Subscription Price Is $1.00 per Year Payable In Adrance. Published hy ADYEETISER PRINTING COMPANY I-i? .Ifens, 8. C. ALI30N LEE President W. Q. LANCASTER vice-Pres. ARTHUR LEE Sec. and Treas. Advertising Rates on Application. Obituaries and Card of thanks: One cent a word. Entered at tb? postotUce at Laurens, S. C. as second class mail matter. LAUBENS, S. C MARCH 18, 15)12. The Advertiser will be glad to reeelte the local news of all the communities in the county. Cor* respondents nre requested to sign their name to the contrl" buUous Letters should not be Mailed later than Monday morn ing. This one by The Anderson Daily Mail, ought not to he allowed in a well regulated press: "One dam pday after another." That one Is absolute ly Inexcusable. ? ? * The Greenwood Journal says that "The article entitled, "Cure for snoring in church,' is all the rage in Laurens." Just about as popular as that one on "A cure for The Daily Journal" in Greenwood. ? * * Dispatches from California state that J. 11. McNamara, one of the Times building dynamiters who was sentenc ed to life imprisonment, is Buffering with tuberculosis and that "he Is em ployed almost exclusively in the jute mill, and the Hying dust has serious ly aggravated the disease." Conditions something like those at South Caro lina's hosiery mill, perhaps. ? ? * To a number of our subscribers who had apparently forgotten us we sent out expl 'titIon loi'ce.; during the past week. We realize that money has not been plentiful during the past year hut we hope that the notices will be met with a hearty response. While one dollar ?s net very much to come from one person, the total of a large subscription list counts heavily with us, bo we hope thai an effort will be made to accommodate us After two Weeks, those that Signify their desire to discontinue as readers of The Ad vertiser, by not paying up, will have their names taken from the list. We do not care to part from any of our readers and therefore confidently ex pect that CltCle Sam's hoys will be kept busy for the next few days hand ling letters addressed to this office laden with the necessary food to keep the big press running. * * * EG PLAIN YOI R RE A SONS. Senator Dankhead keeps writing to Too Journal about publishing a sup lement in which the candidacy of Un derwood Is Indorsed. He is wasting rtamps Groenwood Journal. Now, we would like to know the reason which The Journal has for re fusing this offer of the Underwood committee. As The Journal seems to object to this suplement and as it is h matter of fact that a number of South Carolina papers have accepted it. The Advertiser being among them, we nre sure that till of these papers WOUld be glad to know on what ground The Journal objects. Give us all a dose of newspaper ethics and lot's hear how it sounds? We think The Journal has gotten oft' on the wrong (rack. * ? ? Tili: J, U'RENS < Ol VI V SPLIT LOG t DRAG HONOR ROLL. Our esteemed local contemporary is respectfully reminded that now is the time to get another line of talk going about the use of your split-log drags. This is a subject that will Ftand a great deal of discussion and eventually bring about results Lau rcnsville Herald. Yes, the time has come again. In fact, every time It rains it is in order to say something to encourage the use of the split log drag. It's a great Institution and we hope to hear of more Laurens county's substantial farmers and business men getting on to the split log drag habit. Let's have some more of them. The work Is good and should continue. Those who have used the drag and seen the results of their work come to naught, on account of a succeeding inrush of waters, should not become discouraged, but should go at it again. 'What would some of the Laurens coun ty roads have come to during the past winter, if they had not been giv en attention by some of those living alongside thern? It is quite possible that this spell of rnlny weather will be broken with this last rain. If that is the case n well directed use of the drags will anvo dollars and dollars during tho noxt few weeks during the 'leavy fcr tilizer hauling season. Tho Advertiser requests that next week and the week after, every split ed by its correspondents and the list ed by it's correspondents and the list of names will constitute The Laurens County Split Log Drug Honor Roll. The names will he published in a con spicuous place in the paper so that each man's neighbors will be encour aged to aid in the work. ? * * THE PUBLIC SERVICE. Wednesday afternoon of last week a representative of The Advertiser had a talk with Mayor Habb. hi which Mr. Rnbb stated a few things in con- J nection with the recent agitation as to the water and power service. in the first place, Mayor Habb .-'at ed that Mr. .1. E. Philpot Is nn sup erintendent of the city's waterworks and electric light plant, that the city has no superintendent, Mr. Philpot taking all orders from him, Mr. Phil pot's only specilied work being read ing of the metres. He also stated that Wednesday morning, before he was aware of any article In The Advertiser, he went to several members of the city council and informed them that he intended ordering a motor to be placed at the power station to run the va.cas tired in connection with the filter plant. He stated that the reason the water had not been clear of late was because of the fact that the power now at the station was not sufficient to pull hese rakes and that in the future, after the arrival of the motor, he anticipated no more trouble with the water. As to the order given the negro at the power house, not to cut off the current except at the order of Mayor Habb or Mr. Philpot, Mr. Babb stated that the power lines were so arranged at the station that If the current were cut off during a fire the force pumps could not run and proper pressure could not he secured. He also, said that the negro had misunderstood his orders as he had told him not to cut off the current except In cases of emergency. The reason that the or ders were given, he stated, was be cansed during the past few weeks, patrons of the telephone line had got ten in the habit of calling up the pow er station and demanding that the current he cut off every time one of the city's power lines happened to brush against the telephone lines. This order, therefore. Mr. Habb states, was given in the interest of better servile rather than lor poorer ser vice. Piro Chief Crews, it might be also stated, and Mayor Habb came to an understanding later during the WC? k and Mr. Habb consented to give orders at the power house to shut off the v arrent upon the order of Chief Crews, through any of his firemen. Now that the power cannot be shut off at the beck and call of everybody, Mr. Babb hopes that no longer will the interruptions continue. In this connection. Mr. Habb stated that there was no danger to bo feared from the power lines coming in contact with the telephone lines. If they should happen to cross, he said, the power line would almost instantly burn the telephone line in two pieces and the current would thus be automatically cut off. The Advertise trusts that the ser vice in tho future will be as good as the citizens have a right, now, to hope for. Mr. Rabb thinks that hereafter the service will be all that should be expected and if it should be. no one will be quicker to say so than The Ad vertiser. INTERESTING ITEMS FROM THE COUNTY i Continued from Page One. I munity. Mr. Sloan Mahon and sisters, Misses Marie ami Lizzie. spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. West of Pop lar section. Miss Mae Roper and brother Mr. Palmer visited their sister, Mrs. Thad Moore of Madden Saturday nnd Sun day. Miss Bettle Weeks was the guest of Misses Mae and Allie Rabb Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cly?:c dray of Shiloh community were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Holt Sunday. Mr. George Brown of Mountvllle, was the visitor of Mr. and Mrs. drov er Roper Thursday night and Friday. Mr. Laurence Mahon made a short visit to Greenville Saturday evening. Mrs. Lula Baldwin visited Mrs. Jane Bolt of Hickory Tavern section Fri day and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Bolt nnd fami ly were visiting in Dials section Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Nash were vis iting the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong of Laurens Sunday and Monday. Miss Jenoveo Babb of Eden section was the visitor of Misses Mae and Allie Babb Sunday. Mr. John Mahon Is putting several rooms to his house and adds very much to tho looks. You can say goodbye to constipation with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have ben prmanently cured by tholr use. For sale by all dealers. AN OPEN LETTER TO HIS FRIENDS II. Terry the Enterprising "Busy Corner" Merchant Writes to His Friends from Baltimore. Mr. H. Terry, who has been in the northern markets for the past week or ten days selecting goods for the spring trade, has written a letter to his friends about his trip. He Is now in Baltimore, after spending some time in New York. He says: Baltimore, Mr.., March 11, 1912. Dear Friends: ? Well, here I am (on my way home from New York) in Baltimore "the Convention City". Here in Baltimore there are great preparations going on for the Democratic Convention in .lane 1912. Dozens of committees have been appointed and they are working over time. I met several members of the Greater Baltimore Committee and to satisfy my curlpsity, went up and In spected the wonderful convention hall The hall will seat comfortably more than 12,000 people. Normal. Mack, chairman of the Democratic Conven tion says it will be practically a per fect Convention Hall, when a few more exits hnve been made. It's Maryland and Fifth Regiment Armory, you know But goodness me- Here I am talking convention when it is about spring merchandise that I want to tell about. Most of my new spring stock 1 bought In New Yfrk, the cheapest wholesolo market In the world. But 1 didn't buy in New York until I had been in Bal timore and had seen what they had to offer me. Believe me, 1 have some genuine bargains to offer you Here are just a few that pop into my mind. A very strong line of Misses and Children's ready to wear dresses. Exquisite embroidery flouncing and laces, tlouncings from 25c per yard up to $1.50. Extra good laces from 5c per yard and up. Boy's rompers and wash suits, and pants and good strong shoes. I've spent two weeks seeing all there is to be seen in spring and summer styles and take my word for it, when 1 get back home. 1 will show you the slickest stock you've seen in many a day. I will be back about March Kith and about March loth the goods will be all out of the cases ready for you. This is a long letter and 1 must call a halt, but in closing lot me insist that you come to my store, at once and in spect the goods I have here for you, at the "Busy Corner." Ii! Terry. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portions of lin ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustncblan Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, bear ing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which Is nothing hut an Inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. | SPECIAL NOTICES. | For Sale?House and two-acre lot on Academy street. Rents for $ a month. Price house and lot $1700. $200 cash, balance on easy terms Ap ply to*Bishop & Wolff, Laurens, 8. C. ? 33-it For Sale House on Hampton street, known as T. H. Nelson home, water works, electric lights and other con veniences. Price $2,300. Apply to Bishop & Wolff, Laurens, S. C. 33-it For Sale?Wyandotte chickens and eggs for sale. Silver, laced and white. From best strains, recent importa tions. $1.00 for a setting of eggs. Ap ply W. T. Senn, Laurens, Route 3. 33-Rt-pd I guarantee to cure 95 per cent of! all eases of milk fever treated. Harle C. Owens, V. S., Gray Court, S. C. 33-lt-pd Fggx For Sale?Barred Plymouth Rock eggs $1.00 per setting of fifteen. My stock is fifty per cent Bradley Bros.' strain of which there is no bet ter blood in America. J. L. Power, Gray Court. S. C. Route 1. 33-2t-pd For Sale - "Pickers Delight" cotton seed, an early, upright, big boll va riety. Has made a bale per acre for the last four years. The favorite on my plantation. Hands pick from 400 to f>00 pounds per day. Price $1.00 per bushel. W. P. Harris, Owlngs. S. C. 33-5t-pd King Cotton Seed?Improved King Cotton seed for sale. Buy at once or yon will be too late. Apply to .1. Wade Anderson, Laurens, S. C. 32-3t Seed Corn -BattS Politic, the kind that Jerry Moore plants. Garricks I Politic, as good as the best. $2.00 per bushel. G. A. Fuller. Laurens, Honte' No. 5. ^-2t ! For Sale -Two milch cows, fresh In milk. Apply to W. 1). Bvrd & Son., R. F. D. No. 3, Laurens, S. C. 32-2t j Buck Fggs for Salle?We have set tings of Indian Runner duck eggs for sale, best stock. $1.00 per setting. Apply to Mrs. M. A. Jones, Gray Court, S. C. 29-tf For Sale?Two nice residences in the city of Laurens, well located In a popular neighborhood and fitted with modern conveniences. Large corner fots. Apply to Dr. W. H. Dial. 26-tf For Snle?Two mules and one mare, cheap for cash. Apply at W. H. Hud gens & Co.. or to Dr. W. II. Dial 26-tf For Rent?One small cottage on Simpson street. Also suite of office rooms In Dial building. Apply to Dr. W. II. Dial. 2G-tf HAIR QUICKLY STOPS FALLING. Ilching Scalp Vanishes Overnight and Dandruff is Abolished. ? There is one hair tonic that you can put your faith in and that is PARISIAN SAG 10. It stops falling hair, or money back. Drives out dandruff, or money back. Stops itching scalp, or money back. And Laurens Drug Co., the druggist von know so well is the man who sells it. PARISIAN SAGE is a splendid hair dressing; it is so daintily perfumed and refreshing that it makes the scalp feel fine the minute you apply It. It is used daily by thousands of clever women who realize that PARISIAN' SAG 10 keeps their hair lustrous and facinating. If you have hair troubles get PARISIAN SAGF today at Laurens Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. Large bottle 50 cents. NOTICE. The members and friends of St. Paul Baptist church are hereby noti fied that services will be held in the colored Masonic hall until further ar rangements can be made. T. R. Rice, Pastor. S IN THE STUD?SEASON OF 1912 ^ =-. The Magnificently Bred Stallion YELLMAN 4911 Grand Son of CHESTER DARE 10 Will stand for Season of 1912 at $20-00 to insure standing colt. Limited to 50 approved mares. AT Childress Live Stock Co.'s Stables Property of R. B. CHILDRESS, Laurens, S.C. Every Good Boll Counts n many cotton fields there is too much "weed" and the bolls fall. To *[ prevent this balance the plant food. ' The old idea that cotton does not need much Potash is hard to eradicate. Hut the longer Phosphates have been used on the crop the greater becomes the need of more POTASH Try a cotton fertilizer with 6 to/B per cent. Potash and use liberal side dressings of Kaimt. It will pay because Potash Pays. Mix your old style fertilizer with an equal quantity of Kaimt. We now sell Kaiuit and all Potash Salt * direct. Write us for prices ami for our free hook on Cotton Culture. GERMAN KAU WOKKS. inc. Continent Blda.. B.lllmore Mon.dnock Block. Chlc??Jo Whllory Cciilrol Bunk Bld?.. New Orleans Flavoring Extracts. In making your Cakes and Ice Cream the Flavoring you use must be of Number One Quality. The kinds we sell contains ingredients that are known for their pu rity and strength. Try one of these flavors: Lemon Strawberry Vanilla Pineapple In Bottles From 10 cts Up. Ray's Pharmacy Laurens, S. C. BUY PURE FERTILIZER MATERIAL! Each successive year has established the fact that the successful fanner is one who intelligently studies the needs of his soil, and the necessary plant food required for different crops. lie prepares his own formula and mixes the Fertilizer Material accordingly. The results show a profit to him, both in the cost of his goods, and the in creased yield per acre. Wa can furnish your wants in the following high grade goods: Hog Tankage, Cattle Tankage, Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash, Sulphate of Potash, Kainit, Acid Phosphate, Dry Ground Fish, Sulphate of Ammonia, Cotton Seed Meal. By the use of these goods every fanner will be ena bled to mix his own fertilizer and to know exactly what he is using on his land. We carry a full line of all Fer tilizer materials. Write to us for Prices and Formulas. D Molony & Carter Company 254 Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C. Be Happy! Happy the girl, or woman, who has never suffered from any of the diseases of womanhood! Or, if she has been a sufferer, happy is she if she has learned of the wonderful benefits of Cardui, the woman's tonic! Cardui is a gentle, tonic remedy, for women's ailments. It is a natural medicine?safe, harmless, purely vegetable. It has been in successful use for more than 50 years. It has cured thousands. It should do the same for you. TAKE Cardui WomlnsToriic Mrs. Mary Neely, of Denver, Tenn., says, "I think there is no tonic on earth, as good as Cardui. I used It with the very best results. I had backache and nearly everything a woman could suffer with, until I took Cardui Now, I feel better than I have for two years. I shall always recommend Cardui to other suffering women I can't praise it too highly. As a medicine for weak tired worn-out women, Cardui is safe and reliable. Try it,'today! Writt to: Ladles' Advisory Dept.. Chatttnooia Medirin. r? /h..u