The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 07, 1912, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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= BIO. I Barbecue at Naddens 1 Tuesday, Aug. 13th, 1912. The Laurens County Live Stock Association is the occasion, and a big crowd is expected. Mr. M. B. Crisp will be chief cook, a sufficient guarantee for a good dinner. L. W. MARTtN, JNO. A. MADDEN. THE ELEGANT New and Exceptionally Weil-Appointed EATING HOUSE This Cafe is under new management now and promises the best service in the city. A well prepared meal served in five minutes after your order has been given. The best place to get an elegant dinner at 50 cents and a Quick Lunch. Oysters in every Style, Meals at all hours, day or night. f Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced A square deal for everybody. A place where both Ladies and Gentlemen feel at home. DENNIS PENTOVOL Proprietor Railroad Station Laurens, S. C. BUY YOUR COAL Now and Save the Difference Eichelberger Brothers RELIABLE DRAYMEN Day Phone Night Phone 33 276 ANNUAL CHEAP EXCURSION TO ATLANTA, QA. AND RETURN VIA SEABOARD VERY LOW RATES Wednesday, Aug. 14th. LEAVE SCHEDULE RATE Clinton, S. C. 12:45 p. m. 2.75 Mountville, S. C, 1:02 p. m. 2.75 Cross Hill, S. C. 1:11p.m._2-75 Returning tickets will be good on regular trains which leave Atlanta as follows: 7:00 a. m. and 8:55 p. m., (Atlanta-Central time) up to and in cluding train No. 38 leaving Atlanta 8:55 p.m., Saturday, August 17th, 1912. Tickets will not be good on train No. 32, leaving Atlanta at 1:15 p. m. FRED GEISSLER, Assistant Oen'l Pass. Agent. W. B. Qreshalti, T. P. A., Atlanta, Qa. * Lisbon Locals. * Ltsbon, Aug. 3.?Farmers have decided that to plow cotton now, would be Injurious to the plant, and so have] made up their minds to take a few days' rest. You can't imagine how hard we have tolled since the early spring set in, nnd we do hope that we will be well paid for our labor with a good yield of both cotton nnd corn. Yet we can't hope for much unless we got a good rain real soon and the outcome has to be very great if we realize a first-class crop. W'e see no army worms yet. and hope that we never will, as to that. If they were to lift our cotton and corn at this stage of the game, some of us would be bankrupt, and It might bankrupt some body else. We mean the bankers, who have been so kind to let us have money the year round. Wc have nothing but a good word for those bankers in your city. What could we do without them. Some of the politicians give the banks, and corporation fits. Then they will go to some of these same people nnd ask for hell). Now, we are going to be plain with you. We can't see how these politicians can go around from stump to stump, and tell the people how these corporations are crushing the very life and existence out of them. These people are a necessity and they are the ones who save their earnings to belli those who will not save, and we have nothing but praise for them. We hope when the state campaign meeting comes off at Laurens that our people will show them that we don't believe In rowdyism, nnd if any of those who arc running for state office, use language that is not parliamentary the police will take charge of him and tench him that It is the wrong place to use language unbecoming a gentle man. Mrs. H. B, Humbert and daughter, have been visiting the former's par ents. Mr. Tom Holmes, of Washington, D. C, is visiting home folks. Mrs. Belott and son, of Greenville, are spending a while with Mrs. Milam. Mr. Frank Sprousc had one of his eyes taken out and we are glad to state that Mr. Sprouse Is getting along very nicely. We hope by the removal of this eye that the other one will get till right. Mr. Ed. Fuller had a sun stroke the other day, but we are glad to say that Mr. Fuller is up and getting all right. Mrs. Ella Hudgons and grandchil dren, of Spartanburg and Miss Elolsc Dunlap of I.aurens, nave been visit ing relatives at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Orin BnllOW, of l'n lon, are spending a few days with rel atives. Mr. A. K. Sullivan, oulr efficient county policeman, is certainly keeping things quiet. Are Ever At War. There are two things everlastingly nt war, joy and piles. But Bucklen's Arnica Salve will banish piles in any form. It soon subdues the itching, ir ritation. Inflammation or swelling, it give comfort. Invites joy. Greatest healer of burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises, eczema, scalds^ pimples, skin eruptions. Only 26 cents at La,urens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. SULPHUR SPRINGS. Sulphur Springs, S. C. Aug. ."?.--The I farmer folks in this Community, about finished "laying by" the past weok, and are enjoying their much needed rest after the season's work, but If it doesn't rain soon their work will al most bo In vain. Mr.. and Mrs. J. M. Smith and Mrs. (!. w. L, Tongue chaperoned qiute n crowd on a fishing last Wednesday on Rnbun. Mrs. Lottie Walker who has been on In visit to her sop Mr. W. T. Walker j has returned to . . home In Cross Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wlnn of Laurens were visitors of J, W. Saxon and fam ily last Sunday. Mrs. G, w. It. Tongue ami daughter, Miss Minnie were shopping in Laurens last Thursday. Aunt "Pollie Fuller who Is ninety two years old was the guest of her grandson, Mr. W. T. Walker, last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. O. Teague visited relatives in the Ueaverdam section last Saturday and Sunday and attend ed services nt the church while there. Miss Ethel Wlnn of Dnurens was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. K. Mc? Pherson last Sunday. Indian Killed on Track. Near Rochelle, 111., an Indian went to sleep on a railroad track and was killed by the fast express. He paid for his carelessness with his life. Of ten Its that way when people neglect coughs and colds. Don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them and so prevent a dangerous throat or lung trouble. "It completely cured me, In n short time, of a\terrlble cough that followed a severo Attack of grip." writes J. R. Watts/ Floydada, Tex., "and I regained IT? pounds in weight that I had lost." Quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. .M)c nnd $1.00 trial bot tle free at I^aurens Drug Co. and Pal metto Drug Co. ? IfBWS FROM JONES. * ? ? ? ? ? ? ???*??????? Jones, S. 0.? July 29.?"Uncle Dock* Owens, candidate for coroner, was hore last week meeting old friends and making new ones. His book on camp stories and war Jokes will soon come from the 'press. I Mr. Jno. South, of Greenwood, is putting In waterworks for Mcvsrs. W. B. and G. B. Rlley. While we are very sorry to have our warm friends Mr. ami Mrs. Clyde Cobb leave us, we arc very glad of his promotion to the superlntendoncy of the Belton mill. They will be grently missed, livery movement that hr.d fur Its object the promotion of the best interests of our community in variably received their support. We cordially commend them to the good people of Belton and wish them groat prosperity. Rev. Jas. Hughes of Mt. Bethel paid us a visit recently. The Ware Shoals Mfg. Co. has let the contract for the building of a new mill and a large hall. The work is now progressing nicely. Other Im provements will soon follow and Ware Shoals will soon be one of the largest and most prosperous mill lu this sec tion of the beautiful Piedmont. Mrs. Mary South Is vlsltieg her son, In Georgia. We are indebted to Mrs. .1. C. Mabry and Cr. B. Rlley for some choice fruit. Mr. Edgar Madden has a field of beautiful corn. Mrs. W. E. McCord and children of Spartanburg are visiting at Mr. 0. I B. Ri ley's. It was the writer's good fortune to become the rocipitcnt of Dr. and Mrs. Crymcs' hospitality in Greenwood re cently. We had the pleasure of meeting our distinguished friend, Hon. C. C. Feath erstone of Greenwood. We are indebted to Sam McNinch and Johnnie Jackson for some fine to matoes. Messrs. Jas. McEnroe and Capers Gambrell have returned from a north ern trip. Coroner Shadrack was here last week meeting the voters. A large delegation of the members of Greenville church surprised Rev. Dallas with a visit last week. Last week we met our friends, Messrs It. L. Uarinore and Clarence Sharps of Donalds. The Masonic and Woodmen picnic at Ml. Gallagher last Saturday was a grand success. Dr. Willie Join's pro sided and the exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. J. U. Martin. Eloquent addresses were delivered by Hon. R. A. Cooper and Hon. O. I'. Goodwin of Laurens, Hon. McSwaln of Greenville and Hon. 1). A. I'. Out/., and Mayor Baker of Greenwood. Music was furnished by the IIonen Path brass band. The attendance was large, the order perfect and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the delightful oc casion. TYLKBSVILLE DOTS. Tylorsvllle, Aug. 5.?Rev. J. F. Ja cobs of Clinton delivered a very inter esting sermon at Sandy Springs Sun day afternoon. Quite a number of Visitors attended the service. Miss Lillian Peterson is visiting at the home of Mr. .1. W. Peterson. Misses ISvn Clnlborne, of Baltimore, N'in Poole. KJvo Cannon. Elbe Stanford. Eva Scott, Margaret Stanford. Tenor Glenn and Mr. Current Burnett, all of Spartanburg, spent Sunday with Mi\ and Mix. t. p. Poole and family. Mr. W. C. Winters spent Sunday with Mr. and M:>- T. I'. Poole mid family. The protracted meeting closed n! Langston Saturday morning. Mr. J. I). Soxton and daughter, Wil lie, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. T. P. Poolo and family. Miss Kntherlnc Wright of N'ewberry is visiting relatives here. Miss Kate Catheart of Columbia Is visiting at the homo of Mr. w. D, Byrd's. Mr. W. A. Poole and daughters, Alice and Annie Belle spent last Thursday with Mr. T. I'. Poole and family. Mrs. J. W. Peterson and daughter, Mattie Belle and Mr. William Peter Bon spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cooper. Mr. Hugh Don nan of Clinton spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. Lillie Johnson and son, Wales I returned to Cross Anchor Friday af ter a visit to relatives here. Flying Men Fall victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles Just like other people, with I like results In loss of appetite, back ache, nervousness, headache, and tired, listless, run-down feellug. But there's no need to feel like thsft as T. I). Pee bles, Henry. Tenn.. proved. "Six bot? I ties of Electric Ritters," he writes, "did more to give nWnew strength and good appetite thari/all other stomach remedies I used." So they help every body. It's folly to suffer when this great remedy will help you from the first dose. Try it. Only f>0 cents at Laurens Drug Co.. and Palmetto Drug [Co. Davis Mineral Spring Water Delivered anywhere in Laurens at 10 centper gallon. Good in Liver, Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Best remedy on the market foj* Iridigestion and all Stomach Troubles. Delivered anywhere within the incorpate limits at 10 cents gallon; 5 cents per gallon at the Spring. Telephone BROWN FRANKLIN'S Restaurant 171 {5 RT RIGHT ^k^y METAL SHINGLES STORM i PROOF r w 7 ? w 1 They interlock and overlap each other in auch a wcy that the hardest driving rain or anew r annot aift under them. Won't pulsate or rattle in wind-storms. They're sueo fire-proof, will I laet aa long aa the building, and never need repairs. For sale by Local Dealers or Cortright Metal Roofing Company 50 N. 23rd, St., Philadelphia, Pa. MOLES AND WARTS Removed with MOLFSOFF, without pain or dan ger, no matter how large, or how far raised about the surface of the skin. And they will never re turn, and no trace or scar will be left. MOLES OFF is applied directly to the MOLE or WART, which entirely disappears in about six days, killing the germ and leaving the skin smooth and natural. IVLOLESOFF put up only in One Dollar bottles. Fach bottle is neatly packed in a plain case, accom panied by full directions, and contains enough remedy to remove eight or ten ordinary MOLES or WARTS. We sell MOLESOFF under a positive GUARANTEE if it fails to remove your MOLE or WART, we will promptly refund the dollar. Florida Distributing Company Dept. B175 Pensacola, Fla. ANNUAL EXCURSION Aug. 14th, 1912 WASHINGTON ?BY SEABOARD AND RETURN FROM g Clinton, = - - $12.00 Norfolk, Va., Wilmington, N. C, Morehead City, N. C. ROUND TRIP RATHS From Clinton, $10.00 TO To TO Norfolk, Va. Wilmington, N. C. Morehead City, N. C .$0.50 $10.30 A great opportunity to visit the famous Seashore Resorts: Virginia Beach, Ocean View and Old Point Comfort, Va., and Wrightsville Beach, N. C, and the National Capital. Tickets will be sold for regular traius of August 14th, and will be good returning on all trains to reach starting point not later than Aug. 31st, 1912. For Pullman Reservation or additional information, call on nearest Seaboard Agent, or write W. B. Gresham, T. P. A., D. W. Morrah, T. P. A., Atlanta, Oa. Atlanta, Ga, Fred Gcissler, As\ Gen. Pas. Agent, Atlanta, Ga.