The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 04, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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BIGGEST AHB BEST EVER. Mr. D. A. Davl? Writes that He Has Bought the Most Complete Stock of Goods that He has Erer Seat to La or en s. MeBsrs. Davis Roper Company re* celved last week the following letter from Mr. D. A. Davis, who has been in New York selecting goods for the fall trade: Hotel Cilllpgwood, New Yory City, Aug. 27th, 1912. Davis Roper & Company, Laurens, S. C? Dear Sir: I have bought the most beautiful and the most complete stock of goods we have ever had in our 21 years ex perience in merchandising. In every department our selections on the best have ever made. You can tell all the ladles that they cannot afford to miss seeing our selections In dress goods, silk, table linens, ladles notions, etc. We have on the way one of the most varied and completo line of ladles suite., hats, dresses and shirt waists ever seen In Laurens. Suits from .$10.00 to $15.00 Coats from.6.00 to $80.00 Evening dresses from .. 15.00 to $89.75 Styles are very pretty thl? season, such as will plonse the most conserva tive or fancy dresser. Dresses are having n big run, as well as suits. We will have the new "Johnnie" coats, which are having quite a run. We will have the latest things in millinery, latest nnd most modern styles in ladles hats. Miss Smith of Baltimore will bo with, US ngnln this season with the same able assist ants. We invite early inspection of ladles street and dress hats. In the mens' department our store Is complete. No use of the made-to order suits after seeing our selection of men and boys. All who want the most up-to-date, the prettiest, the lowest price, will And them at our big store. We ought to have the biggest busi ness we hnve ever had, because we have without exaggeration the best and most complete stock wo ever bought. Yours truly. D. A. DAVIS. its all GONE f in the Bank Most Friendships cease when they cost a man money. Have you ever needed money and asked it of your Friends? What did you get? Have Money of Your Own Safely Deposited in Our Bank and be Independent. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety. Enterprise Bank Laurens, S. C. N. B. Dial, President C. H. Roper, Cashier Notice to Creditor*. In the District Court of The United States. For the District of South Car oltna. In the matter of Mrs. F. A SaUlvan, Bankrupt. To the creditors of the aforesaid Bankrupt: Take notice, that Mrs. F. A. Sulivan, ?of Ware Shoals, I^aurens county, South Carolina, who was heretofore adjudged a Bankrupt, in said Court, has filed fie? Petition, therein, praying tor a dis charge In Bankruptcy; and that a hearing thereupon ordered, and will belnd upon said petition, before said Cfcrart, at Charleston, S. C, on Sept ember 27, 1912, at eleven o'clock, a. m. at which time and place, all creditors of aald Bankrupt, and other persons in interest, may appear and show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of ?ald, petition should not be granted. \ Richard W. Hutson, W. C1?*' Harris LUbln Water for Laarens Conn-' ty People. Residents of Laureas County will be furnished with HARRIS LITHIA wa-i ter for personal use, free of charge, by1 applying at Bottling plant between nme o'clock ?. M. and Noon Sundays. Bring glass vessels thoroughly cleans ed. Harris Lithla Springs Co., C. H. Pettus, President. i 4?-tf When you feel JiaSH? I rous, tired, worried er despondent it b a I ?uro sign you need MOTTS NERVERINE I PILLS. They renew the normal vigor and male? lifo v?<_>? ill living. Be l?r? tad ?tk tmr M'otfs Nerrerine Pills RT^IiT. WII HAMS MFC CO.. Prep?., Ck?*UJ, Oat* LAUREN DBUO Laurent, B. & I '? ? ' . PARCELS POST FOR JANUARY 1ST. Post Office Department Will be Busy. Classification Articles Must be Pre pared and Stomp Printed for tlte Service. Woshington, Aug. 29.?Announce ment was made by P' <?tmaster Gener al Hitchcock tonight that the post office department would be In readi ness on January 1, 1913, to put Into general opedation the recently author ized parcels post system. The postal express business, which must be organized within the next four months, will extend over more than 1,000,000 miles of rural delivery and star routes, and will cover In Its various ramifications all systems of transportation of parcels now utilized by private express companies. , Mr. Hitchcock has cancelled en gagements he Lad made for his vaca tion and will remain in Washington to personally direct the organization work. The details of the parcels post system will be worked out by a series of committees composed of officers and exjerts of the department. The general executive committee appoint ed today consists of Chief Inspector Robert S. Sharp, Superintendent John C. Koons of the division of salaries and allowances, Chief Clerk A. A. Fisher of the second assistant post master general's bureau and Superin tendent George I... Wood of the di vision of rural mails. "First of all," said Mr. Hitchcock tonight, "must bo prepared a classifi cation of the articles that can be ac cepted for transportation by parcels post. The law admits to the mails practically all kinds of merchandise, including products of the farm, gar den nnd factory, provided such ar ticles do not weigh more than 11 pounds nor exceed 72 Inches In com bined length and girth. The mode of packing will be prescribed carefully. It is iikely we shall employ extensive ly hampers, similar to those used in foreign countries in handling parcels post mall. The law provides that postage on all parcels shall be pre paid by affixing distinctive stamps. This will necessitate the designing and printing of at least a dozen denomi nations of special stamps. "The law provides indemnification for lost or damaged articles, and this question is one for careful regula tion. "The system of distance zones re suires the employment by postmas ters of a distinctive postal map on which the zones are represented. A directory of all otfices is being com plied for use in applying the pre scribed rates of postage to the dis tance shown on the zone maps. "The questslon of adequate trans portation and terminal facilties for the parcels post mail on railway nnd steamship lines and In the city wagon service will have to be worked out to prevent a possible congestion of the ordinary mail." The last question referred to by Mr. Hitchcock involves one of the most serious problems now confront ing the postal officials as result of the taking over of so large a volume of additional mail. Any article is mailnble If not over 11 pounds In weight nor more than 72 Inches In length and girth com bined, nor likely to injure the mails or postal equipment or employes. Flat rate of 1 cent per ounce up to four ounces regarless of distance. Above four ounce, rates are by the pound or fraction therefore, and vary ing with the distance as follows: Rural route and city delivery? First pound, 6 cents, each additional pound 1 cent; 11 pounds 16 cents. Fifty-mile zone?First pound 5 cents, each additional pound 3 cents; 11 pounds 35 cents. 160-mile zone?First pound 6 cents, each additional pound 4 cents; 11 pounds 46 cents. 300-mile zone- First pound 7 cents, each additional pound 5 cents, 11 pounds, 67 cents. 600-mlle zone?First pound 8 cents, each additional pound C cents; 11 pounds 68 cents. 1,000-mile zone?First pound 9 cents, each additional pound 7 cents; 11 pounds 79 cents. 1.800-mtle zone?First pound 11 cents, each addition! pound 10 cents; 11 pounds $1.11. Over 1,800 miles?First pound 12 vents; each additional pound 12 cents; 11 pounds $1.3.. The postmaster general may mane provision for ldernnity, insurance, and collection on delivery, with addi tional charges for such service and may, with the consent of the Inter state commence commission after in vestigation, rnodlffy rates, weights and zone distance, when experence has demonstrated the need therefor. What We Never Forget. I according to science, are the things associated with our early home life, such as Bucklen's Arnica Salve, that mother or grandmother med to cure our bums, boils, scalds, skin erup tions, cuts, sprains or bruises. Forty yoars of 'cures prove Its merit. Un rivaled for piles, corns or cold-sores. Only 26cts at Tho Laurens Drug Co. and The Palmetto Drug Co. I CROSS HILL NEWS Cross Hill, Sept. 2.?The election last week passed off orderly here. There was intense interest but no bitterness and not a sign of liquor the whole day. Mr. W. B Puller was elected Magistrate having no oppo sition. Mr. R. W. Boozman and Mr. J. W. Hanna will run over for cotton weigh er at this place. Dr. J. H. Miller, for the legislature, and Mr. J. W. Hltt for commissioner, each received a flattering vote among their home people and both of them will be in the second race. Mr. W. H. Wyatt, Miss Nannie Wyatt and Miss Sallle Thornton of Glenn Springs spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hltt. John Miller a colored man brought In the first bale of new cotton Sat urday and sold it at 10 and five eights, cents. Miss Leila Dennis who with her sister is visiting at Mr. R. T. Hollings worth was out horse-back riding last Tuesday. The horse took fright and ran with her. She held on for a half of a mile and fell to the ground. She received several bruises but was j not seriously hurt. The horse ran on madly Into town and took the rail road track In front of a freight train for nbout two miles and on to a tres tle over Cone Creek b/eaklng Its legs and was killed. The horse belonged to Dr. Peak Misses Mary and Blanche Martin are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Mc Swaln. Mr. L. F. McSwain Is quite ill with Jaundice and Mr. H. L. McSwain has Just receovered from a serious Unles of two weeks. Miss Dallas Watts who has been at the hospital in Columbia taking training as a nurse is at home with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Leaman for a visit. Other Cross Hill Items. Miss Griffin of Carroll and Miss Hymnls, of Florida spent the week end with Mr. B. Grlfllin's family. Misses Dennis, of Newberry, are the charming guests of Miss Idalia Hollingsworth. Miss Victoria Rudd of New York Is visiting her uncle, Rev. W. C. Tur ner. Miss Louise Brown entertained quite a number of her friends re cently. Complimentary to Miss Eloir.e Brown. Miss Miriam Owens is a delegate to M. M. U. of the Laurens Association which meets In Laurens the 4th and 5th. Mrs .Burnslde alternate. Miss Annie Rudd and little Miss Lillian Brown represent Sunbeam Band. Miss Agnes Seaman has as her guest Miss Lizzie Bryson. Miss Hargrove was the recent guest of Miss Mary Miller. Mrs. Burt Mitchell, (nee Miss Eva Martin) is visiting relatlevs in town. Mrs. Geo. Hanna has many friends who will be sorry to learn that she is critically ill at her home, near Cross Hill. S, C, and who wish her speedy recover. Mrs. John Henry Nance is improv ing after a serious illness. Mrs. Graham of Greenwood Is the guest of her father, Mr. John Turner. Misses Mary and Blanche Martin of Greenwood , are spending some time with their sister, Mrs. Lucius Mc Swain. Mrs. Lucy Denny is the guest of her son Mr. J. O. Denny. Miss Katie Goggans of Greenwood, Is visiting her uncle Mr. S. H. Gog gans. Miss Pearl Clardy is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Rasor. Miss Snra Beeks Is visiting her sis ter Mrs. Bates, of Laurens. Misses Austin of Clinton, are tie week end guests of Mrs. Willie U?a man. Mr. and Mrs. Hagood of Greenwood, spent several days In town recently. Mr. C. F. Rudd of Clinton, Is visit ing relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Kusslng of Newberry aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hol lingsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Sam H?stln have ait their guest, Mr. and Mrs. Hippy, of Monroe, N. C. Mr. Cannon of Mountvllle was a re cent visitor here. Card of Thanks. I wish to tender to the voters of Laurens County my most sincere thanks for the honor conferred on mo at the polls on the 27th, and will endeavor to show my appreciation of the same by faithful service to the' County while in the Kennte. For the people at l?ge I wish to express my thanks for courtisles shown me while. In their communities and their homer, Yours trnly, O. P. Goodwin. Uncle Esra Hays. "It don't take more'n a gill uv ?(< fort to git folks into a peck of trou ble," and a little neglect of constlpa tlon, biliousness, Indigestion or other liver derangements will do the same. If falling, take Dr. King's New Life Pills for quick results. Easy, safe, sure, and only 26 cents at The Laurens "Drug Co. and The Palmetto Drug Co. ?1 ???? ? RABUN NEWS. Rabun News? One of Mr. Jobn Ma-1 baon's tenant houses and all tk* out buildings were totally destroyed by fire Saturday evening about four o' clock. The negroes were all away from home and don't know what caused the fire. All their house-hold things were burned. Several of the Rabun people are very sick at this writing. Misses Mac and Allle Babb after spending two weeks visiting friends In Anderson, returned home Thursday evening. Ml88 Edna Owens after spending several days with her sister Mrs. Claude Wasson of Friendship commu nity returned home Saturday evening. Miss Marie Mahaon was the visitor of Miss Martha Wolf of Shiloh sec tion last week. Miss Mae Roper after visiting rel atives and friends in Fountain Inn last week returned home Saturday. Rev. Baggatt of Gray Court visited H. H. Mahon Saturday night. Mr. Tom Roper and family of Lau rens were at Rabun Sunday morning. Mrs. T. F. Rabb and mother Mrs. Nancy Owens and Mr. T. H. Rabb were visiting Mr. P. S. Mahaffey and family in Townville last Wednesday and Thursday. All those who have a torpid liver weak indigestion or constipated bow els, look out for chills. The season is here and the air is full of disease germs. The proper thing to do is to put your liver in good condition and purify the stomach and bowels. DR. M. A SIMMON'S LIVER MEDI CINE Is the right remedy it answers the purpose completely. Price 25 c. per package. Sold by The Laurens Drug Co An Idea prevails that Dyspepsia is* incurable* You say that you have tried every thing without avail. Yes I everything but the EROVER ERAHAM DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. That you have not tried or you would not now be a Dyspeptic. A 25-cent bottle will convince the most skeptical. Instant relief and permanent cure GUARANTEED. Try it T " Ten years of stomaoh trouble made my lifo a burdon. I am now rugged and honlthy. Thanks to Grover Graham Dyupopsia Remedy." GEORGE ROBINSON, Newton, Ga, Three Sizes, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. ?. OROVER GRAHAM CO.,<INC> NEWBURGH, N.Y. LAURENS DRUG Co. Lanrens. 8. C. DR. CLIFTON JONES Dentist Office in Simmons Building Phone: Office No. 86; Residence 219. Jno. W. Ferguson C. C. Featherstone W. B. Kaight Dr. T. L. Timmerman Dentist People's Bank Building Phane 362. Laurens, S. C. Bucklen'? ArnSca Salve The 5?*l Salvo In Ihn World. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Havs yum ovsrworksfl your nervous sys n*v? ??vi idaddar? lfav< you pains in loln?, ?Irt?, iiHi U hiiti M>m|<Jm V iiuv? you a flabby ?ff ""?'>'' f)t 'bo ?, un4 iwi d*r th? ?y??t a f>?<jn<.ni /1>mI?? to bm?? Urin?? ff SA, WUHutt,?' KMn?y nils will lr urn rOU FffM 8* ~?nJ0mr SMtftSa-*"' Asthma! Asthma! fOPHAM'S ASTHMA RKMKDY {ire* las?act r*M?f aad aa aSaotwu cars i all casa* *4 AmImm, UnmckUU, *>-i Hay Paw Maid ky dru^isu ; mail aa veeaffrt af wt*? f i no. Trial ra#fc?#? a* mall M ???*?. 0HICH m: l h? I'.Im li b Sign Of thft Paine? of Hwoeis will guide I you to the most popular place In town. 4 Candidate's Cards. * For Clerk of Court. I hereby offer myself as a candi date for the office of Clerk, of Court of Laurens county, pledging myself to abide by the platform of the dem ocratic party and to support the Uowa?? luces thereof. Respectfully, C. A. POWER. Te the voters of Laurens County: Fully appreciating your support In the past and with my record as a public official before you, I take pleasure in announcing myself a can didate for re-election for Clerk of Court for Laurens County, S. C, and will abide the result of the Democrat ic primary. JOHN F. BOLT. For House of Representative*. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representatives from Laurent? County and pledge my self to abide by the results of the Democratic primary. GEO. A. BROWNING. JR. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the house of representa tives of Laurens county, subject to results of the Democratic primary election. J. H. Miller, M. D. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of representative from this county In the legislature of the state subject to the rules of Um democratic party. H. S. BLACKWELL. I hereby anr-unce myself as a can didate for the Legislature of South. Carolina, from Laurens ? ounty, sub ject to the primary election. E. R. AYCOCK. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for County Commissioner of Liaurcns County, bubject to the result of the Democratic primary election. J. B. HITT. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election as County Commsision er of Laurens county subject to the result of the Democratic primary elec tion. T. MAC ROPER. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Com missioner and premise to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. AUSTIN ABERCROMBIE. I hereby announce myself a can didate for county commisioner of Laurens county, subject to the rules, of the democratic primary. Respectfully, L. DUNK CURRY, Gray Court, S. C. Magistrate for Laurens Township. At the solicitations of many friends, I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of magistrate In Lau rens township, subject to the rule of the democratic primary. R. H. DONALDSON. I am a candidate for Magistrate for Laurens Township, and will appreciate the vote and influence of every citizen n the township who may favor mo with bis support in the primary. W: T. CREWS. The Cameo Is more popular now than ever. It is an ideal gift for a birthday or wedding anniversary* We have some beau ties isScarf-Pins, Pend ant-Lockets and Broa ches in both the shell and stone varieties at reasonable prices, qual ity considered. FLEMING BROTHERS JEWEIyKRS UNA* WKTTLKMBNT. Tiiho notice that on tho 4th, day of Oatatar, 1812, We will render a final account of our acts and doings as Administrators of the estate of G. W. L. Teagua. deceased, In the office of the Judge of Probat? of Laureas county a* 11 o'clock, a. m\, and on the sane day will apply for a final discharge from our trusts as Admlata t raters, Any persona Indebted to said estatn are notified and rc<(u i ? < ?'? to make pay ment on that date; and all personn having nlgima against said estate will present I hem on or before said date, duly woven, or be forever barred. J. H. Wharton, K W. W. Toague, Hue Teague. Executors. H?t. 4, 1912.-1 mo. ft. 4,