I LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. | ft a. .). Coloy from Route i wa ll visitor in Laurens Wednesday, Mr. Robert Owens, of Clinton Bpont 'Thursday in the city on business. Miss Annie Sitgreaves has returned homo after a pleasant visit to Chester. ^ Miss Ruth Blakoly of Oeorgia is ?yls'ting at the home of Mrs. Sexton. Mrs. W. B. Owens, Jr., and Miss Fear] Hays were in the city Wednes day. r Mr. J. M. DoShields of Lanford jdfe a business vlsitpr in town last Wok. M.\ M. T. Simpson of Cross Hill wag among the visitors in Laurens yo?;*eiday. Mr. J. H. Nabers returned Friday after a pleasant visit of several days 1n Atlanta. Mr. Jos. W. Crews, of Atlanta, has been visiting relatives in the city for a few days. ' s. J. M. McLees, of Greenwood, hus been spending several days in the Olt) with relatives. Mrs. C. C. Roper spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. J. A. Fowler ant', family at Ora. pr Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meetz and son spent last week with R. H. Hudgens at his summer home. Miss Annie Jamleson. of Newnan, Oa., is In the city visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wllkes. Mr. Ludle Teague, now working witr J. I. Chlpley at Greenwood, spent Sunday In the city with relatives. Mrs. J. P. Simpson and Misses Mary, Annie and Lucia Simpson have gor:< to Montreat to spend the summer Miss Ruth Harris, of Spartanburg, if; ? \pected in the city the latter part ol tills week to visit Miss Hettle Lake. " Mrs. F. K. Spratt and little son. ajic*. Mrs. Garllngton are spending some time in the mountains of North Caro lina Mr. Barmorc Mays, of Greenwood, ape.-.t several hours In the city Monday or his way from Clinton to Green wood. Visses Rucia Wolff and Rosa I^ee Pr?.-ks are spending this week with M'>? Nannie Kate Hudgens at Spring wood Farm. i Visses James, Jon^a and Murrah, \?{ "."nion, and Miss Thorn, of Landrum, A\.r- visiting Miss Marguerite Simpson th.^ week. !ss Lucia Featherstone and Mr. Do ^las Featherstone, of Greenwood. S) t Sunday and Monday in the city w ' friends. ? s Bffle Roper, Miss Dora t'oker, Mi ai l Bramlett and Mr. Carl Roper Spent Sunday In Gray Court as the guest of .Mrs. Coker. Mrs. W. I). Foi'gUBOn and Miss Nina LockbridgO, of Virginia, and little Miss Laura Jones left Monday for Suili vans Island to spend several weeks. Misses Willie May Childless. Dorcas Calmea and Mary Todd left Friday for Charlotte, where they will he the guests of Miss llattie Jones, for some time. Miss Mamie Wynelvoop. who has been in the millinery department of Switzer Company for the past season, will leave today for her home near Philadelphia. Mr. George McCravy was carried to Columbia to the hospital last week for the purpose of having an opera tion performed. He was accompanied by Dr. Sohayer. Miss Mattie Hartley, after a visit of a few days with her brother at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gllker son, returned to her home In Spartan burg Thursday. Mr. Walter Cheek and family, of Columbia, visited at the home of Mrs. C. C. Cooper Saturday night and Sun day. They will visit relatives and friends in Princeton this week. Mrs. Ola Cralg, wife of Mr. Nathan F. Cralg will leave today for Spar tanburg where she will undergo treat ment for pellagra. Her many friends wish for her a successful treatment. * SUM.Oll LETTE It. ? Shlloh, July 1.?We have been hav ing some rain which makes the corn look promising to the farmers. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mahaffey spent the day w^th her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Heliums, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Knight spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. William Chestein. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lesley, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Chestein. Mrs. Annie Hel lams and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hendrlx last Sun day. Misses Fay and May Hellams were the guests of Misses Annie I*ee and Marie Abercromble Sunday. Misses Mattie and Cora Chestein vis ited their cousins Misses Luc lie and Lily Henderson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Hellams were the guests of his sister, Mrs. Earl Gray Sunday. Miss Cynthia Mahaffey visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.. Chestein last Monday morning. Mrs. Fanny lrvin is very sick at this' writing. Her friends hope she will be better soon. Ray's ova HOT DRINKS Come toour Soda Fountain where you can always find something sparkling, refreshing and cooling; to drink. All of the newest and latestfrappers, sundaes and sodas trfre served in the Most Delicious mnd appetizing manner. They I are made from the purest mate I rials so they are healthy and in ? vigorating as well as pleasing. JRay's Pharmacy I V 1 s Dial Bldg. Laurens, S. C. I >^*****?******************* J SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. I ?J' 4 ^?'Jf'. % 'Jt ^lft^l' % J?T ^ fl< ? + IJt Invitations Were Issued SOVOrul days ano by Miss Marguerite Simpson for ! u party Tuesday evening, In bonor of Misses .lames, Jones and Murrah, of Union, and Miss Thome, of Landrum, a bevy of charming visitors now with Miss Simpson . ooo Mrs. \V. B. Lucas entertained the Bridge Club Wednesday afternoon at her beautiful home on North Harper street. After a number of games were played, delightful refreshments were served. ooo Mrs. J. H. Teague and Mrs. H. K. Alken entertained at the home of the former Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Stiickler, of Atlanta. A few interest ing games were played after which refreshments were served. The party was given on the porch. ooo Mrs. W. B. Lucas was hostess Thurs day afternoon when she gavo a musi cal in honor of her guests, Misses Leila and Jessie Thompson, of Spar tanburg. A number of guests wore invited and a very pleasant afternoon was spent'. ooo Mrs. Devoreux Turner and her class of music scholars gave a recital at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Davis Thursday evening. Quite a number of guests were present to hear the mu sicians. A delightful program was faultlessly rendered and greatly en joyed by those who heard it. ooo Mrs. G. ('. Albright entertained the Fortnightly club Friday afternoon She was assisted by Mrs. W. H. An derson. A very pleasant afternoon was spent by all who were fortunate enough as to be present. ooo A lovely event of Tuesday evening was the lawn party at which Mlos Grace Darksdale entertained in honor of her guests, Misses Dorothy Hud gens, Caroline Roper and Lula Dial, of Laurens, S. C. The beautiful and spa clous porch and lawn were very ar tistic In this arrangements, the whole place being lighted with Japanese lanterns. Tables were arranged on the wide porch and many Interesting games of cards were played. After the dainty refreshments were served In buffet style, the porch was cleared and dancing was enjoyed until a late hour.?Greenwood Indey. I MADDEN NEWS |l Madden, July How quickly time speeds by! Another "glorious fourth" is almost with us. We trust no se rious ncicdent will mar the day. Mr. Weolcy Madden, a farmer of the Lisbon neighborhood had the misfor tune to get his leg broken Saturday 'afternoon while on h's way bottle from Laurons. When mar Boyd's Cross Roads, his shafts in some way be anie loose or broken and as he was driving a horse thai kicked, it imme diately began to kick, with the result that Mr. Madden's leg wan broken and he In the buggy. Mrs. Tom Shaw fortunately came up just then in her ear. and soon had I the Injured man on his way to the hospital where he was eared for. Mr. and Mrs. John it. Flnley, who have both been sick, are up now and enjoying their usual health. Little Misses Kli/.aheth Martin and Blanche Cox of Orn woe recent vis itors to their cousins. Kathleen and! Wlnona Martin. Misses Susie L?ngsten and Junnlta] Martin, accompanied by Mr. Claudel Flnley attended the Union Mooting ni Ml. Pleasant Sunday and took dinnerI with the pleasant family of Mr. liv id!)* MeDaniel. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. T. s. Langslon went up to the Union ill the First Baptist church, Lnurens, Sunday arid while there were the guests of their son, w. IT. Hudgens. The friends of Mrs. Luther Flnley will be pleased to hear that she was able to have the hospital on Friday last and Is now at the home of h> I parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Nelson Was it not the esteemed Cross Hill ! correspondent that suggested all cor respondents sign their names? Please don't! How could some of us face our cognomen weekly! I I WON i; VCKKT. Illg Lauren^ Store Mas .111 -?t Com. plotcd a Thorough Ovcr-IInnllng. Kod Iron Racket, known In every corner of the Piedmont as the Houso Thai Sells Same Goodn For i.e. h Money and likewise known for many otlier customer-winning, hustling traits, has just finished 11 complete ov erhauling of its big Laurent Htoro room. The two rooms thai they form- j erly occupied have been changed Into ni ?? large apartment and it now Ipolt like ii could and really doe- contain most oVor.v variety of articles from sewing machines on down to 11 stock j ? managet Acc Innny-on-lho-cpol now handle more and same goods it n j In the Insurance Pichl, Mr Carlos R. Moseloy, son 61 Ml*, i'. D. Mose ley and a recent graduate tif Wofford college, has accoptod a po sition tendered him by the Houthoast rsrn Life Insurance Company of Green vlllo and has taken up his work here. Mr. Moseley has been made general ngent of this territory with headquar tera In I.aurens. Ills numerous friends winh him much succohh In the line of work he has selected Mull Currier* Will Fl). This is an age of great discoveries. Progress rides on the air. Soon we may sec Uncle Sam's mall carriers flying in all directions, transporting mall. People take a wonderful Inter est In a discovery that benefits them. That's why Dr. King's New Discov ery for Coughs, Colds and other throat and lung diseases is the most popu lar medicine In America. "It cured me of a dreadful cough," writes Mrs. J. F. Davis, Stlckney Corner, Me., "af ter doctor's treaotment and all other remedies had failed." For coughs, colds or any bronchial affection Its un equaled. Price 50 centa and $1.00. Trial bottle free at I?aurens Drug oC. and Palmetto Drug Co. Piles! Piles! Piles! Williams' Indian Pilo Ointment will cur? Blind, Bleeding and Itching IMloa. U ?b sorhu tlie lunon, allaya Itching at om-e, a.-ts an a poultice, kIvp? instant relief, William*' Indian Wie Otnlmont In pre pared fur l'llt? and Iii lilni; ?f the private parts I':??.?<. ist?. iiihII COc and $1.00. WILLIAMS MFO. CO.. Prot??.. Cleveland, OWo LAU BEN 8 DRUM ^0. I.aureus, S. C. When you feel y ' ^ous, tired, worried or despondent it is a uro n you need MOTT'S NERVERINE PILLS. They rene w the normal vigor and mal e life worth living, li- kurc nnd ask f r Mbtt's Nerverine Pills Wi; MAMS MFG. CO.. I'ron. . Cleveland, 'M.io LAIJRKh.S IHM o CO. I.aureus. S. U, Citation for Letters