*************** * * * WARRIOR CREEK. * * * *************** \ Warrior Creek, July 8?The Fourth [was spent very quietly in this com munity most of the people seeking pleasure went elsewhere. Mrs. Sophie Stovens, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kiddoll, Misses Mary and Loulabelle Poole and Luclle Owens spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. Jas. T. Brownlee and family. Misses Etta and Erllla Brownlee carried a bunch of jolly girls straw riding late Thursday evening. They ?1 report barrels of fun. Misses Marcia Poole spent last week In Laurens with her grandmother, Mrs. T. H. Simpson. Mr. Clifton Brownlee and Columbia Burdette spent Sunday with friends in Switzcr. Messrs Bascom Brownlee and How ard Bramlott called on friends in Laurens Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Calvin Hand of Anderson Is spending some time with her parents bare, Mr. and Mrs. William Bramlett. Mrs. T. A. Drumniond and children spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Fowler. The W. C. ball team will play Clln fy ton Friday, July 12th. They are ex pecting a good game and a large crowd to witness it as it is the first game to be played on the home grounds In lit tle's pastore. Everybody come and bring your friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tili man Owens and Children spent Sunday in dray Court as the guest of Mr. W. M. Stevens and family. We are sorry to report so many on our siek list this week and none of them improving very much. RABUX NEWS. Itnbun, July 8.?All the people around here and from several other places enjoyed the picnic at Babb's Meadow July Fourth. The invited speakers from Laurens were there. At half past ten o'clock the picnic open ed with music furnished by a brass band, then Mr. T. Houston Babb made the welcome address, and Introduced the speakers, Mr. Cooper and Mr. Homer Dlackwell, both of Laurens. After they both made good and Inter esting speeches, the picnic adjourned 1 one hour for dinner. Mrs. G. W. Babb furnished a long table in her yard under the beautiful trees, and all the picnic crowd put dinner to gether, and don't think any gathering could have had any prettier and more good things to eat than the "Babb Meadow crowd had." In the afternoon music was played, and several inter esting games of base ball. Dr. Tim merman and Gvis Babb of Laurens were at the picnic. Mr. II. H. Mahon was sharpening some ploughs Saturday afternoon and while doing the work a small cynder lit in his eye and he's suffering a good deal with it, hope he'll be better in a few days. Miss Stella Mahon Is real sick at this writing with fever. Mr. Laurens Mahon purchased a touring car in Laurens last week. The Misses King of Greer were the visitors of Miss Ada Nash, the last of the week. Mr. Vance and sisters of A.ugusta Cross Roads visited their brother and fumlly Friday night. Misses Luolle Smith, and Jessls Huntley, of Greenville, Misses Smith, Teague, and Messrs. Smith and Moore of Waterloo were the visitors of Mrs. G. W. Babb Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell of Fountain Inn were visiting at the home of Mr. Lewis Mahaffey's Sunday. Rev. L. H. Haggott spent Saturday night with Mr. James Sumerel and family. Mrs. J. A. Mahon and son. Franx, after spending several days in Green ville with Mrs. Wulter Nash returned to her home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Heliums of Fountain Inn were at Rabun Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Moore of Mount vllle were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Roper Saturday night and Sun day. Mr. W. D. Owens was In Laurens Saturday on business. SULPHUR SPRINGS. Sulphur Springs. July 8.?The Fourth pased off very quietly in this community. Some attended picnics some barbecues, while others spent the day very pleasantly on the river fishing. Mrs. G. W. L. Teague, accompanied by her daughter, Mis:; Miunie, and granddaughter, Mies Ruth Hill, at tended services at Bcaverdam last Sunday and din. d with their kinsman, Mr. Will Teague. Mrs. John Cannon and son wore visitors in Laurens Saturday night. Mr. Asa Teague, one of the young farmers of our community has the finest cotton we have seen. Miss Lizzie Walker has been on the sick list for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Teague. with little Frances and Hertha, attended services at Beaverdam Sunday and were the guests of Mrs. Teague's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin, after services. Little Fay Hill visited her uncle, Mr. J. O. Teague, Sunday. Miss Mary Smith and brothers, J. C, David and Fleming, were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Ludie Babb of Ra bun, the Fourth. Miss Minnie Teague and Mr. Ernest Moore were also guests of Mrs. Babb. Mr. Asa Teague attended the bar becue at Mountvllle on Thursday and report a Une time. Mr. Duncan visited bis brothers in Lau r ens, Saturday night and Sunday. BAUKSDAI,E NOTES. Barksdale, duly 8.?Mi88 Sue Knight was married to Mr. Benjamiuc of MountVill'e, last Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at her home near here. Rev. H. L. Bnggott, the pasotr of the bride, officiated. Mrs. Margaret Dial died at her res idence lust Sunday at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Dial was in her 82nd year of her life. She was murried to Mr. Duce Dial about iirty years ago and since that time she has resided here. Mr. Dial preceded' her to tho grave several years ago. Mrs. Dial leaves no chil dren. Mrs. P. YV. Devoe and son. Harold, and Miss Blanche Watson, are the guests of Mrs. M. C. Oxner. Mrs. Mary .laekson Is visiting her grandmother hi I*aurens, Mrs. Mary Simpson. Wbenyoa feel ?????. tous, tired, worried or despondent it is a iure si gm you need MOTTS NERVERINE PILLS. They rotvew tho normal vigor and make life worth living. De sure and ask for Mott't Nerrerine Pills IXiltf. Wll HAMS MFG. CO.. Prep*., CUreUnd. Ohio LAUBEhS DRUG CO. Laarens, S. C. Coming out ?very time you comb it? it the failing hair ruining that beautiful thick and wavy hair that you are ?c proud of and treasure so much ? You can atop the falling out and re store those gray hairs to their natural color just ns toon as you begin to use HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. Don't delay ?don't run the risk of losing altogether, with thin, scraggly, gray hair your beauty and youthful appearance. Keep your hair natural colored, thick and glossy, and you will always keep your good looka. It is not a dye. 1.00 and 50c at Drug Stores or direct upon receipt ol price and'dealeri name. Scud 10c (or (rial bottle. Philo. Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J, For sale nnd recommended by LAUBENS DRUG CO. Piles! Piles! Piles! William?' Indian Pile Ointment will euro Blind, Bleeding- and ItohlBf File*. It ?Is aorb? the tumors, atlays ttehtnaj ?t onco, ?et? ?? a peultioe, ?Iva? Instant relief. Williame' Indian Pile Ointment 1? pre pared for Ptten and itching- ?f the prlv-t* parts. L>rw?-?-t?t?. mail Me and Sl.Oo. MLLIAMS OTSl CO.. Prspa.. Cleveland, ?Me LAUBttHS 9EU? v?. Lanrena, 8. C, This Weck. 12 .lolly Tumblers.Sic 12 Fruit Jar Caps.20c 12 Rubber Jar Ring*.,">c RED IRON RACKET'S SATURDAY From 2 to !1 o'clock 10 jtls Fancy Lawn.2.">e 10 yds 80-in Lawn..Hue Lliiuted 10 yards to each customer. Big July Sale?-Red Hot Prices Red Hot July Prices. Rod hot July prices on Clothing. Dress up and be somebody. It makes no differ ence if you are a boy or man, dress up now. $5.00 Suits for.$3.98 $7.00 Suits for.$4.98 $8.50 Suits for.$6.39 $10.00 Suits for.$8.39 $12.00 Suits for.$9.98 $14.00 Suits for.$11.39 $15.00 Suits for.$12.50 Let us make your suit to order. Special Tailor made suits $15.00, no more no less, nil wool guaranteed goods, tailored by the International Woolen Mills Co. Come in and let us show you this line, its as good as you have paid $20.00 to $23.50 for. Come and see. Our pants must walk about now. Red hot July prices. Men's Pants, walking out at 98c, $1.25, $1.45, $1.98, $2.39, $2.94 up to $5.39 for the $7.00 kind. Come to the Red Iron Racket and wear pants. Our improved building is now complet ed and we have one of the latest modern department stores in Laurons and the larg est ami complete stock of merchandise shown under one roof in South Carolina, and best of all the prices are from 10 to :{.") per cent less than others ask for some goods. 10c package Good Luck Baking Powder 8c 12 cakes Laundry Soap.25c 1 lb Lump Starch, worth 10c for ....5c 1 lb. Sulphur (10c) for.5c 17 lbs. Sugar.$1.00 10 lbs. Eagle Thistle Soda, best made 25c 6-foot Buggy Whip.10c 1 full size Hammer.10c 15c Curry Comb.10c 1 nice Horse Brush.10c 3 sticks Good Luck Bluing for.5c 1 lb. nice Candy.10c 2 good Cigars.5c 3 lbs. Epsom Salts.10c 1 lb. Epsom Sr.Us.4c 5c pkg Celuloid Starch.4c 5c cake Gold Band Soap.4c 5c pkg. Gold Dust Washing Powder ..4c 5c box Good Luck Baking Powder . .4c 5e box Searchlight Matches.4c 5c paper best Pins.4c 5o paper best Safety Pins.4c 5c bottle Ink.4c You Save 25 per cent. Here. We Sell Same Goods for Less Money. 5e cake Toilet Soap.4c 1 lb. pkg. Eagle Thistle Soda.4c 5e twist Tobacco.4c 25 Items of above at 4c here cost you $1.00 40-inch Lawn, special.5c 7 cakes Laundry Soap, soda ervstial (good) .26c 1 lot Boys' Body Waists, slightly damaged by water, to close out at.12 l-2c 1 lot Ladies' Sailor Hats, to close at 15c 1 lot of Boys' and Men's Caps, slightly damaged by water and dust, worth 25e * to 35e at.15c 1 lot 50c Dress Shirts, slightly soiled while building, to close out at 25c, good as ever SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Big line going at 98c, $1.25, $1.48, $1.89, $2.25, $2.45. $2.98, $3.48 for the $4.00 kind. Infant's Shoes for.10c Children's Slippers and Shoes 48c, 69c, 85c, 98c, $1.18, to.$148 200 pairs Slippers and Shoes, to close out quick on the tloor . . . .$1.89 These are $2.r?0. $3.00 and fii.r.O shoes Best $1.00 Watch made for.69c $1.00 Alarm Clock.60c $3.50 large 8-day Clock .$1.98 Calico going at.4c Good Bleachings per yd 6c. 7 l-2c, and 9c 2 spools Thread (good) .5c 8 balls Thread for.5c <) spools Thread, best made, for.25c Ladies Skirts 75c, 98c. $1.45. $1.98. $2.39, $2.94 up to $6.89. Big values. 1 Hound Dawg.10c Men 's Soft (luflnrs.10c 1 nice Window Shade.25c 1 box Shoo Polish.5c .1 bottle Shoe Polish.6c 2 pkg Shoo Nails.5c 1 large si/.e Nail Hammer.10c 1 Shoemaker's Hammer.10c 1 nice Tack Hammer.10c 1 Window Screen.33c 1 huge Dish Pan.10c 1 pair Suspenders.8c f> Handkerchiefs for.10c 1 Corset, good value.25c 5c package Envelopes.3c 10c box Paper.6c 15c box Paper.10c 10c Mantel Paper.8c We Sell Same Goods for Less Money. Everybody likes the candy we sell. Fine candy for less. 40c Chocolate Candy lb.$20c 1 lb. (20c) Caromel Candy.10c 1 lb. (20c) Chocolate Candy .15c l lb. (15c) Crystalized Creams.10c 24 Safety Pin's for.5c 1 six-foot Buggy Whip.10c 15c Drop Top Whip_.10c 1 Mouse Trap.10c 1 doz. Jolly Tumblers for .24c ?i Fruit or lee Cream Saucers.19c 0 nice Tumblers.18c 1 large Class Pitcher.25c 1 baud Lamp.10c 2 Handkerchiefs . ?.5c 75e long waist Corset, La Blanch (special) v for.48c 6 cakes best Laundry Soap made (Gold Band) .23c 15 pkgs. Dukes Mixture, smoking tobacco 25c 0 pkgs. Piedmont Cigarettes.25c 3 plugs S & (i Chewing Tobacco, yum yum-good.25c 1 best Cigar made for.5c 2 good Cigars, Lord Culvert .5c 144 Shirt Buttons. .5c 24 Pearl Buttons.5c They gotta quit kiekin' my Dawg around. Needles, Pins, Key Chains, Hair Pins . .lc 3 boxes Searchlight Matches.10c Men's Underwear Special for.23c 50c quality for.39c 50c elastic seam Drawers our price . .39c 00e elastic seam Drawers going at . . . .43c Kool Shirts and Short Knee Drawers going at 25c and 45c. Keep Kool. St $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 andard Medicines which you ne you are feeling bad. .00 bottle Wampoles Cod Liver .00 bottle S S S for the blood 00 bottle B. B. P.. for the blood .00 bottle Electric Bitters . . . . .00 bottle Swamp Hoot. .(til bottle Mystic Wine, of Life .00 bottle Wine of Cardui _ .00 bottle Hood's Sarsaparillu .. .00 bottle Warner's Safe Cure .00 package Thedford's Black ed when Oil 84c . . ..84c . . ..84c ....84c .. ..84c ....84c ....84c . . . 84c ... 84c Draught ... .69c Bargains in the Basement. Tin, Class, Crockery. Lamps, Enameled Ware, Rugs, Window Shades. Art Squares. 25c can Colgatcs or Air Float Talcum Pow der for.15c 2.-)c quality Table Oil Cloth for.15c 15c can Air Float Talcum Powder only 10c 20c largo tin Bucket .10c 1 set largo Ieo Tea Tumblers, bell shape for.50c 1 set Tumblers only.18c 1 set nice Plates.39c 1 set Teacups and Saucers.43c J. C. BURNS & CO. RED HOT BARGAINS. .'?00 pairs of Boy's Knoo Pants, good value for only .... .25c Big purchase in men's Shirts for every day and Sunday wear. Come to Rod Iron Racket for your Shirts. We are soiling these Shirts'at 25c, 39c, 48c, up to 94c for the $1.25 kind. $1.35 Plow shoe for only.98c $1.00 bottle Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre script ion.84c $1.00 bottle Ayers Hair Vigor.84c $1.00 bottlellarsford's Phosphate _84c 50c bottle Dodson's Liver Tonic, takes the place of Calomel (guaranteed) ....42c All 50c bottles Medicines are cut to ... 42c All 25c bottles and packages are cut to 22c Buy here and save money. J. ('. Burns & Co., price cutters. 7e quality Lincnctto.5c 12'_.e 40-inch Lawn .10c 7e 40-in Pawn.5c ('becked Homespun .5c Lawn, fancy.4c Fans, keep kool.lc to 25c Special lot findies' Sailor Hats 15c, 25c. 39c up to 48c for the $1.00 kind. Just in. big lot Fruit Jars. Jelly Tumblers. Jar Pings and Caps. Fly Paper and Fly Traps, Horse Muzzles. Wo sell for less, .1 ('. Burns & ('o. Big lot millinery. Ribbons, Flowers, just in sit way down prices. Come quick. Special 1 t Lndies' White Belts, good 10c 20c Susp< lers for.13c Ladies' Kid Gloves, special 69c up to $2 39 60c Japanese Hug only .39c 1 largo Art Square !>xl2 foot, a beauty for only.$2.94 Millinery. Latest creations, just arrived. Beautiful I bits now goiug at 98c. $1.39 $1.98 up to $3.39 for the 4.50 kind. Don't fail to como Saturday. Special values all day Saturday, fl will pay you to come' Saturdnv, Come to Red Iron Racket for What You Have to Buy and Save 15 to 35 per cent of Your Hard Earned Money. Everybody's Doing HI Why? Just Because J. C. BURNS & COMPANY BEST FRUIT JARS. 12 qt. jars.GSc. 12 half trillions.*3c. Sells Same Goods for Less Money J. C. Burns & Company's "Cut Price" Store Next to Bramlett's Shop?Completely Out of the High Priced District This Week. I Japanese* Art Square 0x12 ft #2.19 I Japanese Rug, S6x72 in.84c