The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 27, 1912, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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and every operation is done by our own men in our own mills. Sash, doors, blinds, screens, mouldings, columns, grilles, newel posts, shingles, lath, interior finish, etc.?everything in building material we furnish in both quantity and quality. Complete house bills from architect's plans and builder's lists our specialty. Bring or mail in your specification. Get our estimate free. "Buy of the Maker" AUGUSTA LUMBER CO. AUGUSTA. GA. ITI55AFE BURGLARS WHEN IXI5 IN THE BANK v ? ?.v<:,:' mmm ; If i)11 $Umi Bank your money and rest easy. Burglars can't get it, and schemers and fair weather friends won't be so apt to make your money \ their .noney. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety. Enterprise Bank Laurens, S. C. \ N. B. Dial, President C. H. Roper, Cashier Couldn't Walk! "I used to be troubled with a weakness peculiar to women," writes Mrs. Anna Jones, of Kenny, I1L "For nearly a year, 1 could not walk, without holding my sides. 1 tried several different doctors, but I grew worse. Finally, our druggist advised Cardui for my complaint. I was so thin, my weight was 115. Now, I weigh 163, and I am never sick. I ride horseback as good as ever. 1 am in fine health at 52 years." The . WomansTonic We have thousands of such letters, and more art arriving dairy. Such earnest testimony from those who have tried it, surely proves the great value of this vegeta ble, tonic medicine, for women. Cardui relieves women's sufferings, and builds weak women up to health and strength. It you are a woman, give it a trial It should help you, for it has helped a mil lion others. It Is made from pure, harmless, hero Incrredi ents, which act promptly and surely on the womanly organs. It is a good tonic Try it 1 Your druggist sells it Writ* to: LaeW Advisory Dept. Chtttaaoof* Madictae Co., OutUoooca. Tmo.. for Sptclal Iiutrmthiu, and M pw book, "Home Treatment (or Women." tent tree. J fit RECORD COTTON CROP MADE LAST YEAR Largest Crop Ever Made was Produced in the Southern States Last Year Despite Early Discouraging Pre dictions. Washington, March 20.?The census bureau's preliminary report on cotton ginning, giving the Government's first figures, other thnn estimates, on the size of the 1911 cotton crop of the United States was Issued at 10 o'clock this morning, and shows the total crop to have reached the unprecedented size of 16,050,819 running bales, counting round as half bales and Including Un ters, which is equivalent to 16,205,097 flve-hundred pound bales. The crop reporting board of the de partment of agriculture In its estimate of the 1911 cotton crop, Issued Decem ber 11 last, reckoifed the total producl tlon at 14,885,00 bales of 500 pounds, gross weight. The country's 1910 pro duction was 12,006,688 bales of 500 pounds. In previous record years the total crop was: 13,587,306 bales In 1908 12.505.498 in 1906 and 13,679,954 bales in 1904. Included In the figures for 1911 are 239,146 bales, which ginners and delln ters estimated would be turned out af ter the time of the March canvass. Round bales Included In the 1911 figures are 100,439 bales, compared with 112.SS7 bales for 1910 and 150,690 bales for 1909. Sea Island bales Included in the 1911 total are 119.252, compared with 90, 368 bales for 1910, and 94.791 bales for 1909. Linter bales included In the 1911 total are 546,769, compared with 397. 62S bales for 1910, and 313,478 bales In 1909. The average gross weight of the bale for the crop, counting round as half bales, and Including Unters, was 504.8 pounds for 1911, compared with 501.7 pounds for 1910 and 496.6 pounds for 1909. The number of ginneries operated for the 1911 crop was 26,340, compared with 26,243 for 1910 and 26,669 for 1909. Ry states the cotton crop grown in 1911, with that grown In 1910 ano the big crop years 1908 and 1906, express ed in equivalent 500-pound bales, fol lows: By States. Alabama? 1911 .1,753.484 1910 .1.223,285 1908 .1.374,340 1906 .1,284,421 Arkansas? 1911. 791,311 1910 . 847,874 1908 .1,013.402 1906 . 923.635 Florida? 1911 . 84,977 1910 . 60,049 1908 . 63,221 1906 . 57,135 Georgia? 1911 .2,838,571 1910 .1,820,610 1908.1,980,077 1906 .1,626,330 Louisiana? 1911 . 399,525 1910 . 255.733 1908 . 486.350 1906 .1,012,573 Mississippi? 1911 .1.248,521 1910 .1.306,668 1908 .1,704.592 1906 .1,569.530 Missouri? 1911.(Not given) 1910. 62,159 1908 . 64,532 1906 . 56,472 North Carolina 1911.1,101,104 1910 . 726,850 1908 . 663.167 1906 . 594,387 Oklahoma? 1911 .1,060.138 1910 . 958,955 | 1908 . 706,815 1906 . 918,375 South Carolina?? 1911.1,677,204 1910.1,191.929 1908 .1,196,235 1906 . 895,130 Tennessee? 1911 . 478,285 1910 . 349,476 1908 . 359,059 1906 . 317,641 Texas? 1911 .4,437,876 1910.3,172,488 1908 .3,913,084 1906 .4,281,824 Vlrvinia? 1911.(Not given) 1910. 14,815 1908 . 12,3jJ6 1906 . 13,862 All Other States? 1911. 154,137 1910. 8,611 1908 . 5,439 1906 . 4,028 Missouri and Virginia ginning in cloded In "all other States." The statistics of today's report for the year 1911 are subject to slight cor rections In the full report to bo pub lished about May 1. OLD INDIAN RELICS. Flood Waters Near Waterloo Unearth Many Old Arrows and Othes Relics of the Indian Days. Waterloo, March 19.?Memory of the Red Man has thrust Itself upon our notice In a particularly Interesting manner in the recent find of some old relics which became exposed to view by the high waters of the last few day s. The bridge which expanded the Reedy river, has been washed away by the immense volumes of water which if possible, exceeded the fresh et of 190S and near the site where it stood and just partially visible (be ing on the outer edge of the water) an old Indian mound of some height, has been washed intwain, spreading its contents to the observant eye of the curious. Arrows, accurately and benutlfully chisselled from stone and fliut-like pebbles, He glistening in the sun, their rasor-llke ends showing only too plainly the deadly work which they accomplished when shot by the experienced hand of the sav age in his lust for the blood of the white man. Another object that we behold with almost too much borrow to touch, is a tomahawk, also of granite and looking as if it had but just dropped from the hands of the chlseher. Just think what an Interesting bit of history these relics would mnke, could wo but obtain it and how de lighted we would be, could they but speak and give us their story. r/E REFUND YOUR MONEY IF YOU KEEP YOUR FRECKLES. Try Wilson's Freckle Cream. It Is Sold Under an Ab solute Guarantee. That the greatest care should be ihown in BelectlnK a cream or lotion for facial application is generally known. But to be able to purchase :. cream which Is absolutely guaranteed to remove frecklos or pimples and get your money back from the druggist li It falls to do so. Is something new. Wilson's Freckle Cream Is not only a splendid toilet cream, but also a harm, less, mild face bleach. Try a 60-cent Jar of Wilson's Freckle Cream, and you will find that your freckles will perceptibly fade. A sec ond Jar will cause them to completely disappear. If It does not do this, your money will be refunded without argu ment by the druggist from whom you purchase the cream. If your drufcg-lst cannot supply you, ?end his name and GO cents to the Wil len Freckle Cream Company, Charles ton, 3. C. and a full size Jar will b? mailed you. LAURENS DRUG CO. Special Agents State of South Carolina, County of Latirens. In Court of Common Pleas. Wilmington Saving & Trust Company. Plaintiff against It. 0. Franks, Nancy M. Franks, W. L. Gray and Palmetto Bank of Lau rens, S. C, Defendants. Pursuant to a decree of the Court In the above stated case, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at Laurens C. H., S. C. on salesday In April next, being Monday the 1st day of the month, during the legal hours of such.sales. tho following de scribed property to wit: All that lot, piece or parcel of land lying, being and situate on Chestnut and Earle streets in tho city of Lau rens, county and state aforesaid, con taining one half an acre, more or leas, with the following metres and bounds; fronting on said Chestnut street 198 links and on Karle street 251 links, bounded by said streets and lots of W. C. Irby and lot formerly owned by Beatrice Yeargln, being the lot con veyed to Nancy M. Franks by W. C. Irby on March 18. 1898, the deed thore to being recorded in Book 8 page 314 In Clerk of Court's office for Laurens county. Also, all that lot, piece or parcel of land, lying, being and situate with in two miles of Laurons C H? on Clin ton road, county and state aforesaid, containing forty ono (41) acres, more or less, hounded by lands of Mrs. E. J. Garllngton, J. D. Childress and oth ers, being tho tract conveyed to R. ff. Franks, by Sallle Ballew on June 11, 190fi, and known as part of the Templeton land. Also, all that lot, piece or parcel of land lying, being and situate with in two miles of Laurons C. H., on Clln to.i road, county and state aforesaid, containing eighty four (84) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Ill ram Garllngton. Mart Hunter and others, being the tract conveyed to R. 0. Franks, by B. F. Ballew on June 11, 190C, and known as tho Burnable land. Also, all that lot, piece or parcel of land lying, being and situate about two miles from Laurens C. II., adjoin ing the abovo described tract of land, containing 30 1-2 ncres, more or less, and known as the W. B. Motte place, bounded by lands known as W. B, Motto place, the Scott Temploton place, Jim Allen, Hiram Garllngton and R. G. Franks. Said lands sold upon the follow ing terras: One.half cash, and the bal ance on a credit of one year, to bo secured by the bond of the purchaser, and a mortgage of tho premises, the credit portion to bear legal interest from day of sale with tho leave of purchasor to pay entire bid in cash, purchaser to pay for papers and If Jurchaser falls to comply with terms of sale, said premises to be resold at his risk, upon the same or somo sub sequent salesday. upon same terms. JOHN D. 0WING8, Sheriff Latirens County. South Carolina. Dated this 12th day of March. A. D. 1911. 33"3t PURE FERTILIZER MATERIAL! Each*successive year has established the fact that the successful fanner is one who intelligently studies the needs of his soil, and the necessary plant food required for different crops. lie prepares his own formula and mixes the Fertilizer Material accordingly. The results show a profit to him, both in the cost of his goods, and the in creased yield per acre. Wa can furnish your wants iu the following high grade goods: Hog Tankage, Cattle Tankage, Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash, Sulphate of Potash, Kainit, Acid Phosphate, Dry Ground Fish, Sulphate of Ammonia, Cotton Seed Meal. By the use of these goods every farmer will be ena bled to mix his own fertilizer and to know exactly what he is using on his land. We carry a full line of all Fer tilizer materials. Write to us for Prices and Formulas. Molony & Carter Company 254 Meeting greet, Charleston, S. C. ft KOLLI N G ST?N GATHERS NO u^; MOSS .?^'<**^P<& WHY-BE^- TKNAN T? Buy A Home With Rent Money! The average renter pays for his place every eight years but the land lord still owns it. Why Pay Rent? YOU PAY AS RENT p-XT :1T8 Acres near Mt. Olive Clinch. Cheap and on easy terms. One-half interest in one of the finest lime quarries in the South. Four miles of Ware Shoals. Cheap on easy terms. At $120.00 per year in 10 years. $1,581.68 At $120.00 per year in 25 years. $6,583.72 At $240.00 per year in 10 years. $3[l63!36 At $240.00 per year in 25 years. 13*, 167!43 We will cut any of the following into such size tracts as you desire. We buy at wholesale and retail land out to suit the small buyer : Splendid farm and ginnery at Ekom, containing 100 acres, and good dwelling, outhouses, etc., 20-horsoengine and 40-horse boilor, two 00 saw gin, all in good shape on easy torins or all cash. About 100 Acres near Watts Mill, known as the Padgett Land. 552 Acres located near Reody River Power Company, on Reedy River, and known as tho Dorroh Place. Price, $12.50 to $20.00 per acre, depending on number of acres and location. 200 acres throo miles east of Laurens. High state cultivation Terms easy. 23 acres at Aull's cross roads, cheap for quick sale. 19 acres near Watts Mills, all improvod, for $1,500, half cash. 105 acres, a part of J. N. Clardy tract. $8.00 por acre. Get the bar gain now. Several houses and lots near Wntta Mill. 93 acres near Ora, levol and good improved land, $r>0 per acre. 400 acres near Stomp Springs, $11.HO per acre. Wo also havo for salo about Twenty-two Acros of land within (he corporate limits of the City of Laurons, known as Grays Hill which wo will soil in small building lots, at reasonable prices. A good manv of these lots havo cottages on them. 3 Remember that we cut off any number of acres de sired by purchaser and give any reasonable time in which to pay. We want to make it possible for every white farmer in Laurens County to own his home. Laurens Trust Company R. A. Coopkr, President. C. W. Tunk, Sec. & Treas Anderson A Blakcley, Managers Real Estate Sales. COLUMBIA, NEWBERRY A LAURENS RAILWAY. N. B. The following schedule figures are published only as information and not guaranteed. *54 53 Station 52 egg 8:20 a m 2:12 p m Lv laurens Ar 2:12 p m 7-55 d ? 8:44 2:35 Clinton i:50 7!3r 9:32 3:20 Newberry 12:66 6-44 9:60 3:34 Prosperity 12:42 6:26 11:15 4:65 Ar Columbia Lv 11:16 0 00 6:20 Ar Sumter Lv 9; 41 10:00 p m Ar Charleston Lv ?:15 a m ??Trains 54 and 65 run solid between Greenville and Columbia daily ex cept Sunday. These trains stop at Oarvais St. Station, while trains r,? 63 go to Union Station. unQ Solid through trains between Greenville and Charleston via Laurens snA Columbia. T. C. WHITE, General aPssenger AgenW