y/E REFUND YOUR MONEY IF YOU KEEP YOUR FRECKLES. Try Wilton's Freckle Cream. It la Sold Under an Ab solute Guarantee. That the greatest coro should be shown In selecting a cream or lotlou for facial application Is generali} known. Hut to bu able to pun Ii.ik- u cream which i? absolutely guaranteed to remove freckles <>r pimples nml got your money back from tin- druggist it kit falls to do So, I? something new. 9 Wilson's Freckle Cream Is not only u splendid toilet cream, but uluo u harm. i> us, mild face bleach. Try a 80-cent Jur of Wilson's Freckle Cr?*m, and you will find that your freckles will perceptibly fade. A sec ond Jar wilt cuuse them to completely disappear. If It dues not do thin, your money will be refunded without argu ment by the druggist from whom you purchase the cream. ?? If your druggist cannot supply you. ?end his name and f.O cents to the Wil son Freckle Cream Company, Charles ton. B. C. and a full ?Ixe jar will be mailed von. LAURENS DRUG CO. Special A teats Graduating PRESENTS Most Suitably for the Boys and Girls Who Finish this Year TO BE FOUND AT FLEMING BROTHERS JEWELERS WHY Don't you insure with the Southeastern? It offers the best to be had in Life-insurance viz: Protection Paid Up Values Large Loan Values Long Extended Business A Home Company solic iting yourjnsurance. M. R. WILKES, Agent Lauren*, S. G. Southeastern Life Insurance Co. Greenville, S. C. W. Fsrgassa C C Feataeretaa* W. B. Kaiffht PBRGXJSOM, FlATimTOME ft KNMItT A He***?* at Law Laareaa, I. C, Prompt a*4 ea??s*al atWntiesi a+vsai to all sisstaisi Om? Ovar Palaaatto Baak. Asthma! Asthma! ?OPIIAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY rives instant relief and an absolute cure in all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on receipt of price % t oo. Trial Package by mall 10 rents. WILLIAMS MFC. CO.. Pr.p... CUv?Ua4. OUo LAUKENS DRUG CO. Laarens, S. C. PRICES ADVANCED ON SHARP DEMAND Law of Supply iind Demand Takes Con? troy of Cotton Market? Authorities Figuring on Acreage Reduction? Wide Hange of Opinions. New York. June 14.?Prices have been advancing on the strength of the law of supply and demand. There has been a very sharp demand for spot cotton at the South. Liverpool spot sales throw some light on the situation. They have been at times 12.OU0 to 14.000 bales a day. Man chester has been more active at firm er prices. The big exports this sea son and the large takings of domestic and foreign mills are factors of the first Importance. Wall street and Waldorf-Astoria operators have all been buying. Room operators who had taken the short side on the recent good weather over much of the belt have been swept into line. Some think that the bulls are over estimat ing the consumption and underesti mating the growing crop. Where advocates of higher prices profess to believe that the next crop cannot be over 13,000.000 bales beares think It more probable that it will be 14,000.000 bales If not more. They also believe that a large surplus will be carlrcd over Into next season, part ly of cotton grown during the present season but not marketed, to Bay noth ing of the actual visible supply which will be on hand Sept. 1. They think the present price amply discounts all the strongest arguments of the bulls. Yet many experienced men are act ing on the bull side. They think the price Is cheap around 11 to 111-4 or even 11 1-2 cents and is bound to go higher. Some authorities state that the cot ton acreage has been reduced 7.6 per cent, and that even Texas which many had supposed was goinn to show an Increase actually exhibits a decrease of 3 per cent. The biggest decrease is put at n per cent, in Georgia. Then follow Alabama and Florida with 10.S per cent, Arkansas with 10.6 per cent, Oklahoma, with 10, Mississippi with !t.T, South Caro lina with 4, North Carolina 7; Ten nessee 6; Texas 3 and Louislanna 1.7 ?per cent. This figures out a total ac reage of only 33,883,000 acres ngalnst 30,681.000 last year. The crop is :'. to 4 weeks late. Within the last 30 days cr6p prospects according to some reports, have improved. But many believe that the chances are against a crop of adequate size being raised. The chief feature is the excellent de mand for the actual cotton at home and abroad. 88888888888888888888 8 8 ED EX NOTES. 8 R 88888888888838888888 Kden, June 17.?Carl Reeves Is at home for vacation days from Wanes borro, Virginia, where he has been teaching. Mr. .1. It. Brooks spent the latter part of the week with his mother, Mrs. I.. It. Mrooks. Mr. I.. A. Armstrong has had his dwelling house painted recently, which adds to the looks very much. Captain Harvey Woods is veil ill at this writing. Mr. Will Woods and wife from Honen Path spent Tuesday with Mr. M. W. Gray and family. Fred Armstrong is at home for va cation from Honea Path where he has been going to school. Mr. Will Hipp from Mountvllle. spent a few days with Mr. C. V. Hipp and family. Mr. L. E. Armstrong Is very sick at this writing. Mrs. L. K. Hrooks and Miss Vivian Owens spent a few days in Lnuretis last week. Mr. C. V. Hipp who has been very sick is slowly improving now. Miss Alpha Martin was the guest of Miss Jenovee Babb Saturday night. ftray hairt Oh how disappointed you are to tee it.?Gray hairs take away that youthful appearance that you are to anxious to, tod should keep,?(or beauty and food looks depend so much upon natural colored, thick, glossy and healthy hair. Everyone it attracted to the woman with beautiful hair. Why not have it? get rid oi the gray hairs?keep them out altogether by using HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. You'll be surprised how quickly it will restore those gray hairs to their natural color and how well it will keep them so. It is not a dye but the most satisfactory and reliable restorer. $1.00 ?od SOc at Draft Siorea or direct upon receipt of price and dealer'r name. Send 10c lor trial bottle.-Philo Hay 8pcc. Co., Newark. N. J. For sale and recommended by LAURENS DRCO CO. TWO CONVICTED OF MUHDES. Alleged Slayers of Uttle Andre? Jack? son Found Guilty. Florence. June 15.?The jury in the' case of Tarry Mclntosh and John Wil liams, charged with the murder of' little Andrew Jackson, brought in a verdict or guilty at 11.30 o'cloc. The court room was filled with people, a number of whom were ladles who had sat throughout (he day listening to the case. Attorneys McNeill, Davis and Oliver spoke to the jury for the de fence, and Solicitors Wells and Spears for the State. The arguments were completed at 10 o'clock. The judge's cha.'ge at 10:30 and the jury retired Immediately, being In the room about forty minutes. There was a slight demonstration when the Jury handed up their verdict, but Judge Shlpp quelled It in a second. The usual motion for new trial was made. Florence, June 15.?The case of the State vb Harry Mclntosh and John Williams, charged with the murder of little Andrew Jackson, In this city, about two months ago, was entered Into shortly before the court of gen eral sessions adjourned yesterday af ternoon, and will be late In tonight and probably tomorrow morning be fore the atorneys will get through with their argumets, the judge his charge and the jury go to their room. After the Jury In thth circuit. For the defense are Messrs .lames P. McNeill, Henry Edward Davis, E. S. Oliver and Fred L. Wllcox, the lat ter not reaching here till late today from Richmond. When the> prisoners were brought in there was a general craning of necks to see them. They are both typical Africans, one of the thin, ferret-like type and the other the rotund type, with small bead-like and shifty eyes, looking startled and apprehensive as they came In handcuffed together, but both sleek and well kept and evidently with small sense of moral responsibil ity for the crime of which they stand accused. They are about grown, and are Intelligent looking as that type of African generally is. They became more composed as the time passed on. and watched the drawing of the Jury, and the faces of their distinguished council, for it does not often happen that negro youths are so well repre sented as these two are. A number of witnesses were exam ined, but perl, i the evldnce most damaging to the defendants was the following statement of Freddie Mcln tosh while In jail: I was standing on Evans street, near Mr. Jorndan's, where John and Harry passed by in the hack, driving the gray mare, and saw little Andrew Jackson jump up behind the hack. I saw 11... r\ take him by the arm and get him in the hack. Harry told John to drive fast, and they went on back to the stable. I went on back home and was standing at the wood pile and I saw Harry hold Andrew and John hit him two hard licks with a piece of iron, once on the back and once on the sidti of the head, and Andrew hollered, "Oh Lord, 1 am dead and can't see my mamma any more; I would have been home if those boys had not held me Oil that hack and brought me here." Tills was under the hack shed. Wil liam Poxworth was there too, and saw everything. Me knows more than I do about it, for he was back there with them. When .lohn hit he fell to the ground and Harry jumped on him and choked him; they then put him in the long stable. This was between 7 and 8 o'clock. He stayed there until the hoys came back from the depot that night, then John and Harry brought him in the house and put him in the cloBet, near the telephone, and covered up. They kept him in the closet until the next night about 10 o'clock. John and Harry took him out of the closet and put him In the hack; they was wrlvlng "Big John" and carried him off. The next morning I heard them talking together at the depot, and they said they had Andrew In a safe place; that he would soon rot In that car box. When they took him out of the house he was wrapped up In two or three of my mother's old skirts?one black and one yellow. They said they was going off from here. I told them If they did I would tell Mr. Burch; they said I had better not tell Mr. Burch nothing. On the night of the killing my mother was cooking sup per when the boyB carried him In the house and my sister, Luclle, was sick in bed, and my father was In Wilming ton, N. C, on his run. He did not come back until the next night. I do not think my father and mother knowed anything about it. and Wil liam did not help John and Harry, but he was there and saw it all. His Freddie (xi Mclntosh. Mark. Signed in the presence of Dr. E. M. Matthews. H. M. Hill, Thos. S. Burch, at Jail in Florence. May U3, 1!)12. ?-News and Courier. Another shipment of tllOBO big value Ice Cream Freezers, better get one right away before thoy arc all gone, half-gallon oizo only $1.25. S. M.