MORK GOODS FOR SAME MONEY RED IRON RACKET SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY The Way to Stretch a Dollar is to Buy Yo~ ir Fall and Winter Goods at J. C. Burns & Company's Cut Prio Department Store. More Goods (or Same Money Dr. Blaker says: to be well shaken before taken that it will operate well. The same applies to selling well. So we cut the price down?so it will sell well. Now here's the goods at cut prices: $1.00 bottle Hood's Sarsaparilla ; 3 B. B. B.; and 3 S. S. S. Just the medicines you need to purify the blood, all $1.00 bottles.-84c $1.00 bottle Warner's Safe Cure (kidney and liver) -84c 50c bot Ihr Sloan's Liniment, yon know it.42c 50o bottle Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy, for a weak stomach, only . . i.42c 50c bottle Mozly's Lemon Elixir, takes the place of Castor Oil jyid pills, a good medicine.42c 35c bottle Fletcher's Castoria, only.29c 25c bottle Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy, (best) . .22c 25c bottle Chamberlain's pain balm, cures rheumatism ..22c 25c bottle Chamberlain's cough remedy and croup.22c 25c bottle Blackberry Cordial, cures bowel trouble.22c 25o bottle Stuart's Baby Colic Remedy. Infant's friend 22c 25c bottle Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Infants 22c 2?0 bottle Coose Crease Liniment, cures all aches and pains only.22c 25c bottle Mother's Joy Goose Crease Salve, cures pneumonia and croup, only.22c 25o bottle Arnica Liniment, cures sprains, bruises, neuralagia only.22c 25o bottle Radclif?'s Home Relief for pains, headache, rheu matism .22c 25c box Arnica Salvo.22c 2r>o pkg. Simmon's Liver Regulator.22c pkg. Black Draught..1?C 2?0 bottle Pino, Tar and Honey.15c 25c pkg. Harke s Horse and Cattle Powders.15c Come to the Red Iron Racket for your needs. "We sell same goods for less money in all lines of merchandise. We sell clothing, hats, shoes, dry goods, millinery, notions, jewelry, watches, clocks, candy, tobacco, cigars, cigaretts, tin ware, glass, crockery, lamps, lanterns, enameled ware, trunks, suit cases, buggy whips, pants, shirts, overalls, underwear, hos iery, corsets, suspenders, handkerchiefs, laces, embroideries, ribbons, towels, table covers, bed quilts, blankets, sheets, pillow eases, counterpanes, ladies ready to wear under skirts, dress skirts, shirt waists, long coats, ladies coat suits gloves, notions and racket goods. We can fit the whole family up from baby to grand-daddy. Same Goods for Less Money 25o pkg. Keller's (Hen) Egg Producer.22c 1 pkg. Peterman's Roach Killer.10c 1 big bottle Household Ammonia.10c $1.00 bottle Ayer's Hair Vigor only.84c $1.00 bottle Stuart's Buchu and Juniper. And Kilmer Swamp Root. -Just the medicine you need for Kidney, Liv er and Bladder, nils, aches and pains, $1.00 bottles ..84c $1.00 bottle Reef Wine and Iron, a nutrivc Tonic, a restora tive for all convalescents, only ?.84c $1.00 bottle Mystic Wine of Life. Supplies nerve force. Ex cellent for catarrh.84c $1.00 size Thedford's Black Draught only.69c $1.00 bottle Warn pole's Cod Liver Oil, too well known to de scribe only .... o.84c 50c bottle Hudson's Liver Tone. It take the place of calomel. Every bottle guaranteed, our price.42c $1.00 bottle MoHlree's Wine of Cardlli, the greatest, medi cine known for woman's ills, aches and pains. Our price is.84c 50c bottle Dr. King's new Discovery, best medicine for coughs, colds and lungs, for only.42c 50c bottle droves' Tasteless Chill Tonic (good) .42c 50c bottle California Pig Syrup, cures constipation, only 42c 50c bottle Dr. Cheney's Expectorant, for the throat and lungs.42c We believe in living up to the golden rule of business, which is selling same goods for less money. Come and see for your self. Wc will be glad to show you and sell you your fall bill. Let it be a big bill or a small bill?you will rind Red Iron Racket force Johnny on the spot: R. L. Simpson, R. E. Thompson, Carl D. Roper, T. Rex Simpson, Carl A. Bram lett, Miss Dora Coker, Miss Arkie Coats, L. E. Burns. We will expect to see you soon?Come. 5c cake Fairy Soap. 10c .cake (llycerine Soap. 1 box (:t cakes) line Toilet Soap 1 cake ("ast ile Soap. 1 cake line Tai- Soap. 1 cake tine Soap. 7 cakes best Laundry Soap ....4c _5c . . 10c . .'. .5c . ..5c . . .5c . ..25c 10 pkgs. (10 lbs) kaglc Thistle Soda best soda made.25c :\ pkgs. Cold Dust.10c :l boxes Searchlight Matches ..10c 3 sticks Good Luck Bluing.5c 2 spools Thread (good) .5c l buggy whip. (I feel.10c 1 pkg. Celluloid Starch.4c 15c Curry Comb only.10c Big lot Wall Paper, double roll 10c. 13c. 15c 1 Horse Brush.10c 1 Hair Brush .10c 1 Clothes Brush.10c One special lot Callico and Ginghams 4 l-2c Yard wide Sea Islam!.5c Good checked Homespun.?c Best yard wide Sea Island Druid L. L., He value only.7c 1 pair best $1.00 Overalls.94c 1 pair Overalls Red Iron Racket special 84c 1 pair 60c Overalls.48c 1 pair Work Shirts, full size, union made" for.45c $20.00 Sewing Machine, guaranteed 10 years.$12.97 50c Work Shirts only.39c :t.V Boy's Work Shirts only .2?C 1 pair Ladies' heavy ribbed Hose 15c val ue .!.ioc 10e gray Hose and Sox.8c 1 pail" Good wool Hose.15c $1.50 Derby Hat .98c $1.25 dean' Pants.98c $1.25 Men's Pants.98c Special lot Men's Pants worth $1.75 and $2.00 for.$f26 50o heavy fleeced Men's Underwear ..38c Big lot Boy's Knee Pants from 25c. 39c. 48c up to.$1.48 Special lot Outing, good value.5c Special lot 56-inch fine Broadcloth in black, blue, brown, red. gray, only . .48c Big line Ginghams, Flanellotts, Outings. Percales, good .*.10c Special in Ginghams, going at 4 1 2c. 6 l-2c, and.8c per yd. 200 pair Men's (Bull Dog) Jeans Pants at .98c 17 lbs best granulated Sugar 10c Suspenders. 20c Suspenders. 35c Suspenders. 15c Four in I land Ties .... 25c Four in Hand Tics .... 35c Four in Hand Ties .... 24 Safety Pins. . .$1.00 .... 8c . ..13c . . 25c _10c _15c ....25c .. ..5c Combs.5c and 10c 1 nice Barrett Comb.10c 1 set Nicklc Plated Knives ami Porks . .68c 1 set silver plated Knives and Forks $1.98 1 set nice Tea Spoons.10c 2 pkgs Shoe Nails.5c 1 pair Half Soles.10c 15c pair Ladies' ribbed Hose.10c 15c pad Hose Supporters.10c Small Testaments.10c 100 Trunks good values98c, $1.48, $1.98. $2.39. $3.48 up to $8.39 for the $10 kind Special lot Pictures worth $1.00, going at .68c 12 lamp wieks.5c 1 Lamp Burner, No. 1.5c 1 pair nice Bed Blankets. 76c 1 pair wool nap Bed Blanket.$1.98 2 Handkerchiefs.5c 1 nice Towel.5c Needles, Pins, Key Chains, Hair Pins for 2 spools Thread (good) .5c ti spools best Thread made for.25c 1 pair Scissors.10c 1 pair good Shears.25c $3.00 Razor, our price.98c 7 balls Thread only.5c :? skeins Shetland Floss.: . . . .25c 3 spools Turkey Red Thread.5c 5e spool Sansilk.4c 1 memo Book, good value.5c 1 la rue day Book.10c 5 lever Collar Buttons.5c 12 white Collar Buttons.5c 12 King King Collar Buttons, warranted one piece.10c 10c Collar Button .5c 1 pair nice Cuff Buttons.2?C 1 pair cuff Buttons guaranteed.75c 1 gold rilled Watch guranteed 10 years for.$5.98 1 Watch, open faced, Locomotive Special for .2.49 1 solid gold Band Ring.$1.00 1 gold rilled Watch Chain, guaranteed ten years.$1.25 1 nice Scarf Pin.25c $."?.00 Eight Day Clock, mission oak, .$2.98 $3.00 Eight Hay Clock.$1.98 1 large Tin Bucket.10c 1 large Tin Dish' Pan.10c 1 large Tin Wash Pan.5c 2 Pie Plates.5c 1 set Cups and Saucers.45c 1 set Plates.45c 1 set China Cups and Saucers.75c 1 set China Plates.75c Lamps all sizes 25c. 35c. 48c, and . . . .69c We have a line lot of Earthenware? Churns, Pitchers, Flower Pots Jardineer and Pedestal .13c Biscuit Pan.10c nice Glass Pitcher.25c nice Pie Pan.5c Coffee Pot.10c Waiter.10c Molasses Pitcher.10c nice Water Bottle.15c tin Cups.5c 10c half gallon Tin Cup.5c 40e Preserving Kettle.25c 35c Agate Dish Pan.25c 1 Agate Chamber.25c Lamp Chimney.5c Frying Pan.10c Window Shade.25c full size Hammer.10c Steak Pounder.10c Ladies' Tack Hammer.10c Coffee. Mill.25c Big line Children's Knit Underwear ..10c 15c and.23c Children's Union Suits.2hc 1 full size Ladies' Under Vest (good) 25c Ladies' line ribbed Under Vest.45c Pants to match .45c Wrights Health Underwear $1.00 value only .75c 1 pair Baby Shoes.10c 1 pair Baby Stockings.5c 1 pair Ladies' Shoes.98c $3.00 pair Ladies Shoes.$2.48 1 lot $2.50 and $3.00 Men's fine Shoes $1.48 1 pair Men's Plow Shoes.$1.18 1 pair Men's heavy Work Winter Shoes for.$2.25 1 pair Men's heavy Water Proof Tanned Shoes.$2.75 $4.00 Men's Dress Shoes.$3.48 1 heavy all wool Men's Suit.$6.39 1 boy's School Suit.$2.98 $6.50 Boy's Dress Suit .$4.98 $20.00 Men's Suits, fine worsteds, tailored garment for.$15.00 35c Men's Dress Shirts.2Ec 50c Men's Dress Shirt.39c 68c Men's Dress Shirt.48c $1.00 Men's Dress Shirt.89c 15c Linen Collars.10c $3.00 Ladies' line Dress Shoes. We sell for.$2.48 1 pair Ladies vici kid Shoes, all solid $1.39 Children's Shoes all sizes and prices, 48c. . .69c. 83c, 98c up to.$1.48 1 bottle Talcolett.23c 1 bottle Sewing Machine Oil .5c 1 bottle Bay Rum hair oil.10c Nice box Paper and Envelopes, going fast. per box.5c and 10c 1 large Ink Tablet .5c It* extra large Pencil Tablet .5c 1 Lend 2 good Lead Pencils.5c 1 bottle best Ink.4c 1 bottle Vasolene.5c 1 large jar Vasolene.10c Best Shoe Polish.10c 1 bottle Shoe Polish.5c 3 plugs S and G Tobacco.25c good 40 spats to the chew. 2 'doz. Pearl Dress Buttons .5c 1 doz. fine Pearl Dress Buttons.5c Big lot fine Ribbons selling at 10c and 15c per yard, good values. Special lot lace worth 10c per yard nowSo Heavy Canton Drill.10c 25c Talcum Powder, Colgntes and Air Moat .13c 15c can Talcum Powder.9c 1 lb can Airfloat Talcum.23c 3 cakes (5c) Toilet Sonp for 10c 1 Suit Case.79c 1 leather Suit Case.$3.48 2 good Cigars (Lord Cnlvert) .... ..5c 1 best Cigar (Club House) .5c 1 plug Tobacco (Sailor Knot) .5c BIG LINK OF MILLINERY. We have the finest lot Ladie3 and Chil dren's Hats ever shown in Laurcns?at prices you can afford to pay 98c, $1.39 $1.76, $1.98 up to $4.98 for the $7.50 kind Two experienced milliners, Miss Dora Coker, and Miss Arkie Coats will be glad to show you and make your hats. Come and see. We are located completely out of the High-Priced District, 208 West Laurens Street. Don't Spend a Red Cent until you get to the RED IRON RACKET And you will wear the smile that never comes off and when you get back home with the Goods your Sweet Wife and Children will Smile and be Happy J. C. Burns & C0.--6 Red Iron Racket Stores?Lourens, Spartanburg, Green wood, Anderson, Greenville, S. C, and Charlotte, N. C. COME QUICK 1 GOODS DON'T STAY 1IF.UK LONO. COME QUICKI ?00DS I)ONT STAY IIERE 1,050.