The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 08, 1912, Image 6

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AFTER GRIP Look Out for Trouble The after-effects of the Grip are apt to be serious, but a normal healthy condition may be restored In a sur * "'singly short time by Vlnol. Watertown, Wla.?"After a severe attack of the Grip, my system was in a very weakened, nervous and run down condition. I began taking Vinol with the very best reBults, and in a short time 1 began to feel like an en tirely different person, and I am better and stronger than I have been for years." Adelaide Gamm. (Wo guaran tee this testimonial to be genuine.) We have never Bold in our store euch a valuable strength creator and "health restorer for the convalescent, the weak and run-down, as Vinol, and we ask people in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol, with the under standing that their money will be re turned if it does not do all we claim for it. LAUBENS DBUG CO. Laurent. S. C. t The Best Products of the Best SILVERWARE Manufacturers ARK TO BE FOUND IN OUR STOCK No trouble is too great for us to take in pleasing our cus tomers and we will be glad to have you call on tu. FLEMING BROTHERS JEWELERS DR. CLIFTON JONES Dentist Office In Simmons Building Phone: Office No. 86; Residence 219. Simpson, Cooper & Babb, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all State. Courts, prompt attention given to all business. Statement of the Condition of the BANK OP MOUNTVILLO Located at Mountvllle, S. C. at the Close of Business April isth, 1912. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts.$23,150.49 Overdrafts. 2.83 Furniture and Fixtures. 1,527.08 Banking House. 2,040.35 Other Real Kstate owned .. lOu.dO Due from Banks and Bankers 4,188.02 Currency. 280.00 Gold. 20.00 Silver and other Minor Coin. 54.18 Total.^.$ 31,362.95] LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Paid In.$ 20,250.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid. 559.551 Individual Deposits subject to Check. 8,342.05 Time Certificates of Deposits 1,760.581 Cashier's Checks. 450.77 Total.$ 31,362.951 State of South Carolina, County of Laurens, bb. Before me came C. M. Fuller cashier! of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of | said bank. C. M. FULLER. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of April, 1912. W. B. Criap. . Notary Public. Correct Attest: B. R. Fuller, M. B. Crisp, J. M. Simmons, Directors. Jno. W. Fergvaon C. C. Feathers ton* W. B. Kaight PEtOUSON, FEATI1ERSTONE ft KNIQHT Attorneys at Law Laurens, S. C. Pronrpt and careful attention given to all busMtoss. Office Over Palmetto Bank. GOVERNOR BLEASE BUCKS UNCLE SAM Scorns to Think that the United States Government is Going to Flood South Carolina with Mean Liquor. Governor Hlease, in a letter address ed to every sheriff in South Carolina, including Sheriff Owings, calls on them to seize all contraband liquor which is sold by I'tmed Slates ofllcers, as con traband, as soon as It Is in the hands of the purchaser. This action of the Governor is taken following the decis- J ion of Federal Judge Smith that Uni ted States revenue olllcers have a right to sell liquor seized by them in this State at public auction, as was done by Deputy Scruggs at Walhalla recent ly. The letter of the Governor fol-1 lows: Iteusoiis for Position. "If at any time an agent or ofllcer of the United States Government adver tises that he is going to have a sale of whiskey at any point within your coun ty, you are hereby directed and com manded to be personally present at the place of the said sale, and when the same takeB place, and the contraband whiskey, which Is sold as such by the United States Government, is delivered to the purchaser, you seize immediately the said whiskey, beer, wine or other alcoholic liquors, under and in accord ance with the provisions of the laws] of the State of South Carolina. It may be lawful for an olllcer of the United States Government to sell whiskey within the State of South Carolina oth erwise than Is provided by our State | laws (but I for one do not believe it;) however, we will bow to the decision of the Court until reversed, but when the United States Government sells this whiskey, etc, he who purchases it, becomes the owner of and in possession of contraband liquors, which is pro hibited by our statute laws, because if I it were not contraband the United States Government would not be sell ing it; for, they seize it as such. There-1 fore, under the law of our state, when the whiskey, or other Intoxicating li quors is delivered to the purchaser he then becomes the owner and is in pos s sslon of the contraband, In direct] violation of our statute laws. There fore, when the United States Govern ment olllcers make their sale, as soon as the stuff is put into the hands of the purchaser you are hereby direct ed nnd commanded to immediately seize it as contraband, and if any ac-1 tion is brought against you, either civ il or criminal, you will immediately communicate with this oilice and I will take proper steps to have your interests protected. Won't Stand for It. "Do not fall In this matter. I desire to conflict between the State and the United States Government, *>ut I do not propose to allow the llroding of this state with whiskey under a pre tence of law; when these Government seizures are sold, the goods will be purchased and resold by blind tigers throughout the State, which I know is prohibited by our statute laws, and the United States Government should not lend its assistance, through its of ficers, to any such illegal or Illicit traf fic and I do not propose to stand for | it so far as 1 am concerned. "Therefore, when the sale Is made and the stuff is delivered into the hands of the purchaser, seize your prisoner for having in his possession contraband whiskey, and also seize the goods as contraband, and hold both un til they be released by due process of| law. "Failure on your part to carry out these Instructions will be dealt with In no uncertain way. "We desire no conflict, but the dig nity of the law of this State must be j preserved and will be." ARE Vor GI'ILTY? Do Von Smoke too Marli, Drink too] Much, too Much.' If takes a mighty good stomach to feel ready for a good breakfast the morning after the banquet or social session. "What do you want for breakfast?" inquired Brown's good wife. "Just a pleasant smile and a breath of fresh air." answered Drown the morning after an Important meeting at j the lodge. If you eat, smoke or drink too much always remember that two little Ml-O-NA stomach tablets taken Just before you go to bed will destroy all poisonous gases and leave you with aj sweet.,clean stomach In the morning. For Indigestion and all stomach dis tress. MI-O-NA Is the best prescription In the world. Laurens Drug Co. sells It on money back plan. Large box on-| ly (?0 cents. Eagle-Thistle Bliy your Baby one of our nice Carts, we have them from $1.75 up nnd they are good values too. S. M. & K. M. Wllkes & Co. COMPANY HIGHLY COMPLIMENTED ( apt. McMaster Must Have Reported! the Fine Condition of Traynham Guards in Columbia. Capt. W. R. Richey, of the Trayn ham Guards, has received a very com plimentary letter from Asst. Adj. Gen. O. W. Babb, in reference to the In spection passed recently. When he was here Capt. .McMaster spoke In very complimentary terms of the com pany and it is evident that he must have allowed his enthusiasm to last until Col. Babb was reached. Col. Babb's letter Is ns follows: May 1st, 1912. Captain Willjam R. Richey, Jr., Laurens, S. C. Dear Captain: I am going to write you a few lines to compliment you and your com pany on the inspection that you have Just passed. Your company Is the only one that has its members exam ined by a medical officer of the or ganized militia before enlisting, the only company fully equlpiied with lnced tan shoes, the only company provided with the enlarged chart, showing the names of parts o? U. S. Magazine Rifle, as recommended by order issued from A. G. Dept. Your records of drills and property were EXCELLENT, the condition of rifles was EXCELLENT, and, the condition of the company reflects credit upon the care and hearty interest of its captain. I certainly appreciate the york that you have done. There Is no one more interested In the. welfare of the company than I and I hope that It will continue to lead, not only in inspections, but. any duty to which it may be called, whether at home or abroad. Your friend, O. W. Babb. P. S.?Hurrah for Co. " D". Now Is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do It by ap plying Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parts freely at each application. For sale by all dealers. GRADUATING RECITAL. I.aureus County Girl Scores a Great Success In Missouri School In her Graduating Recital. The Lexington Daily Intelligencer, Lexington. Mo., in speaking of the graduating recital of Miss Mattle Ixm Browning, bad the very complimentary notice published below. Miss Brown ing Is a Laurens county girl, being a resident of Goldvllle. She has num erous friends in this section of the state who will read with interest of her success. "An audience which filled to over flowing the chapel of Lexington col lege was present yesterday evening at the recital of Miss Mattie Lou Brown ing, a pupil for graduation in the de partment of expression. Miss Brown ing was assisted by Charles Tingle, tenor, from Kansas City; Miss Lav Ina St. Clair, accompanist, and Miss Eng lish, another senior in the expression department of the College. The stage was beautiful with a pro fusion of flowers, tastefully arranged. Miss Browning is a vivacious young lady of the most charming personality. Beautifully growned, as she was, and surrounded by flowers, sue made an entrancing picture. She reads with clearness in enunciation and intelli gence In interpretation. Especially good was her work in the intense pas sages. And the audience thoroughly approved of everything she did. She was repeatedly encored and was forced to give several additional numbers. The vivid selection by Buiwer-Lytton and the poem of Rlley were perhaps the best ,liked by the hearers. Miss Browning is to be congratulat ed on both her work and her choice of assistants. WHEN YOU FEEL ALL WORIN OUT Follow Example of Others Half Sick, (Nervous and Run Down Who Have Found Health In Root Juice. That tired, stiff, unrcsted feeling upon getting up in the morning; that nervous, irritable, out of sorts feel ing through the day that takes all the energy, vim, vigor and vitality out of your body; those backaches, dull, droopy headaches can all be over come by a short treatment with the great Root Juice tonic that has re cently startled wholo cities by the cures It has effected. It gives strength to the stomach, enables that Important organ to thor oughly digest your food so that ev ery particle of nourishment Is ab sorbed from It. It gives new life to the blood, cleans and purifies It, puts) new life Into the stomach, new strength Into the muscles, clears the tired brain and promotes good, sound, natural, refreshing sleep. The first few doses will prove this to you. as It hns to hundreds of others. It stops Indigestion, belchirrg, pains after meals, backaches and rheumatic pains quicker than any remedy known. Go to any good druggist and get one bottle. Try It for a week. You'll be surprised to find how quickly Its good effect will be noticed. EXTENDS ITS TERRITORY, Southern Rullroud Establishes Offices in the Western States to Connect the Two Sections. Washington, D. C. April 28?By In creasing and strengthen its freight traffic agencies In the North and West the Southern Railway Company is pursuing a policy that will be of ma terial aid in extending and opening up markets for the products of the Southeastern States. The company has regularly maintained freight traffic representatives in the eastern and central Northern states. Its organiza tion in this territory has recently been strengthened by the appointment of commercial agents at Buffalo, New York. Detroit, Michigan; and Beoria, Illinois. Heretofore its freight traf fic agencies west of Chicago and St. Louis have been limited to a general agent at Denver, Col\*adK and a commercial agent at San Francisco, I California. The great northwestern field has not been occupied. President FInley is personally fa miliar with the opportunities for a larger business between the South east and the Northwest, and, by his direction, commercial agencies have been established at Omaha, Nebraska; Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Seattle, Washington. At the same time the representation of the company in Cal ifornia has been increased by the es tablishment of a commercial agency at Los Angeles. One of the most Important duties of these agents will be the development of traffic from the territory traversed by the lines of the Southrn Railway Company into the territories in which tiny are located. With this end in view they will disseminate informa tion relative to the products of the Southeast and aid as far as practica ble in building up markets for those products. FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE TO EAT If you eat you need "Digestit". It aids digestion, prevents distress after eating, stops gas formation, relieves indigestion Instantly and cures dls pepsla. Brown's Dlgestit is a little tablet easy to swallow and absolutely harmless. It has relieved thousands. Sold on positive guarantee. Your money back if you want it?50c. Ask at B. F. Posey's. Old Hickory Porch Rockers, onlv $2.00, Vudor Porch Shades $3.25; Rein forced Vudor Hammocks $i.75; Crex Rugs 7f>e; 2-qt. Ice Cream Freezers $1.25; Mission Porch Swings, com plete with chains and hooks $2.90; our low prices and large stock of summer goods should give us your trade, we certainly will appreciate it and will guarantee your purchases to be satis factory. S. M. & E. H. Wllkes & Co. HOISTING Weather Signals Insure protection from April showers by carrying along a good waterproof Umbrella from Wilson's. Here can be seen also a line of Ladies' Misses and Children's Sunshades in light Tans, Colored Border Dres den effect. Attractive yet inexpensive. AMONG THE HOSIERY Here are found Ladies' pure Silk Hose in Black and White at 50 cents. Ladies' Black Lisle Hose having elasticity made with garter top. These come both in regular and out sizes at 25 cents a pa'r. A special number in Misses fine ribbed lisle Hose these also come in black and white in extra lengths so much in demand. See them. Ladies' long Berlin Gloves at 25 cents and 50 cents in Silk at $1.00 and $1.50 a pair at W. G. WILSON & CO. Are You Nervous? What makes you nervous? It is the weakness of your womanly constitution, which cannot stand the strain of the hard work you do. As a result, you break down, and ruin your entire nervous system. Don't keep this upl Take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is made from purely vegetable ingredients. It acts gently on the womanly organs, and helps them to do their proper work. It relieves pain and restores health, in a natural manner, by going to the source of the trouble and building up the bodily strength. S"? TAKE Cardui The WomaiteTonic Mrs. Grace Fortner, of Man, W. Va., took Cardui. This Is what she says about It: "I was ?0 weak and nervous, I could not bear to have anyone near me. I had fainting spells, and I lost flesh every day. The first dose of Cardui helped me. Now, 1 am entirely cured of the fainting spells, and I cannot say enough for Cardui, for I know It saved my life." It is the best tonic for women. Do you suffer from any of the pains peculiar to women? Take Cardui. It will help you. Ask your druggist Write to: Ladlea' Adviiory Dept. Chattanoo? Medldno Co.. Chattanoota, Ttn?^ tor Special Instruction; and 64- pace book,"Home Treatment lor Women," tent (re*. J 80 MY HAT'S IN THE RING! Some More of Those Leak Bargains in Real Estate, Houses and Lots. 77. One hundred nnd fifty acres of land, a beautiful residence, three miles southwest of Gray Court In half mile of Dials church. Three tenant houses. Tula Is the home of Capt. J, R. Hel lams. known as Mountain View. This Is one of the best of bargains. Come early If you want this bargain. 296. Plight room dwelling and four acres of land in City of Laurens on West Main St. This has all modern Improvements. This also Is a perfect location and a beautiful dwelling. The price is right. Here Is the chance to get the very best home cheap. See me for prices. 226. One hundred and sixty acres of land close to New Harmony church with new seven room dwelling, fine barn and out buildings, three tenant houses with good well of water at each building. Here Is a bargain for the hustling man. Mid way between Ow lngs and Fountain Inn. 36. Ninety-five acres of land, near Rlddell's Old Field School House; six room dwelling, barn and out buildings. Mid way between Gray Court and I ^in fo rd Station. This Is a fine piece of property and prices will le made right 66. 142 acres, near Barksdale sta tion, with dwelling and tenant house, j Price $17.60 per acre. $500 cash and j your own good time to pay the remain - I der. Get here quick If you want this property. One nice home for rent In the town of Gray Court. 118. Eight room dwelling 11-4 acres of land, 3 tenant houses. On East Main St., in the City of Laurens. The loca tion is fine and the price Is right. Come and see. 424. One hundred and twenty sev en acres of land in Youngs township, bounded by lands of J. M. Gray, W. P. Harris and school grounds. Has two buildings. Fine farming land, close to Church. This is a bargain. Will be sub-divided If not sold as a whole. Get busy If you desire to make a pur chase. 62. Three hundred and fifty acres in Sumter County with five room cot tage, three, tenant houses and good out buildings. Forty acres of fine bottom land, one hundred and thirty acres in cultivation. Hounded by lands of Hen ry White and Press Edwards, In three miles of Sumter court house. Hero Is. a bargain. Terms made easy. 107. Fifty ncres of land near Barks dale Station with four room cottage, barn and out buildings. Nice location, in good farming section, convenient, to schools and churches. Look after this bargain. 129. 81x room cottage, barn and out buildings, four and thirty or e-bun - dreth acres of land in prosperous town of Cross Hill. You will be sur prised to hear prioes. 88. One hundred and forty four acres of land in five miles of Laurens C. H. with six room dwelling, three tenant houses, good barn and out buildings, bounded by lands of J. L. Neighbors and Charlie Robertson. This is a fine farm with a fine loca tion. Level and productive. See me for. prices and terms. ant . 93. 250 acres of land, 2 tenant houses, 125 acres In cultivation Bounded by lands of Wesley and Madden, Ed Corbett and others. Seft me for prices. I have some beautiful building lota In the towns of Laurens and Gray Court. I Can Secure Loans and Make Advances on Real Estate J. N. LEAK GRAY COURT, S. C. "The Man That Divides the Earth to Suit Your Purse."