The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 08, 1912, Image 8

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SENATOR TILLiMAN ASKS RE-ELECTION Says his Health will not Permit him to --ake a Campaign, but Keiles up on the Sympathy of the oVters. Senator 13. R. Tlllrnan, senior sena tor from South Carolina has sent an address to the people of South Caro lina in which Mr. Tlllrnan announces his determination to stick in the sen atorial race but not to make any speeches. 13y advice of his doctors, he says, he will ?ot take the stump. The senator's address to tht peo ple follows: To the people of South Carolina: Twenty-two years ago I asked you to elect me to the office of governor. You did it, after a very hot campaign in which I spoke In every county of the State. Two years later I asked for reelection. You gave me the of fice the second time by an overwhelm ing vote. After four years of service in the governor's ofllce, I asked you to send me to the senate, and again, after a heated canvasB, you plac?d me In the office I now hold. I have held this office for nearly 18 years, and I am asking you to reelect me to It, although my health is brok en and I am no longer the strong and vigorous man I once was. I have a ripe experience and thorough knowl edge of the working of the govern ment, and have many warm personal friends in the dpartments and in both branches of congress. I came to the senate in a cloud of obloquy on account of newspaper abuse at home. 1 have fought my way in spite of it and have lived to' see most of the newspaper men In the press gallery my friends. Dy long service and hard work, T FINAL SETTLEMENT. Take notice that on the 6th day of .Tune, I will render a final account of my acts and doings as Adminis trator of the setate of Matilda Rice, deceased, in the office of the Judge of Probate of Laurens county, at 11 o' clock, a. m., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as Administrator. Any persons indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay ment on that day and all persons having claims against said estate will present them on or before said date duly proven, or be forever barred. P. S. Suber. Administrator. May 6, 1912.?1 mo. ADoubtingThomas! That's why you suffer from dyspepsia. Invest 25 cents for a trial bottle of the GROVER GRAHAM DYSPEPSIA REMEDY and be convincod. It instantly corrects all unpleasant symptoms and quickly cures DYSPEPSIA, Heartburn, Oastritia, relioves that bloated and hoavy fooling, restoros digestion and makes hoalthy, vigorous and happy men and women. If you would oat woll, sloop woll and onjoy all the benoflt-t that a sound stomach ln? ?uro? try it at onco. Three Siaes, 28c, 50o. and $1.00. 8. OROVER GRAHAM CO.,' INC.1 NEWBURGH, N.Y. LAURENS Dttl'O t U. Laurens, S. C. The Right Watches for Peoplethat Want the Right Time at Prices that areRight. The Right Place to buy them is at William Solomon 'reliable jeweler have won an enviable position In Washington and the State Is entitled to whatever benefit 1 nave in places on the committees which can only be obtained by such service. I have flattered no man and feared no man In debate, and 1 have a strong desire to "die in harness," for sentimental reasons only. I have no words that can express my appreciation and gratitude for the confidence and love you have giv en me In all these years. If I did not feel that my experience and Intimate acquaintance with public affairs will enable me to give acceptable service In the future. I would not ask reelec tion at your hands, but content my self with the full measure of the honors you have given me already. When I first came Into public life, I met a storm of opposition, which was very bitter and intense. It re quired intense and aggressive action to overcome It; and being combative by nature. I fought with all my might for those things I thought were right, -und won because you ap proved my policies, my utterances and my actions. Amid this exciting contest, many things were said and done on both sides that, perhaps, had better been left unsaid and undone. Men are but human, and when fired by strong con viction, they speak and do things which they afterward Tegret, As God is my Judge, I never said any thing but truth, or did anything as governor or as senator. I did not be lieve to be for the public welfare. As I look back over my career, I can see mistakes and blunders, plenty of them, but they were honest blunders, and I have never permitted selfish ambition or petty revenge to control my actions. I have tried to be sena tor of all the people, as I was gov ernor of the whole State and my am- j bitlon has been, in the senate, to give the people the best service of which I was capable. Owing to my poor health and in accordance with the advico of my physician, I shall not make any i speeches during the canvass this sum mer. All of the old men in the State ! have already beard me speak, and If there are any young ones who have not and desire It, I shall take pleas ure in mailing such pamphlet copies of some of my best speeches which I have yet on hand. Nothing would delight me more than to be able once again to see my old friends face to face, and it saddens me to think that I shall never have this pleasure again. I phall hope that the people of ' South Carolina will not displace me [ by voting me out, but that in somo way you will indicate a wish for me to retire from this position because I of your belief that I am no longer physically capable of performing the duties of the office. The senatorship i has always been regarded by me as ? a sacred trust, and if I knew you wanted me to surrender It, I would gladly lay it down, conscious that I have don ^ my duty always to the best i of my ability. 11. R. Tlllrnan. INTERESTING ITEMS FROM THE COUNTY. (Continued From Page One.) mer. lion .1. F. Morrison was elected pres ident; .1. A. Hill, vice president, and George Hughes, secretary, at the re organization of the Democratic club, and Messrs. J. F. Morrison and J. H. Hill were elected delegates to the county club with Jas. Hodges and Jas. Langston as alternates. The missionary meeting at Walnut Grove was largely attended and the contributions were very liberal. After a lingering Illness Mrs. An ! drew Allen passed away on the 30th , of April. The bereaved huslmnd and children have the profound sympathy of everyone. We were very sorry to hear of the recent death of our venerable friend Capt. George F. Anderson, of Waterloo We tender our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Our picnic will be on Friday the 17th inst. There will be short exer cises by the school, several addresses by distinguished gentlemen, music by the Princeton brass band, base ball in the nfternoon and everybody is cor dially Invited to come and enjoy the day. The Ware Shoals train will make extra trips on that day. Catarrh Cannot Be Cored with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure It you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quick medicine. It waa pre scribed by only one' of the physicians In this country for years and is a reg ular prescription. It Is composed ?of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting direct ly on the mucous surface. The per fect combination of the two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful re sults in curing catarrh. Send for tes timonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Torledo, O. Sold by Druggist, price 7.r>. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. COLLEGE GIRLS COMING. Chiron? College Glee Club to Giro Performance Jn the Graded School Auditorium Friday ETenlng. A wave of Interest and enthusiasm has spread over the city since the an nouncement that the Chlcora College Glee Club would be at the graded school auditorium Friday evening. The young ladles Will certainly be here and from all reports they will be greet ed by a large audience of music lov ers. The young ladles will sing and play classical and humorous pieces that will be enjoyed by every one who will come out. This will be unlike the usual musical concert, in that it will be a sprightly and lively affair, where genuine musicians can find equal enjoyment with those who are not so critically Inclined. It Is cer tain to be a treat. It was stated In The Advertiser last week that the proceeds are to go to the County Hospital. While It is cer tain that the young ladles would have been glad to come to help out the hospital, still the fact is that they were invited by Supt. B. L. Jones, of the city schools, and it is under the school's auspices that they are to be here. The proceeds are to go to ward buying books and other things for the school library. While here the young ladles will be entertained in the homes of Presbyterian families. The following very complimentary notice was made of their appearance at Clemson College: The Chlcora Glee Club. The greatest event of Clemson life this year was the entertainment given by the Chlcora Glee Club on Friday ? evening In the Memorial Hall under the auspices of the Greater-Clemson ! Association. This Glee Club Is com posed of eighteen pretty Chlcora Col lege girls. This entertainment was a rare treat and was enjoyed to the fullest extent by all present. The audience gave very appreciative atten tion to the many good numbers sung by this company of girls, and the im mensity of the applause spoke only for a part of this appreciation. The Glee Club was accompanied to the college by J)r. Byrd, President of the College and Mrs. Bellemann, Director of the Vocal department. The young ladles who compose this Glee Club which so delightfully entertained their audience are: Misses Miller. Edmunds, Thomp son, Morrison, Langford, Owens Mc Queen, Engles, Simpson, James, Jones, Murrah, Ashe, Johnson, Taber, Par sons, Pureell, and Hlgginbotham. We cannot speak too highly of the splendid program The exercises were by far more beautiful than any we have had dorlng this college year. Mrs. Bellamann, Director of Voice at Chlcora, deserves special praise for the smoothness with which every fea ture of the program was rendered. The concert will begin at S:30 o'clock. The prices for admission will I be 25 and 50 cents. What Toxans Admire is hearty, vigorous life, according to Hugh Tallman. of San Antonio. "We find," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Life Pills surely put new life and energy Into a person. Wife and I believe they are the best made. Ex cellent for stomach, liver or kidney troubles. 25c at Laurcns Drug Co., and Palmetto Drug Co. ? RABUN NEWS. ? * ? ?*?????*????,.? Rabun, May f?.?Miss Belle Vance of Augusta Cross Roads, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Vance. Miss Bettle Weeks was the visitor of! Misses Mae and Allle Babb Friday night and Saturday. Messrs. Laurcns and Claude Mahon visited relatives in Woodruff Saturday and Sunday. Mr Hudge Roper of Laurens spent the last part of the week with his brother. Mr. Charley Roper. Rev. H. L. Bageott, of Gray Court, spent Friday night with Mr. Belton Owens and family and Saturday night with Mr. J. A. Mahon and family. Miss Avie M*haffey of I^aurens spent laBt week with Miss Rucla Wolff. Mr. Joseph G. Sullivan, of Prince ton, was at the picnic at Rabun Friday. Misses Vlvlas Owens and Jenovee Babb of Eden section were visitors of Misses Mae and Allle Babb Sunday. A number of our young people at tended the missionary rally at Shlloh church Sunday evening. Mr. Bunch Powers of Laurena spent Thursday night with Mr. W. A. Bald win. Escapes an Awful Fate. A thousand tongues could not ex press the gratitude of Mrs. J. E. Cox, of Jollet, 111., for her wonderful deliv erance from an awful fate. "Typhoid pneumonia had left me with a dread ful cough," she writes. "Sometimes I had such awful coughing spells I thought I would die. I could get no help from doctor's treatment or other medicines till I ueed Dr. King's New Discovery. But I owe my life to this wonderful remedy for I scarcely cough at all now." Quick and safe, Its the moot reliable of all throat and lung medicines. Every bottle guaranteed. f,0c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Lau rens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co. COTTON CROP BY COUNTIES. Census Kepori for rasi ihree i on South Carolina Crop. The total number of bales of cot ton ginned, counting round bales as j half bales, and excluding Unters, for the crops of 1909 to 1911, Inclusive, for South Carolina counties is as follows: County? 1911. 1910. 1909. The State 1,692,146 1.210.96S 1,137,382 Abbeville . 32.162 32,804 Alkeu .... 51,361 36.160 Anderson . 80,382 63,175 Hamberg . 2S.019 16.572 Barn well . 67,601 42,968 Beaufort .. 7,040 9,904 Berkeley .. 17,118 12.465 Calhoun .. 31,739 21,441 Charleston 11,586 14(169 Cherokee . 16,642 14,793 Chester .. 36,012 28,384 Chesterfield 36.418 29.878 Clarendon 54,222 36,060 Colleton . 21,916 15,571 Darlington 57,700 40.369 Dillon - 50,576 40.376 Dorchester 19,295 14,188 Edgefleld . 40,356 26,430 Falrfleld . 33,486 25.68 Florence .. 58.902 33,916 Georgetown 5,935 3,464 C.reenvTllo 54,442 37.369 Greenwood 45,546 29,74 4 Hampton . 25,797 16,642 Horry - 16,164 8.486 Kershaw . 36,193 23,063 Lancaster . 31.137 24,656 Laurens .. 54.6S6 42.312 Lee. 47,713 28.459 Lexington 34fi0H 24,177 Marion .. 29.4.16 17,810 Marlboro . 75,942 66.113 Xewberry 46.426 33,826 Oconee ... 22,824 15,196 Orangeburg S7.976 56,ri96 Plckens .. 22,520 16,163 Rlchland . 22,613 15.249 Saluda . . . 30,470 19,437 Spartanburg 7S.145 59.711 Sumter . . 50.613 33.535 Union _ 23,029 IS.167 York .. .. 49.403 41,508 Williamsburg 3S.701 24,790 Poor appetite is a sure sign of im paired digestion. A few djoses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets will strengthen your digestion and Improve your appetite. Thousands have been benefited by taking these tablets. Sold by all dealers. Call am. let us show you the largest line of Rugs and Art Squares to be found In South Carolina, we know our prices will interest you. S. M. A E. H. Wilkes A Co. BtUin i>uvy L Look over your Wardrobe and Household Fur- ;; nishings. Anticipate your Spring Needs. Have l\ them ready when you DO NEED THEM. \\ Many pleasing changes and much economy are ;; easily possible by FOOTER'S Famous Methods and I: Processes of ;; Cleanino; and Dyeing: \\* None other can give you the benefit of long expe- 1 rience, modern appliances, or serve your needs as J3 well as ;; FOOTER DYE WORKS Cumberland, Md. !! Positively America's Greatest, Best and Most Complete Cleaning and Dyeing\Work8. BUG DEATH FOR Potatoes, Vegetable and Melons This is an excellent product, harmless to the plant and to human. It will certainly clean the Bugs up. ^ We'll sell it in any quantity. NOW IS THE TIME To use this Bug Killer befor he gets in too much work of distruction. j. c. shell & co. Fancy^Groceries-Always Fresh Phine No. 183. West Main St. FORD, The Old Reliable Don't buy a Ford just because of its wonderful speed and racing records. Such tests have their value; they show the car is supreme under exceptional circumstances; but buy a Ford because of what you know it accomplishes in the labor of the day's work?because of its steadfast endurance, its lo<v upkeep, its universal satisfaction. You see them wherever you go and they are going wherever you see them. Ford Service for Ford Owners Ford owners?more than 100,000. Ford dealers?nearly 5,000. One dealer to about every 17 owners. That is what Ford Service means. It is an Indi vidual service. Close to your elbow when you buy a Ford. Ford branches and dealers In all cities, towns and villages are at your elbow with Ford Service for Ford Owners. FORD MODEL T TOURING CAR, 4 cylinders, 5 passengers, fully equipped, f. o. b Detroit .$690 FORD MODEL T TORPEDO, 4 cylinders, 2 passengers, fully equipped, f. o. b. Detroit.$590 FORD MODEL T COMMERCIAL ROADSTER, 4 cylinders, 3 passengers, re movable rumble seat, fully equipped, f. o. b. Detroit.$590 FORD MODEL T TOWN CAR, (Landaulet) 4 cylinders, 6 passengers, fully equipped, f. o. b. Detroit.$900 FORD MODEL T DELIVERY CAR, capacity 750 pounds merchandise, fully equipped, f. o. b. Detroit.$700 The ONE chassis with different bodies. Write today for booklet "Ford Factory Facts." AddresB Dept. X, Ford Motor Company, Detroit. That you make the biggest kind of a mistake when you have the puncture repaired with a patch cemented on?it's bound to come off as soon as it gets really hot. Have us repair your tubes with our VULCANIZING process which will give entire satisfaction. Old "shoes" retreaded and made good for Another thousand miles. W. P. HjUDGENS LAURENS, - - SOUTH CAROLINA XMOOOOOOOOOOf