i Every Boy and Girl Wants a Watch! 1 t1 We want every pipe and cigarette smoker in this country to know how good Duke's Mixture is. know thnt everv crnin in that biff ounce 6c sack is pure, clean tobacco sack you i I ST. LOUIS. MO. 5JJ mi you t one ant/ a half ? a delightful smoke. And vou should know, too, that, with each now get a book of cigarette papers and A Free Present Coupon These coupons are good for hundreds of valuable pres ents, such as watches, toilet articles, silverware, furni ture, and dozens of other articles suitable for every member of the family ....... . . ... . . .. . You will 6urcly like Duke's Mixture, made by Liggett 6} Myers at Durban., N. C, and the presents cannot fail to please you and yours. As a special offer, during October and November only we will send you our new illustrated catalog of presents FREE. Just 6end us your name and address on a postal. Coupons front Duke's Aftxturt may b* assortrd with togs from HORSE shoe.j.t..tinsley's natural LEAF. GRANGER twist, coupons from FOUR ROSES (lOc ltn doublt coupon). PICK plug cut. PIED. MO NT CfGARETTES. CL1X CIGA. RETTES. and other tags or coupons stsutd by us. Premium Dept. Bad Spells " I suffered, during girlhood, from womanly weakness," writes Mrs. Mollie Navy, of Walnut, N. C. "At last, I was almost bed-ridden, and had to give up. We had three doctors. All the time, I was getting worse. I had bad spells, that lasted from 7 to 28 days. In one week, after I gave Cardut a trial, I could eat, sleep, and joke, as well as anybody. In 8 weeks, I was well. I had been an invalid for 5 weary years I Cardui relieved me, when everything else failed." .RDUI WomansTonic If you are weak and ailing, think what it would mean, to you, to recover as quickly as Mrs. Navy did. For more than 50 years, this purely vegetable, tonic remedy,for women, has been used by thousands of weak and ailing sufferers. They found it of real value in relieving their aches and pains. Why suffer longer? A remedy that has relieved and helped so many, is ready, at the nearest drug store, for use, at once, by you. Try it, today. i WrfrV to: L*die*' AdvUory Dept.. ChiHanonp* Medicine Co.. Chattanooja, Teno. for Special Instructions, and 64-pace book. " Home Treatment lor Women," sent free. J 57 EXPERT Mechanic In Charge Owners of Automobiles in this County are advised that Mr. W. T. Wesson is in charge of our Rapair Department in the Repair Business which I recently bought from Mr. W. P. Hudgens. He has been in the Automobile business for years and is fully competent to, turn out the very ^best work at Moderate Prices. Oive us a trial and be convinced. Wham Brothers Garage LAURENS, S. C. | RLEASE PAROLES POPE RAVIRR. Saludii Man I'nder 5-Year Sentence Gets Liberty. Columbia, Oct. 26?Pope B. Havlrd, of Saluda County, serving a five-year term for assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature, was today par oled by he governor during good be havior ar.d upon the further condition that "if he violates any of the crimi nal laws of this state raid be convicted therefor thereafter that he shall be returned to the State penitentiary to serve the remainder of the sentence in the case for which this parole is grant ed." Havlrd, a prominent white planter, of Saluda, was charged with having attempted to run down in the public road, Miss Mitchell, a young school teacher, about twenty years of age. Havlrd. according to testimony at tlie trial, was driving a mule when he came upon Miss Mitchell and attempt ed to run her down, so frightening her that she had to remain away from school for several days. It was said that the trouble arose over .Miss Mit chell having attempted to discipline a child of Havlrd's nt school. In passing sentence on Havlrd at the time of his conviction Judge Sense sentenced him to live years and told htm he would suspend it at the end of two years. However, it has been de cided that a judge cannot suspend sen tence and Judge Scase joined in ask ing the governor to extend clemency to Havlrd. Records in the governor's office show that a strong ami mi lier OUSly signed petitions was filed in be half of Havlrd by the people of Saluda. Havlrd has only one arm. Offence Churned Against Havlrd. Saluda. Octo. 26.?-Pope B. Havlrd. paroled unlay by the governor, was convicted of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature at the March term. 1911, court of Saluda county, and sentenced by Judge Sense to live years on the county chain gang. The particular charge for which Havlrd was convicted was an effort to drive his mule and buggy over Miss Carrie Mitchell, a young lady teacher. Havlrd being incensed because she had' Whipped one of his children. The trial excited considerable attention ami some parts of the testimony was sen- \ sationul. Hnvlrd'a attorney endeavored to get a change of venue to Eklgefleld county, contending an impartial trial could not be had in Saluda county. Upon the showing made .lodge Scase promptly refused the motion. The ac tion of the governor In granting a pa role will probably meet with general approval in this county, as those who j know Havlrd best believe the lesson he : has learned will prove a valuable one for him.- News and Courier. ****??****?**?? t * * NEWS FROM JOTVES. * * * * Jones, S. C.^Oct, 20.?Hon. .1. P. VVideman, superintendent of education was hero last week Mr. 0. B. Rlley spent last week in Greenville in attendanscc upon tin IT. S. court as a juror. Messrs. C. C. Harper of TTonea Path. Win. Anderson of Waterloo and P. 1.. Rramlett and son. Hen. of Fountain I Inn were In our midst recently. Mrs. (!. I.. Qraham w?s in Green wood Tuesday. The friends of Mrs. Robert Ilig gins. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam death. All of our people tenderly sym pathize with the sorely bereaved rel atives. Mr. Walter Jones, of Orcenwood, was at Ware Shoals a few day's ago. Mr. W. E, Algnry is storing his cot ton a; Ware Khoa;:?. Messrs. Walter and Adam Jones at tended the circus in Greenwood. Rev. Mr. Heydock assisted bj Rev, Homer Owens, is conducting a series I of meetings at Ware Shoals. We are indebted to Messrs. Q. IV Rlley, s. p. Rlley, 0. J. Beachnm, w. E. Algary, I. X. and Joshua Cooper. ' . for recent kind favors. * Mrs Toccoa Cannon of Abbeville is > on a visit to Mrs. Dr. W. TownOR , Jones. Mr. (',. B. Rlley attended the fair in Abbeville. tie recently met our friend. Mr Th08, Ruits of Ekom. ' Our school opened last Monday ? with Mrs. G, L. (Iraham as teacher. , A cordial welcome awaits all pu* ( pils who may enroll. STOMACH SI FFKRKRN i AY NO! .??>G UNLESS CURED. - A Postal will brlnsr Trial Treatment and a History of FamouH reople. MI-O-NA.Stomach Tablets surely do ' end all indigestion and stomach misery , and to prove It we will send a trial treatment, an interesting booklet, and ' tell you exactly how to banish all , stomach trouble and put your stomach In line shape or not a cent to pay. ' Just say on a postal or in a letter. > '.Send me free trial treatment of MI O-NA" and you will never he sorry ' ?address Rooth's Mi-o-na. Rugalo, N. > Y Laurens Drug Co. guarantee^ them, We are offering some very special ? values in Rugs and Art Squares, call . and see them. S. M. & P. H. W ILK ES & CO. Wernaus' Missionary l'nlon. To the missionary workers in the churches of the seeoiul division of the W. M. r. of Laurens county: Dear Sisters: Perhaps most of you know that the w. M. v. of Laurens county, at our ?ast annual meeting, was sub-divided ed into three divisions in order that we might be enabled to hold suarterly meetings through the year and thus be brought in closer touch with, and be more helpful to. each other. The second division of which I was se lected president) is composed of the Churches named below. 1 was disappointed in not being able to go to the association at Quaker, for 1 felt sure so many members of our division would be there. Mrs. Hobo writes me that, at an Informal meet lug there, an invitation was re ceived from the society of Chestnut Ridge to hold our first quarterly meet* Inb with them. I therefore appoint this committee on time and they enn let us know when the meeting will bo | held: Mrs. Clara Watts. Mrs. R. A. Cooper and Mrs. Lena Brown. AM of these good ladies have telephones so. though they are not close together, yd It will be very easy for them to arrange, the time. 1 would like to suggest this, however, that It be on Saturday and some time In Decem ber; on Saturday because that will enable our members who are teachers to be with us, and also some mothers, whose older children are at school but who are at home on Saturdays and In December, as that will give us all of November to work on Hie program. These are the churches composing hope that each wotnans' society ami young people's society and Y. W. A. will be represented and meet with us in our quarterly meeting at (Must nut Ridge: Princeton. Rabnn Creek. (Mn stm t iti'ige lV'st Lnurens. Lucas Ave.. Mt. (inllnghcr, Ml. Olive, Pop lar Springs, L'111 or. and New Prospect. Nt vt week the program for the meeting ami the exact time will be published. We trust that each mem ber, who Is nnpointcd on the pro arum, will feel that it is her duty and call for higher service and will give 'is her best thoughts. We desire to have our first meeting worthy of the cause we represent. Sincerely, Cleo ('. Wofford, Madden, S. C. President. ? EKOM NOTF.S. ? lOkom, Oct. 2C.?We are compelled io say good by to dear old summer time. As the cold mornams and nights force us to sit by the warm fire. The farmers will soon be through picking cotton and a good many are sowing oats. j Mr. A. R. Thome has his new gin nery running nicely no wand is gin ning a good deal of cotton, with Mr. T. Y. Cooper at the gin. and Mr. Carl Culbertson at the engrne. The health of our community is I very good. Mrs. .1. Q. Cooper has been sick, but is better. Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. .1. Blledge spent Friday with their mother. Mrs .lone Cooper. Mrs. Allie Culbertson and Mrs .Mat tie Pitts spent Thursday near Water loo. Miss Jessie Culbertson spent last week with relatives at Ware Shoals. Morning Sickness Many won.en suffer this mis ery. It makes its appear ance so regularly that they learntocxpect it and arrange their household v/ork accord ingly. Few women think of seeking medical help to get rid of it for good. If women only knew of the power and effectiveness of Dr. Sim mons Squaw Vine Wine they would not be without it a moment longer than it would take to get it from the drug store. It is a splendid remedy for all nau sea or sickness of the stom ach. The first dose settles the stomach and makes the patient feel better. Addl tlonaldosesacton the female generative system, strength ening weakened organs, reg ulating the habits, restoring tone and strength In every part of the body. It '.3 essen tially a woman's remedy prepared expressly to meet the need of women who suffer from the ailments common to their sex. Sold by Druggists and Dealern Price $1 Per Bottle C.F.SIMMONS MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI LACHEMS DR?O CO. I aureus, S. ('. Drop in with, or Mail your architect's plans and builder's list, and let us figure with you on a complete house bill. You will be surprised and pleased. Our stock is so complete and varied, you can easily satisfy yourself on the most particular and exacting specifications. Controlling the manufacture of our entire out put as we do, from stump through our own saw and planing mills to the finished product, we furnish mill work and interior finish that is of the highest stan dard. Complete house bills our specialty. "Buy of the Maker" AUGUSTA LUMBER CO. AUGUSTA. GA. Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Etc. FOR SALE! Nice tract of 0 acres with a new 6-room cot tage and barn at Cold Point known as the Dr. Jones Place. Good Farm of 112 aces near Barksdale Sta tion with dwelling, two tennnt houses and out buildings, known as James Todd Place. A bar gain at $18.00 per acre. Good 6-room house and lot in city of Laurens near square. House in good repair. A bargain at $2,250.00. 30 acre, fine Farm, all in cultivation, one mile of Princeton fronting Dr. Gilkerson's place, at $40.00 per acre. 100 acres, line farm, known as Polly Franks' place, four miles above Laurens. 107 acres in Spartanburg county, near Mus grove Mill. See us at once for prices. 113 acres of land known as Monroe land, join ing lands of T. J. Mahon. See us for prices. ?17 acres near Tumbling Shoals, and Prospect church, known as Watkin's Place. See us at once. Home Trust Company j N. B. DIAL, C H. KOPEK, President. See. & Treaa. LAUKENS, SOUTH CAROLINA h?t??MMMM>MMMMMMMMtlMIMMMMHMMM Greenville, Spartanburg and An derson Railway Company. Schedule Between Anderson, S. C, and Greenwood, S. C, effective Sept. 22, 1912. Lt. linlorson G: i? A. M. 8:20 A 10:4G A 1:15 p 4:20 p 7: or, p \,\. Greenwood 6.00 a. m. 8:20 a. m. 10:15 a. M. 2:10 P, m. 4:10 p. m. 8:00 p. M. KAS'i - hoi m? w i.s r.iioi m> Ar. Greenwood 8 : Ifi A. M. 10:0b A. M 12:20 p. M. 2 :.v. p. M. 6; 06 p. m. 9:50 i*. m. Ar. Anderson 7:45 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 1 I Ml a. m 3:50 ip. m. 6:05 p. m. 0:46 v. M. Between Anderson, S. C, and Belton, S. C, (In ad dition to Through Service Between Anderson and Greenwood.) NOUTII-ltOOD LT. Anderson ><:30 a. m. 12:35 p. 2:20 p. r.:0G p. 8:00 p. ?i: \L p. M. m. m. M, m. Lt. Helton 9:06 a. 1:20 p. :::10 p. 6:25 i'. S:40 p. sor rn-noi \i> Ar. Helton 8:66 a. m. i :00 I*. m. 2:4f? p. m 6:26 p. M. x:2f> p. m. 0:45 p m. Ar. Anderson 10:00 p. ai. 0:.'<0 a. M. 1:46 I'. m. ;p:i.r. p. m. 6:50 P. m. 9:06 p. M. 10:2.') p. M.