The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 09, 1912, PART 1, PAGES 1 TO 8, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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The Cameo Is more popular now than ever. It is an ideal gift for a birthday or wedding anniversary. We have some beau ties is Scarf-Pins, Pend - ant-Lockets and Broa ches in both the shell and stone varieties at reasonable prices, qual ity considered. FLEMING BROTHERS JEWELERS As the Dew Covers the Ground by Night The Big Store Sells Goods all Over Laurens County by Day The Big Chief makes the price and 1 lie Boys take your orders and see tliat you get all that is coming (o you. Now with a Heason In tlie ground now Grain?we have Ited Kust Proof Oats, Winter Barley, ltye, Vetch and Crimson Clover, also Onion Sets for full plaint ing HevcruJ Ions of hhrh grade Acid on liund. Still another car of White Satin Flour in this week don't it heat the .lews the nay we sell While Satin Flour. Fresh water-ground Corn .Meal, Hire Sleal, Cotton Seed .Meal, Kran and Shorts. Porno Horse and Mule Feed and Chicken Feed. New Cotton Ties, Pieced Cotton Ties, Factory Hugging - lbs, 2 4 lbs and .'I lbs Ite-rolled good llngging and 2 lbs and 8s new Bagging nil for you at the lowest price. Mr. G. W. Pro till is now one of our hoys. J.H. Sullivan Laurens, S. C. STARVATION rtiionot to look ol' fooit hut lack of digon tlon. Kmiirhitlon tho result of lack of liourlnhmont duo to tho mm iiflnimiliUion 01 lood- in otlior words DyHpopaiu. The DYSPEPSIA REMEDY in a Hpociflo for nil rltiardtr* arising from an impaired tHyeatlvA Sytem, It givos tiiHittHlaHroiiM relief and positively cure*. " I sin t6 rears old. ror eighteen years I suf fered iroin D/^pr|>si.i, ;in<i experienced all the dlitrcsstng Symptoms nisncintcd \\ itli that terrible di v.isr. 1 consulted a number ol physicians and Was treated for cnjhi months by an eminent for eign speclalltt. Temporary relief was all I re ceived. My p.iMor Iniltlcd on my trying your Dyspepsie Remedy, That w.?s ten months I hnvo not had any trouble with my stomach for lh" seven months. Am now perfectly wall and know that my recovery was directly due to the use. of your truly valuable Remedy." Mn->. A. M., Syracuse, N. Y. Tr'.nX Bi**, 2?0.J larger aieos, 60o. and $1. S.CIIOVEU OH AH AM CO.,< INC.? NEWflUROH, N.Y. LAURKNS DRUG CO. Laurens. S. C, OVER 68 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS i radc Mark? DroioN? Copyrights Ac. Anyoee sec (ting a ?hat eh and deportation may timiVuieAljoonndontr;.!. HANO??yK on PntouU qntotrty as?rtaln our opinion fro* wbethnr liivanUon is probably paieotabhSjCamrniinle*. nta. raealrs Jn our opinion rro? i ?bahly puiuntaiiln. (' nndonttai. H?N0??0K aant freo. Oldast agency fur locurUi? pate Patent* Ukeo through ?1unn A Co. r? tftcitA natu?, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handaomeif Ulnntrnted weekly. Tersest elr dilution or any ocloiitlflo Journal. Term*. 13 ? roar; four monttm, St. Hold by all nawfdrnlor*. MUNN & Cn.361B'o"d?"' New York Jlraneh Offleo. CV> V HU. Washington. 1). 0. COTTON CONDITION PLACED AT 69.6 Against the Average of 71.1 One Year] Ago and 05.9 the Year Before. South Carolina Helow Average. Bureuu of j the Census Issues Us Report on Glnninirs From New Crop. Washington, Oct. 2.?The condition of the growing cotton crop of the United States on September 25 was 09.6 per cent of a normal, as estimat ed by the cro preportlng board of tiic Department of Agrloulture's bureau of statistics In Its lnst cotton condition report of the season Issued at noon today and reckoned from the reports of correspondents and agents of t!'e government located throughout the cotton belt. This compares with a con dition of 74.8 per cent of a normal on Augusta 25; 71.1 per cent on Septem ber 25 Must year; 65.9 per cent on Sep tember 25, 1910, and 67.5 per cent, the average normal condition for the past ten years on September 25. Comparison of conditions on Septem ber 25 by states, follow: 10-Year I States 1912 1911 1910 Ave. Virginia .... 70 87 78 7? North Carolina.70 f7 72 7:5 South Carolina.OS 73 70 72 Georgia.66 70 68 72 Florida.65 75 66 71 Alabama .. ..68 715 67 67 Mississippi . . . .63 62 6:5 67 Louisiana ... .69 66 51 62 Texas.75 71 6:? 6:5 Arkansas .. ,.68 70 68 ?10 Tennessee ....68 77 7:? 75 Missouri.72 SO 75 76 Oklahoma . . . ,69 60 70 6S California . . . .90 100 90 For the purpose of comparison, the condition of the cotton crop in the United states monthly for the pasl ton years is given below: May June July Aug. Sept. Years 25 25 25 25 25 1912 . . . .7S.:5 80.4 76.5 74.8 . .. 1911 .S7.8 88.2 80.1 73.2 71.1 1010 .82.0 80.7 75.5 72.1 65.0 1900 .81.1 74.6 71.9 63.7 58.5 1908 .79.7 71.2 .Sli.O 76.1 69.7 1907 .70.5 72.0 75.0 72.7 67.7 1906 .84.6 83.3 82.9 77.9 71.6 1905 .77.2 77.0 74.9 72.1 71. 1904 .83.0 88.0 91.6 81.1 75.8 1903 .. ..474.1 77.1 79.7 81.2 65.! 1902 .95.1 84.7 81.9 64.0 58.3 Average 1902 1911 '. .. si.5 so.7 80.6 73.6 67.:? 3,015,033 Hales Ginned. Washington, Oct. 2.?The second cot ton ginning report of the census bu reau, issued at 10 a. in. today, an nounced thai 3,015,033 bales of cotton of the growth of 1912 had been ginned prior to September 25. counting round bales as half bales. To that date last year 3,676,694 bales, or 23.6 per cent of] the entire crop, had been ginned; in I90S to that date 2,690,639 bales, or I9.S per cent of the crop had been gin ned and in 1906 to that date 2.057,28:5 bales, or If..'.* per cent of the crop had been ginned. Included in the total ginnings were 19,450 round bales, compared with 27, 918 round bales ginned to September 25 last year; 38,026 round bales In 1910 and 18,070 round bales in 1909. The number of bales of sea island cotton Included was :5,026 bales, com pared with 11.708 bales last year, 13, S;52 bales in 1909 and 11.157 bales in 1908. Fortunes in Faces. There's often much truth in the say ing "her face is her fortune," but its never said where pimples, skin erup tions, blotches, or other blemishes disfigure it. Impure blood is back of the mall, and shows the need of Dr. King's New Lifo Pills. They promote health and beauty. Try them. 25 Censl at I.aureus Drug Co. and Pal metto Drug Co. (Advertisement.) DEATH FROM RUNAWAY. Mrs. W. |{. Lawrence hoses Life When Mules Recanie Frightened. Westminster. Oct. 6.?Mrs. W. |{. Lawrence was instantly killed here this afternoon, when she leaped from a runaway team and suffered a brok en neck. Her husband and son, who :.lso jumped from the vehicle, were uninjured. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R, Lawrence were returning to their home south or here after attending services at the Baptist Church here this morning. On meeting an automobile and after passing the car, the mules they were driving became unmanageable and bolted. When a line broke Mrs. Law rence jumped, as did her husband and son. Sated Bt HIh Wife. She's a wise woman who knows just what to do when her husband's lifo is in danger, but Mrs. R. J. Flint, Braintree, Vt.. is of that kind. "She in sisted on my uslnar Dr. King's New Dlscov--- " writes Mr. F. "for a dread ful cough, when I was so weak my friends all thought I had only a short time to live, and it completely cured me. A quick cure for coughs and colds, It's tho most safe and relia ble medicine for many throat and lung troubles?grip, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, tonsilltls, hemorrhages. A trial will convince you. 10 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed by Laurens Drug Co. and. Palmetto Druu Co. (Advertisement.) HARMONY NEWS. ? Harmony, Oct. tho 3rd.?Davis Red-j den, the lad that had his leg broken sonic time back, is aide to put In time picking cotton. Mr. Oscar Poor has a little girl that has been seriously 111 with dlpthcria, but she Is better now. Great hope is entertained for her recovery. A little daughter of Mr. B. B. Simp son has also had a bad case of the same malady but is thought to be on the road to recovery at this time. Mr. .1. II. Dalentlne, Mr. J. P. Davis and others are driving nails in a bur ly, building a new dwelling for Mr. C. A. Moore. Mr. Moore has been unde cided for some time where he would finally locate and we are glad he has decided to locate in this community. We would be glad if more like him would locate here. We are handy to churelies and schools and have a flue country. Mr. J. F. Redden has been building an addition to his house which adds a great deal to the comfort and beauty of his place. ' Mr. W. W. Davis has also done some necessary repairing about his build ing. Mr. John Dalentlne and Mr. Robt. Reeves' family, in which they have had so much fever, are thought to be im proving. Rev. J. C. Davis, wife and two chil dren, of I.aureus, visited at the home of Rev. Jas. A. Hughes last week. Mr. .1. B. Davis and son, Willie, of this place were visitors at Laurens one day this week. Miss Ora Mitchell of Chester, came over to the burial of her mother, some time back and stayed over till one day this week. She has returned to her duties in the hospital, where she nurs es. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moore are visi tors at Ware Shoals this week. This writer will say for the benefit of the lady readers, that he Inspected a quilt a few days ago made by and belonging to Miss Mittle Vaughn that beats anything of the kind he has ever seen. I; represents two special traits of character, patience and endurance She calls it the curiosity quilt and it well represents Its name. It only has twenty thousand two hundred and eigh teen pieces in it. This looks like ex ageratlon but it is so arranged that any one that can count the sides and ends and a little multiplication can soon find the number of pieces it con tains. If possible this quill will be on exhibition at tho county fair where all may see that have a desire to see a curiosity of this kind. Mr. ('. W. Simpson, our efficient mail carrier and his good wife took | a little outing last Saturday. They visited her sister Mrs. Swit/er. at Swit/.er. He returned Monday evening leaving Mrs. Simpson to return later. He reports a pleasant visit and a nice time and crops over there like here, very short. Roy Wnod is on the sick list but It is thought he will be able to be out agitn in a few days. It Suits Us. So Laurens is going to have a girl's college, too. This will provide; an other feeder for Converse college, which this year has students from over twenty other colleges In the South.?Spartanburg Herald. V i on The Trnek of the fast express means serious trou ble ahead If not removed, so does loss of appetite, it means lack of vitality, loss of strength and nerve weakness, if appetite fails, take Klectric Hitters quickly to overcome the cause by ton ing up the stomach and curing the indigestion. Michael Hessheimer of Lincoln, Nob., had been sick over three years, but siv bottles of Klectric Ititteis put him right on hs feet agan. They have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion. Only 10 cents at Laurens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. (Advertisement.) THE HAIR OF YOUR YOUTH "Rich, flossy, luxuriant facinnting hfl! ol youth." Why should you not keep it so?contim to have it ? plenty of toft youthful-looki Sair, to drc?? in the rnuny style? most I oming to you?thct keep you loo!.' oung, attractive ? that please you : /our admirers too. Don't let the grey hnirs in?they'll ma! you look old? lose your charm and lie* ncss. Besides others notice them at or and comment on them too. KEEP THE HAIR OF YOUR YOU. USE HAY'S HAIR HEALTH $1.00 and 5Cr ol l> Jll >,' ufm ra ,., CJ trice and S'< <ul 10c /or trial Philo H-y ?filtulU** Co., Newark. N.J. For sale and recommended by LAIJKKNS BUUO CO. I.aureus, f. C. No Clap-Trap Schemes Used By Us In Securing Sales! In this day of hustle and bustle in nearly every line of trade we find some hot-air plan adopted to secure sales. The placing of a fictitious price upon an article and then giving a check to a customer upon the purchase price, provided the article is bought within a short and limited time, too often en traps the unwary buyer, and makes him think he is getting a large amount as a gift upon the purchase when in fact he is paying more in the end than the article is worth. The puzzle contest guessing contest and endless methods are used. The United States Government has now condemned the giving of cer tificates of the puzzle contest. Pianos are advertised at $375.00 and a check for $150.00 is given good on the purchase of the piano when in reality the in strument is not worth $200.00. We have no dope to administer in the way of great bargain chances; we do give you the vaiue of your money and give all a square deal. We sell Pianoes and Organs and ask that you keep this in mind. We can give you two years distribution of payments. Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. HOLLAND BROTHERS GREENWOOD, S. C. Women's Ailments The ailments from which women suffer are many and varied so far as the symptoms indicate, yet they are all dependent upon a disorder in the female generative system, and a remedy that acts on the cause of the trouble puts an end to all the distressing symptoms as soon as the unnatural conditions are removed. DR. SIMMONS Squaw Vine Wine Is a Medicine for Women It acts directly on the female organism. Quiets inflammation, eases pain, strength ens the nerves, helps digestion, tones up the stomach and puts the body in fine vigorous condition. It transforms a weak, nervous, ailing woman into one of sparkling cheerfulness and vigor. It brightens the eye, revives the spirits and restores the rosy bloom of health to the cheek. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. Price $1.00 Per Bottle. C. F. SIMMONS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Laurens Drug Company Laurens. South Carolina 4 EXPERT % I Mechanic In Charge I Owners of Automobiles in] this County are advised that Mr. W. T. Wesson] is in charge of our Rapair Department In the Repair Business which I recently bought from Mr. W. P. Hudgens. He has been in the Automobile business for years and is fully competent to turn out the very best work at Moderate Prices. Give us a trial and be convinced. Wham Brothers Garage LAURENS, S. C FIN AL SETTLE >I ENT. Take notice that on the 25th day of October, I will render a final account of my acts and doings as Administra tor of the estate of Isaac Garrett, de ceased, in the ofllcc of the Judge of Probate of Laurens county at 11 o'clock a. in., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as Administrator. Any persons indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay ment on that date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them on or before said date, duly proven, or be forever barred. W. L. Garrett, Administrator. September 12."., 1912.?1 mo. Citation for Letters of Administration Slate of South Carolina, County of Laurens. By o. Q. Thompson, Probate Judge: Whereas C. V. Brooks made suit to mo to grant him Letters of Adminis tration of the estate and effects of J. B. Brooks. These are therefore, to cite and ad monish all and sigular the kindred and creditors of the said J. B. Hrooks, deceased, that they he and appear be fore nie, in the Court of Probate, to he held at 1,aureus C. II., S. C, on the 9th day of October, 1912, next, after, publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, If any they have, why the said administra tion should not be granted. Given under my hand this 24th day of September Anno Domini 1912. O. G. Thompson, Probate Judge. 9-2t FINAL SETTLEMENT. Take notice that on the 26th day of October, I will render a final account of my acts and doings as Adminis trator of the estate of II. V. Taylor deceased, in the office of the Judge of Probate of Laurens county at 11 o'clock, a. in., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as Administrator. Any persons indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay ment on that date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them on or before said date, dulv proven, or bo forever barred. T. L. MONROE, Administrator. September 2.".. 1912.?I mo. BUY IN THE SOUTH and tee the South grow, keep your mon ey at home where it will benefit you and your city. The Business Magazine the South'* leading Business Journal tells how to do it. it boor.ta Southern mado goods and those who handle some. ?5 It also contains articles of interest to every Southern Merchant, articles which Duiid up uuca busincsa und luukc it profit able. Tells tho latest, best News in the Busi ness World, condensed for the busy man. ?1 Send $1.00 for year's subscription. Business Magazine Co. Knoxville, Tenru and Indi*re?tlon canned me great distress tor two years. I tried many things for relief, but got little holp. till at last I found it in the best pills or modlcine I evor tried DR.KING'S NewLifePills C.K. Hatncdd.frnyun.W. Vn. 26CEMT3 PCn BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. tsssarMMmsMSiui isni r witswtiwwBwaww