PHONE YOUR ORDER FOR: Ice Cream When you have a party at home, when you have a few friends to dine with you or when, on any occasion, you desire a de lightful dessert. Additions have been made to our Parlor. We have installed several new tables and chairs thus giving plenty of room for large crowds. Our service always is prompt and pleasing. Ray's Pharmacy Prescriptions a Specialty Dial Bldg. Laurens, S. C. i iPvROLLISNGt STOW GATHERS NO MOSS WZIY-?&A- Tfflf AN T? Buy A Home With Rent Money! The average renter pays for Iiis place every eight years but the land lord still owns it. Why Pay Rent? YOU PAY AS RKNT B8T* 178 Acres near Ml. Olive Clinch. Cheap ami on easy terms. One-half interest in one of the lines! lime quarries in the South. Four miles of Ware Shoals. Cheap on easy terms./ At $120.00 per year in 10 years. $1,581.68 At $120.00 per year in 25 years. $6,583.72 At $240.00 per year in 10 years. $3,163.36 At $240.00 per year in 25 years. 13,167.43 We will cut any of the following into such size tracts as you desire. Wc buy at wholesale and retail land out to suit the small buyer : Splendid farm and ginnery at Kkom, containing 100 acres, and good dwelling, outhouses, etc.. UO horseengine and lOhorsc boiler, two 00 saw gin, all in good shape on easy terms or (ill cash. About 100 Acros near Watts Mill, known as the BadgClt Land. 552 Acros looated near Uoody River Power Company, on Reedy Rivor, and known as tbo Dorroh Place. Price, $12.50 to $20.00 por acre, depending on number of acres and location. 200 acres throe miles east of Laurens. High state cultivation. Terms easy. 23 acros at Aull's cross roads, cheap for quick sale. 19 acre* near Watts Mills, all improved, for Sl.aOO.'Jialf cash. 165 acres, & part ?f J. N. Clardy traot, $8.00 per aore. Geithe bar gain now. 03 acres near Ora, 9. C, with good dwelling houso and all necessary outbuildings, good orchard, good level land, church and school conve nient. Terms and price reasonable. 14 acres near Watts Mill well-improved. See us for price and terms. Several houses and lots near Watts Mill. We also have for sale about Twenty-two Aores of land wUhin the corporate limit* of the City of Laurens. known m Orays HIM, wh'oh we will sell in small building lots, at, reasonable prices. A good many of these lots have cottages on them. Remember that we cut off any number of acres de sired by purchaser and give any reasonable time in which to pay. Wc want to make it possible for every white farmer in Laurens County to own his home: Laurens Trust Company R. A. Coopkr, President. C. W. TuNR,Sec. & Treas. Anderson A Hlakeley, Managers Seal Estate S?le?. COUNTY CAMPAIGN AT CROSS HILL Ilr. Miller In his Home Town was the General Favorite Receiving* Flowers. CroBS Hill, S. C.. Aug. 10.?There wa8 a good crowd here today to greet the candidates. Cross Hill people turned out pretty well. -A good ninny ladles being present There were a great many here from Mountville and Waterloo uIbo. Mr. W. B. Fuller call ed the meeting to order and Introduced the speakers. Candidates for county conimlslsoners came first, then clerk of court, sheriff, auditor, and leglsla turemen and senate last. A recess of one hour was taken for dinner. A bar becue dinner was served. Two candl uulc-o for the lcg!sl?'ure ?pnko before dinner, the others after dinner. The candidates all had a respectful hear ing and there were no interruptions. Candidates declared themselves for Jones or Blease as at other meetings. AH the candidates were here ex cept Mr. Curry and Mr. Bailey. Tbc crowd was in the besb of humor and there was nothing to indicate a choice of candidate. Most of them received applause when they closed. Dr. Miller was in Iiis home town and was deserv edly a fuvorite. He received a beauti ful bouquet of flowers. The meeting here today was one of the largest the candidates have met since the lau rens meeting. This corespondent has heard it estimated that Jones would lead here for governor by 2 to 1, some think 5 to I. Dr. Miller will get prac tically all the votes here. *************** * ? * Princeton Locals. * * ? *************** Princeton, Aug. .">?Miss Marlon Riley* of Denmark is the guest this week of Miss Olive Knight. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Monroe and chil dren Eugenia and Kniest spent Sun day and Monday with friends in Cross Hill. Mr. Clevelad Knight of Cray Court was a Sunday visitor here. Mr. J. H. Machen and little daughter, Evelyn have returned to their home in McCormlck after a visit to Mr. J. T. Machen. Mr. Oscar D. Riddle of Greenville is visiting friends here. Miss Bertie Moore of Honea Path) Is the guest of Miss Maude Machen this week. Mrs. It. M. Duboso and sons. James and McTyere are visiting friends In Gray Court. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCucn of Bel ton spent Sunday with their father, Mr. M. B. McCuen. Miss Lydie Bagwell is spondlnng this week with her uncle. Rev. R. W. BurtS near Honea Path, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sullivan and chil dren Carlisle and Kols of Greenville are visiting Capt, J. B. Humbert. Mr. Machen Moore of Honea Patli was here for a few hours Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Simpson of Ware Shoals spent Sunday witli Mr. M. P. Sems. Messrs Allie Sharpc and Sloan Bag well made a flying trip to Honea Path Monday. Miss Gertrude Johnson of Liberty is the attractive guest of the Misses Sharpc. near here, Mrs. Pair and daughter of St. Math ews are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. T. B. Humbert. Mr. H. A. Freeman Is at home from Clemson College, where he has held a position since school closed there. He will leave in a few weeks to take a po sition in Texas where he will spend the winter. Miss Allene Taylor of Pelzer spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Humbert and lit tle daughter, Louye of Anderson spent Sunday with Capt. J. B. Humbert. Miss Ks-.clle Taylor has returned home after a visit to relatives in Greenville anil Bickens. Mr. Coli man and Miss Christene Souths of Greenwood spent Sunday with Miss Olive Knight Mr. Joe and Miss Mary Shaipe have returmd to their home after a visit to relatives here. Rev. R. M. DnBose and sons, Rob ert, Norman and Gwinn arc spending this week near Fork Shoals. Miss Bessie Rldgeway is visiting relatives near Fork Shoals. Mrs. Warten Mitchell and children of Greenville are visiting relatives here. Thuse who attended the Sunday School picnic at Filendshlp last Sat u ay were Messrs Arthur Brltt, J. T. Davenport and Mrs. Davenport. Mr. R. A. Cooper of Laurens was here for a while Tuesday. Mis Eugenia Stokes of Greenville Is visiting relatives here. A vast amount of ill health is due to impaired dlgeRtlon. When the stom ach falls to perform its functions prop erly the whole system becomes de ranged. A few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets Is all you neod. They will strengthen your digestion, invigorate your liver, and regulate your bowels, entirely doing away with that misera ble feeling due to faulty digestion. Try It. Many others have been permanent ly cured?why not yottl For sale by all dealers. SUNDAY SCHOOL QUESTIONS. (Copyright, 1910, by Rev. T. 8. Lin scott, D. D.) The Ruler's Daughter. Markv:21-43. Golden Text?And he took the dam sel by the hand and said to unto her, Talitha cuml, which Is, being Inter preted, Damsel, I say unto thee arise. Mark v:41. (1.) Verse 21?What were the attrac tions in Jesus which drew the multi tude to him? (2.) Verse 22?When a great man Is in trouble does he crave help and sym pathy the same as common people? Give your reasons. (3.) Verse 28? When our little chll oren are slct ana likely to ????? Into a land of conscious bliss how ought our feelings to be affected? (Tills Is one of the questions which may be answered In writing by members of the club.) (4.) Most of the rulers of the Jews were antagonized to Jesus. It Is pos sible that Jalrus would have been but for his trouble, and in any event what Is the general Influence of a great sor row upon a man's trust in Jesus? \ (5.) Is such confident faith that Jal- 1 rus had natural or supernatural, and ' why? ; (6.) Verse 24?Jesus In those days ' responded to every call for help. What 1 reason have we to know that be Is , now equally responsive to every call? \ (7.) When we are in trouble what do 1 we need to do to pet adequate help > from God? 90 for the roadster, $690 for the five passenger car, and $700 for the delivery car?complete with all equip ment, f. o. b. Detroit. Latest catalogue from Ford Motor Company, Michigan and Fourteenth Street?or direct from Detroit Factory. W. P. HUDGENS Laurens-South Carolina EVERYTHING IN ITS SEASON! If you require some nice Sheer Fabrics In White Goods for Waists or Dress, a good variety still here to select from. Ready-to-wear White Embroidered Waists, Silk and Lisle Hose. Some New Neckwear just opened at Q. WILSON /