The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 28, 1912, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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That Look like Twice Our Price Men. women end children Iot? iC Ring* at sight, because 7're so beautiful. No other line ?fords euch wonderful values. 86 strong that the makers guarantee to replace lost utones (except diamonds). >LID Guaranteed Rings Look for Q. C. stamp inside each ring. You h*>v3 over 2000 choice patterns to select from. $ 2 and up. Call and get free birth stone card. WILLIAM SOLOMON. Lauren*, S. C. ^Points to KG 1116/110.611 7/ The Cost! The Service! Auto Repairs that will cost you the least owing to our complete shop equipment for quick work?least charges for labor! Repairing that "stays re paired"?that means getting car-service out of your ma chine. Try this combinatiuo get our estimate! Phone us! W. P. H?DGENS Laurens, S. C. We Want YOUR Support IN BUSINESS Trade at The Big Store Vote for the Best Men Fresh water-ground Corn Meal. Some more of Kingan's F. F. V. Hams. Just arrived new Henry Clay Flour, 100 per cent pure, the very best Flour made. We keep Cotton Seed Meal, Bran and Shorts and Chicken Feed. Cotton-picking Sheets now ready for you. While you are talking pol itics with the Big Chief, Don't forget to trade with the boys. 50 bushels of new Seed Rye just in. Seed Barley and Crimson Clover coming. Red Rust Proof Oats ready to sow. A fresh stock of White Satin Flour, the kind you like so well. Also some Half Patent Flour that is good. J.H. Sullivan Lauren?, S. C. EAGLETHISTLE sTfilil^ ANNUAL REUNION OF COMPANY F Enjoyable Meeting of Confederate Yet* erans at L?ngsten Church Last Tues day. Lang.Uon Church, Aug. 20?The an nual reunion of Co. P, 14th Reg. S. C. V., was held at Lnngston church Tues day, August 20th. Lieut. W. A. Shands presided and Rev. B. Myers Invoked a blessing upon the meeting. The follow ing members answerd to the roll call: W. A. Shands, .1. T. Todd. J. P. Dlllard. J. W. Blakeley, Wash Taylor, besides several other visiting veterans, who were welcomed from other companies. We were disappointed In not having Judge 0. Q. Thompson to make an ad dress for us. Hon. R, A. Cooper de livered one of those characteristic and patriotic speeches of his. showing why and for what the southern soldier fought. The following were elected honorary members: \V. A. Copeland, ('. A. Todd, A. C Todd. W. J. (lore and J. Frank Copeland. As Is the usual custom resolutions were passed on the death of four of our comrades, .lohn W. (lore, .lames P. Sloane, W. J. Copeland and n. F. Henry. The resolutions are as fol lows: "Resolutions passed on the death of Comrades John W. Core. James P. Sloane, W. J. Copeland and B. F. Henry, members of Co. P, 14th s. C. V.. by their comrades of that com pany. "Whereas, the Almighty, in his inil nlte wisdom, lias seen tit to remove from our mitist tour of our members. John \V. Core. James P. Sloane, W. J Copeland and B. P. Henry, members of Co. P, 14th Reg. S. C. V., "Resolved. First, That In their death the state has lost four brave soldiers and good citizens and we four faithful members of our company. They fought during the war with that valor and courage which characterized the Confederate soldier and discharged ev ery duty placed upon them. Faithful In peace as In war, they have made good citizens of this state. "Resolved, second, That a page of our minute book he Inscribed to each of them and that a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the surviving mem bers of their families and that the county papers be requested to pub lish them. (Signed) "Members of Co. P." An attractive program of patriotic songs ami recitations was beautifully carried out. A song "When the roll Is called up yonder" was sung by the young people. Miss Annie May Don nan sang in a beautiful manner that old war song "Tenting on the old camp ground". A poem "A Texas Roy" was impressively read by Hon. R. A. Cooper. Of course the dinner prepared by the good ladies proved an attractive fea ture of the day and it was thorough enjoyed. A large crowd was present and the old soldiers and their friends had ;t fine time of it together. The meeting was adjourned after de ciding upon Langston Church as the place of meeting next year. The date selected was August 19th. W P. WRIGHT, Secretary. B. F. TOWNSEND DEAD. The Well Knovrn Attorney of Union Passed Away Tnesdny Night at the Home of his Sister. Union, Aug. 21.?Den F. Townsend died at the home of his sister, Mrs. C. T. Murphy, last night at 7:30 o'clock, after a severe illness of sev eral days. His death removes one of the best known attorneys In upper South Carolina, a man of unusual in tellect and gift of speech. The funeral services over Mr. Town send will be Conducted this afternoon from Grace church ami the Interment in the Townsend enolosure in the Methodist cemetery. Den. F. Townsend was born In Union on March 14, 1870, and was the son of the late Judge D, A. Town send and Mrs. Sallie D. Townsend. When seven years of ago he entered school at Union and later attended Greenville Military school and from there he went to Davidson college, where he graduated with high honors In 1887. He has served in the house of representatives from Union county for soveral terms and was elected state senator by a handsome majority several years ago. Mr. Townsend has been married twice. His first marriage was to a Miss Stevenson, of Lexlngtpn, who died a few months after their mar riage. Several years later Mr. Town send married Miss Tulia McGee, of Greenwood, a sister of the late Zach McGee, a well-knowrJ newspaper writer. And to this union a daugh ter was born, Mary McGee Townsend, who, nince the death of her mother, has lived with her aunt, Miss Helen McGee. If ConkeyV Chicken Pox or Sore Head Remedy don't give satisfaction, your money cheerfully refunded at Palmetto Drug Company. ? CROSS HILL NEWS Cross Hill, Aug. 26.?Mrs. Guy Stone of Atlanta is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hollingsworth. Mr. Quince Hollingsworth with a number of other young men went bathing in Saluda river last Monday. Quince got into deep water and it re quired heroic efforts on the part of Mr. Jim Turner to save his life. The others were not near enough to help. A number of our citizens attended the Oreenvlllet meeting of the State Campaign last Thursday. Messrs. J. H. Ilasor. ('. I). Nance, and Dr. Owens went In their automobiles, each car rying a number of voters. They re turned that evening. Misses Blleene and Margaret Young and Nettle Lou Wallace, are visiting Miss Lizzie Bryson. Messrs. H. A. Plnson, W. T. Boyce, R. (!. Crisp and Lyi Leaman drove to Boyd's Mill last Wednesday and spent the evening with friends who are camping at that place. r Mr. Sam Turner of Clinton, was in time Saturday. His friends here were glad to see lilin In his old home town. Miss Helle Bailey of Alken is visit ing Miss Theresa Davenport. Mrs. Lucy Boyd of Lauren.? has been With Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Simpson, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Prey, young people of Fair Forest, spent the week-end with Miss Blanche Plnson. Mrs. Addison of Due West is with Mr. and Mrs. J. O Denny. Miss Sara Heeks is with Mr. and Mrs. W. (\ Rasor. Mr. Hugh Leaman of Whatmire spent Sunday here. Misses Hargrove and McCarley, of Whltmire. are visiting Miss Mary Mil ler. The Misses Dennis of Newberry. are visiting Miss Idalla Hollingsworth. We had a good showed of rain Sun day, the most we have had at one time since the 18th of July. Crops have been cut short by the dry weather. Miss Connie Martin has returned from a pelasant trip to Ashevllle and other places of Interest in North Caro lina. Rev. James Bradley preached a line sermon to a large congregation at the Presbyterian church Sunday. He was pastor here a few years ago, and his many friends here were glad to meet him again. Misses Edith and Louise and Master James Austin of Clinton, are visit ing relatives here. MOUNTYILLK NEWS. Mountvllle, Aug. 2t>.?Mr. Hogan Watts of Georgia is here visiting his brother, sister, and other relatives and mingling with many friends. Miss Eugenia Culbertson of Amity. Cla., after spending ten days with her cousin. Miss Llllle Culbertson. has returned home. Quite a number of our young peo ple went over to Rosemont one day last week where they were joined by a company from Coronaca on a very pleasant picnic occasion. Rev. W. L. Culbertson of Shellnian, (la., preached at the Baptist church on the third Sunday morning and ev ening. Mr. Culbertson and wife have been in the county for two weeks vis iting their many relatives here. They left early Thursday morning for their home In Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hipp of Eden, were here last week spending awhile with the home boys. Messrs. Grady Culbertson and Brooks Qoodman went to Greenville a few days ago on a visit to special f rlends. Misses Nanelu and Carry and Master Span Warllck are spending the sum mer with their kin people near Hrn dersonvllle, N, C, Miss Marie Stokes Is enjoying the] health-giving breezes among thcmoun tains of North Carolina at Saluda. Miss Zell Crisp has returned from an extended visit to her cousin. Miss Harris, of Anderson county. She was] accompanied by her cousins who are spending awhile with her here. Last Sunday afternoon a live weeks' drought was broken by fairly good rains throughout this section. While It la rather late to accomplish very great benefit to the cropa it was a de lightful and welcome change in the excessive hot and dry weather. The crop here has beea very much damaged by the continued drought. Central Cafe to More. The Central Cafe which has been lo rated two doer* below ftwltser Corn paar will be noted within a few days to the comer store In the new Martin building. Thli storeroom Is centrally located!, handsomely finished on the Interior and exterior and will he en tirely new on the Inside.. Handsome restaurant fixtures have been pur chased and In erery manner the new cafe will be a wonderful Improvement oter the old. Cholly Is getting tilings In shape and expects to be landed in his new place within a few days. LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME WITH BEAUTIFUL MANTELS We are Factory Agents and 5ell AAant les at the Factory Prices Complete Line Samples Stock. We carry all Finishes and Our Prices Range from $3.25 up. Only $13.75 This is one of the many pretty designs we are showing, its in solid Oak, with three and one-half inch quartered oak colums. If you are building or remodling your home it will pay you to look over our line. S. M. & E. H. WILKES & CO. Laurens, South Carolina ? ? Buy Land and Save Rent Some More of These Leak Bargains in Real Estate, Houses and Lots. 60'acres of land, dwelling and out building, bound by lands of Stokes Garrett and J. A. Hurdette. Price $2, 000. 144 acres of land, with dwelling and three tenant houses, good barn and outbuildings, bounded by land of S. J. Dnvis and Heroert Martin. Price $75 per acre. Six room cottage, good barn and outbuilding, with store room 18x38, blacksmith shop in the forks of the road lending to Knoree and Pooltown, near the Watts Mill. Price $2,500. 102 acres of land, 7-room dwelling, 6-stall barn, joining lands of J. H. Sullivan, I). M. Burdette, and others, being the home portion of the Mrs. Mary Simpson home place, $2250.00. Terms made as easy as desired. 5-room dwelling and one aero of land, bound by lands of Andrew Ed wards, in town of Fountain Inn. Price $1,000.00 30 1-4 acres of land, with 6-room dwelling, bound by lands of Capt. Humbert Dr. Gllkerson and others. Price $1330.00. 77. One hundred and fifty acres of land, a beautiful residence, three miles southwest of Gray Court in half mllo of Dials church. *Throo tenant houses. This is the home of Capt. J. R. Hel lams, known as Mountaiu View. This is one of the best of bargains. Come early if you want this bargain. 296. Eight room dwelling and four acres of land in City of Laurens on West Main St. This has all modorn improvements. Thla also is a perfect location and a beautiful dwelling. The price is right. Here is the chance to get the very best home cheap. See me for prices. 39. Ninety-five acres of land, near Rtddell's Old Field School House: six room dwelling, barn and out buildings. Mid way between Gray Court and Lan ford Station. This is a line piece of property and prices will be made right 118. Eight room dwelling 1 1-4 acres of land, 3 tenant houses. On East Main St., in the City of Laurons. The loca tion is fine and the price is right. Come and see. 88. One hundred and forty four acres of land In five miles of Laurons C. H. with six room dwolling, threo tenant houses, good barn and out buildings, bounded by lands of .7. L. Neighbors and Charlie Robertson. This is a flno farm with a fine loca tion. Lavel and productive. See mo for prices and terms. 226. One hundred and sixty acres of land close to New Harmony church with now seven room dwelling, tine barn and out buildings, three tenant houses with good well of water at each building. Here is a bargain for the hustling man. Mid way between Ow lngs and Fountain Inn. 116 acres of land, 8-room dwelling, 2 tenant houses, good barn and out building, bound by lands of J. W. Du pree, R. J. Stoddard, near New Har mony church, $40.00 per aero. 424. Ono hundred aud twenty sev en acre3 of land In Youngs township, bounded by lands of J. M. Gray, W. P. Harris and school grounds. Has two buildings. Fine farming land, close to church. This Is a bargain. Will be sub-divided if not sold as a whole. Get busy if you desire to make a pur chase. 62. Three hundred and fifty acres In Suniter County with five room cot tage, three tenant houses and good out buildings. Forty acres of fine bottom land, one hundred and thirty acre* in cultivation. Bounded by lands of Hen ry White and Press Edwards, in three miles of Sumter court house. Here la a bargain. Terms made easy. 107. Fifty acres of land near Barks dale Station with four room cottage, barn and out buildings. Nice location, in good farming section, convenient to schools and churches. Look aftor this bargain. 120. Six room cottage, barn and out buildings, four and thirty ono-hun dreth acres of land in prosperous town of Cross Hill. You will be sur prised to hear prlcea. 03. 2">0 acres of land, 2 tenant houses, 125 acres In cultivation. Bounded by lands of Wesley and Leo Madden, Kd Corbott and others. See me for prices. I have some beautiful building lota In the towns of Laurens and Graz Court. One nice home for rent in the town of Gray Court. 56. 142 acres, near Barksdale sta tion, with dwelling and tenant house. Price $17.50 per acre. $500 cash and your own good time to pay the remain der. Get here quick if you want this property. 6-room dwelling, good barn and out building, fronting North Harper St., Joining lands of tho Watts Mill Co. Very desirable piece of property. Can be bought for the oum of $2,000. I Can Secure Loans and Make Advances on Real Estate J. N. LEAK QRAY COURT, S. C. J "The Man That Divides the Earth to Suit| Your Purse."