The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 13, 1912, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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We Start with the Rough Log We end with the finished product, and every operation is done by our own men in our own mills. Sash, doors, blinds, screens, mouldings, columns, grilles, newel posts, shingles, lath, interior finish, etc.?everything in building material we furnish in both quantity and quality. Complete house bills from architect's plans and builder's lists our specialty. Bring or mail in your specification. Get our estimate free. "Buy of the Maker" AUGUSTA LUMBER CO. AUGUSTA, GA. razsan Greatest Labor-Saving Invention since the Cotton Gin. Bold and used throughout the M South for over Forty Years 1 iVBidd .3? rag aker E Saves Ha t H .tu in Men and the Work Time Two Yoke of Oxen Cannot Bond tue Beam The best implement ever designed jJSi ' ' running out the middles of both corn and cotton. Best for NS^jjhill lands or low t^ij? lauds?for opening ditches ? (- for killing grass ? for ; lib-soiling, etc., etc. ? _^ light Enough for C3S \M1 -iivt \% Linough for TWO! For level and s ( ? ./ run is: :, light draft and turning qualities, the "Trw ue" . passes all other Middle Breakers. Endor ed . id ..-.cid by representative planters in every . o> U:? : !'jt;ite. On ExhifeitiQii r ?w Salesrooms J. H. SULLIVAN, Laurens, S. C 4175 W. G. WILSON & CO. Have opened this week a full line of Dress Goods for Spring wear consisting in part of yard wide Hessaline Silks, solid and Fancy Wash Silks, Poplins in a full range of colors, new Dress Ginghams and Skirting Percales White Mercerized Waistings, Dimities and Crespette. New Laces, Ribbons and Embroideries, Dutch Collars, Jabots. Everything New in Neckwear at W. 0. Wilson & Co. SCHOOL COLUMN. Although the boys of the Laurens high school base ball team played good ball Friday afternoon they were badly defeated by the Trinlty-Rldge boys on the latter's grounds. Skovgaard, who charmed the people with his sweet music last year, was with us again Friday night. Those j who heard him were even more pleas ed than before and ull seemed to think that he improved on acquaint ance. Miss Wright, his pianist was J simply line, In fact, the best that we 1 have hud In any of the lyoeum attrac tions. Miss McC'lung, did her part well. They were each presented with a handsome, bouquet which they ap preciated very much. Skovgaard paid our school a splendid compliment when he said "You have the best school here that I have visited In all my travels." I Considering the number of pupils we have enrolled we nave been exceed ingly fortunate to have very few ac cidents, so we were shocked Saturday morning to hear that Frank Armstrong better known among the boys as Ru Boo, a popular sixth grade pupil, had been shot. He with some of his friends were rabbit hunting and he thoughtlessly took the butt of his gun to run a rabbit out of a brush pile. When the trigger struck the brush the load went off, the whole load entering his arm and side. At first it was feared that he was fatally wound ed, but Dr. Karl of Greenville, who performed the operation expressed himself as feeling conlldent that he would recover. Rev. A. 1. Hair, of Cross Anchor, Conducted the usual devotional exer cises in chapel Monday morning. The high school pupils were glad to see Rev. Mr. Thayer and his friend, Rev. Mr. Cannada, a missionary from Brazil Monday morning. Rev. Mr. Canada spent part of the time in the rooms giving the pupils some valuable information about Brazil. Girl's Athletic Cluh. The Girl's Athletic. Club has been organized. A constitution has been adopted. The officers chosen are: President, Kathleen Wilkes. Vice President. Harriette Simpson. Secretary, Pauline Nelson. Treasurer, Caroline Roper. April 5th has been appointed for a "Field Day." The races planned for are, the sack race, three-legged race, hobble skirt race, hopping race, lifty yard dash, the high jump, Jumping rope race, the potato race and the ob stlcle race. These are all very inter esting and amusing. Hope that WO will have many .spectators to enjoy them. Prizes are to be awarded to the win ners in each race. Some of these are two boxes of cady, a book, a vase, pair of scissors, a gold bar pin. one dol lar's worth of moving picture tickets, etc. A game of basket ball will !><? played between the two high school teams, the "Beds" and "Yellows." AWAY OOES PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS, ECZEMA, DANDRUFF AND OTHER SKIN AFFECTIONS The Laurens Drug Store says. "We are so confident that ZKMO ami ZEMO SOAP used together will rid the skin or scalp of Infant < r grown person of PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS, ECZEMA, DANDRUFF, INSECT BITES or any form of itching, irritated, disfiguring skin or scalp trouble, that WO do not hesitate to recommend those clean re fined remedies to every person who desires quick relief and a cure from any form of aggravated skin or scalp affection. Oftentimes ono bottle ami one cake of soap will cure a minor case of skin trouble. ZKMO and ZKMO SOAP produce sure and swift results. You will not suffer another day after you co menco to use them. You will feel a new person. ZEMO and ZKMO SOAP can be ob tained from one lending druggist in every city or town in America and ill Laurens at Laurons Drug Co. Not A Becoming Crown for Youth A bond full of unsightly gray and faded hair.?Why not hnvc bcautilul, natural colored hnir, full of life and beauty keep yourself young looking and fascin ating ? Every wemnn wants to be and can be, if she will usu HAY'S HAIR HEALTH to restore those gray hairs to their natu? ial color. It isn't a dye. You'll be surprised how quickly the gray hairs vanish and how young looking you can keep yourself by the regular use of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. Cet your money bock from your druggist if you are not satisfied with it. $1 00 and 50c at Drui Stores or direct upon receipt of price and d?al?ri name. Send 10.- lor (rial bottle? Philo Bar Spec. Co., Newark. N J. For sale and recommended h) LAURENS DRUG CO. Laurens, S. ('. SUNDAY SCHOOL QUESTIONS. * (Copyright, 1910, by Rev. T. S. Lln scott, D. ?.) Tlie Paralytic Forgiven and Healed. : Mark 11:1-12. Holden Text? Bless the Lord, O my sonl and forget not all his benefits, who forghcih all thine Iniquities, who bealeth all thy diseases. Ps. ciil:2-3. (1.) Verse 1?How lung will an ear nest Christian he In a shop, store or] Community before It is "noised that he is in the house?" (2) Verse 2?Was It Christ's porson, I his teaching or his miracles that at tracted the crowd? (3.) What are the attractions in this community which draw the biggest crowds? (4.) If a preacher lives in close con- i tact with Hod will he be certain in a populous community to attract the crowd? Why or why not? (.>.) If Jesus were to come hero to reside and preach the same doctrine as in those days would he be popular with the average church member? j Why? (f,.) Verse 3?Of how much benefit is it in these days to bring our sick ones to .lesus? (7.) How would you characterize otie who did nothing to comfort the sick, relieving the poor or help people in their trouble? (8.) Which more nearly imitate .le sus in caring for the sick, the churche or the societies? (Jive your reason-:. (9.) Verse I ? If we are fully deter mined to have the members of our families saved by Jesus what can pre vent us? (19.) What qualities do you most admire in these four men for their In sistence in bringing their sick friend to Jesus? (11.) Verse .".?Which is the mole ca lamitous and Why, a palsied body or a palsied soul? (12.) What relation hail the faith of these four men with the forgiveness of the sins of the sick man? ill'..) How long does it take Hod to forgive the sins of a man who is real ly penitent? (II:) Verse C-7?Does Jesus here state that he forgave this luun's sins or that Hod had forgiven him? (15.) If any innii of God is assured that n seeker of Hlllvatioil is trillj penitent, why may he not pronounce to him that his sins are forgiven! ( This is one el' (he questions that may he I answered in writing h) members of the club.) ( t'O.) Verse S?Was mind rending pe culiar to Jesus, or hove others a sim ilar gift? Give your reasons. (17.1 Verses 9-12?The healing of this sick man was clearly a miracle. Wi s the forgiveness of his sins also a miracle? Lesson for Sunday. March 21, 1912. I Feasting and Fasting. Mark 11:13-22. International I'ress Bible Question Club I have read the Suggestive Ques tions on the Sunday School Lesson published in The Advertiser, also IiCSBon Itself for Sunday . 191.. (Date I the series of ?>-? Name . i Address . , Your Questions Answered. if you would like to have answered any particular question each or any week from "The Suggestiv?; Questions on the Sunday School Lesson" by Kev. I Dr. Linscott, send in your request to j this office, giving the date of the los : son and the number of the question I you wish answered. You may select any question except the one indicat ed that "It may bo answered in writ ing by members of the club." Dr. Linseott will answer the questions ; either in these columns or by mall through this office. Don'l forget to state what bonoflt these "Suggestive Questions" are to you. Hive your full name and address, Send your letters to "The Question Editor of Tho Ad vertiser, Laurens, S. ('." Rheumntlinn nnil t:!?>?i?l ninenfle* The enuBO <?!" rheumatism 1? excess tiric acid m ti c To euro rheu matism tins aeld must lie expelled from the syst? in. Ithouuui tism is an Inter nal Jlsease and reo. dres an Internal remedy, lluhhlng with oils and lini ments may ease the pain, hut they no more euro rheumatism than paint will change the llhei ?{ rotten \\>>'id. Cares llheumnllatn To Ktnj Cured. Science has discovered a perfeci nnd complete cure called Kheumaclde, Test Od in hundred:) of cases, It ha? eff? I I marvelous cures, Ithrumacld?; removes the cause, gots at the joints from tho Inside, sweeps tho poisons out <>f th?> system, tones up the stomach, regulates (no bowels flhd kldncj >. Hohl by drug gists at foe, snd fi; hi the t.ini.'i form at 25e, and foe, by mall. H<>'kt?t free. Robbllt Ch? a leal Co . Maltlmoro. Md. Get* At The Joint? Crom I'he Inside. LAUBENS DKUG CO. Laurens, ?. C. TAKE IT OFF, TCOU WILL WANT THAT ! MONEY SOME DAY TUCK 1TAWKT IN THE BANK AND LET IT ?ROWAND I W?RK FoR TTOUL One Hundred Dollars at 5 per cent, compond interest, will in 40 years, amount to over $700; in 70 years, to over $3,000; in 100 years to over $13,100; and in 200 years, to over one million, seven hundred and twenty-nine thousand three hundred dollars ($1,729,300.) Money grows if you will let it. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety. Enterprise Bank Laurens, S. C. N. B. Dial, President C. H. Roper, Cashier Look This Over. It Might Pay You to Do So. Is not a farce preparation but a guaranteed Liver Medicine and general Tonic. If you suffer from Constipation R. L. T. will cure you. We don't claim R. L. T. to be King Cure-all but we know it is a sure cure for all Liver and Stomach trou bles. Get a bottle and give it a fair honest trial and if you are not satisfied with the results go to the Laurens Drug Co. and they will refund your money. Manufactured and Guaranteed by the R. L. T. COMPANY, Anderson, S. C. For Sale by Laurens Drug Company 50cts and $1.00 Bottles Laurens, South Carolina Buyers Guide and Classified BUSINESS DIRECTORY I PRESSING CLUB! CALL E. V. FERGUSON'S Pressing Club For Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing. All Alterations promptly and neatly done. Telephone No. 25.1. harness, Horse Goods and Vehiclesl The difference between a rut and a grave is the length and the breadth of it. II ou deal with JOHN A. I? RAN KS there is no danger of falling into either. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Conic In and nee about the Wcnt house Rugged Tungsten Lamps and let as reduce your llgbt bill. W. P. HUDGENS Tinning, Rooffing and PLUMBING! S. vS. BOY5 Plumber and Tinner Denier in Plumber's and Tin ner's Supplies. Upstairs opposite City Hall. STEAM LAUNDRY! We wash everything but the Baby. Tut your duds in my suds. The best combina tion in Laurens. Laurens Steam Laundry BOTTLING WORKS! We are the sole bot tlers for Coca Cola, the famous drink. Coca Cola Bottling Works Advertiser PrintlngCo. ?The Quality Prlatshop" Specialist in Every Class of Job Work