UNIQUE SERVICES NEXT SATURDAY "Bring a Nail" Services at Baptist Church. OTHER SPECIAL SERMONS ANNOUNCED Revival Services ut First Baptist 'Church Attracting Fine Congrega tions. The Special Sunday Afternoon Talk will Im? ler the Men- Subject: Short Beds und Narrow Covers. "Bring a nail, bring a nail." That is what the. boys and girls are telling their friends, chums, play-mates and relatives, and they are all going to be there at ten o'clock Saturday morn ing. Whore? At the First Baptist ?church. Why.? To see what Evange lists Walker and Woleslagel are going to do with those nails. In every city where this special nail service is held the young people flock to the meeting in large crowds. Over a thousand per-] sons were packed Into the church In 1 QreeUWOOd for this service held by the evangelists several weeks ago, and if everybody goes who has said they were going here on Saturday the ca pacity of the main auditorium and Sunday School room will be taxed. Mr. Walker has emphatically an nounced that all who attend must bring some kind of a nail. He said he didn't care II It were big, little, round. Hat, smooth, square, or a rusty one. The grown folks are also invited to be present at this special meeting but the young people will have the right of way . The age limit ns set by the evangelist is for all between four and ninety-six ywars. Mr. Woleslagel will lead In the sing ing of new and beautiful choruses. The boys are asked to bring their whistlers, and everybody "bring a nail." Special Sermons. "Short Pcfls and Narrow Covers," Is the unique subject that Evangelist W. \j. Walker will use for his lecture sermon Sunday afternoon at four o'clock In the Baptist church. This address to men has been delivered in every city throughout the South which tlio evangelists have visited during the past few years. The speaker in his oermon deals with many questions that ?so dally in business, social, and re Tfglous life. Mr. Walker will have something to say to the members of the Lnurens lodges, and a special invitation is ex tended to them to attend. "If a man Is a good Mason, or a member of an other lodge of the same high standing, is he, therefore a good Christian?' is the question which is often asked. The speaker will ha^ve something to say on this and on many other questions of Importance being discussed today. A special feature of the meeting and the other services held during the pro mess of the revival will be the music in charge of the leader,* E. L, Woles lagel. t An earnest and cordial invitation is extended to every man in Lnurens to be present at this mass meeting to be held In the First Baptist church, I l>. m. Sunday. SOME FUNNY PICTURES. Manager Lavender Has Fine Series of Motion Pictures for 'Mils Week. Everybody goes to tho motion pic ture show these days and mighty few come away without feeling that thoy have received about two dollars worth if amusement for toft cents. Manager '.avender Is continuing to give excel nt pictures and this week he has an a especially fine series of funny pictures. Phey are not all funny however as he ilso has a Bathe Weekly, current ? \ents, and several other good ones. For Wednesday he has scheduled Tommy's Own Invention" and "The Dancing Swine". The Pathe Weekly be shown Thursday. Prize Winning t abbage. The Advertiser force was present ly ed yesterday with a champion all I iihage-and-a-yard-wlde cabbage that undoubtedly the biggest and hcavl i that has been shown hereabouts for 8 long time: In fact ever shown tore. It weighs ll'i pounds and ..as raised by Mrs. T. P. Poole of Tylersvllle. She has had wonderful A ...ccess in raising this particular irloty and Is selling the plants. GLASS W?RKS RUMOR FALSE Ureonwotnd Paper Claims a Little Too Much Again In Stating that Lnurens Works Would be Moved Across the River. It was stated in the Greenwood Dally Journal of Monday that tho Lau rens Glass Works would he moved to Greenwood! l.Such a move of course has never been in the least contemp lated by the company und they arc at a complete loss to understand^ the ru mor. Mr. Clarence It. Bethell, former manager of the Lanrens Glass Works, stated this morning that the rumor originated from some ones strong Im-J agination and from the fact that he hast been In communication with several Greenwood business men relative to organizing a glass company In Green wood. As a matter of fact the prospects of the glass works here have never look ed brighter, there being at prsent or ders on hand tu be filled that will keep the company busy for many wee"ks to come. The officials state that they are even over-crowded with orders and have more than they can handle. To give a sliglrt idea of what happens over (here only las; Saturday an In quiry was Bcrfl in concerning an order for twenty carloads, And that's just one order; and you can take it Irom anybody?one carload Is some several bottles. MANY R. F. D. CARRIERS WILL VISIT CHESTER President Comer Announces FniMii !.*>() to '-'Ou Delegates Will Attend State Convention July 21-4. Chester, June 10.?B. W. Corner of Hock Hill, president of the South Carolina Rural Letter Carriers' asso ciation, announces that the State con ven to be held here July :>-?? will he attended by from 150 to 2rt0 dele gates and visitors. He is busily en gaged on the programme. However, several things are thus far certain that will be of interest to the car riers throughout the state. A ban quet will be given by the Chester County Rural Letter Cnrrlers' asso ciation to'the State association and it > will be projected on an elaborate scale. The following speakers will be here: Congressman David IS. KM n ley of the Fi.th district: P. H. Hyatt of Columbia, president of the South Car olina QooU Roads association, and Gov, Blcn?e. President .1. M. 'Pennant of the local association has underway a big time for the carriers and the Commercial club and the whole city will unite in making the (occasion one of the most enjoyable ever held. In the Stale.- - The State. MIXSTREli A GREAT Sl'CCESfc. Local Talent Again Pleases Large Amd Appreciative Audience. The mlnstrtil given last Friday even ing at the Opera House for trie benefit of The Laurons County Hospital proved to be a great success. H v ould be wt'il-nigh impossible to Single out any one feature that was especially good for they were all es pecially good. The music, both in strumental and vocal, was in every cast exceptionally well rendered and judging from the enthusiasm created in the audience certainly highly en joyed. The ' i he vvl11 hold communion services. A BIG REAL ESTATE TRANSFER MONDAY Corner Lot and store Room Occupied by H. Terry SoULto Hank of Laurens The pood work continues and the nip Boom of Prosperity is aeard again! This time the honour of shoving Lnu rens another round up the ladder goes to the Hank of Laurens. This hust ling financial institution has purchas ed #the corner lot and store-room now occupied by H. Terry and will com mence to erect at an early date a handsome and modern buildinp. The property was formerly owned by Dr. \V. H. Dial and is one of the best lo cations in the city; an ideal location for a bank and for second story offices. As the deal was only consumated Monday evening, no plans of a definite nature in regard to the building have been formed, though it was stated by the bank officials that the building would be entirely new and the lower floor divided Into probably three sec tions. The front, opening on both sides will be occupied by the bank, and In the rear of this two small store rooms will be built facing the new postOffice. The second story will In divided Into offices. Work on the new building will commence about the llrst of September. The price paid was probably a rec ord one for l.aurens. the lot bringing 1 around $500.00 per front foot. Cotton Acreage Reduced. That the most conservative figures ? for the II principal cotton growing States show a total reduction of (1, 071,750 acres was the statement con tained in a report Wednesday by IS. J. Watson, commissioner of agriculture of South Carolina and president of the Southern Cotton congress on the results obtained under the "Rock Hill plan" for reduction of cotton acre age, Which was inaugurated by John I 0, Anderson of Hock Hill. The report which wiis addressed to the members of the cotton congress. places the acreage reduction at about 16 per cent. According to the report re ceived Commissioner Watson -esti mates that the crop this year will be about 2,500,000 bales less than 11)11. A WELCOME OJ'POHTCXITY. Harris Springs Mill be Open (o Peo ple of Count? Free on Sllltdaj Morn ings. The Advertiser has received the fol lowing letter from Mr. c. h, Fellns, the manager of Haitis Springs, Invlt j Ing the people of this county to en joy the excellent water at the springs free on Sunday morning. The offer is one thai will he highly appreciated by the people of the county and shows that the management feels a keen in terest in the people in the territory surrounding the springs. The on nouncmcnt occurs in another place in this issue of the Advertiser. The let ter follows: Harris Springs, S. ('., Juno 7. 1912. The Laurens Advortlser, Lnurens, s. C. Gentlemen: It Is our desire to give Harris Lithln water to residents of the county be tween the hours of nine and twelve o'clock on Sundays. There are many ! who do not feel thai they can afford to pay for it and others whom we de sire to have it without Cost. Please Insert the enclosed riunouuccmenl In your issue until otherwise advised. We. especially desire (he poor and sick to accept this offer. Thanking you in advance, we are with kindest regards. Yours very truly. Harris Lithln Springs Co.. C. II. I'ettus. Pi osldent, Whole Push Ousted. Columbia. June The supreme court this afternoon In a decision by Justice Watts and concurred in by the entire court, ousted J. M. Howden and A. H Klrby, S. S. Tiner and I). T. (iossett, T. O. Fowler and W. C Har rison, W. H Tanner and K. Hotter from the ofllco of magistrate in Spar tan burg county, declaring. "It is ad judged thai each of the defendants herein are guilty of usurping and in truding into and are unlawfully hold ing ami exercising the office of magis trates in Spartanburg county and it lstth.0 judgment oi this Count that the defendants be excluded from the office of magistrate ami that the plain tiff recover costs against each of them. News Letters From Many Sections. CORRESPONDENTS GIVE LOCAL NEWS Happenings of Interest to Man/ Peo ple all over the County and to Those Who Have Left the Family Hearth stone and gone to Other States. Uarksdalc, .June 10. -Mr. ami Mrs. S. J. Dickson and children, Aimer and Nancy Mae, have returned home after a visit to Mrs. Dlekson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Putnam. Mr. It. I.. Simpson and family spent last Saturday and Sunday in town. Mr. 13. E. Putnam made a trip to Greenville lasi week to attend tho commencement of the South Carolina Conservatory of Music. Mrs. P. W. Devoiv and little SOU, Harold, of Greenwood, are on a visit to Mrs. M. C. Oxner. Mrs. .lames Todd lias been very ill Inn is recovering now quite rapidly. Mis. .1. A. Owens spent last Satur day in Gray Court with her daughter, Mrs. Ford Abercronible. Rabun, June 10. .Mrs. Rebecca Ow ens and daughter Miss ISdnn visited at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Dcmpso Holder in Grconpond section ono night last week. Rev. and Mrs. Mann of Del tot) spent Saturday night with W. A. Rn|d\vln and family. Mr. Claude Mahon and brother Mr. Will Mahon of Princeton were in Has ley Saturday and Sunday visiting their sisier Mrs. Archie Scan, Miss Martha Wolff of Shllol) sec tion, was the visitor of Miss Mario Mahon. i Mr. Murphle Mnhaffoy is at home to I spend the summer vacation. Mr. ('lay llabb of Fountain Inn. spent Sunday with Iiis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mahaffey. Miss Jonovee Hnbb of Kden section spent Sunday with Miss Edna Owens. Miss Mae Unbll anil brOlhcr, Mr. Houston, wire in I.aureus Thursday on business. Tyler.-villc, June II. 'flic farmer:; of this section are busy harvesting Mh; grain and getting ready for threshing. Mrs. Mary Austin and Nephew, Mr. I Roy ftnyd, of I.aureus, wore the guest of Mr, and Mrs. T. P. Poole and fam ily Sundti). Miss Inez Myers spent Sunday with .Misses Llla and Nannie Clark. Misses Fannie Poole, Llla Clark, Grat 0 Pool?- and Nannie Clark and Mr. Furman Poole wer,- in Clinton Friday llighl to hear the lecture by Mr. -lohn I lixon. Messt'?. Karle Tinsloy and Tom Kol lor Of Cross Anchor, Visited Mr. and Mis 'I'. P. Poole and family Sunday. Messrs. .1. S. Cnilg and W. C. Win I tors spent Sunday aft.Vrnoon with tins former's mother "' Ora, Messrs It I. Holland and Nil. Clark v.? re in Clinton Sfiturday, Mr. W c. Winter* left Mouda> j Asheville, N. c . y In i e h< w ill :.|id the Sh rlners A si ocliitioili Mr. Steve Clark ami sister, Mr I,ula Co?pof were in Lauren Sali We arc sorry to report so matt; on the sick list but trust they will be u; again soon. 011 \ou family friend' did mi ? a last. Cross Hill. Jttno 10. Mr. David Whlloford who lives near town ? .. fered a stroke of paralysis several days ago. He is partially paralyzed but is resting more comfortably tho last few days, Mr. Whttcford i. years old and has been Quito strong find active lor a man of his age Mr. Frank Simmons bar returned from the hospital and is able to be OUt again. Mr. P.. P. Watts killed a black Riiako (conch whip), on his farm near Rain i - river that measured eight feel from tip to tip. He had it skinned and tho skin tanned and has a belt covoi and wat