. The water front was literally black with peoplo and tho tiarbor was alive with moving craft of every descrip tion. It Is estimated that not less than 25,0t;0 saw tho ships at anchot this evening. Their launches were moving freely between the wharves and the olty tonight, several thousand seamen are on tho street and they are having a lively time in celebrating .their leave. Charleston Is already rapidly filling Up With visitors. The hotel lobbies Rfe lively places tonight, and IheVfl are many strangers on the streets. ft , fhe fair opens at 9:30 o'clock to morrow With an address by Mayor Grace and the round of festivities will be in full blast for a weok with the naval features occupying ft prominent part In the programme of the week. The 'weather is ideal with indications Of It continuing to be fair, and the protr&mme will be followed as al ready outlined. Cotton Market Up. Although the cotton market weak ened considerably last week, losing around $2.00 per bale, the market rose awlftly Monday and Tuesday and yes terday the best cotton was bringing 12 6-8, which IS the highest price of the year. sowing Grals. From all sections or the county comes the reports that more grata than usual Ig being sown this year. With the cotton stalks out of the way ?0 early In the year, the season has been especially favorable for 'this work and a large amount of seed 3ms been put into the ground. COURT ADJOURNED FRIDAY EVENING After being Jn Session for Two Weeks, the Court Adjourned Sine Die Fri day Evening. The court of common pleas ad journed Friday evening, after having been in session for two weeks. The court was taken up with several case& of considerable importance and these occupied most of the two weeks time. The case of Mrs. Nannie E. Tucker, as administratrix of the estate of Roy Tucker vs the Clinton Cotton Mills, which case was in the hands of the Jury when Tee Advertiser went to press fcr its last issue, resulted in a mistrial, the jury remitting out for uaighteon hours without having come to any agreement. 'The Clinton Cotton mills have served notice of an appeal to the supreme court In the kindred case of Mrs. Nannie E. Tucker as ad ministrator of the estate of Thomas Tucker, in which the plaintiff was awarded a verdict of $1.000. against the Clinton Cotton mills as re corded in the last issue of The Ad vertiser. A case of considerable importance, because of the fact that several other cases involving the same parties and issues hinge upon it. was that of the Planters Grocery company vs Mrs. Ef fle M. Burns, in which the plaintiffs were awarded a verdict for the total amount atsked, $250.00 and Interest. This case grew out of the failure of the Planters Grocery Co., which oc curred some months ago. The form er husband of the defendant, the late B. C. Burns, it was alleged by the plaintiffs, subscribed to five shares of stock, of the par value of $100 each, in the Planters Grocery company and paid One half of his subscription. When the company went into bank ruptcy, Mrs. Burns refused to pay tho remaining subscription, claiming that the stock had not been subscribed. As stated above a verdict was rendered for the plaintiffs. In the case of J. C. Smith, et al vs Mrs. Jennie A. Smith, et al, Involving the home place of the late D. C. Smith of Waterloo, a verdict was rendered for the plaintiffs. This was a contest over a will. Wednesday aftornoon the Jury re turned n verdict of $200 for the plain tiff in the case of P. A. Strange vs the Western Union Telegraph com pany. The plaintiff charged failure to deliver a telegram directed to his father In Piedmont during the illness and subsequent death of plaintiffs child. In the case of the Milling Grocery company vs G. A. Campbell, Involving an account owed the plaintiff by the defendant at the time defendant's store was burned in Clinton some months ago, a verdict for $282.70 for the plaintiff was returned by the jury. In the case of C. R. Workman vs the S. A. L. Ry., In whTcn the plaintiff sued for $15,000 damages from tin* railroad for enticing labor from his f'irm, a verdict of $750 was rendered the plaintiff. It was nlleged that an agent of the railroad persuaded three of plaintiff's hired laborers to leave Iiis farm. This cast .ill be appealed to the supremo court. In the account of court proceedings last week, it was stated that the de fendants won a verdict In the case of D. H. Counts vw O. P. Goodwin and R. A. Cooper. This was erron eous, the plaintiff, D. H. Counts, se curing a verdict, though not In full I for the amount asked Monument Unveiled. The Woodmen of the World unveil ed a handsome monument over the grave of the late A. B. Culbertson. At Union church Sunday Afternoon. An unusually large number of Woodmen were present, lending an added solem nity to the service. Mr. C. A. Power made the address of the day, eulogiz ing the deceased, A QUartef\ com posed of Messrs. Charles H. "and Ed. Hicks, R. G. Franks and M. TU Roper contributed several beautiful selec tions. R will be remembered that Mr. Culbertson died just about a year ago in the county hospital. At Youngs School House. Hob. R. A. Cooper will make nn ad dress at Youngs school house Thurs day night, the 21st. A small adrals Hlon fee will be charged, just enough to buy a few little articles now need ed In the school. The public is cor dially invited to attend. The audi ence is expected to assemble at 7:30 o'clock. DEATH OF P. S. HOLT. Well Known Citizen of Sullivan Township Died Snturday Afternoon Mr. Pleas S. Dolt, a well known citizen of Sullivan township, died nt his home there Snturday afternoon, following a long illness. The funeral and burial services were held Sunday afternoon at Rabun church, W. A. Baldwin conducting the service, a large number of sorrowing friends and relatives gathering to pay tribute. Mr. Bolt is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. C. E. Saxon, and four sons: Ben, Walter, Eugene and Ewell. At the time of his death he was sixty two years of age. HIT OF THE SEASON. Reulnli Ruck Concert Company to be the Attraction of the Lyceum Next Friday. The next lyceum number will be given at the school house Friday, No vember 22nd, when the Beulah Buck Concert company will be the attrac tion. The Beulah Buck Concert com pany, it will he remembered, was one of the attraction of the lyc eum course last year and gave a very enjoyable entertainment. In fact it was consid ered one of the very best attractions of the course, and those who attend are assured of an evening of delight ful entertainment. The local manage ment of the course has been Inform ed by one who has already seen the company this year, that the program is entirely different from that of last year and is in every way equally as attractive. At Chestnut Ridge. Dr. E. M. Poteat, of Furman Uni versity, will preach the morning ser mon at Chestnut Ridge church the coming Sunday. Dr. Poteat Is so well known In this county, that It Is safe to prodict that a large congregation will be present to hear him. Besides being president of Furman Universi ty, Dr. Poteat is looked upon as one of the leading pulpit and platform orators of the state. The public 1b cordially invited to be present at the service. Kicked by Horse. Mr. Jerry Martin, who lives out about Martins Cross Road, had the misfortune of receiving a kick from a horse several days ago. His should er blade was dislocated and he was otherwise painfully injured, but at the last report he was doing very well A Hot Supper. A hot supper will be given at Bail eys School Friday night, for the ben efit of the school. A large attendance Is expected. The public is cordially invited. Dr. Potent at Laurens Hill. Dr. B. W. Poteat, of Furman Univer sity, will make an address at the Lau l rens mill school building Saturday ev ening at 7:30 o'clock. It was only by mere good luck that Dr. Poteat was secured for this meeting, so it Is hoped that a large audience will greet him. Owlngs Presbyterian Church. The Ladies Aid society of the Pres byterian church of Owlngs will en tertain their friends (at the chapel) on Thanksgiving evening Nov. 28th, from 5:30 to 10 o'clock. Oysters, cream, cake, salad and coffee will be served. Everybody Is cordially limit ed to tlfis reception and to help in the worthy cause. Play at Gray Court. The Ladies Aid Society, of the Oray Court Baptist church, will give a play at the Oray Court-Owlngs Insti tute, Friday night, Nov. 22nd. The play is said to be well written and beautifully acted, so a large crowd is expected to be present. B. H. Balle Better. SeVeral days ago, a telegram was received by his relatives here to the efTect that Mr. B. IL. Balle, now of Philadelphia, was seriously ill The message caused considerable anxiety among his old friends here and they will be glad to hear that at the last report he was much better and on the road to recovery. To Fountain Inn. Mr. J. D. Armstrong, who has been with the Palmetto Pharmacy for sev eral months, left here Monday for Fountain Inn. where he has accepted a position as manager of one of the drug stores there. His friends here regretted to give him up. THANKSGIVING CLOSING. Stores to Close so that AH May Give Thankg as liest They See Fit. As is the usual custom In other places and in past years in Laurons, the stores of the city will be closed Thanksgiving day, so that owners and clerks alike may take the day off to observe it In fitting manner. A peti tion was circulated yesterday asking the proprietors of business houses to sign and It was signed by nearly all of the leading merchants. It will be remembered that Thanksgiving was not fittingly observed In Laurens last year, nearly all of the stores remain ing open, but as no petition was cir culated no united action was possible. This year, however, the merchants have signed and It nas been deter mined that all stares are to close. The following Is the. petition and the list of names signed to it: We, the undersigned merchants of Lauren8 agree to close our stores on Thursday, Nov. 28th, 1912, Thanks giving day: Minb?r Co. Switzer Co. II. Terry S. M. & B. H. Wllkes & Co. Moseley & Roland. J. O. C. Fleming & Co. Fleming Bros. W. Solomon. Clardy & Wilson. Lsvcrett Furniture Co. J. C. Shell & Co. Dial Co. Todd, Simpson & Co. Davis-Roper Co. W. G. Wilson Co. R. W. Willis. Red Hot Racket. Brooks & Jones. Laurens Hardware Co. J. M. Phllpot. Hunter & Co. Owinga & Owlngs. > J. H. Sullivan John A. Franks. Kennedy Bros. Mahaffoy & Babb. J. C. Burns & Co. Advertiser Printing Co. ACCIDENTAL KILLING OF NEGRO GAMBLER Rural Policeman On lugs Shot a Ne gro Who Tried to Make Escape Af ter Capture. David Hamp, a negro gambler from Greenville, was killed a short dis tance from where the Mt. Carmel col ored fair was being held Thursday afternoon by Rural Policeman Colum bus Owlngs. According to the story of Mr. Owlngs, the kliiing was pure ly accidental and he lias been accord ingly exonerated by the coroner's jury. The colored fair is on annual event and David Hamp seems to have come down to make a haul off of the coun try negroes. A game of cards was in progress, when the rural policeman sprung a surprise and pounced upon the players. The other negroes made good their escape, but David Hamp was caught by the policeman. The game was being played on the ground, with Hamp's overcoat serving os a table. When Mr. Owlngs, holding his prisoner by the arm, reached down to the overcoat to clean off the table of cards, money, etc., Hamp attempted to make a break to get away. Mr. Ow lngs was holding him by the sleeve with a pistol in the same hand. As the negro made a tug, he automatical ly caused the fingers of the rural po liceman to contract, causing the trig ger to be pulled. The cartridge ex ploded, the bullet entering the side of the negro. He died shortly after wards. In the clothes of the negro were found three decks of cards, an Ivor Johnson pl?tol and other articles,, Im plicating him as a professional gam bler. As the killing appeared to the coro ner's Jury to be clearly accidental, no warrant was sworn out and it is hard ly probable that any trial of Mr. Ow lngs will be held. A Beautiful Building. The drawing of the new Bank of Laurens building, which has been in the window of the Laurena Drug Co. for the past few days has attracted considerable attention. From this drawing, It is evident that this bank ing house will be quite an ornament to the city. The contractors, Mcbstb. Rounds & Son, have been at work de molishing the old building since the early part of last week. TO IMPROVE PLAINT AT CHICORA COLLEGE Greenville Citizens will 1m> Culled up on to Subscribe $.10,000 for a New Dormitory. In view of the recent agitation for the removal of Chicora College from j Greenville to Laurons, the article be llow, taken from the Greenville News of Nov. 16., will he read with Interest ! by citizens here. It will bo seen that the people of Greenville are to raise $30.000 to he used In building and equipping a new dormitory. Besides this, It Is expected that the city of Greenville is to donate a street run ning by the college property and also that the college expects to purchase additional property adjoining the present college site. The article from the Greenville News is as follows: Presbyterians throughout South Carolina will he interested in a meet ing of representative members of the three Presbyterian churches of Greenville which was held Friday ev ening in the First Presbyterian church for the purpose of consider Ing and acting on certain resolutions adopted by the executive COmmlttOI of the hoard of trustees of Chicora College? at a session held in this city a few days ago. The resolutions adopted by the executive committee of the board of trustees, and which were referred to this meeting of prominent Presbyter ians Friday evening, are as follows: "Having investigated the available sites for the relocation of the college in or near the city of Greenville, we find that very few of them are de sirable for the purpose and that ev erything considered, In our judg ment, there is none which offers de cided advantages over the present site, If it can be enlarged; "Therefore be It resolved: That this committee of three together with Dr. Pyrd he appointed; "(1.1 To determine what buildings, necessary to equip inodernly and adesuate tho college to enable It to provide for the accommodation of about two hundred hoarding pupils and the local patronage, then to em ploy an architect who shall prepare plans and specifications for the same; "(2) To submit these plans and specifications to the Presbyterians and friends of Greenville with the I suggestion that, in as much as these developments are deemed necessary for the growth and success of the col lego and for making a plant of which both the city of Creenville and the Synod of South Carolina would be proud, the committee, the hoard and the Presbyteries would most cordial ly appreciate it if Greenville would COntnibtue the money necessary to execute these plans; "CD Respectfully t > ask the City Council of Creenville to donate to the college that part of Khctt street which lies between River and Ham mond streets; "(4) In case the Presbyterians and friends in Creenville contribute the money necessary to give effec t to these plans and the council donate the street to the college the executive committee will recommend to the board that certain properties adja cent to the college and across Rh Ott street be purchased *,r a reasonable price, for the enlargement of the college site and that the College' re main for the present where it is." Unbounded enthusiasm and inter est was manifested in the meeting Friday evening. There was an evi dent delight and satisfaction that the authorities of Chicora- College had decided to leave the Institution at the present site. There was a hearty re sponse to the suggestion made for a greater Chicora and for the erection of the "Greenville Dormitory." A number of addresses were made and a resolution unanimously adopt ed "that it is the sense of this meet ing that a vigorous and aggressive canvass be made very soon to raise the sum of $30,000 for the erection of the new dormitory and carrying out the needed Improvements." A committee was appointed to devise ways and means for prosecuting the plans. In speaking of the matter, after tho meeting Friday evening, Presi dent Hyrd of Chicora said: "When this building Is erected and the nec essary Improvements made the col lege can accommodate 200 boarding students and a very large- number of local students and will be thorough (Contlnued rm Page Fight.) Jury Recommends That the Solicitor Take Action. FLAYS THE SHERIFF FOR SLOW ACTION Points out Where one Appropriation baa lieen Kxopndcd for a Different Purpose, Which is a Violation of the law- Convict Expenses ?0 f?r Hate Exceeded the appropriation. Greenville, s. C, Nov. 19.?In Its presentment to the one-day special term of the court of General Sessions Monday tin* grand Jury- brought to light a condition of affairs relative to the management of tho county's business b ythe Hoard of Commission ers consisting of (he late Supervisor .1. I*. Goodwin, .1. M. Austin, who was named by Governor Rloasc to IUI out Mr. Goodwin's unexpirel term, and T. .1. New by, recently roelerted. that is astounding. The presentment 1? perhaps the most unusual one ever handed In by a grand jury In Green ville county. It covers 35 typewrit ten pages of legal cap paper, and re lates in full what was uncovered by a most exhaustive examination Into the affairs of all the county oftlcors. The presentment declares, however, that the committee found no evidence of misappropriation of the county's funds in such a way 'as to cause a monetary loss to the county. Hut tlx? most adverse criticisms are heaped upon tho Hoard of Commissioners and tho sheriff, and other officers getting off comparatively light and some of them receiving commendation for tho manner in which they conduct their affairs. The presentment, with ro spect to of Hoard or Commissioners, winds up by recommending that tint matter be referred to the solicitor for action, and quotes a section of tho statutes showing that the Commission era have committed what, on its face, is a felony, punishable by a fine not. exceeding $5,000 and not less than IfiOO, or imprisonment at hard labor in the state penitentiary for not more than live years and not h-ss than one year. Misapplj lug oi* Funds. The presentment alleges that ap proprlatlons for i?ii were charged to Section Ml of the criminal code to claim for the year 1910, and quotes show that this is a breach of the law. The grand Jury stoles that 12,006.01 I was misappropriated in this manner. Of the funds for 1912 the sum of $10,004..12 have been misapplied, as serts the presentment. "We have discovered serious Ir regularities in connection with the management of the appropriation of . 1913 for convicts and maintaining the road working organization," sayK the grain! Jury. The presentment stales that by law was appropriated the sum of $22.000 Tor this purpose, but that up to the first of October the sum of $33,104.77 had boon ex pended for this purpose. By the end Of the year, the grand Jury estimates the convict system will have cost tlm county $38,114.77, not counting the bills which have not yet been pre sented. The presentment assorts that many claims have been paid without first being approved by a majority of the Hoard of Commissioners, and in some instances without the approval of a single member of the.' Hoard. It is < laitned that other claims were paid without being itemized and that some were paid without betng dated, both of which are required by law. The grand Jury criticize* tho con tracting of several bills and states that they are not considered proper debts against the county. Among these is a bill for automobile hire for 1911 amounting to $3.g, a bill for au tomobile hire for 191,j amounting to $244.HO, board for a notrse at a public livery stable during 191 land 1912 at a cost of $17.50 per month, expenses of delegates' to roaft conventions amounting to $5G> and '[neglect to pay accounts In time to get u discount of 20 per cent. The cross- country net provides that the Commissioners ?hall receive $100 extra a year for additional ser vices required because of this special act. "Notwithstanding the fact that (Continued on T>3<ge Five.)